public void BatchTest() { var artistList = new List <Artist>(new Artist[] { new Artist() { FirstName = "Artist1", MiddleName = "group1" }, new Artist() { FirstName = "Artist2", MiddleName = "group2" }, new Artist() { FirstName = "Artist3", MiddleName = "group1" }, new Artist() { FirstName = "Artist4", MiddleName = "group2" }, new Artist() { FirstName = "Artist5", MiddleName = "group1" }, }); //Insert Batch _artistRepo.Add(artistList); var count = _artistRepo.Count(); Assert.AreEqual(count, artistList.Count); foreach (Artist artist in artistList) { Assert.AreNotEqual(new string('0', 24), artist.Id); } //Update Batch foreach (var artist in artistList) { artist.LastName = artist.FirstName; } _artistRepo.Update(artistList); foreach (var artist in artistList) { Assert.AreEqual(artist.FirstName, artist.LastName); } //Delete by criteria _artistRepo.Delete(a => a.MiddleName.StartsWith("group1")); var countAfterDel = _artistRepo.Count(); Assert.AreEqual(countAfterDel, 2); }
public IHttpActionResult PostQuery( string collectionName, RemoteMongoQuery remoteMongoQuery) { var count = _mongoRepository.Count(collectionName, remoteMongoQuery.Query); var pageData = new Page { Current = remoteMongoQuery.Page.GetValueOrDefault(1), Size = remoteMongoQuery.PageSize.GetValueOrDefault(10), }.Calculate(count); return(Ok(_mongoRepository.Find( collectionName, remoteMongoQuery.Query, pageData.Size, pageData.Skip, remoteMongoQuery.Fields, remoteMongoQuery.SortBy))); }
public async void SaveAllResource(ResourceData data) { if (await _repository.Count() > 0) { await _repository.DeleteAll(); } var resList = data.ResourceContents.Select(a => new Resource() { ResourceValue = a.Value, ResourceName = a.Name }).ToList(); resList.Add(new Resource() { ResourceName = "BusinessLinkQr", ResourceValue = "{0} is connected to your business now" }); resList.Add(new Resource() { ResourceName = "BusinessLinkEmail", ResourceValue = "{0} has sent you business link request" }); resList.Add(new Resource() { ResourceName = "BusinessJoinEmail", ResourceValue = "{0} has accepted your link request" }); resList.Add(new Resource() { ResourceName = "AssignProjectMessage", ResourceValue = "{0} has assigned you a new project" }); resList.Add(new Resource() { ResourceName = "AssignProjectActivityMessage", ResourceValue = "{0} has assigned you a project activity." }); await _repository.Add(resList); var mongoMigrator = new Hub3cMongoMigrator(_repository); }
public void BatchTest() { var sliderList = new List <Slider>(new Slider[] { new Slider() { ImageSrc = "ImageSrc1", IsActive = true }, new Slider() { ImageSrc = "ImageSrc2", IsActive = false }, new Slider() { ImageSrc = "ImageSrc3", IsActive = true }, new Slider() { ImageSrc = "ImageSrc4", IsActive = false }, new Slider() { ImageSrc = "ImageSrc5", IsActive = true }, }); //Insert Batch _sliderRepo.Add(sliderList); var count = _sliderRepo.Count(); Assert.AreEqual(count, sliderList.Count); foreach (Slider slider in sliderList) { Assert.AreNotEqual(new string('0', 24), slider.Id); } //Update Batch var counter = 1; foreach (var slider in sliderList) { slider.ImageSrc = "ImageSrc1" + counter; counter++; } _sliderRepo.Update(sliderList); counter = 1; foreach (var slider in sliderList) { Assert.AreEqual(slider.ImageSrc, "ImageSrc1" + counter); counter++; } //Delete by criteria _sliderRepo.Delete(a => a.IsActive.Equals(true)); var countAfterDel = _sliderRepo.Count(); Assert.AreEqual(countAfterDel, 2); }
public void BatchTest() { var imageList = new List <Image>(new Image[] { new Image() { Name = "Image1", Link = "link1" }, new Image() { Name = "Image2", Link = "link2" }, new Image() { Name = "Image3", Link = "link1" }, new Image() { Name = "Image4", Link = "link2" }, new Image() { Name = "Image5", Link = "link1" }, }); //Insert Batch _imageRepo.Add(imageList); var count = _imageRepo.Count(); Assert.AreEqual(count, imageList.Count); foreach (Image image in imageList) { Assert.AreNotEqual(new string('0', 24), image.Id); } //Update Batch var counter = 1; foreach (var image in imageList) { image.Name = "Image1" + counter; counter++; } _imageRepo.Update(imageList); counter = 1; foreach (var image in imageList) { Assert.AreEqual(image.Name, "Image1" + counter); counter++; } //Delete by criteria _imageRepo.Delete(a => a.Link.StartsWith("link1")); var countAfterDel = _imageRepo.Count(); Assert.AreEqual(countAfterDel, 2); }
public void BatchTest() { var socialList = new List <Social>(new Social[] { new Social() { Name = "FullName1", Alt = "text1" }, new Social() { Name = "FullName2", Alt = "text2" }, new Social() { Name = "FullName3", Alt = "text1" }, new Social() { Name = "FullName4", Alt = "text2" }, new Social() { Name = "FullName5", Alt = "text1" }, }); //Insert Batch _socialRepo.Add(socialList); var count = _socialRepo.Count(); Assert.AreEqual(count, socialList.Count); foreach (Social social in socialList) { Assert.AreNotEqual(new string('0', 24), social.Id); } //Update Batch var counter = 1; foreach (var social in socialList) { social.Name = "FullName1" + counter; counter++; } _socialRepo.Update(socialList); counter = 1; foreach (var message in socialList) { Assert.AreEqual(message.Name, "FullName1" + counter); counter++; } //Delete by criteria _socialRepo.Delete(a => a.Alt.StartsWith("text1")); var countAfterDel = _socialRepo.Count(); Assert.AreEqual(countAfterDel, 2); }
public void BatchTest() { var settingList = new List <Setting>(new Setting[] { new Setting() { ImageLocation = "ImageLocation1", Type = 1 }, new Setting() { ImageLocation = "ImageLocation2", Type = 2 }, new Setting() { ImageLocation = "ImageLocation3", Type = 1 }, new Setting() { ImageLocation = "ImageLocation4", Type = 2 }, new Setting() { ImageLocation = "ImageLocation5", Type = 1 }, }); //Insert Batch _settingsRepo.Add(settingList); var count = _settingsRepo.Count(); Assert.AreEqual(count, settingList.Count); foreach (Setting setting in settingList) { Assert.AreNotEqual(new string('0', 24), setting.Id); } //Update Batch var counter = 1; foreach (var setting in settingList) { setting.ImageLocation = "ImageLocation1" + counter; counter++; } _settingsRepo.Update(settingList); counter = 1; foreach (var setting in settingList) { Assert.AreEqual(setting.ImageLocation, "ImageLocation1" + counter); counter++; } //Delete by criteria _settingsRepo.Delete(a => a.Type.Equals(1)); var countAfterDel = _settingsRepo.Count(); Assert.AreEqual(countAfterDel, 2); }
public void BatchTest() { var labelList = new List <Label>(new Label[] { new Label() { LabelName = "Label1", Text = "text1" }, new Label() { LabelName = "Label2", Text = "text2" }, new Label() { LabelName = "Label3", Text = "text1" }, new Label() { LabelName = "Label4", Text = "text2" }, new Label() { LabelName = "Label5", Text = "text1" }, }); //Insert Batch _labelRepo.Add(labelList); var count = _labelRepo.Count(); Assert.AreEqual(count, labelList.Count); foreach (Label label in labelList) { Assert.AreNotEqual(new string('0', 24), label.Id); } //Update Batch var counter = 1; foreach (var label in labelList) { label.LabelName = "Label1" + counter; counter++; } _labelRepo.Update(labelList); counter = 1; foreach (var label in labelList) { Assert.AreEqual(label.LabelName, "Label1" + counter); counter++; } //Delete by criteria _labelRepo.Delete(a => a.Text.StartsWith("text1")); var countAfterDel = _labelRepo.Count(); Assert.AreEqual(countAfterDel, 2); }
public void BatchTest() { var messageList = new List <Message>(new Message[] { new Message() { FullName = "FullName1", Text = "text1" }, new Message() { FullName = "FullName2", Text = "text2" }, new Message() { FullName = "FullName3", Text = "text1" }, new Message() { FullName = "FullName4", Text = "text2" }, new Message() { FullName = "FullName5", Text = "text1" }, }); //Insert Batch _messageRepo.Add(messageList); var count = _messageRepo.Count(); Assert.AreEqual(count, messageList.Count); foreach (Message message in messageList) { Assert.AreNotEqual(new string('0', 24), message.Id); } //Update Batch var counter = 1; foreach (var message in messageList) { message.FullName = "FullName" + counter; counter++; } _messageRepo.Update(messageList); counter = 1; foreach (var message in messageList) { Assert.AreEqual(message.FullName, "FullName" + counter); counter++; } //Delete by criteria _messageRepo.Delete(a => a.Text.StartsWith("text1")); var countAfterDel = _messageRepo.Count(); Assert.AreEqual(countAfterDel, 2); }
public StoreProductViewModel GetStoreProducts(int storeId, int pageIndex, int itemsPage, string brandName = "All", string categoryName = "All", string searchText = "") { _logger.LogInformation("GetStoreProducts called."); if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(brandName)) { brandName = "All"; } if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(categoryName)) { categoryName = "All"; } if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(searchText)) { searchText = ""; } // var filterSpecification = new ProductFilterSpecification(string.Empty); // var filterPaginatedSpecification = // new ProductFilterPaginatedSpecification(itemsPage * pageIndex, itemsPage, string.Empty); //var itemsOnPage = _productRepository.FilterBy(p => p.StoreId == storeId); //var filterSpecification = new CatalogFilterSpecification(brandId, typeId); //var filterPaginatedSpecification = // new CatalogFilterPaginatedSpecification(itemsPage * pageIndex, itemsPage, brandId, typeId); // the implementation below using ForEach and Count. We need a List. //var itemsOnPage = _productRepository.Find(filterPaginatedSpecification); var totalItems = _productRepository.Count( x => x.StoreId == storeId & (x.Brand == brandName || brandName == "All") & (x.Category == categoryName || categoryName == "All") & (x.Name.ToLower().Contains(searchText.ToLower()) || searchText == "") ); //var test = _productRepository.Find(x => x.StoreId == storeId,1,2); //var test1 = _productRepository.Find(x => x.StoreId == storeId, 2, 2); //var command1 = new BsonDocument { { "StoreId", storeId } }; //var command2 = new BsonDocument { { "Brand", brandName } }; //var filterBuilder = Builders<BsonDocument>.Filter; //var filter = filterBuilder.Eq("StoreId", storeId) //& filterBuilder.Eq("Brand", brandName); var itemsOnPage = _productRepository.Find( x => x.StoreId == storeId & (x.Brand == brandName || brandName == "All") & (x.Category == categoryName || categoryName == "All") & (x.Name.ToLower().Contains(searchText.ToLower()) || searchText == "") , pageIndex, itemsPage); //var itemsOnPage = _productRepository.Find(filterBuilder, pageIndex, itemsPage); var brands = _brandRepository.FilterBy(x => x.StoreId == storeId); //var brandsList = brands.Select(i => new SelectListItem() //{ //Text = i.Name, //Value = i.Name //i.SecondaryId.ToString() //}); //brandsList.Add(new SelectListItem() { Text = "All", Value = "All" }); //brandsList.OfType<object>().Concat(second); //var x = brandsList.ToList(); var categories = _categoryRepository.FilterBy(x => x.StoreId == storeId); var vm = new StoreProductViewModel() { StoreId = storeId, BrandFilterApplied = brandName ?? "All", CategoryFilterApplied = categoryName ?? "All", SearchText = searchText ?? "", StoreProducts = itemsOnPage.Select(i => new StoreProductItemViewModel() { Id = i.Id.ToString(), SecondaryId = i.SecondaryId, StoreId = i.StoreId, ProductId = i.ProductId, Name = i.Name, PictureUri = _uriComposer.ComposePicUri(i.PictureUri), Description = i.Description, Price = i.Price, Amount = i.Amount, IsMedical = i.IsMedical, OptionId = i.OptionId, PercentCbd = i.PercentCbd, PercentThc = i.PercentThc, Slung = i.Slung, StrainType = i.StrainType, Brand = i.Brand, Category = i.Category, }), PaginationInfo = new PaginationInfoViewModel() { StoreId = storeId, ActualPage = pageIndex, ItemsPerPage = itemsOnPage.Count(), TotalItems = totalItems, TotalPages = int.Parse(Math.Ceiling(((decimal)totalItems / itemsPage)).ToString()) }, Brands = GetBrands(storeId), Categories = GetCategories(storeId) }; //vm.PaginationInfo.Next = (vm.PaginationInfo.ActualPage == vm.PaginationInfo.TotalPages - 1) ? "is-disabled" : ""; //vm.PaginationInfo.Previous = (vm.PaginationInfo.ActualPage == 0) ? "is-disabled" : ""; return(vm); }
public void BatchTest() { var language = new Language() { Abbreviation = "language abbreviation", Name = "language name", EnName = "language en name", FlagImage = "flag image link", Locale = "en" }; _languageRepo.Add(language); var announcementList = new List <Announcement>(new Announcement[] { new Announcement() { Name = "Announcement1", Text = "group1", LanguageId = language.Id }, new Announcement() { Name = "Announcement2", Text = "group2", LanguageId = language.Id }, new Announcement() { Name = "Announcement3", Text = "group1", LanguageId = language.Id }, new Announcement() { Name = "Announcement4", Text = "group2", LanguageId = language.Id }, new Announcement() { Name = "Announcement5", Text = "group1", LanguageId = language.Id }, }); //Insert Batch _announcementRepo.Add(announcementList); var count = _announcementRepo.Count(); Assert.AreEqual(count, announcementList.Count); foreach (Announcement announcement in announcementList) { Assert.AreNotEqual(new string('0', 24), announcement.Id); } //Update Batch foreach (var announcement in announcementList) { announcement.IsActive = false; } _announcementRepo.Update(announcementList); foreach (var announcement in announcementList) { Assert.AreEqual(announcement.IsActive, false); } //Delete by criteria _announcementRepo.Delete(a => a.Text.StartsWith("group1")); var countAfterDel = _announcementRepo.Count(); Assert.AreEqual(countAfterDel, 2); }