public override void setf_command(double command)
            if (command < MIN_POSITION || command > MAX_POSITION)
                throw new ArgumentException($"Command must be between {MIN_POSITION} and {MAX_POSITION}");

            ros_csharp_interop.rosmsg.ROSTime t;
            lock (this)
                t = _now_ros();

            var cmd1 = new IOComponentCommand();

            cmd1.time = t;
            cmd1.op   = "set";
            cmd1.args = "{\"signals\": {\"position_m\": {\"data\": [" + command.ToString() + "], \"format\": {\"type\": \"float\"}}}}";


            lock (this)
                _command = command;
        public override void home()
            ros_csharp_interop.rosmsg.ROSTime t;
            lock (this)
                t = _now_ros();
            var cmd1 = new IOComponentCommand();

            cmd1.time = t;
            cmd1.op   = "set";
            cmd1.args = "{\"signals\": {\"calibrate\": {\"data\": [true], \"format\": {\"type\": \"bool\" }}}}";

        public override void open()
            ros_csharp_interop.rosmsg.ROSTime t;
            lock (this)
                t = _now_ros();

            var cmd1 = new IOComponentCommand();

            cmd1.time = t;
            cmd1.op   = "set";
            cmd1.args = "{\"signals\": {\"cmd_grip\": {\"data\": [false], \"format\": {\"type\": \"bool\"}}}}";


            lock (this)
                _command = 0;