public override void OnClick()
            // Get the NALayer and corresponding NAContext of the layer that
            // was right-clicked on in the table of contents
            // m_MapControl.CustomProperty was set in frmMain.axTOCControl1_OnMouseDown
            INALayer naLayer = (INALayer)m_mapControl.CustomProperty;

            // Set the Active Analysis layer to be the layer right-clicked on
            m_naEnv.NAWindow.ActiveAnalysis = naLayer;

            if (!Enabled)

            // Show the Property Page form for Network Analyst
            frmLoadLocations loadLocations = new frmLoadLocations();

            if (loadLocations.ShowModal(m_mapControl, m_naEnv))
                // notify that the context has changed because we have added locations to a NAClass within it
                INAContextEdit contextEdit = m_naEnv.NAWindow.ActiveAnalysis.Context as INAContextEdit;

                // If loaded locations, refresh the NAWindow and the Screen
                m_mapControl.Refresh(esriViewDrawPhase.esriViewGeography, naLayer, m_mapControl.Extent);
        private bool LoadLocations(IFeatureWorkspace featureWorkspace)
            IFeatureClass inputFeatureClass = null;

                inputFeatureClass = featureWorkspace.OpenFeatureClass(txtInputFacilities.Text);
            catch (Exception)
                MessageBox.Show("Specified input feature class does not exist");

            INamedSet classes = m_naContext.NAClasses;
            INAClass  naClass = classes.get_ItemByName("Facilities") as INAClass;

            // delete existing locations, except barriers

            // Create a NAClassLoader and set the snap tolerance (meters unit)
            INAClassLoader naClassLoader = new NAClassLoaderClass();

            naClassLoader.Locator = m_naContext.Locator;
            naClassLoader.Locator.SnapTolerance = 100;
            naClassLoader.NAClass = naClass;

            // Create field map to automatically map fields from input class to NAClass
            INAClassFieldMap naClassFieldMap = new NAClassFieldMapClass();

            naClassFieldMap.CreateMapping(naClass.ClassDefinition, inputFeatureClass.Fields);
            naClassLoader.FieldMap = naClassFieldMap;

            // Avoid loading network locations onto non-traversable portions of elements
            INALocator3 locator = m_naContext.Locator as INALocator3;

            locator.ExcludeRestrictedElements = true;

            // load network locations
            int rowsIn      = 0;
            int rowsLocated = 0;

            naClassLoader.Load(inputFeatureClass.Search(null, true) as ICursor, null, ref rowsIn, ref rowsLocated);

            if (rowsLocated <= 0)
                MessageBox.Show("Facilities were not loaded from input feature class");

            // Message all of the network analysis agents that the analysis context has changed
            INAContextEdit naContextEdit = m_naContext as INAContextEdit;


        private INAContext CreateSolverContext(INetworkDataset networkDataset)
            IDENetworkDataset dENetworkDataset = GetDENetworkDataset(networkDataset);
            INASolver         nASolver         = new NARouteSolver();
            INAContextEdit    nAContextEdit    = nASolver.CreateContext(dENetworkDataset, nASolver.Name) as INAContextEdit;

            nAContextEdit.Bind(networkDataset, null);
            return(nAContextEdit as INAContext);
        public INAContext CreateSolverContext(INetworkDataset pNetDataset)
            IDENetworkDataset dENetworkDataset = this.GetDENetworkDataset(pNetDataset);
            INASolver         solver           = new NAClosestFacilitySolverClass();
            INAContextEdit    edit             = solver.CreateContext(dENetworkDataset, solver.Name) as INAContextEdit;

            edit.Bind(pNetDataset, new GPMessagesClass());
            return(edit as INAContext);
        /// <summary>
        ///  根据网络数据集创建网络分析上下文
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="networkDataset"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private static INAContext CreateNAContext(INetworkDataset networkDataset)
            IDENetworkDataset pDENetworkDataset = GetDENetworkDataset(networkDataset);
            INASolver         pNASolver         = new NARouteSolverClass();
            INAContextEdit    pNAContextEdit    = pNASolver.CreateContext(pDENetworkDataset, pNASolver.Name) as INAContextEdit;

            pNAContextEdit.Bind(networkDataset, new GPMessagesClass());
            return(pNAContextEdit as INAContext);
		/// <summary>
		/// Create NASolver and NAContext
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="networkDataset">Input network dataset</param>
		/// <returns>NAContext</returns>
		public INAContext CreateSolverContext(INetworkDataset networkDataset)
			//Get the data element
			IDENetworkDataset deNDS = GetDENetworkDataset(networkDataset);
			INASolver naSolver = new NAODCostMatrixSolver();
			INAContextEdit contextEdit = naSolver.CreateContext(deNDS, naSolver.Name) as INAContextEdit;
			//Bind a context using the network dataset 
			contextEdit.Bind(networkDataset, new GPMessagesClass());

			return contextEdit as INAContext;
        // ArcGIS Network Analyst extension functions
        // ********************************************************************************

        // Create NASolver and NAContext
        public INAContext CreateSolverContext(INetworkDataset networkDataset)
            //Get the Data Element
            IDENetworkDataset deNDS = GetDENetworkDataset(networkDataset);

            INASolver      naSolver    = new NALocationAllocationSolverClass();
            INAContextEdit contextEdit = naSolver.CreateContext(deNDS, naSolver.Name) as INAContextEdit;

            contextEdit.Bind(networkDataset, new GPMessagesClass());
            return(contextEdit as INAContext);
        public static INAContext CreatePathSolverContext(INetworkDataset networkDataset)
            IDENetworkDataset deNDS = GetPathDENetworkDataset(networkDataset);
            INASolver         naSolver;

            naSolver = new NARouteSolver();
            INAContextEdit contextEdit = naSolver.CreateContext(deNDS, naSolver.Name) as INAContextEdit;

            contextEdit.Bind(networkDataset, new GPMessagesClass());
            return(contextEdit as INAContext);
        /// <summary>
        /// 创建网络分析上下文
        /// </summary>
        public INAContext CreateSolverContext(INetworkDataset networkDataset)
            IDENetworkDataset deNDS = GetDENetworkDataset(networkDataset);
            INASolver         naSolver;

            naSolver = new NARouteSolver();
            INAContextEdit contextEdit = naSolver.CreateContext(deNDS, naSolver.Name) as INAContextEdit;

            contextEdit.Bind(networkDataset, new GPMessagesClass());
            return(contextEdit as INAContext);
        public static INAContext CreatePathSolverContext(INetworkDataset networkDataset)
            IDENetworkDataset deNDS = GetPathDENetworkDataset(networkDataset);
            INASolver         naSolver;

            naSolver = new NARouteSolver();
            INAContextEdit contextEdit = naSolver.CreateContext(deNDS, naSolver.DisplayName) as INAContextEdit;

            contextEdit.Bind(networkDataset, new GPMessagesClass());//将网络数据集与网络上下文对象绑定在一起
            return(contextEdit as INAContext);
        private void CreateContextAndSolver(INetworkDataset networkDataset)
            if (networkDataset == null)

            IDatasetComponent datasetComponent = networkDataset as IDatasetComponent;
            IDENetworkDataset deNetworkDataset = datasetComponent.DataElement as IDENetworkDataset;

            INASolver naSolver = new NAServiceAreaSolverClass();

            m_naContext = naSolver.CreateContext(deNetworkDataset, "ServiceArea");
            INAContextEdit naContextEdit = m_naContext as INAContextEdit;

            naContextEdit.Bind(networkDataset, new GPMessagesClass());
        private void miLoadLocations_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
            IMapControl3 mapControl = (IMapControl3)axMapControl1.Object;

            // 显示网络分析的属性页窗体
            frmLoadLocations loadLocations = new frmLoadLocations();

            if (loadLocations.ShowModal(mapControl, m_naEnv))
                // 上下文已更改,已将位置添加到其中的一个naclass
                INAContextEdit contextEdit = m_naEnv.NAWindow.ActiveAnalysis.Context as INAContextEdit;

                // 如果加载,刷新NAWindow屏幕
                INALayer naLayer = m_naWindow.ActiveAnalysis;
                mapControl.Refresh(esriViewDrawPhase.esriViewGeography, naLayer, mapControl.Extent);
        private void loadLocationsToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            IMapControl3 mapControl = (IMapControl3)axMapControl1.Object;

            // Show the Property Page form for Network Analyst
            frmLoadLocation loadLocations = new frmLoadLocation();

            if (loadLocations.ShowModal(mapControl, m_naEnv))
                // notify that the context has changed because we have added locations to a NAClass within it
                INAContextEdit contextEdit = m_naEnv.NAWindow.ActiveAnalysis.Context as INAContextEdit;

                // If loaded locations, refresh the NAWindow and the Screen
                INALayer naLayer = m_naWindow.ActiveAnalysis;
                mapControl.Refresh(esriViewDrawPhase.esriViewGeography, naLayer, mapControl.Extent);
        /// <summary>
        /// Create a new network analysis layer and set some solver settings
        /// </summary>
        private INALayer CreateRouteAnalysisLayer(String layerName, INetworkDataset networkDataset)
            INARouteSolver    naRouteSolver    = new NARouteSolverClass();
            INASolverSettings naSolverSettings = naRouteSolver as INASolverSettings;
            INASolver         naSolver         = naRouteSolver as INASolver;

            //Get the NetworkDataset's Data Element
            IDatasetComponent datasetComponent = networkDataset as IDatasetComponent;
            IDENetworkDataset deNetworkDataset = datasetComponent.DataElement as IDENetworkDataset;

            //Create the NAContext and bind to it
            INAContext naContext;

            naContext = naSolver.CreateContext(deNetworkDataset, layerName);
            INAContextEdit naContextEdit = naContext as INAContextEdit;

            naContextEdit.Bind(networkDataset, new GPMessagesClass());

            //Create the NALayer
            INALayer naLayer;

            naLayer = naSolver.CreateLayer(naContext);
            (naLayer as ILayer).Name = layerName;

            //Set properties on the route solver interface
            naRouteSolver.FindBestSequence  = true;
            naRouteSolver.PreserveFirstStop = true;
            naRouteSolver.PreserveLastStop  = false;
            naRouteSolver.UseTimeWindows    = false;
            naRouteSolver.OutputLines       = esriNAOutputLineType.esriNAOutputLineTrueShapeWithMeasure;

            //Set some properties on the general INASolverSettings interface
            IStringArray restrictions = naSolverSettings.RestrictionAttributeNames;

            naSolverSettings.RestrictionAttributeNames = restrictions;

            // Update the context based on the changes made to the solver settings
            naSolver.UpdateContext(naContext, deNetworkDataset, new GPMessagesClass());

            //Return the layer
        /// <summary>
        /// Set solver settings
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="strNAClassName">NAClass name</param>
        /// <param name="inputFC">Input feature class</param>
        /// <param name="snapTolerance">Snap tolerance</param>
        public void LoadNANetworkLocations(string strNAClassName, IFeatureClass inputFC, double snapTolerance)
            INamedSet classes = m_NAContext.NAClasses;
            INAClass  naClass = classes.get_ItemByName(strNAClassName) as INAClass;

            // Delete existing locations from the specified NAClass

            // Create a NAClassLoader and set the snap tolerance (meters unit)
            INAClassLoader loader = new NAClassLoader();

            loader.Locator = m_NAContext.Locator;
            if (snapTolerance > 0)
                loader.Locator.SnapTolerance = snapTolerance;
            loader.NAClass = naClass;

            // Create field map to automatically map fields from input class to NAClass
            INAClassFieldMap fieldMap = new NAClassFieldMapClass();

            fieldMap.CreateMapping(naClass.ClassDefinition, inputFC.Fields);
            loader.FieldMap = fieldMap;

            // Avoid loading network locations onto non-traversable portions of elements
            INALocator3 locator = m_NAContext.Locator as INALocator3;

            locator.ExcludeRestrictedElements = true;

            // Load network locations
            int rowsIn      = 0;
            int rowsLocated = 0;

            loader.Load((ICursor)inputFC.Search(null, true), null, ref rowsIn, ref rowsLocated);

            // Message all of the network analysis agents that the analysis context has changed.
            INAContextEdit naContextEdit = m_NAContext as INAContextEdit;

        private void miAddItem_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e)

            IMapControl3 mapControl = (IMapControl3)axMapControl1.Object;

            IEngineNAWindowCategory2 activeCategory = m_naWindow.ActiveCategory as IEngineNAWindowCategory2;
            IDataLayer pDataLayer = activeCategory.DataLayer;
            // 在类中创建一个新行并填充并初始默认值
            ITable       table       = pDataLayer as ITable;
            IRow         row         = table.CreateRow();
            IRowSubtypes rowSubtypes = row as IRowSubtypes;

            // 自动生成显示名称
            IFeatureLayer    ipFeatureLayer    = activeCategory.Layer as IFeatureLayer;
            IStandaloneTable ipStandaloneTable = pDataLayer as IStandaloneTable;
            string           name = "";

            if (ipFeatureLayer != null)
                name = ipFeatureLayer.DisplayField;
            else if (ipStandaloneTable != null)
                name = ipStandaloneTable.DisplayField;
            string currentName = "";
            int    fieldIndex  = row.Fields.FindField(name);

            if (fieldIndex >= 0)
                currentName = row.get_Value(fieldIndex) as string;
                if (currentName.Length <= 0)
                    row.set_Value(fieldIndex, "Item" + ++autogenInt);
            INAClassDefinition naClassDef = activeCategory.NAClass.ClassDefinition;

            if (naClassDef.Name == "OrderPairs")
                fieldIndex = row.Fields.FindField("SecondOrderName");
                if (fieldIndex >= 0)
                    string secondName = row.get_Value(fieldIndex) as string;
                    if (secondName.Length <= 0)
                        row.set_Value(fieldIndex, "Item" + ++autogenInt);

            // 向naclass添加项
            INAContextEdit contextEdit = m_naEnv.NAWindow.ActiveAnalysis.Context as INAContextEdit;


            // 刷新 NAWindow 和屏幕界面
            INALayer naLayer = m_naWindow.ActiveAnalysis;

            mapControl.Refresh(esriViewDrawPhase.esriViewGeography, naLayer, mapControl.Extent);
        private void addItemToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            IMapControl3 mapControl = (IMapControl3)axMapControl1.Object;

            IEngineNAWindowCategory2 activeCategory = m_naWindow.ActiveCategory as IEngineNAWindowCategory2;
            IDataLayer pDataLayer = activeCategory.DataLayer;

            // In order to add an item, we need to create a new row in the class and populate it
            // with the initial default values for that class.
            ITable       table       = pDataLayer as ITable;
            IRow         row         = table.CreateRow();
            IRowSubtypes rowSubtypes = row as IRowSubtypes;


            IFeatureLayer    ipFeatureLayer    = activeCategory.Layer as IFeatureLayer;
            IStandaloneTable ipStandaloneTable = pDataLayer as IStandaloneTable;
            string           name = "";

            if (ipFeatureLayer != null)
                name = ipFeatureLayer.DisplayField;
            else if (ipStandaloneTable != null)
                name = ipStandaloneTable.DisplayField;

            string currentName = "";
            int    fieldIndex  = row.Fields.FindField(name);

            if (fieldIndex >= 0)
                currentName = row.get_Value(fieldIndex) as string;
                if (currentName.Length <= 0)
                    row.set_Value(fieldIndex, "Item" + ++autogenInt);

            INAClassDefinition naClassDef = activeCategory.NAClass.ClassDefinition;

            if (naClassDef.Name == "OrderPairs")
                fieldIndex = row.Fields.FindField("SecondOrderName");
                if (fieldIndex >= 0)
                    string secondName = row.get_Value(fieldIndex) as string;
                    if (secondName.Length <= 0)
                        row.set_Value(fieldIndex, "Item" + ++autogenInt);


            // notify that the context has changed because we have added an item to a NAClass within it
            INAContextEdit contextEdit = m_naEnv.NAWindow.ActiveAnalysis.Context as INAContextEdit;


            // refresh the NAWindow and the Screen
            INALayer naLayer = m_naWindow.ActiveAnalysis;

            mapControl.Refresh(esriViewDrawPhase.esriViewGeography, naLayer, mapControl.Extent);