public Expr Parse(ParserContext pcon, object frm) { // frm is: (reify this-name? [interfaces] (method-name [args] body)* ) ISeq form = (ISeq)frm; ObjMethod enclosingMethod = (ObjMethod)Compiler.MethodVar.deref(); string baseName = enclosingMethod != null ? (ObjExpr.TrimGenId(enclosingMethod.Objx.Name) + "$") : (Compiler.munge(Compiler.CurrentNamespace.Name.Name) + "$"); string simpleName = "reify__" + RT.nextID(); string className = baseName + simpleName; ISeq rform =; IPersistentVector interfaces = ((IPersistentVector)RT.first(rform)).cons(Symbol.intern("clojure.lang.IObj")); rform =; ObjExpr ret = Build(interfaces, null, null, className, Symbol.intern(className), null, rform, frm); IObj iobj = frm as IObj; if (iobj != null && iobj.meta() != null) { return(new MetaExpr(ret, MapExpr.Parse(pcon.EvalOrExpr(), iobj.meta()))); } else { return(ret); } }
public void withMeta_has_correct_meta() { InitMocks(); IObj obj2 = _obj.withMeta(_meta); Expect(obj2.meta(), SameAs(_meta)); }
public void withMeta_has_correct_meta() { InitMocks(); IObj obj2 = _obj.withMeta(_meta); Expect(Object.ReferenceEquals(obj2.meta(), _meta)); }
public void Meta_ctor_has_meta() { IPersistentMap meta = new DummyMeta(); IObj r = ((IObj)_createFn(2L, 5L)).withMeta(meta); Expect(r.meta(), EqualTo(meta)); }
public void Verify_Null_Meta() { if (_objWithNullMeta == null) { return; } Expect(_objWithNullMeta.meta()).To.Be.Null(); }
public void withMeta_returns_self_if_no_change() { if (_testNoChange) { IObj obj2 = _obj.withMeta(_obj.meta()); Expect(Object.ReferenceEquals(obj2, _obj)); } }
public void withMeta_returns_self_if_no_change() { if (_testNoChange) { IObj obj2 = _obj.withMeta(_obj.meta()); Expect(obj2, SameAs(_obj)); } }
public void EmptyPreservesMeta() { IPersistentMap meta = new DummyMeta(); IPersistentCollection p = (IPersistentCollection) new PersistentList("abc").withMeta(meta); IObj obj = (IObj)p.empty(); Expect(Object.ReferenceEquals(obj.meta(), meta)); }
public void RSeqWithMetaHasMeta() { IPersistentMap meta = new DummyMeta(); CPV v = new CPV(new object[] { 4, 5, 6 }); IObj s = (IObj)v.rseq(); IObj obj = s.withMeta(meta); Expect(obj.meta(), SameAs(meta)); }
public void SeqWithMetaHasMeta() { IPersistentMap meta = new DummyMeta(); CPV v = new CPV(new object[] { 4, 5, 6 }); IObj s = (IObj)v.seq(); IObj obj = s.withMeta(meta); Expect(Object.ReferenceEquals(obj.meta(), meta)); }
public void EmptyPreservesMeta() { MockRepository mocks = new MockRepository(); IPersistentMap meta = mocks.StrictMock <IPersistentMap>(); mocks.ReplayAll(); IPersistentCollection p = (IPersistentCollection) new PersistentList("abc").withMeta(meta); IObj obj = (IObj)p.empty(); Expect(obj.meta(), SameAs(meta)); mocks.VerifyAll(); }
public void RSeqWithMetaHasMeta() { MockRepository mocks = new MockRepository(); IPersistentMap meta = mocks.StrictMock <IPersistentMap>(); mocks.ReplayAll(); CPV v = new CPV(new object[] { 4, 5, 6 }); IObj s = (IObj)v.rseq(); IObj obj = s.withMeta(meta); Expect(obj.meta(), SameAs(meta)); mocks.VerifyAll(); }
public static Expr Parse(ParserContext pcon, IPersistentMap form) { ParserContext pconToUse = pcon.EvalOrExpr(); bool constant = true; IPersistentVector keyvals = PersistentVector.EMPTY; for (ISeq s = RT.seq(form); s != null; s = { IMapEntry e = (IMapEntry)s.first(); Expr k = Compiler.Analyze(pconToUse, e.key()); Expr v = Compiler.Analyze(pconToUse, e.val()); keyvals = (IPersistentVector)keyvals.cons(k); keyvals = (IPersistentVector)keyvals.cons(v); if (!(k is LiteralExpr && v is LiteralExpr)) { constant = false; } } Expr ret = new MapExpr(keyvals); IObj iobjForm = form as IObj; if (iobjForm != null && iobjForm.meta() != null) { return(Compiler.OptionallyGenerateMetaInit(pcon, form, ret)); } else if (constant) { // This 'optimzation' works, mostly, unless you have nested map values. // The nested map values do not participate in the constants map, so you end up with the code to create the keys. // Result: huge duplication of keyword creation. 3X increase in init time to the REPL. //IPersistentMap m = PersistentHashMap.EMPTY; //for (int i = 0; i < keyvals.length(); i += 2) // m = m.assoc(((LiteralExpr)keyvals.nth(i)).Val, ((LiteralExpr)keyvals.nth(i + 1)).Val); //return new ConstantExpr(m); return(ret); } else { return(ret); } }
public static Expr Parse(ParserContext pcon, IPersistentVector form) { ParserContext pconToUse = pcon.EvalOrExpr(); bool constant = true; IPersistentVector args = PersistentVector.EMPTY; for (int i = 0; i < form.count(); i++) { Expr v = Compiler.Analyze(pconToUse, form.nth(i)); args = (IPersistentVector)args.cons(v); if (!(v is LiteralExpr)) { constant = false; } } Expr ret = new VectorExpr(args); IObj iobjForm = form as IObj; if (iobjForm != null && iobjForm.meta() != null) { return(Compiler.OptionallyGenerateMetaInit(pcon, form, ret)); } else if (constant) { IPersistentVector rv = PersistentVector.EMPTY; for (int i = 0; i < args.count(); i++) { LiteralExpr ve = (LiteralExpr)args.nth(i); rv = (IPersistentVector)rv.cons(ve.Val); } return(new ConstantExpr(rv)); } else { return(ret); } }
public static Expr Parse(ParserContext pcon, IPersistentSet form) { ParserContext pconToUse = pcon.EvalOrExpr(); bool constant = true; IPersistentVector keys = PersistentVector.EMPTY; for (ISeq s = RT.seq(form); s != null; s = { object e = s.first(); Expr expr = Compiler.Analyze(pconToUse, e); keys = (IPersistentVector)keys.cons(expr); if (!(expr is LiteralExpr)) { constant = false; } } Expr ret = new SetExpr(keys); IObj iobjForm = form as IObj; if (iobjForm != null && iobjForm.meta() != null) { return(Compiler.OptionallyGenerateMetaInit(pcon, form, ret)); } else if (constant) { IPersistentSet set = PersistentHashSet.EMPTY; for (int i = 0; i < keys.count(); i++) { LiteralExpr ve = (LiteralExpr)keys.nth(i); set = (IPersistentSet)set.cons(ve.Val); } return(new ConstantExpr(set)); } else { return(ret); } }
public static Expr Parse(ParserContext pcon, IPersistentMap form) { ParserContext pconToUse = pcon.EvalOrExpr(); bool keysConstant = true; bool valsConstant = true; bool allConstantKeysUnique = true; IPersistentSet constantKeys = PersistentHashSet.EMPTY; IPersistentVector keyvals = PersistentVector.EMPTY; for (ISeq s = RT.seq(form); s != null; s = { IMapEntry e = (IMapEntry)s.first(); Expr k = Compiler.Analyze(pconToUse, e.key()); Expr v = Compiler.Analyze(pconToUse, e.val()); keyvals = (IPersistentVector)keyvals.cons(k); keyvals = (IPersistentVector)keyvals.cons(v); if (k is LiteralExpr) { object kval = k.Eval(); if (constantKeys.contains(kval)) { allConstantKeysUnique = false; } else { constantKeys = (IPersistentSet)constantKeys.cons(kval); } } else { keysConstant = false; } if (!(v is LiteralExpr)) { valsConstant = false; } } Expr ret = new MapExpr(keyvals); IObj iobjForm = form as IObj; if (iobjForm != null && iobjForm.meta() != null) { return(Compiler.OptionallyGenerateMetaInit(pcon, form, ret)); } //else if (constant) //{ // This 'optimzation' works, mostly, unless you have nested map values. // The nested map values do not participate in the constants map, so you end up with the code to create the keys. // Result: huge duplication of keyword creation. 3X increase in init time to the REPL. // //IPersistentMap m = PersistentHashMap.EMPTY; // //for (int i = 0; i < keyvals.length(); i += 2) // // m = m.assoc(((LiteralExpr)keyvals.nth(i)).Val, ((LiteralExpr)keyvals.nth(i + 1)).Val); // //return new ConstantExpr(m); // return ret; //} else if (keysConstant) { // TBD: Add more detail to exception thrown below. if (!allConstantKeysUnique) { throw new ArgumentException("Duplicate constant keys in map"); } if (valsConstant) { // This 'optimzation' works, mostly, unless you have nested map values. // The nested map values do not participate in the constants map, so you end up with the code to create the keys. // Result: huge duplication of keyword creation. 3X increase in init time to the REPL. //IPersistentMap m = PersistentHashMap.EMPTY; //for (int i = 0; i < keyvals.length(); i += 2) // m = m.assoc(((LiteralExpr)keyvals.nth(i)).Val, ((LiteralExpr)keyvals.nth(i + 1)).Val); //return new ConstantExpr(m); return(ret); } else { return(ret); } } else { return(ret); } }
public void Basic_ctor_has_no_meta() { IObj r = (IObj)_createFn(2L, 5L); Expect(r.meta(), Null); }