protected OrientdbServerError GetErrorFromStream <T>(Stream stream) { try { var e = _serializer.Deserialize <OneToOneServerException>(stream); return(OrientdbServerError.Create(e)); } // ReSharper disable once EmptyGeneralCatchClause // parsing failure of exception should not be fatal, its a best case helper. catch { } return(null); }
public static IList <Uri> FromStream(IOrientdbResponse response, Stream stream, IOrientdbSerializer serializer) { var result = serializer.Deserialize <NodeInfoResponse>(stream); var l = new List <Uri>(); foreach (var kv in result.nodes.Values) { if (!kv.http_address.IsNullOrEmpty()) { l.Add(Parse("http", kv.http_address)); } else if (!kv.https_address.IsNullOrEmpty()) { l.Add(Parse("https", kv.https_address)); } else if (!kv.thrift_address.IsNullOrEmpty()) { l.Add(Parse("http", kv.thrift_address)); } } return(l); }