public override void Draw(IParticle _particle) { var rect = new Rectangle(particlePoint(_particle).X - 2, particlePoint(_particle).Y - 2, 4, 4); tempGraph.FillEllipse(new SolidBrush(Color.GreenYellow), rect); tempGraph.DrawLine(new Pen(Color.Green, 2), particlePoint(_particle), particleSpeed(_particle)); }
public void OnActivate(IObjAiBase unit, IBuff buff, ISpell ownerSpell) { if (unit is IChampion c) { // TODO: Implement Animation Overrides for spells like these if (c.Skin == 0) { pmodelname = "Aatrox_Base_RModel.troy"; } else if (c.Skin == 1) { pmodelname = "Aatrox_Skin01_RModel.troy"; } else if (c.Skin == 2) { pmodelname = "Aatrox_Skin02_RModel.troy"; } pmodel = AddParticleTarget(c, pmodelname, c); pmodel.SetToRemove(); StatsModifier.AttackSpeed.PercentBonus = (0.4f + (0.1f * (ownerSpell.Level - 1))) * buff.StackCount; // StackCount included here as an example StatsModifier.Range.FlatBonus = 175f * buff.StackCount; unit.AddStatModifier(StatsModifier); } }
public void UpdateForce(IParticle particle, double duration) { if (particle.IsInfiniteMass == true) { return; } // Calculate relative position of the particle from the anchor Vector3 positionFromAnchor = particle.Position - Anchor; // Calculate the value for Gamma var gamma = 0.5 * Math.Sqrt((4 * SpringConstant) - (Damping * Damping)); if (gamma == 0.0) { return; } // Calculate the value for the C constant var c = (positionFromAnchor * (Damping / (2.0 * gamma))) + (particle.Velocity * (1.0 / gamma)); // Calculate the target position (in two parts) var tagetPosition = (positionFromAnchor * Math.Cos(gamma * duration)) + (c * Math.Sin(gamma * duration)); tagetPosition *= Math.Exp(0.5 * duration * Damping); // Calculate the acceleration needed (and hence the force) var acceleration = ((tagetPosition - positionFromAnchor) * (1.0 / (duration * duration))) - (particle.Velocity * duration); // Add the force to the particle particle.AddForce(acceleration * particle.Mass); }
public static void RecycleParticle(IParticle particle) { if (_particles.ContainsKey(particle.GetParticleType())) { _particles[particle.GetParticleType()].Enqueue(particle); } }
public void UpdateSpeed(IParticle otherParticle, int scale, int time = 1) { var particlesDistanceInMeters = PhysicsHelper.PixelsToMetersDistance(X, Y, otherParticle.X, otherParticle.Y, scale); var force = PhysicsHelper.AttractionForce(Charge, otherParticle.Charge, particlesDistanceInMeters); var accelerationFirstParticle = force / Weight; Velocity += accelerationFirstParticle * time; var alfaAngle1 = Math.Atan((double)(otherParticle.Y - Y) / (otherParticle.X - X)) * (180 / Math.PI); var vx1 = Velocity * Math.Cos(alfaAngle1); var vy1 = Velocity * Math.Sin(alfaAngle1); AjustXSpeed(vx1 * scale, time); AjustYSpeed(vy1 * scale, time); var accelerationSecondParticle = force / otherParticle.Weight; otherParticle.Velocity += accelerationSecondParticle * time; var alfaAngle2 = Math.Atan((double)(X - otherParticle.X) / Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow(X - otherParticle.X, 2) + Math.Pow(Y - otherParticle.Y, 2))) * (180 / Math.PI); var vx2 = otherParticle.Velocity * Math.Cos(alfaAngle2); var vy2 = otherParticle.Velocity * Math.Sin(alfaAngle2); otherParticle.AjustXSpeed(vx2 * scale, time); otherParticle.AjustYSpeed(vy2 * scale, time); }
public void UpdateConnectedParticles(int stepsToRemoved) { UInt32 removalIteration = (UInt32)(this.FinalTopologyUpdate / (this.Particles.Count - 3)); if (this.CurrentIteration <= this.FinalTopologyUpdate && this.CurrentIteration % removalIteration == (removalIteration - 1)) { if (this.Id < (Particles.Count - 3 - this.TrimmingIterations) && this.ConnectedIds.Count > 3) { LinkedListNode <int> currentNode = this.ConnectedIds.Find(this.Id); for (int i = stepsToRemoved; i > 0; i--) { currentNode = currentNode.Next; } int removedId = currentNode.Value; IParticle removedParticle = this.Particles.Find(p => p.Id == removedId); if (removedParticle.GetType().GetInterfaces().Contains(typeof(IConnectedParticles))) { ((IConnectedParticles)removedParticle).ConnectedIds.Remove(this.Id); } this.ConnectedIds.Remove(currentNode); } this.TrimmingIterations++; } }
/// <summary> /// Processes an active particle. /// </summary> /// <param name="totalTime">Total game time in whole and fractional seconds.</param> /// <param name="elapsedTime">Elapsed game time in whole and fractional seconds.</param> /// <param name="particle">The particle which is ready to be processed.</param> /// <param name="age">The age of the particle in the range 0-1.</param> public override void ProcessActiveParticle(float totalTime, float elapsedTime, IParticle particle, float age) { float distance; Vector2 particlePosition = particle.Position; Vector2.DistanceSquared(ref this._position, ref particlePosition, out distance); if (distance < this._radiusSq) { float effect = 1f - (distance / this._radiusSq); Vector2 force; Vector2.Subtract(ref this._position, ref particlePosition, out force); Vector2.Normalize(ref force, out force); Vector2.Transform(ref force, ref this._rotation, out force); Vector2.Multiply(ref force, effect * elapsedTime * this._vorticity, out force); particle.ApplyForce(ref force); } }
//---------------------------------------------------------------------------- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- public ParticleEmitter(IRenderLayer <TInfoType> renderLayer, Type particleType, ParticleController <TInfoType> controller, string szAssetName, Vector3 v3Position, int nMaxSprites) { m_RenderLayer = renderLayer; m_Particles = new List <IParticle>(nMaxSprites); m_freeParticleList = new Queue <IParticle>(nMaxSprites); SaveSerializationData("MaxSprites", nMaxSprites); SaveSerializationData("AssetName", szAssetName); SaveSerializationData("ParticleType", particleType); ParticleController = controller; m_bActive = false; m_bContinuosEmission = false; m_bAllowGeneration = false; Position = v3Position; Enabled = true; EngineServices.GetSystem <IGameSystems>().Components.Add(this); for (int nCounter = 0; nCounter < nMaxSprites; ++nCounter) { IParticle particle = Activator.CreateInstance(particleType, new object[] { m_RenderLayer, szAssetName, Position, Vector3.Zero, 0, 0, false }) as IParticle; particle.ParticleDead += DeadParticle_Event; m_Particles.Add(particle); m_freeParticleList.Enqueue(particle); } }
public void OpacityFunction(IParticle p) { int opacity = (int)(p.Params[0] + (p.Age * 100) % 500); opacity = Math.Abs((opacity < 250 ? opacity : 250 - opacity) % 255); p.Color = ColorPicker.FromArgb(opacity, p.Color); }
public void UpdateForce(IParticle particle, double duration) { if (particle.IsInfiniteMass == true) return; // Calculate relative position of the particle from the anchor Vector3 positionFromAnchor = particle.Position - Anchor; // Calculate the value for Gamma var gamma = 0.5 * Math.Sqrt((4 * SpringConstant) - (Damping * Damping)); if (gamma == 0.0) return; // Calculate the value for the C constant var c = (positionFromAnchor * (Damping / (2.0 * gamma))) + (particle.Velocity * (1.0 / gamma)); // Calculate the target position (in two parts) var tagetPosition = (positionFromAnchor * Math.Cos(gamma * duration)) + (c * Math.Sin(gamma*duration)); tagetPosition *= Math.Exp(0.5 * duration * Damping); // Calculate the acceleration needed (and hence the force) var acceleration = ((tagetPosition - positionFromAnchor) * (1.0 / (duration * duration))) - (particle.Velocity * duration); // Add the force to the particle particle.AddForce(acceleration * particle.Mass); }
public bool HaveCollision(IParticle missile, IParticle target, double dt, double hitDistance = 0) { var S = missile.Position - target.Position; var V = missile.Speed - target.Speed; var r = missile.Radius + target.Radius + hitDistance; if (missile is IMissile && target is IShip) { System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(string.Format("S = {0} {1}, V = {2} {3}", S.Length, S, V, V.Length)); } // Collision at t = 0 if (S.Length <= r) { return(true); } var Vx2Vy2 = V.SquareLength; var VxSxVySy = V * S; // No collision within time interval if (Vx2Vy2 * dt <= Math.Abs(VxSxVySy)) { return(false); } // Potential collision time var t = -VxSxVySy / Vx2Vy2; var s = S + V * t; // Was that near enough? return(s.Length <= r); }
public void UpdatePersonalBest(IParticle particle, IProblem problem) { if (particle.Position.IsInsideBounds(problem.ProblemDomain.DimensionBounds)) { Delegate.UpdatePersonalBest(particle, problem); } }
public void PerformIteration(IParticle particle, IProblem problem) { VelocityProvider.UpdateVelocity(particle); particle.UpdatePreviousPosition(); PositionProvider.UpdatePosition(particle); BoundaryConstraint.Enforce(particle, problem); }
public virtual void Draw(IParticle _particle) { var rect = new Rectangle(particlePoint(_particle).X - 1, particlePoint(_particle).Y - 1, 2, 2); tempGraph.DrawEllipse(new Pen(Color.Black, 2), rect); tempGraph.DrawLine(new Pen(Color.Blue, 2), particlePoint(_particle), particleSpeed(_particle)); }
public void AdjustY(IParticle p) { int direction = (p.Y < GameEnvironment.Mouse.Y ? 1 : -1); double speed = Math.Abs(p.Y - GameEnvironment.Mouse.Y) * direction; p.Params[1] += speed * GameEnvironment.ElapsedTime; p.Y += (float)(p.Params[1] * GameEnvironment.ElapsedTime * 10); }
public static IParticle Create(PsoParticleType type, int locationDim, int fitnessDim, IFitnessFunction <double[], double[]> function, double restartEpsilon = double.MaxValue, int iterationsToRestart = int.MaxValue, DimensionBound[] bounds = null, double[] initVelocity = null ) { IParticle particle = null; var rand = RandomGenerator.GetInstance(); switch (type) { case PsoParticleType.Standard: case PsoParticleType.FullyInformed: particle = new StandardParticle(restartEpsilon, iterationsToRestart); break; case PsoParticleType.ChargedParticle: particle = new ChargedParticle(); break; case PsoParticleType.DummyParticle: particle = new DummyParticle(); break; } var x = bounds != null?rand.RandomVector(locationDim, bounds) : rand.RandomVector(locationDim); particle.Init(new ParticleState(x, function.Evaluate(x)), initVelocity ?? rand.RandomVector(locationDim, MinInitialVelocity, MaxInitialVelocity), bounds); return(particle); }
public void ResampleParticles_DefaultRouletteWheel() { IParticle[] p = new IParticle[mParticleCount]; double mw = 0; for (int i = 0; i < mParticleCount; ++i) { mw = System.Math.Max(mw, mParticleWeights[i]); } double beta = 0; int index = (int)(mParticleCount * RandomEngine.NextDouble()); for (int i = 0; i < mParticleCount; ++i) { beta += mw * 2 * RandomEngine.NextDouble(); while (beta > mParticleWeights[index]) { beta -= mParticleWeights[index]; index = (index + 1) % mParticleCount; } p[i] = mParticles[index]; } mParticles = p; }
/// <summary> /// 螺旋の動きを計算して葉っぱの位置や回転を調整する /// </summary> private void Spiral(IParticle leaf, float progress, Vector3 direction, float rotationBias) { const float SPIRAL_ROTATION = 180f * 3f; // スパイラルする回転量 const float SPIRAL_POWER = 4f; // スパイラルの強さ const float POSITION_BIAS = 0.05f; // 位置の偏り const float POSITION_ADJUST = 0.5f; // 位置調整値 const float MIN_SCALE = 0.5f; // 最小サイズ const float ROTATION = 540f; // 回転量 // 位置を計算 var rotation = Quaternion.AngleAxis(progress * SPIRAL_ROTATION, Vector3.forward); var length = (POSITION_BIAS + progress * POSITION_ADJUST + Mathf.Pow(progress, SPIRAL_POWER)); leaf.CacheTransform.position = CacheTransform.position + rotation * direction * length; // スケールを計算 var scale = Mathf.Min(1, progress + MIN_SCALE); leaf.CacheTransform.localScale = * scale; // 回転を計算 var angle = progress * ROTATION + rotationBias; leaf.CacheTransform.rotation = Quaternion.AngleAxis(angle, Vector3.forward); }
private bool Collision(IParticle missile, IParticle target, double dt, double crossRadius = 0) { var S = missile.Position - target.Position; var V = missile.Speed - target.Speed; // Collision at t = 0 if (S.Length <= crossRadius) { return(true); } var Vx2Vy2 = V.SquareLength; var VxSxVySy = V * S; // No collision within time interval if (Vx2Vy2 * dt <= Math.Abs(VxSxVySy)) { return(false); } // Potential collision time var t = -VxSxVySy / Vx2Vy2; var s = S + V * t; // Was that near enough? return(s.Length <= crossRadius); }
public void UpdateForce(IParticle particle, double duration) { if (particle.IsInfiniteMass == false) { particle.AddForce(Gravity * particle.Mass); } }
public override bool BounceContain(IParticle particle) { Vector3d velocity = particle.Velocity; Curve[] feelers = GetFeelerCrvs(particle, particle.BodySize, false); foreach (Brep[] borderWalls in borderWallsArray) { foreach (Brep brep in borderWalls) { foreach (Curve feeler in feelers) { //Check feeler intersection with each brep face foreach (BrepFace face in brep.Faces) { Curve[] overlapCrvs; Point3d[] intersectPts; Intersection.CurveBrepFace(feeler, face, Constants.AbsoluteTolerance, out overlapCrvs, out intersectPts); if (intersectPts.Length > 0) { Point3d testPt = intersectPts[0]; double u, v; face.ClosestPoint(testPt, out u, out v); Vector3d normal = face.NormalAt(u, v); normal.Reverse(); velocity = Vector.Reflect(velocity, normal); particle.Velocity = velocity; return(true); } } } } } return(false); }
/// <summary> /// Calculate the velocity as an unbounded vector using the standard inertia weight model. /// </summary> /// <param name="particle">The particle to calculate velocity.</param> /// <returns>An unbounded Vector containing the velocity.</returns> public void UpdateVelocity(IParticle particle) { ExtendedParticle sp = particle as ExtendedParticle; //TODO: update previous velocity int dim = sp.Position.Length; double w = sp.Parameters.InertiaWeight.Parameter; double c1 = sp.Parameters.CognitiveAcceleration.Parameter; double c2 = sp.Parameters.SocialAcceleration.Parameter; double c3 = sp.Parameters.ExtendedAcceleration.Parameter; double lambda = sp.Parameters.Lambda; Vector velocity = sp.Velocity; Vector pos = sp.Position; Vector lGuide = LocalGuideProvider.GetGuide(sp); Vector nGuide = NeighbourhoodGuideProvider.GetGuide(sp); Vector aGuide = AdditionalGuideProvider.GetGuide(sp); for (int i = 0; i < dim; i++) { double inertiaTerm = w * sp.Velocity[i]; double cognitiveTerm = c1 * RandomProvider.NextDouble() * (lGuide[i] - pos[i]); double socialTerm = lambda * c2 * RandomProvider.NextDouble() * (nGuide[i] - pos[i]); double additionalTerm = (1 - lambda) * c3 * RandomProvider.NextDouble() * (aGuide[i] - pos[i]); velocity[i] = inertiaTerm + cognitiveTerm + socialTerm + additionalTerm; } }
/// <summary> /// Calculates likelihood of the distance between particle and measurement (point). /// </summary> /// <param name="particle">Particle.</param> /// <param name="measurement">Measurement (coordinate).</param> /// <param name="likelihoodFunc"> /// Likelihood function. /// <para>Can be used as parameter in <see cref="Update"/> function to calculate measurement-track association likelihood.</para> /// </param> /// <returns>Measurement-track likelihood.</returns> public static double DistanceLikelihood(IParticle <ConstantVelocity2DModel> particle, PointF measurement, Func <double, double> likelihoodFunc) { var delta = measurement.DistanceTo(particle.State.Position); var likelihood = likelihoodFunc(delta); return(likelihood); }
// Given two vehicles, based on their current positions and velocities, // determine the time until nearest approach // // XXX should this return zero if they are already in contact? private double PredictNearestApproachTime(IParticle neighbor) { // imagine we are at the origin with no velocity, // compute the relative velocity of the other vehicle Vector3d agentVelocity = agent.Velocity; Vector3d neighborVelocity = neighbor.Velocity; Vector3d relativeVelocity = neighborVelocity - agentVelocity; double relativeSpeed = relativeVelocity.Length; // for parallel paths, the vehicles will always be at the same distance, // so return 0 (aka "now") since "there is no time like the present" if (relativeSpeed == 0) { return(0); } // Now consider the path of the other vehicle in this relative // space, a line defined by the relative position and velocity. // The distance from the origin (our vehicle) to that line is // the nearest approach. // Take the unit tangent along the other vehicle's path Vector3d relativeTangent = relativeVelocity / relativeSpeed; // find distance from its path to origin (compute offset from // other to us, find length of projection onto path) Vector3d relativePosition = agent.Position - neighbor.Position; double projection = Util.Vector.DotProduct(relativeTangent, relativePosition); return(projection / relativeSpeed); }
public override void Draw(IParticle _particle) { var rect = new Rectangle(particlePoint(_particle).X - 2, particlePoint(_particle).Y - 2, 2, 2); tempGraph.DrawEllipse(new Pen(Color.Red, 2), rect); tempGraph.DrawLine(new Pen(Color.Blue, 2), particlePoint(_particle), particleSpeed(_particle)); }
public void AdjustX(IParticle p) { int direction = (p.X < GameEnvironment.Mouse.X ? 1 : -1); double speed = Math.Abs(p.X - GameEnvironment.Mouse.X) * direction; p.Params[0] += speed * GameEnvironment.ElapsedTime; p.X += (float)(p.Params[0] * GameEnvironment.ElapsedTime * 10); }
protected override Point particlePoint(IParticle _particle) { var x = (int)Math.Floor(_particle.CoordinatesInDouble.First); var y = (int)Math.Floor(_particle.CoordinatesInDouble.Second); return(new Point(x, y)); }
public Vector GetGuide(IParticle particle) { PSO pso = AbstractAlgorithm.CurrentInstance as PSO; return(CenterStrategy.GetCenter(pso.Particles)); //TODO: this recalculates for each particle... -> is this needed? For async, it makes sense //for sync, this would be affected by each particle update though... }
/// <summary> /// Each iteration strategy follows the following steps. /// /// For all particles: /// <list type="number"> /// <item>Perform iteration.</item> /// <item>Calculate fitness.</item> /// </list> /// /// For all particles: /// <list type="number"> /// <item>Update particles in the current particle's neighbourhood.</item> /// </list> /// /// </summary> public void PerformIteration(PSO algorithm) { IParticle particle; //update each particle for (int i = 0; i < algorithm.Particles.Count; i++) { particle = algorithm.Particles[i]; particle.PerformIteration(algorithm); particle.CalculateFitness(algorithm.Problem); } //update neighbourhood bests for (int i = 0; i < algorithm.Particles.Count; i++) { particle = algorithm.Particles[i]; List <IParticle> neighbours = algorithm.Topology.GetNeighbours(particle, algorithm.Particles); for (int j = 0; j < neighbours.Count; j++) { IParticle other = neighbours[j]; if (particle.BestFitness.CompareTo(other.NeighbourhoodBest.BestFitness) > 0) { other.NeighbourhoodBest = particle; } } } }
/// <summary> /// Draws all of the particle systems /// </summary> /// <remarks> /// An efficient SpriteBatch-based method by Shawn Hargreaves. /// Thoroughly documented at /// </remarks> public void Draw(SpriteBatch spriteBatch) { basicEffect.Projection = Projection; foreach (KeyValuePair <BlendState, List <IParticleSystem> > particleSystemBatch in particleSystems) { //spriteBatch.Begin(0, particleSystemBatch.Key, null, DepthStencilState.DepthRead, RasterizerState.CullNone, basicEffect); spriteBatch.Begin(0, particleSystemBatch.Key, null, DepthStencilState.None, RasterizerState.CullNone, basicEffect); foreach (IParticleSystem particleSystem in particleSystemBatch.Value) { if (particleSystem.Enabled) { for (int i = 0; i < particleSystem.ParticleCount; i++) { IParticle particle = particleSystem[i]; Vector3 viewSpacePosition = Vector3.Transform(particle.Position, View); spriteBatch.Draw(particleSystem.Texture, new Vector2(viewSpacePosition.X, viewSpacePosition.Y), null, particle.Color, particle.Angle, particleSystem.TextureOrigin, particle.Scale, 0, viewSpacePosition.Z); } } } spriteBatch.End(); } }
public const double Megatonn = 4184; // 4.184 E 15, Дж = кг м2 с-2 -> 1E-9 т км2 с-2 public bool HaveCollision(IParticle missile, IParticle target, double dt, double hitDistance = 0) { var S = missile.Position - target.Position; var V = missile.Speed - target.Speed; var r = missile.Radius + target.Radius + hitDistance; // Collision at t = 0 if (S.Length <= r) { return(true); } var Vx2Vy2 = V.SquareLength; var VxSxVySy = V * S; // No collision within time interval if (Vx2Vy2 * dt <= Math.Abs(VxSxVySy)) { return(false); } // Potential collision time var t = -VxSxVySy / Vx2Vy2; var s = S + V * t; // Was that near enough? return(s.Length <= r); }
//--------------------------------------------------------------- #endregion //--------------------------------------------------------------- //--------------------------------------------------------------- #region Methods //--------------------------------------------------------------- /// <summary> /// Creates a new particle. /// </summary> /// <param name="frameTime">The factor that indicates at which time during the frame, the /// particle gets be emitted. (For interpolation purposes)</param> protected override IParticle CreateParticle(float frameTime) { IParticle particle = base.CreateParticle(frameTime); Particle.SetPosition(particle, position); return(particle); }
/// <summary> /// Emits the particle. /// </summary> /// <param name="particleSystem">The particleSystem that manages the emitted particles.</param> /// <param name="particle">Particle to emit.</param> /// <param name="frameTime">The factor that indicates at which time during the frame, the /// particle gets emitted. (For interpolation purposes)</param> protected void Emit(IParticleSystem particleSystem, IParticle particle, float frameTime) { if (OnEmit != null) { OnEmit(particle, frameTime); } particleSystem.Emit(particle); }
public SpringForceGenerator(IParticle otherParticle, double springConstant, double restLength, bool isBungeeSpring = false) { OtherParticle = otherParticle; SpringConstant = springConstant; RestLength = restLength; IsBungeeSpring = isBungeeSpring; }
private float _strength; //Gravity strength in pixels per second. /// <summary> /// Processes an active particle. /// </summary> /// <param name="totalTime">Total game time in whole and fractional seconds.</param> /// <param name="elapsedTime">Elapsed game time in whole and fractional seconds.</param> /// <param name="particle">The particle to be updated.</param> /// <param name="age">The age of the particle in the range of zero to one inclusive.</param> public override void ProcessActiveParticle(float totalTime, float elapsedTime, IParticle particle, float age) { Vector2 force = this._gravity; Vector2.Multiply(ref force, this._strength * elapsedTime, out force); particle.ApplyForce(ref force); }
//--------------------------------------------------------------- #endregion //--------------------------------------------------------------- //--------------------------------------------------------------- #region Methods //--------------------------------------------------------------- /// <summary> /// Updates the particles of the array. /// </summary> /// <param name="particles">Particles to affect.</param> /// <param name="filled">The number of active particles in the particles list.</param> /// <param name="deltaTime">The time since the last frame.</param> public void Affect(IList particles, int filled, float deltaTime) { for (int i = 0; i < filled; i++) { IParticle particle = (particles[i] as IParticle); (particles[i] as IParticleIndex).TextureIndex += deltaTime / timePerFrame; } }
/// <summary> /// Creates PsoAlgorithm with specific parameters to solve given problem using precreated particles /// </summary> /// <param name="parameters">takes PsoParameters to check what stop conditions are defined. /// PsoAlgorithm looks for TargetValue, Epsilon, TargetValueCondition, IterationsLimit, IterationsLimitCondition /// </param> /// <param name="fitnessFunction">function whose optimum is to be found</param> /// <param name="particles"> particles traversing the search space </param> /// <param name="logger"></param> public PsoAlgorithm(PsoParameters parameters, IFitnessFunction<double[], double[]> fitnessFunction, IParticle[] particles, ILogger logger = null) { _parameters = parameters; _fitnessFunction = fitnessFunction; _particles = particles; _iteration = 0; _logger = logger; _optimizer = PsoServiceLocator.Instance.GetService<IOptimization<double[]>>(); }
public void UpdateForce(IParticle particle, double duration) { var springVector = particle.Position - OtherParticle.Position; var springExtension = springVector.Magnitude - RestLength; if (((springExtension < 0.0f) && IsBungeeSpring)) return; var springForce = (SpringConstant * springExtension) * springVector.Normal.Inverse; particle.AddForce(springForce); }
public void TrackToTarget(IParticle p) { if (p.Sprite.Animation.CurrentFrame > 2) p.Sprite.Animation.CurrentFrame = 2; if (p.Age > 0.2) { p.Color = AdjustOpacity(p.Color, 255 - (int)((p.Age / 0.5) * 255)); } }
protected override Point particleSpeed(IParticle _particle) { var x = (int) Math.Floor(_particle.CoordinatesInDouble.First); var y = (int) Math.Floor(_particle.CoordinatesInDouble.Second); var vx = (int) Math.Floor(5*Miscelaneous.SpeedDrawMultiplayer*_particle.SpeedInDouble.First); var vy = (int) Math.Floor(5*Miscelaneous.SpeedDrawMultiplayer*_particle.SpeedInDouble.Second); return new Point(x + vx, y + vy); }
private float _coefficient; //The damping coefficient. /// <summary> /// Processes an active particle. /// </summary> /// <param name="totalTime">Total game time in whole and fractional seconds.</param> /// <param name="elapsedTime">Elapsed game time in whole and fractional seconds.</param> /// <param name="particle">The particle to be processed.</param> /// <param name="age">The age of the particle in the range 0-1.</param> public override void ProcessActiveParticle(float totalTime, float elapsedTime, IParticle particle, float age) { Vector2 momentum = particle.Momentum; Vector2.Multiply(ref momentum, this._coefficient, out momentum); Vector2.Negate(ref momentum, out momentum); particle.ApplyForce(ref momentum); }
public FadeDecorator(int start, int duration, float endAlpha, IParticle particle) : base(particle) { fading = false; done = false; this.endAlpha = endAlpha; this.duration = duration; this.start = start; this.timer = TimeSpan.Zero; }
public void UpdateForce(IParticle particle, double duration) { var speedSquared = particle.Velocity.SquareMagnitude; var speed = Math.Sqrt(speedSquared); var dragMagnitude = (K1 * speed) + (K2 * speedSquared); var force = new Vector3(particle.Velocity.Normal.Inverse * dragMagnitude); particle.AddForce(force); }
public void InitializeVelocity(IParticle particle) { if (Velocity == null) { return; } for (var i = 0; i < Velocity.Length; i++) { Velocity[i] = (particle.CurrentState.Location[i] - CurrentState.Location[i])/2; } }
public InflationDecorator(int start, int duration, float inflationAmount, IParticle particle) : base(particle) { startTime = start; this.duration = duration; endTime = startTime + duration; amount = inflationAmount; expanding = false; done = false; }
//For Construct Agent Settings public AgentType(IParticle p, double maxSpeed, double maxForce, double visionRadius, double visionAngle) : base(p.Up, p.Acceleration, p.Lifespan, p.Mass, p.BodySize, p.HistoryLength) { SteerAcceleration = Vector3d.Zero; MaxSpeed = maxSpeed; MaxForce = maxForce; VisionRadius = visionRadius; VisionAngle = visionAngle; Lat = 0;//Util.Random.RandomDouble(0, RS.TWO_PI); Lon = 0;//Util.Random.RandomDouble(-RS.HALF_PI, RS.HALF_PI); }
public static void AddParticle(IParticle particle) { for (int i = 0; i < Particles.Length; i++) { IParticle p = Particles[i]; if (p == null || !p.isActive) { Particles[i] = particle; return; } } }
public virtual double CalkDistance(IParticle _particle) { var diff = CoordinatesInDouble - _particle.CoordinatesInDouble; if (diff.First > (Miscelaneous.Width - 2 * Miscelaneous.InterractionR)) { diff.First -= Miscelaneous.Width; } if (!Miscelaneous.RestrictingBoards && diff.Second > Miscelaneous.Height - Miscelaneous.InterractionR) { diff.Second -= Miscelaneous.Height; } return diff.ABS(); }
public override void Interract(IParticle _particle, int _index) { var ptPos = _particle.CoordinatesInDouble; var ptSpeed = _particle.SpeedInDouble; var ptPosNext = ptSpeed + ptPos; var ptBordFirst = Borders[_index].First; var ptBordSecond = Borders[_index].Second; var ang = Miscelaneous.GetDegreeBetveen(ptPos, ptPosNext, ptBordFirst, ptBordSecond); var intersectionPt = Miscelaneous.IntersectionPoint(ptPos, ptPosNext, ptBordFirst, ptBordSecond); PairDouble newPos; if (_index == 0) { newPos = _particle.CoordinatesInDouble + new PairDouble(m_SizeX, 0); _particle.UpdCoordinates(newPos + _particle.SpeedInDouble); } if (_index == 1) { ang = -2 * ang; _particle.UpdCoordinates(Miscelaneous.Rotate(intersectionPt, ptPosNext, ang)); _particle.UpdSpeed(Miscelaneous.Rotate(ptSpeed, ang)); } if (_index == 2) { newPos = _particle.CoordinatesInDouble - new PairDouble(m_SizeX, 0); _particle.UpdCoordinates(newPos + _particle.SpeedInDouble); } if (_index == 3) { if (ang > 90) { ang = 2 * (180 - ang); } else { ang = -2 * ang; } _particle.UpdCoordinates(Miscelaneous.Rotate(intersectionPt, ptPosNext, ang)); _particle.UpdSpeed(Miscelaneous.Rotate(ptSpeed, ang)); } }
public int? Check(IParticle _particle) { for (int i = 0; i < Borders.Count; i++) { var pt1 = _particle.CoordinatesInDouble; var pt2 = _particle.SpeedInDouble + pt1; var pt3 = Borders[i].First; var pt4 = Borders[i].Second; var isIntersection = Miscelaneous.Intersect(pt1, pt2, (PairDouble)pt3, (PairDouble)pt4); if (isIntersection) { return i; } } return null; }
public void UpdateForce(IParticle particle, double duration) { var particleHeight = particle.Position.Y; // Check if we are out of the water - if so, return as there is no buoyancy force to add if (particleHeight >= LiquidHeight + MaximumDepth) return; // Fully submerged buoyancy force var force = new Vector3 {Y = LiquidDensity * Volume}; // If partially submerged, adjust the buoyancy force based on how deep the object is if (particleHeight > LiquidHeight - MaximumDepth) { var amountSubmerged = (LiquidHeight - particleHeight) / (MaximumDepth); force.Y *= amountSubmerged; } particle.AddForce(force); }
public override void Interract(IParticle _particle, int _index) { PairDouble newPos = new PairDouble(0,0); if (_index == 0) { newPos = _particle.CoordinatesInDouble + new PairDouble(m_SizeX, 0); } if (_index == 1) { newPos = _particle.CoordinatesInDouble - new PairDouble(0, m_SizeY); } if (_index == 2) { newPos = _particle.CoordinatesInDouble - new PairDouble(m_SizeX, 0); } if (_index==3) { newPos = _particle.CoordinatesInDouble + new PairDouble(0, m_SizeY); } _particle.UpdCoordinates(newPos + _particle.SpeedInDouble); }
private static Curve[] GetFeelerCrvs(IParticle particle, double visionDistance, bool accurate) { Curve[] feelers; if (accurate) { feelers = new Curve[5]; } else { feelers = new Curve[1]; } double feelerAngle = RS.HALF_PI; //Calculate straight ahead feeler with length visionDistance Vector3d feelerVec = particle.Velocity; feelerVec.Unitize(); feelerVec = Vector3d.Multiply(feelerVec, visionDistance); feelers[0] = new Line(particle.Position3D, feelerVec).ToNurbsCurve(); if (!accurate) { return feelers; } //Calculate tertiary feelers with length bodySize feelerVec = particle.Velocity; feelerVec.Unitize(); Plane rotPln = new Plane(particle.Position3D, particle.Velocity); Vector3d rotAxis = rotPln.XAxis; feelers[1] = GetFeelerCrv(feelerVec, particle.Position, particle.BodySize, feelerAngle, rotAxis); feelers[2] = GetFeelerCrv(feelerVec, particle.Position, particle.BodySize, -feelerAngle, rotAxis); rotAxis = rotPln.YAxis; feelers[3] = GetFeelerCrv(feelerVec, particle.Position, particle.BodySize, feelerAngle, rotAxis); feelers[4] = GetFeelerCrv(feelerVec, particle.Position, particle.BodySize, -feelerAngle, rotAxis); return feelers; }
public SlowDownDecorator(IParticle particle) : base(particle) { }
public SpinDecorator(int spinrate, IParticle particle) : base(particle) { this.spinRate = spinrate; timer = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(spinrate); }