public async Task Handle(OrderStatusChangedToSubmittedIntegrationEvent integrationEvent,
                                 [FromServices] IOptions <OrderingSettings> settings, [FromServices] IEmailService emailService)
            // Gets the order details from Actor state.
            var actorId         = new ActorId(integrationEvent.OrderId.ToString());
            var orderingProcess = ActorProxy.Create <IOrderingProcessActor>(actorId, nameof(OrderingProcessActor));
            var actorOrder = await orderingProcess.GetOrderDetails();

            var readModelOrder = Model.Order.FromActorState(integrationEvent.OrderId, actorOrder);

            // Add the order to the read model so it can be queried from the API.
            // It may already exist if this event has been handled before (at-least-once semantics).
            readModelOrder = await _orderRepository.AddOrGetOrderAsync(readModelOrder);

            // Send a SignalR notification to the client.
            await SendNotificationAsync(readModelOrder.OrderNumber, integrationEvent.OrderStatus,

            // Send a confirmation e-mail if enabled.
            if (settings.Value.SendConfirmationEmail)
                await emailService.SendOrderConfirmation(readModelOrder);