public ErrorCodes CreateOrder(OrderFullViewModel model) { ErrorCodes errorCodes = ErrorCodes.Success; try { var user = _userService.GetUserLogin().UserName; model.DeliverDate = DateTime.ParseExact(model.DeliverDateStr, "dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); if (model.Code == Guid.Empty) { model.Code = Guid.NewGuid(); } ///------- bỏ Code thay bằng OrderCode if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.OrderCode)) { model.OrderCode = StringUtils.GenerateUniqueId(); } model.CreatedBy = user; model.ModifiedBy = user; model.CustomerNote = string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.CustomerNote) ? string.Empty : model.CustomerNote; model.OrderPrice = int.Parse(model.OrderPriceStr.Replace(".", "")); model.OrderOriginPrice = int.Parse(model.OrderOriginPriceStr.Replace(".", "")); var result = 0; var change_log = ""; if (model.OrderId == 0) { result = _orderDal.CreateOrder(model); change_log = "Tạo đơn hàng"; } else { result = _orderDal.UpdateOrder(model); change_log = "Sửa đơn hàng"; } if (result <= 0) { errorCodes = ErrorCodes.BusinessError; } else { _orderHistoryBo.Insert(new OrderHistory { change_log = change_log, created_by = user, order_id = result, status = model.Status }); } } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.Error(ex); errorCodes = ErrorCodes.Exception; } return(errorCodes); }
private void updateOrder() { Console.WriteLine("\t~*~ ~*~ ~*~ \tUpdating Order\t ~*~ ~*~ ~*~\n"); Console.WriteLine("Input OrderID: "); long id = Convert.ToInt64(Console.ReadLine()); OrderDTO myOrder = dalorder.GetOrderByID(id); if (myOrder is null) //check if such order exists { Console.WriteLine("Invalid input! No such order in database.\n"); return; } bool flag = true; while (flag) { Console.WriteLine("~ Updating Order:\n\tID: {0}\tCustomer: {1} {2} \tStatus: {3} \n\tComments: {4}\n", myOrder.MainOrderID, myOrder.CustomerID, getFullNameById(myOrder.CustomerID), getStatusById(myOrder.StatusID), myOrder.Comments); Console.WriteLine("Items in order: "); printItemsInOrder(myOrder.MainOrderID); Console.WriteLine("\nChoose an option:" + "\n\t1. Change customer" + "\n\t2. Chnage status" + "\n\t3. Change comments" + "\n\t0. Exit"); try { int opt = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine()); if (opt == 0) { flag = false; } switch (opt) { case 1: Console.WriteLine("Input new CustomerID: "); myOrder.CustomerID = Convert.ToInt64(Console.ReadLine()); break; case 2: Console.WriteLine("Input new StatusID: "); myOrder.StatusID = Convert.ToInt16(Console.ReadLine()); break; case 3: Console.WriteLine("Input comment: "); myOrder.Comments = Console.ReadLine(); break; case 0: flag = false; break; default: throw new Exception("Invalid input."); } } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex); Console.WriteLine("Try again, or input 0 to exit."); } myOrder.LastUpdate = DateTime.UtcNow; myOrder.LastStaffUpdated = 1; //id of admin try { myOrder = dalorder.UpdateOrder(myOrder); Console.WriteLine($"Updated Item ID: {myOrder.MainOrderID}"); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex); Console.WriteLine("Data inputted incorrectly. Order update failed."); } } }
public bool UpdateOrder(OrderViewModel model) { return(_orderDal.UpdateOrder(model)); }
public bool UpdateOrder(Order order) { return(_orderDal.UpdateOrder(new OrderDto(order.Id, order.Client.Id, order.Location, order.Creator.Id, order.Accu.Id, order.Info, order.Done))); }