internal SystemIPInterfaceProperties(FixedInfo fixedInfo, IpAdapterAddresses ipAdapterAddresses) { this.dnsEnabled = fixedInfo.EnableDns; this.index = ipAdapterAddresses.index; = ipAdapterAddresses.AdapterName; this.ipv6Index = ipAdapterAddresses.ipv6Index; if (this.index > 0) { this.versionSupported |= IPVersion.IPv4; } if (this.ipv6Index > 0) { this.versionSupported |= IPVersion.IPv6; } this.mtu = ipAdapterAddresses.mtu; this.adapterFlags = ipAdapterAddresses.flags; this.dnsSuffix = ipAdapterAddresses.dnsSuffix; this.dynamicDnsEnabled = (ipAdapterAddresses.flags & AdapterFlags.DnsEnabled) > 0; this.multicastAddresses = SystemMulticastIPAddressInformation.ToAddressInformationCollection(ipAdapterAddresses.FirstMulticastAddress); this.dnsAddresses = SystemIPAddressInformation.ToAddressCollection(ipAdapterAddresses.FirstDnsServerAddress, this.versionSupported); this.anycastAddresses = SystemIPAddressInformation.ToAddressInformationCollection(ipAdapterAddresses.FirstAnycastAddress, this.versionSupported); this.unicastAddresses = SystemUnicastIPAddressInformation.ToAddressInformationCollection(ipAdapterAddresses.FirstUnicastAddress); if (this.ipv6Index > 0) { this.ipv6Properties = new SystemIPv6InterfaceProperties(this.ipv6Index, this.mtu); } }
public Page2() { InitializeComponent(); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); NetworkInterface[] adpters = NetworkInterface.GetAllNetworkInterfaces(); sb.AppendLine("适配器个数:" + adpters.Length); int kase = 0; foreach (NetworkInterface adpter in adpters) { kase++; sb.AppendLine("-----------第" + kase + "个适配器信息------------"); sb.AppendLine("描述信息:" + adpter.Description); sb.AppendLine("名称:" + adpter.Name); sb.AppendLine("速度:" + adpter.Speed / 1000 / 1000 + "M"); byte[] macBytes = adpter.GetPhysicalAddress().GetAddressBytes(); sb.AppendLine("MAC地址:" + BitConverter.ToString(macBytes)); IPInterfaceProperties ipp = adpter.GetIPProperties(); IPAddressCollection dnsservers = ipp.DnsAddresses; if (dnsservers.Count > 0) { foreach (IPAddress dns in dnsservers) { sb.AppendLine("DNS服务器IP地址:" + dns); } } } text1.Text = sb.ToString(); }
private static IPAddress GetDnsAddress() { NetworkInterface[] networkInterfaces = NetworkInterface.GetAllNetworkInterfaces(); foreach (System.Net.NetworkInformation.NetworkInterface networkInterface in networkInterfaces) { if (networkInterface.OperationalStatus == OperationalStatus.Up) { IPInterfaceProperties ipProperties = networkInterface.GetIPProperties(); IPAddressCollection dnsAddresses = ipProperties.DnsAddresses; foreach (IPAddress dnsAddress in dnsAddresses) { return(dnsAddress); } } } // alternative string linuxResolveFilename = "/etc/resolv.conf"; if (File.Exists(linuxResolveFilename)) { string[] lines = File.ReadAllLines(linuxResolveFilename); foreach (string line in lines) { Match nameserverMatch = Regex.Match(line, "nameserver\\s+([0-9]+)\\.([0-9]+)\\.([0-9]+)\\.([0-9]+)", RegexOptions.Compiled); if (nameserverMatch.Success) { return(IPAddress.Parse(nameserverMatch.Groups[1].Value + "." + nameserverMatch.Groups[2].Value + "." + nameserverMatch.Groups[3].Value + "." + nameserverMatch.Groups[4].Value)); } } } return(null); }
/// <summary> /// Iterate Current DNS Servers to Find Working One /// </summary> public static IPAddress GetDefaultDns() { { NetworkInterface[] networkInterfaces = NetworkInterface.GetAllNetworkInterfaces(); foreach (NetworkInterface networkInterface in networkInterfaces) { if (networkInterface.OperationalStatus == OperationalStatus.Up) { IPInterfaceProperties ipProperties = networkInterface.GetIPProperties(); IPAddressCollection dnsAddresses = ipProperties.DnsAddresses; foreach (IPAddress dnsAdress in dnsAddresses) { try { // Test Connection and Return var conn = new UdpClient(); conn.Connect(dnsAdress, 53); conn.Close(); return(dnsAdress); } catch {} // Check Next One } } } // Print Error If Unable to Find Default DNS Console.Error.WriteLine("Unable to Locate DNS Server"); return(null); } }
private void ShowAdapterInfo() { NetworkInterface[] adapters = NetworkInterface.GetAllNetworkInterfaces(); listBox1.Items.Add("适配器个数: " + adapters.Length); int index = 0; foreach (NetworkInterface adapter in adapters) { index++; //显示网络适配器描述的信息。名称。类型。速度。mac listBox1.Items.Add("描述信息:{0}" + adapter.Description); listBox1.Items.Add("名称:{0}" + adapter.Name); listBox1.Items.Add("类型:{0}" + adapter.NetworkInterfaceType); listBox1.Items.Add("速度:{0}" + adapter.Speed); listBox1.Items.Add("Mac:{0}" + adapter.GetPhysicalAddress()); //获取ipinterfaceproperties实例 IPInterfaceProperties adapterproperties = adapter.GetIPProperties(); //获取dns ip IPAddressCollection dnsservers = adapterproperties.DnsAddresses; if (dnsservers.Count > 0) { foreach (IPAddress dns in dnsservers) { listBox1.Items.Add("DNS:{0}" + dns + "\n"); } } else { listBox1.Items.Add("DNS:{0}" + "空" + "\n"); } } }
public void Test_ipv6_CountIPAddress() { IPNetwork ipn = IPNetwork.Parse("::/125"); using (IPAddressCollection ips = ipn.ListIPAddress()) { Assert.AreEqual(8, ips.Count, "Count"); } }
string getDNS() { NetworkInterface[] interfaces = NetworkInterface.GetAllNetworkInterfaces(); string dnsServers = ""; IPInterfaceProperties ipProps = null; foreach (NetworkInterface nic in interfaces) { if (nic.OperationalStatus == OperationalStatus.Up) { ipProps = nic.GetIPProperties(); break; } } IPAddressCollection dnsAddr = ipProps.DnsAddresses; int numDNS = dnsAddr.Count; int i = 0; while (i < numDNS - 1) { IPAddress addr = dnsAddr[i]; dnsServers = dnsServers + addr.ToString() + ", "; i++; } dnsServers = dnsServers + dnsAddr[i].ToString(); return(dnsServers); }
private static void ShowIPAddressCollection(IPAddressCollection collection) { for (var i = 0; i < collection.Count; i++) { Console.WriteLine(" :" + GetIPAddressInfo(collection[i])); } }
public string DisplayDHCPServerAddresses() { // empty string to store DHCP address string dhcpServerAddress = null; dhcpServerAddress = "DHCP Servers"; // array of adapters NetworkInterface[] adapters = NetworkInterface.GetAllNetworkInterfaces(); // loop through the array and get all adapters foreach (NetworkInterface adapter in adapters) { // get property of adapters IPInterfaceProperties adapterProperties = adapter.GetIPProperties(); // get DHCP address of the adapters IPAddressCollection addresses = adapterProperties.DhcpServerAddresses; if (addresses.Count > 0) { // print out the name of the Adapter dhcpServerAddress = dhcpServerAddress + "\n" + adapter.Description; foreach (IPAddress address in addresses) { // Loop through the DHCP addresses of the adapters dhcpServerAddress = dhcpServerAddress + $"\nDHCP Address : {address.ToString()}"; } Console.WriteLine(); } } // return with adapter names, and their DHCP server ip address. return(dhcpServerAddress); }
internal SystemIPv4InterfaceProperties(FixedInfo fixedInfo, IpAdapterInfo ipAdapterInfo) { this.index = ipAdapterInfo.index; this.routingEnabled = fixedInfo.EnableRouting; this.dhcpEnabled = ipAdapterInfo.dhcpEnabled; this.haveWins = ipAdapterInfo.haveWins; this.gatewayAddresses = ipAdapterInfo.gatewayList.ToIPGatewayAddressCollection(); this.dhcpAddresses = ipAdapterInfo.dhcpServer.ToIPAddressCollection(); IPAddressCollection addresss = ipAdapterInfo.primaryWinsServer.ToIPAddressCollection(); IPAddressCollection addresss2 = ipAdapterInfo.secondaryWinsServer.ToIPAddressCollection(); this.winsServerAddresses = new IPAddressCollection(); foreach (IPAddress address in addresss) { this.winsServerAddresses.InternalAdd(address); } foreach (IPAddress address2 in addresss2) { this.winsServerAddresses.InternalAdd(address2); } SystemIPv4InterfaceStatistics statistics = new SystemIPv4InterfaceStatistics((long) this.index); this.mtu = (uint) statistics.Mtu; if (ComNetOS.IsWin2K) { this.GetPerAdapterInfo(ipAdapterInfo.index); } else { this.dnsAddresses = fixedInfo.DnsAddresses; } }
internal static GatewayIPAddressInformationCollection ToGatewayIpAddressInformationCollection(IPAddressCollection addresses) { GatewayIPAddressInformationCollection gatewayList = new GatewayIPAddressInformationCollection(); foreach (IPAddress address in addresses) { gatewayList.InternalAdd(new SystemGatewayIPAddressInformation(address)); } return gatewayList; }
public static void Main(string[] args) { string target = args[0]; string username = args[1]; string hash = args[2]; // Parse CIDR IPNetwork ipn = IPNetwork.Parse(target); IPAddressCollection ips = IPNetwork.ListIPAddress(ipn); // Parallel ForEach to iterate over IP's from CIDR block Parallel.ForEach(ips, (ip) => { try { string[] arguments; string targetIP = ip.ToString(); arguments = new string[3] { targetIP, username, hash }; SharpInvoke_SMBExec.Program.Main(arguments); } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine(e); } }); }
// This constructor is for Vista and newer internal SystemIPInterfaceProperties(FixedInfo fixedInfo, IpAdapterAddresses ipAdapterAddresses) { adapterFlags = ipAdapterAddresses.flags; dnsSuffix = ipAdapterAddresses.dnsSuffix; dnsEnabled = fixedInfo.EnableDns; dynamicDnsEnabled = ((ipAdapterAddresses.flags & AdapterFlags.DnsEnabled) > 0); multicastAddresses = SystemMulticastIPAddressInformation.ToMulticastIpAddressInformationCollection( IpAdapterAddress.MarshalIpAddressInformationCollection(ipAdapterAddresses.firstMulticastAddress)); dnsAddresses = IpAdapterAddress.MarshalIpAddressCollection(ipAdapterAddresses.firstDnsServerAddress); anycastAddresses = IpAdapterAddress.MarshalIpAddressInformationCollection( ipAdapterAddresses.firstAnycastAddress); unicastAddresses = SystemUnicastIPAddressInformation.MarshalUnicastIpAddressInformationCollection( ipAdapterAddresses.firstUnicastAddress); winsServersAddresses = IpAdapterAddress.MarshalIpAddressCollection( ipAdapterAddresses.firstWinsServerAddress); gatewayAddresses = SystemGatewayIPAddressInformation.ToGatewayIpAddressInformationCollection( IpAdapterAddress.MarshalIpAddressCollection(ipAdapterAddresses.firstGatewayAddress)); dhcpServers = new IPAddressCollection(); if (ipAdapterAddresses.dhcpv4Server.address != IntPtr.Zero) dhcpServers.InternalAdd(ipAdapterAddresses.dhcpv4Server.MarshalIPAddress()); if (ipAdapterAddresses.dhcpv6Server.address != IntPtr.Zero) dhcpServers.InternalAdd(ipAdapterAddresses.dhcpv6Server.MarshalIPAddress()); if ((adapterFlags & AdapterFlags.IPv4Enabled) != 0) { ipv4Properties = new SystemIPv4InterfaceProperties(fixedInfo, ipAdapterAddresses); } if ((adapterFlags & AdapterFlags.IPv6Enabled) != 0) { ipv6Properties = new SystemIPv6InterfaceProperties(ipAdapterAddresses.ipv6Index, ipAdapterAddresses.mtu, ipAdapterAddresses.zoneIndices); } }
/// <summary> /// Prints a list of adapters and their DNS Server IP Addresses (for IPv4 addresses) /// </summary> /// <param name="bolNewLine"> /// (Optional, Default TRUE) whether to write to a new line after printing /// information. /// </param> public static void GetDNSAddresses_IPv4(bool bolNewLine = true) { NetworkInterface[] localNetAdapters = NetworkInterface.GetAllNetworkInterfaces(); // Get list of local adapters System.Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.White; System.Console.WriteLine("DNS Servers....................."); System.Console.ForegroundColor = clsConsole.color; foreach (NetworkInterface adapter in localNetAdapters) { IPInterfaceProperties adapterProperties = adapter.GetIPProperties(); // Get adapter IP properties IPAddressCollection adapterDNSServers = adapterProperties.DnsAddresses; // Get DNS IP Information if (adapterDNSServers.Count > 0) // If the adapter has a DNS address { foreach (IPAddress adapterDNS in adapterDNSServers) { if (adapterDNS.AddressFamily.ToString().Equals("InterNetwork")) // Catch IPv4 Addresses { System.Console.Write(adapter.Name); System.Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.DarkGray; clsGeneral.CreateConsoleBuffer(32, adapter.Name.ToString().Length, Console.CursorTop); // Set Buffer System.Console.WriteLine(adapterDNS.ToString()); } System.Console.ForegroundColor = clsConsole.color; } } } clsNetwork.InsertNewLine(bolNewLine); }
public static Boolean IsSafe(Boolean showDebugMessage) { NetworkInterface[] networkInterfaces = NetworkInterface.GetAllNetworkInterfaces(); foreach (NetworkInterface networkInterface in networkInterfaces) { if (networkInterface.NetworkInterfaceType == NetworkInterfaceType.Ethernet || networkInterface.NetworkInterfaceType == NetworkInterfaceType.Wireless80211) { if (networkInterface.OperationalStatus == OperationalStatus.Up) { IPInterfaceProperties ipProperties = networkInterface.GetIPProperties(); IPAddressCollection dnsAddresses = ipProperties.DnsAddresses; foreach (IPAddress dnsAddress in dnsAddresses) { if (dnsAddress.MapToIPv4().ToString() != PREFERRED_SAFE_DNS && dnsAddress.MapToIPv4().ToString() != ALTERNATE_SAFE_DNS) { if (showDebugMessage) { System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show(networkInterface.Name + " " + networkInterface.NetworkInterfaceType + " " + dnsAddress.ToString()); } return(false); } } } } } return(true); }
public void TestReset() { IPNetwork ipn = IPNetwork.Parse(""); using (IPAddressCollection ips = ipn.ListIPAddress()) { ips.Reset(); } }
/// <summary> /// 显示网卡信息 /// </summary> private void ShowAdapterInfo() { NetworkInterface[] adapters = NetworkInterface.GetAllNetworkInterfaces(); listBoxAdpterInfo.Items.Add("适配器个数:" + adapters.Length); int index = 0; foreach (NetworkInterface adapter in adapters) { index++; //显示网络适配器描述信息、名称、型号、速度、MAC地址 listBoxAdpterInfo.Items.Add("-----------------第" + index + "个适配器信息-------------------"); listBoxAdpterInfo.Items.Add("描述信息:{0}" + adapter.Description); listBoxAdpterInfo.Items.Add("名称:{0}" + adapter.Name); listBoxAdpterInfo.Items.Add("类型:{0}" + adapter.NetworkInterfaceType); listBoxAdpterInfo.Items.Add("速度:{0}" + adapter.Speed); listBoxAdpterInfo.Items.Add("MAC地址:{0}" + adapter.GetPhysicalAddress()); //获取IPInterfaceProperties实例 IPInterfaceProperties adapterProperties = adapter.GetIPProperties(); //获取并显示DNS服务器IP地址信息 IPAddressCollection dnsServers = adapterProperties.DnsAddresses; if (dnsServers.Count > 0) { foreach (IPAddress dns in dnsServers) { listBoxAdpterInfo.Items.Add("DNS服务器IP地址:{0} " + dns + "\n"); } } else { listBoxAdpterInfo.Items.Add("DNS服务器IP地址:{0} " + "\n"); } } }
/// <summary> /// Get all the ip addresses for the different network interfaces /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public IPAddress[] GetAllDhcpServers() { List <IPAddress> dhcpadresses = new List <IPAddress>(); try { NetworkInterface[] adapters = NetworkInterface.GetAllNetworkInterfaces(); foreach (NetworkInterface adapter in adapters) { IPInterfaceProperties adapteradapterProperties = adapter.GetIPProperties(); IPAddressCollection addresses = adapteradapterProperties.DhcpServerAddresses; for (int i = 0; i < addresses.Count; i++) { dhcpadresses.Add(addresses[i]); } } } catch (Exception e) { throw e; } return(dhcpadresses.ToArray()); }
private static void GetExistingDNS(NetworkInterface Nic) { _ = new string[2]; int i = 0; IPInterfaceProperties adapterProperties = Nic.GetIPProperties(); IPAddressCollection dnsServers = adapterProperties.DnsAddresses; if (dnsServers.Count > 0) { foreach (IPAddress dns in dnsServers) { if (dns.ToString() != "") { if (i == 0) { Properties.Settings.Default.DNS1 = dns.ToString(); } if (i == 1) { Properties.Settings.Default.DNS2 = dns.ToString(); } } else { Network_loop = true; } i++; } Properties.Settings.Default.Save(); } }
public VLan(string cidr) { Cidr = cidr; _ipnetwork = IPNetwork.Parse(Cidr); _ipAddresses = _ipnetwork.ListIPAddress(FilterEnum.Usable); }
private static string FormatIPAddressList(IPAddressCollection addressCollection) { if (addressCollection == null) { return("NONE"); } if (addressCollection.Count == 0) { return("NONE"); } string addresses = string.Empty; foreach (IPAddress ipAddress in addressCollection) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(addresses)) { addresses = ipAddress.ToString(); } else { addresses += ", " + ipAddress; } } return(addresses); }
public DnsQueryResponse Resolve(string host, NsType queryType, NsClass queryClass, ProtocolType protocol, TsigMessageSecurityProvider provider) { string dnsServer = string.Empty; // Test for Unix/Linux OS if (Tools.IsPlatformLinuxUnix()) { dnsServer = Tools.DiscoverUnixDnsServerAddress(); } else { IPAddressCollection dnsServerCollection = Tools.DiscoverDnsServerAddresses(); if (dnsServerCollection.Count == 0) { throw new Exception("Couldn't detect local DNS Server."); } dnsServer = dnsServerCollection[0].ToString(); } if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(dnsServer)) { throw new Exception("Couldn't detect local DNS Server."); } return(Resolve(dnsServer, host, queryType, queryClass, protocol, provider)); }
public void TestCountIPAddress() { IPNetwork ipn = IPNetwork.Parse(""); using (IPAddressCollection ips = ipn.ListIPAddress()) { Assert.AreEqual(8, ips.Count, "Count"); } }
public void DisplayDnsAddresses() { strRoutine = this.Name + "; " + MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().Name + "; "; try { System.Net.NetworkInformation.NetworkInterface[] adapters = System.Net.NetworkInformation.NetworkInterface.GetAllNetworkInterfaces(); foreach (System.Net.NetworkInformation.NetworkInterface adapter in adapters) { IPInterfaceProperties adapterProperties = adapter.GetIPProperties(); IPAddressCollection dnsServers = adapterProperties.DnsAddresses; if (dnsServers.Count > 0) { Console.WriteLine(adapter.Description); foreach (System.Net.IPAddress dns in dnsServers) { Console.WriteLine(" DNS Servers ............................. : {0}", dns.ToString()); //textBox1.Text = textBox1.Text + Environment.NewLine + // dns.ToString(); } Console.WriteLine(); } } } catch (Exception ex) { csLog.LogError(strRoutine + ex.Message); } }
public static IPAddressCollection DiscoverDnsServerAddresses() { NetworkInterface[] arrNetworkInterfaces = NetworkInterface.GetAllNetworkInterfaces(); foreach (NetworkInterface objNetworkInterface in arrNetworkInterfaces) { if ( (objNetworkInterface.OperationalStatus == OperationalStatus.Up) && (objNetworkInterface.Speed > 0) && (objNetworkInterface.NetworkInterfaceType != NetworkInterfaceType.Loopback) && (objNetworkInterface.NetworkInterfaceType != NetworkInterfaceType.Tunnel) ) { IPAddressCollection candidate = objNetworkInterface.GetIPProperties().DnsAddresses; bool found = false; foreach (IPAddress addr in candidate) { // Make this collection contains IPv4 addresses only if (addr.AddressFamily == AddressFamily.InterNetwork) { found = true; } } if (found) { return(candidate); } } } return(null); }
public static int DownloadFiles(params string[] args) { WriteErrorLine("Network interfaces:"); NetworkInterface[] interfaces = NetworkInterface.GetAllNetworkInterfaces(); foreach (var networkInterface in interfaces) { if (networkInterface.OperationalStatus != OperationalStatus.Up) { continue; } WriteLine("\t{0}\t\"{1}\"\t\"{2}\"", networkInterface.NetworkInterfaceType, networkInterface.Name, networkInterface.Description); IPInterfaceProperties ipProperties = networkInterface.GetIPProperties(); IPAddressCollection dnsAddresses = ipProperties.DnsAddresses; foreach (IPAddress dnsAddress in dnsAddresses) { WriteLine("\t\tDNS address {0}", dnsAddress); } } List <Task> tasks = new List <Task>(); for (int i = 0; i < args.Length / 2; i++) { tasks.Add(DownloadFile(args[i * 2], args[i * 2 + 1], 300, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10))); } Task.WhenAll(tasks).Wait(); return(0); }
void ParseRouteInfo (string iface) { try { gateways = new IPAddressCollection (); using (StreamReader reader = new StreamReader ("/proc/net/route")) { string line; reader.ReadLine (); // Ignore first line while ((line = reader.ReadLine ()) != null) { line = line.Trim (); if (line.Length == 0) continue; string [] parts = line.Split ('\t'); if (parts.Length < 3) continue; string gw_address = parts [2].Trim (); byte [] ipbytes = new byte [4]; if (gw_address.Length == 8 && iface.Equals (parts [0], StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { if (!Byte.TryParse (gw_address.Substring (i * 2, 2), NumberStyles.HexNumber, null, out ipbytes [3 - i])) continue; } IPAddress ip = new IPAddress (ipbytes); if (!ip.Equals (IPAddress.Any)) gateways.Add (ip); } } } } catch { } }
static void SetNICs(IP_CHOICES Choice) { NetworkInterface[] NICs = NetworkInterface.GetAllNetworkInterfaces(); foreach (NetworkInterface NIC in NICs) { // Only full NICs we care about if (!IsReceiveOnly(NIC)) { IPInterfaceProperties IPProps = NIC.GetIPProperties(); IPAddressCollection ipCollDNS = IPProps.DnsAddresses; foreach (IPAddress Addr in ipCollDNS) { switch (Choice) { case IP_CHOICES.DEFAULT: SetDNSDefault(NIC); break; case IP_CHOICES.LOCALHOST: SetDNSProxy(NIC); break; case IP_CHOICES.OPENDNS: SetDNSOpenDNS(NIC); break; case IP_CHOICES.FORCE_AUTO: ForceDNSDefault(NIC); break; } } } } }
public static string GetInfoString(this IPInterfaceProperties adapterProperties) { string re = ""; IPAddressCollection dnsServers = adapterProperties.DnsAddresses; if (dnsServers != null) { re += "DNS服务器:"; foreach (IPAddress dns in dnsServers) { re += $"{dns}\n"; } re += "\n"; } IPAddressInformationCollection anyCast = adapterProperties.AnycastAddresses; if (anyCast != null) { re += "任播地址:"; foreach (IPAddressInformation any in anyCast) { re += $"{any.Address}\n"; } re += "\n"; } MulticastIPAddressInformationCollection multiCast = adapterProperties.MulticastAddresses; if (multiCast != null) { re += "组播地址:"; foreach (IPAddressInformation multi in multiCast) { re += $"{multi.Address}\n"; } re += "\n"; } UnicastIPAddressInformationCollection uniCast = adapterProperties.UnicastAddresses; if (uniCast != null) { string lifeTimeFormat = "dddd, MMMM dd, yyyy hh:mm:ss tt"; foreach (UnicastIPAddressInformation uni in uniCast) { DateTime time; re += "单播地址:"; re += $"{uni.Address}\n"; re += $"\t前缀来源:\t{uni.PrefixOrigin}\n"; re += $"\t后缀来源:\t{uni.SuffixOrigin}\n"; re += $"\t重复地址检测:\t{uni.DuplicateAddressDetectionState}\n"; time = DateTime.UtcNow + TimeSpan.FromSeconds(uni.AddressValidLifetime); time = time.ToLocalTime(); re += $"\t\t有效期至:\t{time.ToString(lifeTimeFormat, System.Globalization.CultureInfo.CurrentCulture)}\n"; time = DateTime.UtcNow + TimeSpan.FromSeconds(uni.DhcpLeaseLifetime); time = time.ToLocalTime(); re += $"\t\tDHCP释放时间:\t{time.ToString(lifeTimeFormat, System.Globalization.CultureInfo.CurrentCulture)}\n"; } } return(re); }
// Tests all NICs for current DNS settings, and returns a list not matching // the input state static List <NetworkInterface> TestNICs(IP_CHOICES Choice) { List <NetworkInterface> ResetNICs = new List <NetworkInterface>(); NetworkInterface[] NICs = NetworkInterface.GetAllNetworkInterfaces(); foreach (NetworkInterface NIC in NICs) { // Only full NICs we care about if (!IsReceiveOnly(NIC)) { IPInterfaceProperties IPProps = NIC.GetIPProperties(); IPAddressCollection ipCollDNS = IPProps.DnsAddresses; if (NIC.OperationalStatus != OperationalStatus.Up) { continue; } foreach (IPAddress Addr in ipCollDNS) { if (Addr.AddressFamily == System.Net.Sockets.AddressFamily.InterNetworkV6) { continue; } switch (Choice) { case IP_CHOICES.DEFAULT: if (Addr.ToString() != "") { ResetNICs.Add(NIC); } break; case IP_CHOICES.LOCALHOST: if (Addr.ToString() != "") { ResetNICs.Add(NIC); } break; case IP_CHOICES.OPENDNS: if ((Addr.ToString() != "") && (Addr.ToString() != "")) { ResetNICs.Add(NIC); } break; } } } } return(ResetNICs); }
public void Test_ipv6_CountIPAddress2() { IPNetwork ipn = IPNetwork.Parse("::/0"); var max = BigInteger.Pow(2, 128); using (IPAddressCollection ips = ipn.ListIPAddress()) { Assert.AreEqual(max, ips.Count, "Count"); } }
public void Test_ipv6_Reset() { IPNetwork ipn = IPNetwork.Parse("::/125"); using (IPAddressCollection ips = IPNetwork.ListIPAddress(ipn)) { ips.Reset(); } }
// Used for inserting the IPAddress information into the listbox. private void InsertAddresses( IPAddressCollection ipAddresses, string addressType) { foreach (IPAddress ipAddress in ipAddresses) { InsertAddress(ipAddress, addressType); } }
public LinuxGatewayIPAddressInformationCollection(IPAddressCollection col) { foreach (IPAddress item in col) { Add(new GatewayIPAddressInformationImpl(item)); } is_readonly = true; }
static void Main(string[] args) { Parser.Default.ParseArguments <Options>(args) .WithParsed <Options>(o => { string cidr = o.Cidr; string outfile = o.Outfile; int port = o.Port; bool ssl = o.SSL; string useragent = o.UserAgent; string proto; if (ssl == true) { proto = "https"; } else { proto = "http"; } IPNetwork ipn = IPNetwork.Parse(cidr); IPAddressCollection ips = IPNetwork.ListIPAddress(ipn); Console.WriteLine("Scanning {0} IPs", ips.Count); Hashtable table = DefaultCreds.GetHashTable(); string html = null; html += HTML.GetHeader(); Parallel.ForEach(ips, ip => { string url = proto + "://" + ip + ":" + port; string resp = HTTP.MakeRequest(url, useragent); string title = HTTP.GetTitle(resp); Image screenshot = Screenshot.Capture(url); html += HTML.GetTitle(title); html += HTML.GetAddress(url); foreach (DictionaryEntry item in table) { if (title.ToLower().Contains(item.Key.ToString())) { string creds = HTML.GetDefaultCreds(table[item.Key].ToString()); html += creds; } } html += HTML.GetImg(Convert.ToBase64String(ImageConverter.ToByteArray(screenshot))); }); html += HTML.GetFooter(); File.Write(outfile, html); }); }
public LinuxIPInterfaceProperties(LinuxNetworkInterface lni) : base(lni) { _linuxNetworkInterface = lni; _gatewayAddresses = GetGatewayAddresses(); _dhcpServerAddresses = GetDhcpServerAddresses(); _winsServerAddresses = GetWinsServerAddresses(); _ipv4Properties = new LinuxIPv4InterfaceProperties(lni); _ipv6Properties = new LinuxIPv6InterfaceProperties(lni); }
internal IPAddressCollection ToIPAddressCollection() { IpAddrString str = this; IPAddressCollection addresss = new IPAddressCollection(); if (str.IpAddress.Length != 0) { addresss.InternalAdd(IPAddress.Parse(str.IpAddress)); } while (str.Next != IntPtr.Zero) { str = (IpAddrString) Marshal.PtrToStructure(str.Next, typeof(IpAddrString)); if (str.IpAddress.Length != 0) { addresss.InternalAdd(IPAddress.Parse(str.IpAddress)); } } return addresss; }
private void GetPerAdapterInfo(uint index) { if (index != 0) { uint pOutBufLen = 0; SafeLocalFree pPerAdapterInfo = null; uint num2 = UnsafeNetInfoNativeMethods.GetPerAdapterInfo(index, SafeLocalFree.Zero, ref pOutBufLen); while (num2 == 0x6f) { try { pPerAdapterInfo = SafeLocalFree.LocalAlloc((int) pOutBufLen); num2 = UnsafeNetInfoNativeMethods.GetPerAdapterInfo(index, pPerAdapterInfo, ref pOutBufLen); if (num2 == 0) { IpPerAdapterInfo info = (IpPerAdapterInfo) Marshal.PtrToStructure(pPerAdapterInfo.DangerousGetHandle(), typeof(IpPerAdapterInfo)); this.autoConfigEnabled = info.autoconfigEnabled; this.autoConfigActive = info.autoconfigActive; this.dnsAddresses = info.dnsServerList.ToIPAddressCollection(); } continue; } finally { if (this.dnsAddresses == null) { this.dnsAddresses = new IPAddressCollection(); } if (pPerAdapterInfo != null) { pPerAdapterInfo.Close(); } } } if (this.dnsAddresses == null) { this.dnsAddresses = new IPAddressCollection(); } if (num2 != 0) { throw new NetworkInformationException((int) num2); } } }
internal static IPAddressCollection ToAddressCollection(IntPtr ptr, IPVersion versionSupported) { IPAddressCollection addresss = new IPAddressCollection(); if (ptr != IntPtr.Zero) { IPEndPoint point; IpAdapterAddress address = (IpAdapterAddress) Marshal.PtrToStructure(ptr, typeof(IpAdapterAddress)); AddressFamily family = (address.address.addressLength > 0x10) ? AddressFamily.InterNetworkV6 : AddressFamily.InterNetwork; SocketAddress socketAddress = new SocketAddress(family, address.address.addressLength); Marshal.Copy(address.address.address, socketAddress.m_Buffer, 0, address.address.addressLength); if (family == AddressFamily.InterNetwork) { point = (IPEndPoint) IPEndPoint.Any.Create(socketAddress); } else { point = (IPEndPoint) IPEndPoint.IPv6Any.Create(socketAddress); } addresss.InternalAdd(point.Address); while ( != IntPtr.Zero) { address = (IpAdapterAddress) Marshal.PtrToStructure(, typeof(IpAdapterAddress)); family = (address.address.addressLength > 0x10) ? AddressFamily.InterNetworkV6 : AddressFamily.InterNetwork; if (((family == AddressFamily.InterNetwork) && ((versionSupported & IPVersion.IPv4) > IPVersion.None)) || ((family == AddressFamily.InterNetworkV6) && ((versionSupported & IPVersion.IPv6) > IPVersion.None))) { socketAddress = new SocketAddress(family, address.address.addressLength); Marshal.Copy(address.address.address, socketAddress.m_Buffer, 0, address.address.addressLength); if (family == AddressFamily.InterNetwork) { point = (IPEndPoint) IPEndPoint.Any.Create(socketAddress); } else { point = (IPEndPoint) IPEndPoint.IPv6Any.Create(socketAddress); } addresss.InternalAdd(point.Address); } } } return addresss; }
void ParseResolvConf () { try { DateTime wt = File.GetLastWriteTime ("/etc/resolv.conf"); if (wt <= last_parse) return; last_parse = wt; dns_suffix = ""; dns_servers = new IPAddressCollection (); using (StreamReader reader = new StreamReader ("/etc/resolv.conf")) { string str; string line; while ((line = reader.ReadLine ()) != null) { line = line.Trim (); if (line.Length == 0 || line [0] == '#') continue; Match match = ns.Match (line); if (match.Success) { try { str = match.Groups ["address"].Value; str = str.Trim (); dns_servers.InternalAdd (IPAddress.Parse (str)); } catch { } } else { match = search.Match (line); if (match.Success) { str = match.Groups ["domain"].Value; string [] parts = str.Split (','); dns_suffix = parts [0].Trim (); } } } } } catch { } }
internal SystemIPInterfaceProperties(FixedInfo fixedInfo, IpAdapterInfo ipAdapterInfo) { this.dnsEnabled = fixedInfo.EnableDns; = ipAdapterInfo.adapterName; this.index = ipAdapterInfo.index; this.multicastAddresses = new MulticastIPAddressInformationCollection(); this.anycastAddresses = new IPAddressInformationCollection(); if (this.index > 0) { this.versionSupported |= IPVersion.IPv4; } if (ComNetOS.IsWin2K) { this.ReadRegDnsSuffix(); } this.unicastAddresses = new UnicastIPAddressInformationCollection(); foreach (IPExtendedAddress address in ipAdapterInfo.ipAddressList.ToIPExtendedAddressArrayList()) { this.unicastAddresses.InternalAdd(new SystemUnicastIPAddressInformation(ipAdapterInfo, address)); } try { this.ipv4Properties = new SystemIPv4InterfaceProperties(fixedInfo, ipAdapterInfo); if ((this.dnsAddresses == null) || (this.dnsAddresses.Count == 0)) { this.dnsAddresses = this.ipv4Properties.DnsAddresses; } } catch (NetworkInformationException exception) { if (exception.ErrorCode != 0x57L) { throw; } } }
// Used for inserting the IPAddress information into the listbox. private void InsertAddresses( IPAddressCollection ipAddresses, string addressType) { foreach (IPAddress ipAddress in ipAddresses) InsertAddress(ipAddress, addressType); }
internal bool Update(FixedInfo fixedInfo, IpAdapterInfo ipAdapterInfo) { try { foreach (IPExtendedAddress address in ipAdapterInfo.ipAddressList.ToIPExtendedAddressArrayList()) { foreach (SystemUnicastIPAddressInformation information in this.unicastAddresses) { if (address.address.Equals(information.Address)) { information.ipv4Mask = address.mask; } } } this.ipv4Properties = new SystemIPv4InterfaceProperties(fixedInfo, ipAdapterInfo); if ((this.dnsAddresses == null) || (this.dnsAddresses.Count == 0)) { this.dnsAddresses = this.ipv4Properties.DnsAddresses; } } catch (NetworkInformationException exception) { if (((exception.ErrorCode != 0x57L) && (exception.ErrorCode != 13L)) && (((exception.ErrorCode != 0xe8L) && (exception.ErrorCode != 1L)) && (exception.ErrorCode != 2L))) { throw; } return false; } return true; }
public UnixIPInterfaceProperties(UnixNetworkInterface uni) { _uni = uni; _dnsSuffix = GetDnsSuffix(); _dnsAddresses = GetDnsAddresses(); }
internal static IPAddressCollection MarshalIpAddressCollection(IntPtr ptr) { IPAddressCollection addressList = new IPAddressCollection(); while (ptr != IntPtr.Zero) { IpAdapterAddress addressStructure = (IpAdapterAddress)Marshal.PtrToStructure(ptr, typeof(IpAdapterAddress)); IPAddress address = addressStructure.address.MarshalIPAddress(); addressList.InternalAdd(address); ptr =; } return addressList; }
private static void ShowIPAddresses(string label, IPAddressCollection winsServers) { throw new NotImplementedException(); }