        public static void Loop(IMutableVertexAndEdgeListGraph <string, Edge <string> > g)
            string x = "x"; g.AddVertex(x);
            string y = "y"; g.AddVertex(y);
            string z = "z"; g.AddVertex(z);

            g.AddEdge(new Edge <string>(x, y));
            g.AddEdge(new Edge <string>(y, z));
            g.AddEdge(new Edge <string>(z, x));
        public static void Loop(IMutableVertexAndEdgeListGraph<string,Edge<string>> g)
            string x = "x"; g.AddVertex(x);
            string y = "y"; g.AddVertex(y);
            string z = "z"; g.AddVertex(z);

            g.AddEdge(new Edge<string>(x, y));
            g.AddEdge(new Edge<string>(y, z));
            g.AddEdge(new Edge<string>(z, x));
        public static void UnBalancedFlow(IMutableVertexAndEdgeListGraph<string, Edge<string>> g)
            string x = "x"; g.AddVertex(x);
            string y = "y"; g.AddVertex(y);
            string z = "z"; g.AddVertex(z);
            string w = "w"; g.AddVertex(w);

            g.AddEdge(new Edge<string>(x, y));
            g.AddEdge(new Edge<string>(x, z));
            g.AddEdge(new Edge<string>(y, z));
            g.AddEdge(new Edge<string>(x, w));
            g.AddEdge(new Edge<string>(w, y));
            g.AddEdge(new Edge<string>(w, z));
        public static void UnBalancedFlow(IMutableVertexAndEdgeListGraph <string, Edge <string> > g)
            string x = "x"; g.AddVertex(x);
            string y = "y"; g.AddVertex(y);
            string z = "z"; g.AddVertex(z);
            string w = "w"; g.AddVertex(w);

            g.AddEdge(new Edge <string>(x, y));
            g.AddEdge(new Edge <string>(x, z));
            g.AddEdge(new Edge <string>(y, z));
            g.AddEdge(new Edge <string>(x, w));
            g.AddEdge(new Edge <string>(w, y));
            g.AddEdge(new Edge <string>(w, z));
        public static void Clone <TVertex, TEdge>(
            IVertexAndEdgeListGraph <TVertex, TEdge> g,
            IMutableVertexAndEdgeListGraph <TVertex, TEdge> clone)
            where TVertex : ICloneable
            where TEdge : ICloneableEdge <TVertex>
            GraphContracts.AssumeNotNull(g, "g");
            GraphContracts.AssumeNotNull(clone, "clone");

            var vertexClones = new Dictionary <TVertex, TVertex>();

            foreach (var v in g.Vertices)
                var vc = (TVertex)v.Clone();
                vertexClones.Add(v, vc);

            foreach (var edge in g.Edges)
                var ec = (TEdge)edge.Clone(
        public static void Clone <TVertex, TEdge>(
            IVertexAndEdgeListGraph <TVertex, TEdge> g,
            IMutableVertexAndEdgeListGraph <TVertex, TEdge> clone)
            where TVertex : ICloneable
            where TEdge : ICloneableEdge <TVertex>
            if (g == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("g");
            if (clone == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("clone");

            Dictionary <TVertex, TVertex> vertexClones = new Dictionary <TVertex, TVertex>();

            foreach (TVertex v in g.Vertices)
                TVertex vc = (TVertex)v.Clone();
                vertexClones.Add(v, vc);

            foreach (TEdge edge in g.Edges)
                TEdge ec = (TEdge)edge.Clone(
 protected static void OutEdge_Throws_Test(
     IMutableVertexAndEdgeListGraph <int, Edge <int> > graph)
         vertex => graph.AddVertex(vertex),
         edge => graph.AddEdge(edge));
 protected static void OutEdges_Test(
     IMutableVertexAndEdgeListGraph <int, Edge <int> > graph)
         vertex => graph.AddVertex(vertex),
         edges => graph.AddVerticesAndEdgeRange(edges));
        /// <summary>
        /// Compute the condensation graph and store it in the supplied graph 'cg'
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="cg">
        /// Instance of mutable graph in which the condensation graph
        /// transformation is stored
        /// </param>
        public void Create(IMutableVertexAndEdgeListGraph cg)
            if (cg == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("cg");

            if (components == null)

            //  components list contains collection of
            // input graph Vertex for each SCC Vertex_ID
            // (i.e Vector< Vector<Vertex> > )
            //	Key = SCC Vertex ID
            sccVertexMap = BuildSCCVertexMap(components);

            //	Lsit of SCC vertices
            VertexCollection      toCgVertices = new VertexCollection();
            IDictionaryEnumerator it           = sccVertexMap.GetEnumerator();

            while (it.MoveNext())
            //	as scc_vertex_map is a sorted list, order of SCC IDs will match CG vertices
                IVertex curr = cg.AddVertex();
                OnInitCondensationGraphVertex(new CondensationGraphVertexEventArgs(curr, (IVertexCollection)it.Value));

            for (int srcSccId = 0; srcSccId < sccVertexMap.Keys.Count; srcSccId++)
                VertexCollection adj = new VertexCollection();
                foreach (IVertex u in (IVertexCollection)sccVertexMap[srcSccId])
                    foreach (IEdge e in VisitedGraph.OutEdges(u))
                        IVertex v           = e.Target;
                        int     targetSccId = components[v];
                        if (srcSccId != targetSccId)
                            // Avoid loops in the condensation graph
                            IVertex sccV = toCgVertices[targetSccId];
                            if (!adj.Contains(sccV))                                            // Avoid parallel edges
                IVertex s = toCgVertices[srcSccId];
                foreach (IVertex t in adj)
                    cg.AddEdge(s, t);
        public void AddVertexOnly(IMutableVertexAndEdgeListGraph <string, Edge <string> > g, string v)
            int vertexCount = g.VertexCount;

            Assert.Equal(vertexCount + 1, g.VertexCount);
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="g"></param>
        /// <param name="assg"></param>
        public void Transform(IBidirectionalGraph g, IMutableVertexAndEdgeListGraph assg)
            VertexCollection avs = new VertexCollection();

            // adding vertices
            foreach (IEdge e in g.Edges)
                // xi_-(L) = g(xi_-(0), xi_+(L))
                CharacteristicVertex avm = (CharacteristicVertex)assg.AddVertex();
                avm.IncomingEdge = e;
                avm.Vertex       = e.Target;

                // xi_+(0) = g(xi_-(0), xi_+(L))
                CharacteristicVertex avp = (CharacteristicVertex)assg.AddVertex();
                avp.IncomingEdge = e;
                avp.Vertex       = e.Source;

            // adding out edges
            foreach (CharacteristicVertex av in avs)
                foreach (IEdge e in g.OutEdges(av.Vertex))
                    // find target vertex:
                    CharacteristicVertex avtarget = FindTargetVertex(e);
                    // add xi_-
                    CharacteristicEdge aem = (CharacteristicEdge)assg.AddEdge(av, avtarget);
                    aem.Positive = false;
                    aem.Edge     = e;
                foreach (IEdge e in g.InEdges(av.Vertex))
                    // find target vertex:
                    CharacteristicVertex avtarget = FindTargetVertex(e);
                    // add xi_-
                    CharacteristicEdge aem = (CharacteristicEdge)assg.AddEdge(av, avtarget);
                    aem.Positive = true;
                    aem.Edge     = e;
        public void AddVertexAddEdgesAndRemoveTargetVertex([PexAssumeNotNull] IMutableVertexAndEdgeListGraph <string, Edge <string> > g, string v1, string v2)
            int vertexCount = g.VertexCount;
            int edgeCount   = g.EdgeCount;

            Assert.AreEqual(vertexCount + 2, g.VertexCount);

            g.AddEdge(new Edge <string>(v1, v2));
            Assert.AreEqual(edgeCount + 1, g.EdgeCount);

            Assert.AreEqual(vertexCount + 1, g.VertexCount);
            Assert.AreEqual(edgeCount, g.EdgeCount);
        public void AddAndRemoveVertex(IMutableVertexAndEdgeListGraph <int, Edge <int> > g, int v)
            int vertexCount = g.VertexCount;

            Assert.Equal(vertexCount + 1, g.VertexCount);
            Assert.Equal(vertexCount, g.VertexCount);
        public void AddVertexAddEdgesAndRemoveSourceVertex(IMutableVertexAndEdgeListGraph <string, Edge <string> > g, string v1, string v2)
            int vertexCount = g.VertexCount;
            int edgeCount   = g.EdgeCount;

            Assert.Equal(vertexCount + 2, g.VertexCount);

            g.AddEdge(new Edge <string>(v1, v2));
            Assert.Equal(edgeCount + 1, g.EdgeCount);

            Assert.Equal(vertexCount + 1, g.VertexCount);
            Assert.Equal(edgeCount, g.EdgeCount);
        public static void Create <TVertex, TEdge>(
            IMutableVertexAndEdgeListGraph <TVertex, TEdge> g,
            IVertexFactory <TVertex> vertexFactory,
            IEdgeFactory <TVertex, TEdge> edgeFactory,
            Random rnd,
            int vertexCount,
            int edgeCount,
            bool selfEdges
            ) where TEdge : IEdge <TVertex>
            if (g == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("g");
            if (vertexFactory == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("vertexFactory");
            if (edgeFactory == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("edgeFactory");
            if (rnd == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("random generator");

            for (int i = 0; i < vertexCount; ++i)

            TVertex a;
            TVertex b;
            int     j = 0;

            while (j < edgeCount)
                a = GetVertex(g, rnd);
                    b = GetVertex(g, rnd);
                }while (selfEdges == false && a.Equals(b));

                if (g.AddEdge(edgeFactory.CreateEdge(a, b)))
        public static void Create <TVertex, TEdge>(
            IMutableVertexAndEdgeListGraph <TVertex, TEdge> g,
            VertexFactory <TVertex> vertexFactory,
            EdgeFactory <TVertex, TEdge> edgeFactory,
            Random rnd,
            int vertexCount,
            int edgeCount,
            bool selfEdges
            ) where TEdge : IEdge <TVertex>
            //Contract.Requires(g != null);
            //Contract.Requires(vertexFactory != null);
            //Contract.Requires(edgeFactory != null);
            //Contract.Requires(rnd != null);
            //Contract.Requires(vertexCount > 0);
            //Contract.Requires(edgeCount >= 0);
            //    !(!g.AllowParallelEdges && !selfEdges) ||
            //    edgeCount <= vertexCount * (vertexCount -1) // directed graph
            //   );

            var vertices = new TVertex[vertexCount];

            for (int i = 0; i < vertexCount; ++i)
                g.AddVertex(vertices[i] = vertexFactory());

            TVertex a;
            TVertex b;
            int     j = 0;

            while (j < edgeCount)
                a = vertices[rnd.Next(vertexCount)];
                    b = vertices[rnd.Next(vertexCount)];
                }while (selfEdges == false && a.Equals(b));

                if (g.AddEdge(edgeFactory(a, b)))
        public static void FileDependency(IMutableVertexAndEdgeListGraph<string, Edge<string>> g)
            // adding files and storing names
            string zig_cpp = "zip.cpp"; g.AddVertex(zig_cpp);
            string boz_h = "boz.h"; g.AddVertex(boz_h);
            string zag_cpp = "zag.cpp"; g.AddVertex(zag_cpp);
            string yow_h = "yow.h"; g.AddVertex(yow_h);
            string dax_h = "dax.h"; g.AddVertex(dax_h);
            string bar_cpp = "bar.cpp"; g.AddVertex(bar_cpp);
            string zow_h = "zow.h"; g.AddVertex(zow_h);
            string foo_cpp = "foo.cpp"; g.AddVertex(foo_cpp);

            string zig_o = "zig.o"; g.AddVertex(zig_o);
            string zag_o = "zago"; g.AddVertex(zag_o);
            string bar_o = "bar.o"; g.AddVertex(bar_o);
            string foo_o = "foo.o"; g.AddVertex(foo_o);
            string libzigzag_a = "libzigzig.a"; g.AddVertex(libzigzag_a);
            string libfoobar_a = "libfoobar.a"; g.AddVertex(libfoobar_a);

            string killerapp = "killerapp.exe"; g.AddVertex(killerapp);

            // adding dependencies
            g.AddEdge(new Edge<string>(dax_h, foo_cpp));
            g.AddEdge(new Edge<string>(dax_h, bar_cpp));
            g.AddEdge(new Edge<string>(dax_h, yow_h));
            g.AddEdge(new Edge<string>(yow_h, bar_cpp));
            g.AddEdge(new Edge<string>(yow_h, zag_cpp));
            g.AddEdge(new Edge<string>(boz_h, bar_cpp));
            g.AddEdge(new Edge<string>(boz_h, zig_cpp));
            g.AddEdge(new Edge<string>(boz_h, zag_cpp));
            g.AddEdge(new Edge<string>(zow_h, foo_cpp));
            g.AddEdge(new Edge<string>(foo_cpp, foo_o));
            g.AddEdge(new Edge<string>(foo_o, libfoobar_a));
            g.AddEdge(new Edge<string>(bar_cpp, bar_o));
            g.AddEdge(new Edge<string>(bar_o, libfoobar_a));
            g.AddEdge(new Edge<string>(libfoobar_a, libzigzag_a));
            g.AddEdge(new Edge<string>(zig_cpp, zig_o));
            g.AddEdge(new Edge<string>(zig_o, libzigzag_a));
            g.AddEdge(new Edge<string>(zag_cpp, zag_o));
            g.AddEdge(new Edge<string>(zag_o, libzigzag_a));
            g.AddEdge(new Edge<string>(libzigzag_a, killerapp));
        public static void RegularLattice(int rows, int columns, IMutableVertexAndEdgeListGraph <string, Edge <string> > g)
            string[,] latice = new string[rows, columns];
            // adding vertices
            for (int i = 0; i < rows; ++i)
                for (int j = 0; j < columns; ++j)
                    latice[i, j] = String.Format("{0},{1}", i.ToString(), j.ToString());
                    g.AddVertex(latice[i, j]);

            // adding edges
            for (int i = 0; i < rows - 1; ++i)
                for (int j = 0; j < columns - 1; ++j)
                    g.AddEdge(new Edge <string>(latice[i, j], latice[i, j + 1]));
                    g.AddEdge(new Edge <string>(latice[i, j + 1], latice[i, j]));

                    g.AddEdge(new Edge <string>(latice[i, j], latice[i + 1, j]));
                    g.AddEdge(new Edge <string>(latice[i + 1, j], latice[i, j]));

            for (int j = 0; j < columns - 1; ++j)
                g.AddEdge(new Edge <string>(latice[rows - 1, j], latice[rows - 1, j + 1]));
                g.AddEdge(new Edge <string>(latice[rows - 1, j + 1], latice[rows - 1, j]));

            for (int i = 0; i < rows - 1; ++i)
                g.AddEdge(new Edge <string>(latice[i, columns - 1], latice[i + 1, columns - 1]));
                g.AddEdge(new Edge <string>(latice[i + 1, columns - 1], latice[i, columns - 1]));
        public static void Simple(IMutableVertexAndEdgeListGraph <string, Edge <string> > g)
            string x = "x"; g.AddVertex(x);
            string y = "y"; g.AddVertex(y);
            string z = "z"; g.AddVertex(z);
            string w = "w"; g.AddVertex(w);
            string u = "u"; g.AddVertex(u);
            string v = "v"; g.AddVertex(v);

            g.AddEdge(new Edge <string>(u, x));
            g.AddEdge(new Edge <string>(u, v));
            g.AddEdge(new Edge <string>(w, z));
            g.AddEdge(new Edge <string>(w, y));
            g.AddEdge(new Edge <string>(w, u));
            g.AddEdge(new Edge <string>(x, v));
            g.AddEdge(new Edge <string>(v, y));
            g.AddEdge(new Edge <string>(y, x));
            g.AddEdge(new Edge <string>(z, y));
        public static void Simple(IMutableVertexAndEdgeListGraph<string, Edge<string>> g)
            string x = "x"; g.AddVertex(x);
            string y = "y"; g.AddVertex(y);
            string z = "z"; g.AddVertex(z);
            string w = "w"; g.AddVertex(w);
            string u = "u"; g.AddVertex(u);
            string v = "v"; g.AddVertex(v);

            g.AddEdge(new Edge<string>(u, x));
            g.AddEdge(new Edge<string>(u, v));
            g.AddEdge(new Edge<string>(w, z));
            g.AddEdge(new Edge<string>(w, y));
            g.AddEdge(new Edge<string>(w, u));
            g.AddEdge(new Edge<string>(x, v));
            g.AddEdge(new Edge<string>(v, y));
            g.AddEdge(new Edge<string>(y, x));
            g.AddEdge(new Edge<string>(z, y));
        public static void Fsm(IMutableVertexAndEdgeListGraph <string, NamedEdge <string> > g)
            string s0 = "S0"; g.AddVertex(s0);
            string s1 = "S1"; g.AddVertex(s1);
            string s2 = "S2"; g.AddVertex(s2);
            string s3 = "S3"; g.AddVertex(s3);
            string s4 = "S4"; g.AddVertex(s4);
            string s5 = "S5"; g.AddVertex(s5);

            g.AddEdge(new NamedEdge <string>(s0, s1, "StartCalc"));

            g.AddEdge(new NamedEdge <string>(s1, s0, "StopCalc"));
            g.AddEdge(new NamedEdge <string>(s1, s1, "SelectStandard"));
            g.AddEdge(new NamedEdge <string>(s1, s1, "ClearDisplay"));
            g.AddEdge(new NamedEdge <string>(s1, s2, "SelectScientific"));
            g.AddEdge(new NamedEdge <string>(s1, s3, "EnterDecNumber"));

            g.AddEdge(new NamedEdge <string>(s2, s1, "SelectStandard"));
            g.AddEdge(new NamedEdge <string>(s2, s2, "SelectScientific"));
            g.AddEdge(new NamedEdge <string>(s2, s2, "ClearDisplay"));
            g.AddEdge(new NamedEdge <string>(s2, s4, "EnterDecNumber"));
            g.AddEdge(new NamedEdge <string>(s2, s5, "StopCalc"));

            g.AddEdge(new NamedEdge <string>(s3, s0, "StopCalc"));
            g.AddEdge(new NamedEdge <string>(s3, s1, "ClearDisplay"));
            g.AddEdge(new NamedEdge <string>(s3, s3, "SelectStandard"));
            g.AddEdge(new NamedEdge <string>(s3, s3, "EnterDecNumber"));
            g.AddEdge(new NamedEdge <string>(s3, s4, "SelectScientific"));

            g.AddEdge(new NamedEdge <string>(s4, s2, "ClearDisplay"));
            g.AddEdge(new NamedEdge <string>(s4, s3, "SelectStandard"));
            g.AddEdge(new NamedEdge <string>(s4, s4, "SelectScientific"));
            g.AddEdge(new NamedEdge <string>(s4, s4, "EnterDecNumber"));
            g.AddEdge(new NamedEdge <string>(s4, s5, "StopCalc"));

            g.AddEdge(new NamedEdge <string>(s5, s2, "StartCalc"));
 public static void NoEdges(IMutableVertexAndEdgeListGraph <string, Edge <string> > g)
     string x = "x"; g.AddVertex(x);
     string y = "y"; g.AddVertex(y);
     string z = "z"; g.AddVertex(z);
        public static void FileDependency(IMutableVertexAndEdgeListGraph <string, Edge <string> > g)
            // adding files and storing names
            string zig_cpp = "zip.cpp"; g.AddVertex(zig_cpp);
            string boz_h   = "boz.h"; g.AddVertex(boz_h);
            string zag_cpp = "zag.cpp"; g.AddVertex(zag_cpp);
            string yow_h   = "yow.h"; g.AddVertex(yow_h);
            string dax_h   = "dax.h"; g.AddVertex(dax_h);
            string bar_cpp = "bar.cpp"; g.AddVertex(bar_cpp);
            string zow_h   = "zow.h"; g.AddVertex(zow_h);
            string foo_cpp = "foo.cpp"; g.AddVertex(foo_cpp);

            string zig_o       = "zig.o"; g.AddVertex(zig_o);
            string zag_o       = "zago"; g.AddVertex(zag_o);
            string bar_o       = "bar.o"; g.AddVertex(bar_o);
            string foo_o       = "foo.o"; g.AddVertex(foo_o);
            string libzigzag_a = "libzigzig.a"; g.AddVertex(libzigzag_a);
            string libfoobar_a = "libfoobar.a"; g.AddVertex(libfoobar_a);

            string killerapp = "killerapp.exe"; g.AddVertex(killerapp);

            // adding dependencies
            g.AddEdge(new Edge <string>(dax_h, foo_cpp));
            g.AddEdge(new Edge <string>(dax_h, bar_cpp));
            g.AddEdge(new Edge <string>(dax_h, yow_h));
            g.AddEdge(new Edge <string>(yow_h, bar_cpp));
            g.AddEdge(new Edge <string>(yow_h, zag_cpp));
            g.AddEdge(new Edge <string>(boz_h, bar_cpp));
            g.AddEdge(new Edge <string>(boz_h, zig_cpp));
            g.AddEdge(new Edge <string>(boz_h, zag_cpp));
            g.AddEdge(new Edge <string>(zow_h, foo_cpp));
            g.AddEdge(new Edge <string>(foo_cpp, foo_o));
            g.AddEdge(new Edge <string>(foo_o, libfoobar_a));
            g.AddEdge(new Edge <string>(bar_cpp, bar_o));
            g.AddEdge(new Edge <string>(bar_o, libfoobar_a));
            g.AddEdge(new Edge <string>(libfoobar_a, libzigzag_a));
            g.AddEdge(new Edge <string>(zig_cpp, zig_o));
            g.AddEdge(new Edge <string>(zig_o, libzigzag_a));
            g.AddEdge(new Edge <string>(zag_cpp, zag_o));
            g.AddEdge(new Edge <string>(zag_o, libzigzag_a));
            g.AddEdge(new Edge <string>(libzigzag_a, killerapp));
        public static void Fsm(IMutableVertexAndEdgeListGraph<string,NamedEdge<string>> g)
            string s0 = "S0"; g.AddVertex(s0);
            string s1 = "S1"; g.AddVertex(s1);
            string s2 = "S2"; g.AddVertex(s2);
            string s3 = "S3"; g.AddVertex(s3);
            string s4 = "S4"; g.AddVertex(s4);
            string s5 = "S5"; g.AddVertex(s5);

            g.AddEdge(new NamedEdge<string>(s0, s1,"StartCalc"));

            g.AddEdge(new NamedEdge<string>(s1, s0,"StopCalc"));
            g.AddEdge(new NamedEdge<string>(s1, s1,"SelectStandard"));
            g.AddEdge(new NamedEdge<string>(s1, s1,"ClearDisplay"));
            g.AddEdge(new NamedEdge<string>(s1, s2,"SelectScientific"));
            g.AddEdge(new NamedEdge<string>(s1, s3,"EnterDecNumber"));

            g.AddEdge(new NamedEdge<string>(s2, s1,"SelectStandard"));
            g.AddEdge(new NamedEdge<string>(s2, s2,"SelectScientific"));
            g.AddEdge(new NamedEdge<string>(s2, s2,"ClearDisplay"));
            g.AddEdge(new NamedEdge<string>(s2, s4,"EnterDecNumber"));
            g.AddEdge(new NamedEdge<string>(s2, s5,"StopCalc"));

            g.AddEdge(new NamedEdge<string>(s3, s0,"StopCalc"));
            g.AddEdge(new NamedEdge<string>(s3, s1,"ClearDisplay"));
            g.AddEdge(new NamedEdge<string>(s3, s3,"SelectStandard"));
            g.AddEdge(new NamedEdge<string>(s3, s3,"EnterDecNumber"));
            g.AddEdge(new NamedEdge<string>(s3, s4,"SelectScientific"));

            g.AddEdge(new NamedEdge<string>(s4, s2,"ClearDisplay"));
            g.AddEdge(new NamedEdge<string>(s4, s3,"SelectStandard"));
            g.AddEdge(new NamedEdge<string>(s4, s4,"SelectScientific"));
            g.AddEdge(new NamedEdge<string>(s4, s4,"EnterDecNumber"));
            g.AddEdge(new NamedEdge<string>(s4, s5,"StopCalc"));

            g.AddEdge(new NamedEdge<string>(s5, s2, "StartCalc"));
 public void Add(T source, T target)
     _graph.AddEdge(new Edge <T>(source, target));
 public void Create(IMutableVertexAndEdgeListGraph tc)
     if (tc == null)
         throw new ArgumentNullException("tc");
     CondensationGraphAlgorithm algorithm = new CondensationGraphAlgorithm(this.VisitedGraph);
     ArrayList vertices = new ArrayList(this.cg.get_VerticesCount());
     new TopologicalSortAlgorithm(this.cg, vertices).Compute();
     VertexIntDictionary dictionary = new VertexIntDictionary();
     VertexIntDictionary dictionary2 = new VertexIntDictionary();
     for (int i = 0; i < vertices.Count; i++)
         IVertex vertex = (IVertex) vertices[i];
         dictionary2.Add(vertex, i);
         if (!dictionary.Contains(vertex))
             dictionary.Add(vertex, 0);
     VertexListMatrix chains = new VertexListMatrix();
     int num2 = -1;
     foreach (IVertex vertex2 in vertices)
         if (dictionary.get_Item(vertex2) == 0)
             num2 = chains.AddRow();
             IVertex vertex3 = vertex2;
             while (true)
                 dictionary.set_Item(vertex3, 1);
                 ArrayList list2 = this.TopoSortAdjVertices(vertex3, this.cg, dictionary2);
                 vertex3 = this.FirstNotInChain(list2, dictionary);
                 if (vertex3 == null)
                     goto Label_0112;
     VertexIntDictionary dictionary3 = new VertexIntDictionary();
     VertexIntDictionary dictionary4 = new VertexIntDictionary();
     this.SetChainPositions(chains, dictionary3, dictionary4);
     VertexListMatrix matrix2 = new VertexListMatrix();
     matrix2.CreateObjectMatrix(this.cg.get_VerticesCount(), chains.RowCount, 0x7fffffff);
     if (vertices.Count > 0)
         for (int j = vertices.Count - 1; j > -1; j--)
             IVertex v = (IVertex) vertices[j];
             foreach (IVertex vertex5 in this.TopoSortAdjVertices(v, this.cg, dictionary2))
                 if (dictionary2.get_Item(vertex5) < ((int) matrix2[v.get_ID()][dictionary3.get_Item(vertex5)]))
                     this.LeftUnion(matrix2[v.get_ID()], matrix2[vertex5.get_ID()]);
                     matrix2[v.get_ID()][dictionary3.get_Item(vertex5)] = dictionary2.get_Item(vertex5);
     ArrayList list3 = new ArrayList();
     IEdgeEnumerator enumerator = this.cg.get_Edges().GetEnumerator();
     while (enumerator.MoveNext())
         IEdge edge = enumerator.get_Current();
     foreach (IEdge edge2 in list3)
     IVertexEnumerator enumerator5 = this.cg.get_Vertices().GetEnumerator();
     while (enumerator5.MoveNext())
         IVertex vertex6 = enumerator5.get_Current();
         int num4 = vertex6.get_ID();
         for (int k = 0; k < chains.RowCount; k++)
             int num6 = (int) matrix2[num4][k];
             if (num6 < 0x7fffffff)
                 IVertex vertex7 = (IVertex) vertices[num6];
                 for (int m = dictionary4.get_Item(vertex7); m < chains[k].Count; m++)
                     this.cg.AddEdge(vertex6, (IVertex) chains[k][m]);
     this.graphTransitiveClosures = new VertexVertexDictionary();
     IVertexEnumerator enumerator6 = this.visitedGraph.get_Vertices().GetEnumerator();
     while (enumerator6.MoveNext())
         IVertex vertex8 = enumerator6.get_Current();
         if (!this.graphTransitiveClosures.Contains(vertex8))
             IVertex vertex9 = tc.AddVertex();
             this.OnInitTransitiveClosureVertex(new TransitiveClosureVertexEventArgs(vertex8, vertex9));
             this.graphTransitiveClosures.Add(vertex8, vertex9);
     IVertexCollection vertexs = null;
     IVertexEnumerator enumerator7 = this.cg.get_Vertices().GetEnumerator();
     while (enumerator7.MoveNext())
         IVertex vertex10 = enumerator7.get_Current();
         vertexs = (IVertexCollection) algorithm.SCCVerticesMap[vertex10.get_ID()];
         if (vertexs.Count > 1)
             IVertexEnumerator enumerator8 = vertexs.GetEnumerator();
             while (enumerator8.MoveNext())
                 IVertex vertex11 = enumerator8.get_Current();
                 IVertexEnumerator enumerator9 = vertexs.GetEnumerator();
                 while (enumerator9.MoveNext())
                     IVertex vertex12 = enumerator9.get_Current();
                     this.OnExamineEdge(tc.AddEdge(this.graphTransitiveClosures.get_Item(vertex11), this.graphTransitiveClosures.get_Item(vertex12)));
         IEdgeEnumerator enumerator10 = this.cg.OutEdges(vertex10).GetEnumerator();
         while (enumerator10.MoveNext())
             IVertex vertex13 = enumerator10.get_Current().get_Target();
             IVertexEnumerator enumerator11 = ((IVertexCollection) algorithm.SCCVerticesMap[vertex10.get_ID()]).GetEnumerator();
             while (enumerator11.MoveNext())
                 IVertex vertex14 = enumerator11.get_Current();
                 IVertexEnumerator enumerator12 = ((IVertexCollection) algorithm.SCCVerticesMap[vertex13.get_ID()]).GetEnumerator();
                 while (enumerator12.MoveNext())
                     IVertex vertex15 = enumerator12.get_Current();
                     this.OnExamineEdge(tc.AddEdge(this.graphTransitiveClosures.get_Item(vertex14), this.graphTransitiveClosures.get_Item(vertex15)));
        public static void Create <TEdge>(
            IMutableVertexAndEdgeListGraph <MazeGraphVertex, TEdge> g,
            VertexFactory <MazeGraphVertex> vertexFactory,
            EdgeFactory <MazeGraphVertex, TEdge> edgeFactory,
            Random rnd,
            MazeGraphOptions opts
            ) where TEdge : IEdge <MazeGraphVertex>
            Contract.Requires(g != null);
            Contract.Requires(vertexFactory != null);
            Contract.Requires(edgeFactory != null);
            Contract.Requires(rnd != null);
            Contract.Requires(opts.vertexCount > 0);
            Contract.Requires(opts.edgeCount >= 0);
                !(!g.AllowParallelEdges && !opts.selfEdges) ||
                opts.edgeCount <= opts.vertexCount * (opts.vertexCount - 1)                // directed graph

            var vertices = new MazeGraphVertex[opts.vertexCount];

            for (int i = 0; i < opts.vertexCount; ++i)
                g.AddVertex(vertices[i] = vertexFactory());

            var freeVertices = new List <MazeGraphVertex> (vertices);

            MazeGraphVertex a;
            MazeGraphVertex b;
            int             j, k;

            j = k = 0;
            while (j < opts.edgeCount)
                a = freeVertices[rnd.Next(opts.vertexCount - k)];
                    b = vertices[rnd.Next(opts.vertexCount)];
                }while (opts.selfEdges == false && a.Equals(b));

                if (g.AddEdge(edgeFactory(a, b)))
                    if (g.OutDegree(a) >= opts.branchingFactor)

            j = k = 0;
            while (j < opts.treasures)
                a = MazeGraphFactory.GetVertex(g, rnd);
                if (!(a.HasTreasure))
                    a.HasTreasure = true;

            while (k < opts.startingPoints)
                b = MazeGraphFactory.GetVertex(g, rnd);
                if (!(b.StartingPoint))
                    b.StartingPoint = true;
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="g"></param>
        /// <param name="assg"></param>
        public void Transform(IBidirectionalGraph g, IMutableVertexAndEdgeListGraph assg)
            VertexCollection avs = new VertexCollection();
            // adding vertices
            foreach(IEdge e in g.Edges)
                // xi_-(L) = g(xi_-(0), xi_+(L))
                CharacteristicVertex avm = (CharacteristicVertex)assg.AddVertex();
                avm.IncomingEdge = e;
                avm.Vertex = e.Target;

                // xi_+(0) = g(xi_-(0), xi_+(L))
                CharacteristicVertex avp = (CharacteristicVertex)assg.AddVertex();
                avp.IncomingEdge = e;
                avp.Vertex = e.Source;

            // adding out edges
            foreach(CharacteristicVertex av in avs)
                foreach(IEdge e in g.OutEdges(av.Vertex))
                    // find target vertex:
                    CharacteristicVertex avtarget = FindTargetVertex(e);
                    // add xi_-
                    CharacteristicEdge aem = (CharacteristicEdge)assg.AddEdge(av,avtarget);
                    aem.Positive = false;
                    aem.Edge = e;
                foreach(IEdge e in g.InEdges(av.Vertex))
                    // find target vertex:
                    CharacteristicVertex avtarget = FindTargetVertex(e);
                    // add xi_-
                    CharacteristicEdge aem = (CharacteristicEdge)assg.AddEdge(av,avtarget);
                    aem.Positive = true;
                    aem.Edge = e;
 public static void NoEdges(IMutableVertexAndEdgeListGraph<string, Edge<string>> g)
     string x = "x"; g.AddVertex(x);
     string y = "y"; g.AddVertex(y);
     string z = "z"; g.AddVertex(z);
        /// <summary>
        /// Compute the transitive closure and store it in the supplied graph 'tc'
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="tc">
        /// Mutable Graph instance to store the transitive closure
        /// </param>
        /// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException">
        /// <paramref name="tc"/> is a <null/>.
        /// </exception>
        public void Create(IMutableVertexAndEdgeListGraph tc)
            if (tc == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("tc");
            CondensationGraphAlgorithm cgalgo = new CondensationGraphAlgorithm(VisitedGraph);


            ArrayList topo_order          = new ArrayList(cg.VerticesCount);
            TopologicalSortAlgorithm topo = new TopologicalSortAlgorithm(cg, topo_order);


            VertexIntDictionary in_a_chain  = new VertexIntDictionary();
            VertexIntDictionary topo_number = new VertexIntDictionary();

            for (int order = 0; order < topo_order.Count; order++)
                IVertex v = (IVertex)topo_order[order];
                topo_number.Add(v, order);
                if (!in_a_chain.Contains(v))                            // Initially no vertex is present in a chain
                    in_a_chain.Add(v, 0);

            VertexListMatrix chains = new VertexListMatrix();

            int position = -1;

            foreach (IVertex v in topo_order)
                if (in_a_chain[v] == 0)
                    //	Start a new chain
                    position = chains.AddRow();
                    IVertex next = v;
                    for (;;)
                        in_a_chain[next] = 1;
                        //	Get adjacent vertices ordered by topological number
                        //	Extend the chain by choosing the adj vertex with lowest topo#
                        ArrayList adj = TopoSortAdjVertices(next, cg, topo_number);
                        if ((next = FirstNotInChain(adj, in_a_chain)) == null)

            VertexIntDictionary chain_number = new VertexIntDictionary();
            VertexIntDictionary pos_in_chain = new VertexIntDictionary();

            // Record chain positions of vertices
            SetChainPositions(chains, chain_number, pos_in_chain);

            VertexListMatrix successors = new VertexListMatrix();

            successors.CreateObjectMatrix(cg.VerticesCount, chains.RowCount, int.MaxValue);

            if (topo_order.Count > 0)
                for (int rtopo = topo_order.Count - 1; rtopo > -1; rtopo--)
                    IVertex u = (IVertex)topo_order[rtopo];
                    foreach (IVertex v in TopoSortAdjVertices(u, cg, topo_number))
                        if (topo_number[v] < (int)successors[u.ID][chain_number[v]])
                            //	{succ(u)} = {succ(u)} U {succ(v)}
                            LeftUnion(successors[u.ID], successors[v.ID]);
                            //	{succ(u)} = {succ(u)} U {v}
                            successors[u.ID][chain_number[v]] = topo_number[v];

            //	Create transitive closure of condensation graph
            //	Remove existing edges in CG & rebuild edges for TC from
            //  successor set (to avoid duplicating parallel edges)
            ArrayList edges = new ArrayList();

            foreach (IEdge e in cg.Edges)
            foreach (IEdge e in edges)
            foreach (IVertex u in cg.Vertices)
                int i = u.ID;
                for (int j = 0; j < chains.RowCount; j++)
                    int tnumber = (int)successors[i][j];
                    if (tnumber < int.MaxValue)
                        IVertex v = (IVertex)topo_order[tnumber];
                        for (int k = pos_in_chain[v]; k < chains[j].Count; k++)
                            cg.AddEdge(u, (IVertex)chains[j][k]);

            // Maps a vertex in input graph to it's transitive closure graph
            graphTransitiveClosures = new VertexVertexDictionary();
            //	Add vertices to transitive closure graph
            foreach (IVertex v in visitedGraph.Vertices)
                if (!graphTransitiveClosures.Contains(v))
                    IVertex vTransform = tc.AddVertex();
                        new TransitiveClosureVertexEventArgs(
                            v, vTransform)
                    // Fire the TC Vertex Event
                    graphTransitiveClosures.Add(v, vTransform);

            //Add edges connecting vertices within SCC & adjacent
            // SCC (strongly connected component)
            IVertexCollection scc_vertices = null;

            foreach (IVertex s_tccg in cg.Vertices)
                scc_vertices = (IVertexCollection)cgalgo.SCCVerticesMap[s_tccg.ID];
                if (scc_vertices.Count > 1)
                    foreach (IVertex u in scc_vertices)
                        foreach (IVertex v in scc_vertices)
                            OnExamineEdge(tc.AddEdge(graphTransitiveClosures[u], graphTransitiveClosures[v]));
                foreach (IEdge adj_edge in cg.OutEdges(s_tccg))
                    IVertex t_tccg = adj_edge.Target;
                    foreach (IVertex s in (IVertexCollection)cgalgo.SCCVerticesMap[s_tccg.ID])
                        foreach (IVertex t in (IVertexCollection)cgalgo.SCCVerticesMap[t_tccg.ID])
                            OnExamineEdge(tc.AddEdge(graphTransitiveClosures[s], graphTransitiveClosures[t]));
 public void Create(IMutableVertexAndEdgeListGraph cg)
     if (cg == null)
         throw new ArgumentNullException("cg");
     if (this.components == null)
     this.sccVertexMap = this.BuildSCCVertexMap(this.components);
     VertexCollection vertexs = new VertexCollection();
     IDictionaryEnumerator enumerator = this.sccVertexMap.GetEnumerator();
     while (enumerator.MoveNext())
         IVertex cgVertex = cg.AddVertex();
         this.OnInitCondensationGraphVertex(new CondensationGraphVertexEventArgs(cgVertex, (IVertexCollection) enumerator.Value));
     for (int i = 0; i < this.sccVertexMap.Keys.Count; i++)
         VertexCollection vertexs2 = new VertexCollection();
         IVertexEnumerator enumerator2 = ((IVertexCollection) this.sccVertexMap[i]).GetEnumerator();
         while (enumerator2.MoveNext())
             IVertex vertex2 = enumerator2.get_Current();
             IEdgeEnumerator enumerator3 = this.VisitedGraph.OutEdges(vertex2).GetEnumerator();
             while (enumerator3.MoveNext())
                 IVertex vertex3 = enumerator3.get_Current().get_Target();
                 int num2 = this.components.get_Item(vertex3);
                 if (i != num2)
                     IVertex vertex4 = vertexs.get_Item(num2);
                     if (!vertexs2.Contains(vertex4))
         IVertex vertex5 = vertexs.get_Item(i);
         VertexCollection.Enumerator enumerator4 = vertexs2.GetEnumerator();
         while (enumerator4.MoveNext())
             IVertex vertex6 = enumerator4.get_Current();
             cg.AddEdge(vertex5, vertex6);
        public static void RegularLattice(int rows, int columns, IMutableVertexAndEdgeListGraph<string, Edge<string>> g)
            string[,] latice = new string[rows, columns];
            // adding vertices
            for (int i = 0; i < rows; ++i)
                for (int j = 0; j < columns; ++j)
                    latice[i, j] = String.Format("{0},{1}", i.ToString(), j.ToString());
                    g.AddVertex(latice[i, j]);

            // adding edges
            for (int i = 0; i < rows - 1; ++i)
                for (int j = 0; j < columns - 1; ++j)
                    g.AddEdge(new Edge<string>(latice[i, j], latice[i, j + 1]));
                    g.AddEdge(new Edge<string>(latice[i, j + 1], latice[i, j]));

                    g.AddEdge(new Edge<string>(latice[i, j], latice[i + 1, j]));
                    g.AddEdge(new Edge<string>(latice[i + 1, j], latice[i, j]));

            for (int j = 0; j < columns - 1; ++j)
                g.AddEdge(new Edge<string>(latice[rows - 1, j], latice[rows - 1, j + 1]));
                g.AddEdge(new Edge<string>(latice[rows - 1, j + 1], latice[rows - 1, j]));

            for (int i = 0; i < rows - 1; ++i)
                g.AddEdge(new Edge<string>(latice[i, columns - 1], latice[i + 1, columns - 1]));
                g.AddEdge(new Edge<string>(latice[i + 1, columns - 1], latice[i, columns - 1]));
		/// <summary>
		/// Compute the condensation graph and store it in the supplied graph 'cg'
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="cg">
		/// Instance of mutable graph in which the condensation graph 
		/// transformation is stored
		/// </param>
		public void Create( IMutableVertexAndEdgeListGraph cg )	
			if (cg==null)
				throw new ArgumentNullException("cg");			

			if (components==null)
			//  components list contains collection of 
            // input graph Vertex for each SCC Vertex_ID 
            // (i.e Vector< Vector<Vertex> > )
			//	Key = SCC Vertex ID 
			sccVertexMap = BuildSCCVertexMap(components);
			//	Lsit of SCC vertices
			VertexCollection toCgVertices = new VertexCollection();
			IDictionaryEnumerator it = sccVertexMap.GetEnumerator();
			while( it.MoveNext() )	
				//	as scc_vertex_map is a sorted list, order of SCC IDs will match CG vertices
				IVertex curr = cg.AddVertex();
				OnInitCondensationGraphVertex(new CondensationGraphVertexEventArgs(curr, (IVertexCollection)it.Value));
			for( int srcSccId=0; srcSccId<sccVertexMap.Keys.Count; srcSccId++ )	
				VertexCollection adj = new VertexCollection();
				foreach( IVertex u in (IVertexCollection)sccVertexMap[srcSccId] )	
					foreach(IEdge e in VisitedGraph.OutEdges(u))	{
						IVertex v = e.Target;        			
						int targetSccId = components[v];
						if (srcSccId != targetSccId)	
							// Avoid loops in the condensation graph
							IVertex sccV = toCgVertices[targetSccId];
							if( !adj.Contains(sccV) )		// Avoid parallel edges
				IVertex s = toCgVertices[srcSccId];
				foreach( IVertex t in adj )
					cg.AddEdge(s, t);
        /// <summary>
        /// Compute the transitive closure and store it in the supplied graph 'tc'
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="tc">
        /// Mutable Graph instance to store the transitive closure
        /// </param>
        /// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException">
        /// <paramref name="tc"/> is a <null/>.
        /// </exception>
        public void Create( IMutableVertexAndEdgeListGraph tc )
            if (tc==null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("tc");
            CondensationGraphAlgorithm cgalgo = new CondensationGraphAlgorithm(VisitedGraph);

            ArrayList topo_order = new ArrayList(cg.VerticesCount);
            TopologicalSortAlgorithm topo = new TopologicalSortAlgorithm(cg, topo_order);

            VertexIntDictionary in_a_chain= new VertexIntDictionary();
            VertexIntDictionary topo_number = new VertexIntDictionary();
            for( int order=0; order<topo_order.Count; order++ )	{
                IVertex v = (IVertex)topo_order[order];
                topo_number.Add( v, order );
                if(!in_a_chain.Contains(v))		// Initially no vertex is present in a chain
                    in_a_chain.Add(v, 0);

            VertexListMatrix chains = new VertexListMatrix();

            int position = -1;
            foreach( IVertex v in topo_order )
                if(in_a_chain[v]==0)	{
                    //	Start a new chain
                    position = chains.AddRow();
                    IVertex next = v;
                    for(;;)	{
                        in_a_chain[next] = 1;
                        //	Get adjacent vertices ordered by topological number
                        //	Extend the chain by choosing the adj vertex with lowest topo#
                        ArrayList adj = TopoSortAdjVertices(next, cg, topo_number);
                        if( (next = FirstNotInChain(adj, in_a_chain)) == null )

            VertexIntDictionary chain_number = new VertexIntDictionary();
            VertexIntDictionary pos_in_chain = new VertexIntDictionary();

            // Record chain positions of vertices
            SetChainPositions(chains, chain_number, pos_in_chain);

            VertexListMatrix successors = new VertexListMatrix();
            successors.CreateObjectMatrix(cg.VerticesCount, chains.RowCount, int.MaxValue);

            if(topo_order.Count > 0)
                for( int rtopo=topo_order.Count-1; rtopo>-1; rtopo--)
                    IVertex u = (IVertex) topo_order[rtopo];
                    foreach( IVertex v in TopoSortAdjVertices(u, cg, topo_number) )
                        if(topo_number[v] < (int)successors[u.ID][chain_number[v]])
                            //	{succ(u)} = {succ(u)} U {succ(v)}
                            LeftUnion(successors[u.ID], successors[v.ID]);
                            //	{succ(u)} = {succ(u)} U {v}
                            successors[u.ID][chain_number[v]] = topo_number[v];

            //	Create transitive closure of condensation graph
            //	Remove existing edges in CG & rebuild edges for TC from
            //  successor set (to avoid duplicating parallel edges)
            ArrayList edges = new ArrayList();
            foreach( IEdge e in cg.Edges )
            foreach(IEdge e in edges)
            foreach(IVertex u in cg.Vertices)
                int i = u.ID;
                for(int j=0; j<chains.RowCount; j++)
                    int tnumber = (int) successors[i][j];
                    if(tnumber < int.MaxValue)
                        IVertex v = (IVertex) topo_order[tnumber];
                        for(int k=pos_in_chain[v]; k<chains[j].Count; k++)
                            cg.AddEdge( u, (IVertex)chains[j][k]);

            // Maps a vertex in input graph to it's transitive closure graph
            graphTransitiveClosures = new VertexVertexDictionary();
            //	Add vertices to transitive closure graph
            foreach(IVertex v in visitedGraph.Vertices)
                    IVertex vTransform = tc.AddVertex();
                        new TransitiveClosureVertexEventArgs(
                        v, vTransform)
                    // Fire the TC Vertex Event
                    graphTransitiveClosures.Add(v, vTransform);

            //Add edges connecting vertices within SCC & adjacent
            // SCC (strongly connected component)
            IVertexCollection scc_vertices = null;
            foreach(IVertex s_tccg in cg.Vertices)
                scc_vertices = (IVertexCollection)cgalgo.SCCVerticesMap[s_tccg.ID];
                if(scc_vertices.Count > 1)
                    foreach(IVertex u in scc_vertices)
                        foreach(IVertex v in scc_vertices)
                            OnExamineEdge(tc.AddEdge(graphTransitiveClosures[u], graphTransitiveClosures[v]));
                foreach(IEdge adj_edge in cg.OutEdges(s_tccg))
                    IVertex t_tccg = adj_edge.Target;
                    foreach(IVertex s in (IVertexCollection)cgalgo.SCCVerticesMap[s_tccg.ID])
                        foreach(IVertex t in (IVertexCollection)cgalgo.SCCVerticesMap[t_tccg.ID])
                            OnExamineEdge(tc.AddEdge(graphTransitiveClosures[s], graphTransitiveClosures[t]));