        /// <summary>
        /// Main method:
        /// </summary>
        public static void Main()
            // Create a random graph with the given edge and node count
            RandomGraphGenerator randomGraph = new RandomGraphGenerator(0);

            randomGraph.NodeCount = 30;
            randomGraph.EdgeCount = 60;
            Graph graph = randomGraph.Generate();

            // Create an edgemap and assign random double weights to
            // the edges of the graph.
            IEdgeMap weightMap = graph.CreateEdgeMap();
            Random   random    = new Random(0);

            for (IEdgeCursor ec = graph.GetEdgeCursor(); ec.Ok; ec.Next())
                Edge e = ec.Edge;
                weightMap.SetDouble(e, 100.0 * random.NextDouble());

            // Calculate the shortest path from the first to the last node
            // within the graph
            if (!graph.Empty)
                Node   from = graph.FirstNode;
                Node   to   = graph.LastNode;
                double sum  = 0.0;

                // The undirected case first, i.e. edges of the graph and the
                // resulting shortest path are considered to be undirected
                EdgeList path = ShortestPaths.SingleSourceSingleSink(graph, from, to, false, weightMap);
                for (IEdgeCursor ec = path.Edges(); ec.Ok; ec.Next())
                    Edge   e      = ec.Edge;
                    double weight = weightMap.GetDouble(e);
                    Console.WriteLine(e + " weight = " + weight);
                    sum += weight;
                if (sum == 0.0)
                    Console.WriteLine("NO UNDIRECTED PATH");
                    Console.WriteLine("UNDIRECTED PATH LENGTH = " + sum);

                // Next the directed case, i.e. edges of the graph and the
                // resulting shortest path are considered to be directed.
                // Note that this shortest path can't be shorter then the one
                // for the undirected case

                path = ShortestPaths.SingleSourceSingleSink(graph, from, to, true, weightMap);
                sum  = 0.0;
                for (IEdgeCursor ec = path.Edges(); ec.Ok; ec.Next())
                    Edge   e      = ec.Edge;
                    double weight = weightMap.GetDouble(e);
                    Console.WriteLine(e + " weight = " + weight);
                    sum += weight;
                if (sum == 0.0)
                    Console.WriteLine("NO DIRECTED PATH");
                    Console.WriteLine("DIRECTED PATH LENGTH = " + sum);

                Console.WriteLine("\nAuxiliary distance test\n");

                INodeMap distanceMap = graph.CreateNodeMap();
                INodeMap predMap     = graph.CreateNodeMap();
                ShortestPaths.SingleSource(graph, from, true, weightMap, distanceMap, predMap);
                if (distanceMap.GetDouble(to) == double.PositiveInfinity)
                    Console.WriteLine("Distance from first to last node is infinite");
                    Console.WriteLine("Distance from first to last node is " + distanceMap.GetDouble(to));

                // Dispose distanceMap since it is not needed anymore

            // Dispose weightMap since it is not needed anymore

            Console.WriteLine("\nPress key to end demo.");