public void Reject() { if (Id == null) { throw new Exception("Offer does not have Id"); } OfferReply = new OfferDenial { RepliedOn = DateTime.UtcNow }; EventBus.Instance.Publish(GetType(), Id, new Rejected { Offer = this }); }
public void Reject() { if (Id == null) throw new Exception("Offer does not have Id"); OfferReply = new OfferDenial{ RepliedOn = DateTime.UtcNow }; EventBus.Instance.Publish(GetType(), Id, new Rejected { Offer = this }); }
public void Accept() { if (Id == null) throw new Exception("Offer does not have Id"); OfferReply = new OfferAcceptance{ RepliedOn = DateTime.UtcNow }; EventBus.Instance.PublishAsync(GetType(), Id, new Accepted { Offer = this }); }