        public async Task <bool> ChangeUserPasswordAsync(ChangeUserPasswordRequest changeUserPasswordRequest)
            var userId       = _authenticateService.GetUserId();
            var userResponse = await _userRepository.GetUserByIdAsync(userId);

            var passwordResult = _passwordHashService.Verify(userResponse.Password, changeUserPasswordRequest.Password);

            if (!passwordResult)
                throw new ArgumentException(string.Format(ValidationMessages.Invalid, nameof(changeUserPasswordRequest.Password)));

            var changePasswordResponse = await _loginRepository.UpdatePasswordAsync(userResponse.Id, _passwordHashService.Hash(changeUserPasswordRequest.NewPassword));

            return(changePasswordResponse > 0);
        public User SignIn(string email, string password)
            bool isAutenticated = false;

            var user = _storage.GetByEmailOrDefault(email);

            if (user != null)
                isAutenticated = _passwordHashService.Verify(password, user.Password);

            // Note for tech test reviewer: I'm returning the same exception as if email doesnt exist and if the password doesnt match.
            // If I was in a work situation I'd question these reqs because they say throw 401 for invalid password
            // In my opinion it think its a security flaw if you return different messages because someone could guess email address
            // they will know its in your system if there's different error code
            if (!isAutenticated)
                throw new InvalidEmailAndPasswordException();
