public MainWindow() { InitializeComponent(); var p = ConsoleTextBox.Document.Blocks.FirstBlock as Paragraph; ConsoleTextBox.Document.Blocks.Clear(); config = new ConfigurationBuilder <IAppSettings>() .UseJsonFile(Path.Join(Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.ApplicationData), "\\AmongUsCapture\\AmongUsGUI", "Settings.json")).Build(); context = new UserDataContext(DialogCoordinator.Instance, config); DataContext = context; config.PropertyChanged += ConfigOnPropertyChanged; GameMemReader.getInstance().GameStateChanged += GameStateChangedHandler; GameMemReader.getInstance().PlayerChanged += UserForm_PlayerChanged; GameMemReader.getInstance().ChatMessageAdded += OnChatMessageAdded; GameMemReader.getInstance().JoinedLobby += OnJoinedLobby; IPCadapter.getInstance().OnToken += (sender, token) => { this.BeginInvoke((w) => { if (!w.IsVisible) { w.Show(); } if (w.WindowState == WindowState.Minimized) { w.WindowState = WindowState.Normal; } w.Activate(); w.Topmost = true; // important w.Topmost = false; // important w.Focus(); // important w.Activate(); }); }; //ApplyDarkMode(); }
private void SubmitConnectButton_OnClick(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { IPCadapter.getInstance().SendToken(, config.connectCode); ManualConnectionFlyout.IsOpen = false; }
protected override void OnStartup(StartupEventArgs e) { base.OnStartup(e); var args = e.Args; ThemeManager.Current.ThemeSyncMode = ThemeSyncMode.SyncAll; ThemeManager.Current.SyncTheme(); // needs to be the first call in the program to prevent weird bugs if (Settings.PersistentSettings.debugConsole) { AllocConsole(); } var uriStart = IPCadapter.getInstance().HandleURIStart(e.Args); switch (uriStart) { case URIStartResult.CLOSE: Environment.Exit(0); break; case URIStartResult.PARSE: Console.WriteLine($"Starting with args : {e.Args[0]}"); break; case URIStartResult.CONTINUE: break; default: throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(); } var splashScreen = new SplashScreenWindow(); this.MainWindow = splashScreen; splashScreen.Show(); Task.Factory.StartNew(() => { //simulate some work being done //System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(3000); //since we're not on the UI thread //once we're done we need to use the Dispatcher //to create and show the main window this.Dispatcher.Invoke(() => { //initialize the main window, set it as the application main window //and close the splash screen var mainWindow = new MainWindow(); this.MainWindow = mainWindow; AmongUsCapture.Settings.form = mainWindow; AmongUsCapture.Settings.conInterface = new FormConsole(mainWindow); Program.Main(); mainWindow.Loaded += (sender, args2) => { if (uriStart == URIStartResult.PARSE) { IPCadapter.getInstance().SendToken(args[0]); } }; mainWindow.Closing += (sender, args2) => { Environment.Exit(0); }; mainWindow.Show(); splashScreen.Close(); }); }); }