public async Task <ActionResult> PaymentSuccessReturnUrl(IPNModel ipnModel)
            PDTRequestModel model = new PDTRequestModel(pdtToken, ipnModel.TransactionId, ipnModel.MerchantOrderId);

            model.UseSandbox = checkoutoptions.UseSandbox;
            var pdtResponse = await CheckoutHelper.RequestPDT(model);

            if (pdtResponse.Count() > 0)
                if (pdtResponse["Status"] == "Paid")
                    //This means the payment is completed.
                    //You can extract more information of the transaction from the pdtResponse dictionary
                    //You can now mark the order as "Paid" or "Completed" here and start the delivery process
                //This means the pdt request has failed.
                //possible reasons are
                //1. the TransactionId is not valid
                //2. the PDT_Key is incorrect
            //return RedirectToAction("DepositToWallet", _wallet);
        private static void Mail(int paymentId, IPNModel callback, string box_status)
            const string host         = "";
            const string fromEmail    = "";
            const string fromPassword = "";
            const string toEmail      = "";

            if (host == "" || fromEmail == "" || fromPassword == "" || toEmail == "")
                throw new ArgumentException("Please initialise smtp server for email.");

            var fromAddress = new MailAddress(fromEmail, "From Test Payment Server");
            var toAddress   = new MailAddress(toEmail, "To You");

            if (callback.err == null)
                callback.err = "";
            string details = Json.Encode(callback);
            Regex  reg     = new Regex(@"\\/Date\(\d+\)\\/");

            details = reg.Replace(details,"dd MMMM yyyy"), 1);
            details = reg.Replace(details, callback.datetime.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"));
            const string subject = "Subject";
            string       body    = "Payment - " + paymentId + " - " + box_status + "\nDetails:\n" + details;

            var smtp = new SmtpClient
                Host                  = host,
                Port                  = 25,
                EnableSsl             = true,
                DeliveryMethod        = SmtpDeliveryMethod.Network,
                UseDefaultCredentials = false,
                Credentials           = new NetworkCredential(fromAddress.Address, fromPassword),
                Timeout               = 10000

            using (var message = new MailMessage(fromAddress, toAddress)
                Subject = subject,
                Body = body
        public async Task <string> IPNDestination(IPNModel ipnModel)
            var result = string.Empty;

            ipnModel.UseSandbox = checkoutoptions.UseSandbox;
            if (ipnModel != null)
                var isIPNValid = await CheckIPN(ipnModel);

                if (isIPNValid)
                    //This means the payment is completed
                    //You can now mark the order as "Paid" or "Completed" here and start the delivery process
        public async Task <string> PaymentCancelReturnUrl(IPNModel ipnModel)
            PDTRequestModel model       = new PDTRequestModel(pdtToken, ipnModel.TransactionId, ipnModel.MerchantOrderId);
            var             pdtResponse = await CheckoutHelper.RequestPDT(model);

            if (pdtResponse.Count() > 0)
                if (pdtResponse["Status"] == "Canceled")
                    //This means the payment is canceled.
                    //You can extract more information of the transaction from the pdtResponse dictionary
                    //You can now mark the order as "Canceled" here.
                //This means the pdt request has failed.
                //possible reasons are
                //1. the TransactionId is not valid
                //2. the PDT_Key is incorrect
        async Task ProcessVerificationResponse(IPNContext ipnContext)
            if (ipnContext.Verification.Equals("VERIFIED"))
                var ipnModel = new IPNModel();
                var pairs    = ParseIPN(ipnContext.RequestBody);
                ipnModel.Custom        = pairs["custom"];
                ipnModel.ItemName      = pairs["item_name"];
                ipnModel.PaymentStatus = pairs["payment_status"];

                if (ipnModel.PaymentStatus.Equals("Completed"))
                    if (ipnModel.ItemName.Equals("1Unlimited") || ipnModel.ItemName.Equals("3Unlimited") ||
                        ipnModel.ItemName.Equals("6Unlimited") || ipnModel.ItemName.Equals("12Unlimited"))
                        if (ipnModel.ItemName.Equals("1Unlimited"))
                            await AddTimeToAccount(ipnModel.Custom, 1);
                        if (ipnModel.ItemName.Equals("3Unlimited"))
                            await AddTimeToAccount(ipnModel.Custom, 3);
                        if (ipnModel.ItemName.Equals("6Unlimited"))
                            await AddTimeToAccount(ipnModel.Custom, 6);
                        if (ipnModel.ItemName.Equals("12Unlimited"))
                            await AddTimeToAccount(ipnModel.Custom, 12);

                        await AddRewardTimeToAccount(ipnModel.Custom, 1);
        public static void Main(int paymentId, IPNModel callback, string box_status)
            //PLACE YOUR CODE HERE

            //Mail(paymentId, callback, box_status);
        public ActionResult Callback(IPNModel callback)
            bool valid_key = false;

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(callback.private_key_hash) && callback.private_key_hash.Length == 128 && Regex.IsMatch(callback.private_key_hash, "[a-zA-Z0-9]+"))
                string[]      ss = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["PrivateKeys"].Split(new char[] { ',', ' ' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
                List <string> s  = new List <string>();
                foreach (string s1 in ss)
                valid_key = s.Contains(callback.private_key_hash);
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.Form["plugin_ver"]) && string.IsNullOrEmpty(callback.status) && valid_key)
                return(new ContentResult()
                    Content = "cryptoboxver_asp_1.0"

            if (callback.order == null)
                callback.order = "";
            if (callback.user == null)
                callback.user = "";
            if (callback.usercountry == null)
                callback.usercountry = "";

            string box_status = "cryptobox_nochanges";

            if (ModelState.IsValid)
                int             paymentId = 0;
                crypto_payments obj       =
                    Context.crypto_payments.FirstOrDefault(x => x.boxID == && x.orderID == callback.order && x.userID == callback.user && x.txID == callback.tx && x.amount == callback.amount && x.addr == callback.addr);
                if (obj == null)
                    crypto_payments newPayments =
                        new crypto_payments()
                        boxID         =,
                        boxType       = callback.boxtype,
                        orderID       = callback.order,
                        userID        = callback.user,
                        countryID     = callback.usercountry,
                        coinLabel     = callback.coinlabel,
                        amount        = callback.amount,
                        amountUSD     = callback.amountusd,
                        unrecognised  = (byte)(callback.status == "payment_received_unrecognised" ? 1 : 0),
                        addr          = callback.addr,
                        txID          = callback.tx,
                        txDate        = callback.datetime,
                        txConfirmed   = callback.confirmed,
                        txCheckDate   = DateTime.Now,
                        recordCreated = DateTime.Now

                        paymentId = newPayments.paymentID;
                    catch (DbEntityValidationException dbEx)
                        var modelErrors2 = new List <string>();
                        foreach (var validationErrors in dbEx.EntityValidationErrors)
                            foreach (var validationError in validationErrors.ValidationErrors)
                                modelErrors2.Add("Property: " + validationError.PropertyName + " Error: " + validationError.ErrorMessage);
                        return(new ContentResult()
                            Content = String.Join(", ", modelErrors2.ToArray())

                    obj        = newPayments;
                    box_status = "cryptobox_newrecord";
                else if (callback.confirmed == 1 && obj.txConfirmed == 0)
                    obj.txConfirmed = 1;
                    obj.txCheckDate = DateTime.Now;
                    paymentId = obj.paymentID;

                    box_status = "cryptobox_updated";
                    paymentId = obj.paymentID;

                NewPayment.Main(paymentId, callback, box_status);

                return(new ContentResult()
                    Content = box_status

            //for test
            var modelErrors = new List <string>();

            foreach (ModelState err in ViewData.ModelState.Values)
                foreach (ModelError error in err.Errors)
            return(new ContentResult()
                Content = String.Join(", ", modelErrors.ToArray())
 private async Task <bool> CheckIPN(IPNModel model)
     return(await CheckoutHelper.IsIPNAuthentic(model));