public static async Task <PagedResult <T> > PaginateAsync <T>(this IMongoQueryable <T> collection,
                                                                      int page = 1, int resultsPerPage = 10)
            if (page <= 0)
                page = 1;

            if (resultsPerPage <= 0)
                resultsPerPage = 10;

            var isEmpty = await collection.AnyAsync() == false;

            if (isEmpty)
                return(PagedResult <T> .Empty);

            var totalResults = await collection.CountAsync();

            var totalPages = (int)Math.Ceiling((decimal)totalResults / resultsPerPage);
            var data       = await collection.Limit(page, resultsPerPage).ToListAsync();

            return(PagedResult <T> .Create(data, page, resultsPerPage, totalPages, totalResults));
        public static async Task <PagedResult <T> > PaginateAsync <T>(this IMongoQueryable <T> values, int page = 1,
                                                                      int results = 10)
            var totalResults = await values.CountAsync();

            if (totalResults == 0)
                return(PagedResult <T> .Empty);

            if (page <= 0)
                page = 1;

            if (results <= 0)
                results = 10;

            var totalPages = (int)Math.Ceiling((double)totalResults / results);
            var skip       = (page - 1) * results;
            var items      = await values.Skip(skip).Take(results).ToListAsync();

            return(PagedResult <T> .Create(items, page, results, totalPages, totalResults));
        /// <summary>
        /// Return an object that contains paged result for a query
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="page">Page</param>
        /// <param name="limit">Limit per page</param>
        /// <param name="query">Query to apply</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public async Task <PagedList <TDocument> > Get(int page, int limit, IMongoQueryable <TDocument> query)
            // Define a query
            query ??= AsQueryable();

            // Apply main filters
            query = query.Where(p => !p.Deleted);


            // Get count
            var total = await query.CountAsync();

            // Create result
            var result = new PagedList <TDocument>
                TotalCount = total,
                PageIndex  = page,
                PageSize   = limit

            // Return result
            if (total == 0)

            query = limit == 0 ? query : query.Skip((page - 1) * limit).Take(limit);
            result.AddRange(await query.ToListAsync());

        private async Task InitializeAsync(IMongoQueryable <T> source, int pageIndex, int pageSize, int?totalCount = null)
            if (source == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("source");
            if (pageSize <= 0)
                throw new ArgumentException("pageSize deve ser maior do que zero!");

            TotalCount = totalCount ?? await source.CountAsync();

            source = totalCount == null?source.Skip(pageIndex *pageSize).Take(pageSize) : source;


            if (pageSize > 0)
                TotalPages = TotalCount / pageSize;
                if (TotalCount % pageSize > 0)

            PageSize  = pageSize;
            PageIndex = pageIndex;
        private void Init(IMongoQueryable <T> source, int pageIndex, int pageSize, int?totalCount = null)
            if (source == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("source");
            if (pageSize <= 0)
                throw new ArgumentException("pageSize must be greater than zero");

            var taskCount = source.CountAsync();

            source = totalCount == null?source.Skip(pageIndex *pageSize).Take(pageSize) : source;

            TotalCount = totalCount ?? (int)taskCount.Result;
            if (pageSize > 0)
                TotalPages = TotalCount / pageSize;
                if (TotalCount % pageSize > 0)

            PageSize  = pageSize;
            PageIndex = pageIndex;
        public static async Task <MongoPagedList <T> > CreateAsync(IMongoQueryable <T> source, int pageNumber, int pageSize)
            int count = await source.CountAsync();

            var items = await source.Skip((pageNumber - 1) *pageSize).Take(pageSize).ToListAsync();

            return(new MongoPagedList <T>(items, count, pageNumber, pageSize));
        public static async Task <PaginatedList <T> > CreateAsync(IMongoQueryable <T> source, int pageIndex, int pageSize)
            var count = await source.CountAsync();

            var items = await source.Skip((pageIndex - 1) *pageSize).Take(pageSize).ToListAsync();

            return(new PaginatedList <T>(items, count, pageIndex, pageSize));
        public static async Task <PagedQueryResult <TSource> > GetPagedAsync <TSource>(this IMongoQueryable <TSource> source, GetPagedResourceQuery resource)
            var countOfDocuments = source.CountAsync();
            var points           = source.Skip((resource.Page - 1) * resource.PageSize).Take(resource.PageSize).ToListAsync();

            await Task.WhenAll(countOfDocuments, points);

            return(PagedQueryResult <TSource> .Create(points.Result, countOfDocuments.Result, (countOfDocuments.Result / resource.PageSize)));
 public virtual async Task <int> CountAsync(Expression <Func <T, bool> > exp = null)
     if (exp == null)
         return(await _query.CountAsync());
         return(await _query.Where(exp).CountAsync());
        public static async Task <PaginatedResponse <T> > AsPaginatedResponse <T>(this IMongoQueryable <T> workflows, int limit, int offset)
            var data = new List <T>();

            if (limit > 0)
                data = await workflows.Skip(offset).Take(limit).ToListAsync();
            var count = await workflows.CountAsync();

            return(PaginatedResponse <T> .Create(data, limit, offset, count));
        public static async Task <PaginatedResponse <T> > AsPaginatedResponse <T>(this IMongoQueryable <T> workflows, int limit, int offset) where T : class, IMongoModel
            var dataTask  = limit > 0 ? workflows.Skip(offset).Take(limit).ToListAsync() : Task.FromResult(new List <T>());
            var countTask = workflows.CountAsync();

            await Task.WhenAll(dataTask, countTask);

            var data  = await dataTask;
            var count = await countTask;

            return(PaginatedResponse <T> .Create(data, limit, offset, count));
    /// <inheritdoc />
    public virtual Task <int> CountAsync(FilterExpression?topFilter, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
        ResourceType resourceType = _resourceGraph.GetResourceType <TResource>();

        var layer = new QueryLayer(resourceType)
            Filter = topFilter

        IMongoQueryable <TResource> query = ApplyQueryLayer(layer);

        public static async Task <PagedResult <T> > Paginate <T>(this IMongoQueryable <T> collection, string orderBy,
                                                                 string sortOrderDirection = DefaultSort, int page = DefaultPage, int resultsPerPage = DefaultPageSize, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)
            if (page <= 0)
                page = 1;
            if (resultsPerPage <= 0)
                resultsPerPage = 10;

            var isEmpty = await collection.AnyAsync(cancellationToken) == false;

            if (isEmpty)
                return(PagedResult <T> .Empty);

            var totalResults = await collection.CountAsync(cancellationToken);

            var totalPages = (int)Math.Ceiling((decimal)totalResults / resultsPerPage);

            List <T> data;

            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(orderBy))
                data = await collection.Limit(page, resultsPerPage).ToListAsync(cancellationToken);

                return(PagedResult <T> .From(data, page, resultsPerPage, totalPages, totalResults));

            var sortOrder = SortOrder.From(sortOrderDirection);

            if (sortOrder == SortOrder.Ascending)
                data = await collection.OrderBy(ToLambda <T>(orderBy)).Limit(page, resultsPerPage).ToListAsync(cancellationToken);
                data = await collection.OrderByDescending(ToLambda <T>(orderBy)).Limit(page, resultsPerPage).ToListAsync(cancellationToken);

            return(PagedResult <T> .From(data, page, resultsPerPage, totalPages, totalResults));
        public static async Task <PagedResult <T> > PaginateAsync <T>(this IMongoQueryable <T> collection, string orderBy,
                                                                      string sortOrder, int page = 1, int resultsPerPage = 10)
            if (page <= 0)
                page = 1;

            if (resultsPerPage <= 0)
                resultsPerPage = 10;

            var isEmpty = await collection.AnyAsync() == false;

            if (isEmpty)
                return(PagedResult <T> .Empty);

            var totalResults = await collection.CountAsync();

            var totalPages = (int)Math.Ceiling((decimal)totalResults / resultsPerPage);

            List <T> data;

            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(orderBy))
                data = await collection.Limit(page, resultsPerPage).ToListAsync();

                return(PagedResult <T> .Create(data, page, resultsPerPage, totalPages, totalResults));

            if (sortOrder?.ToLowerInvariant() == "asc")
                data = await collection.OrderBy(ToLambda <T>(orderBy)).Limit(page, resultsPerPage).ToListAsync();
                data = await collection.OrderByDescending(ToLambda <T>(orderBy)).Limit(page, resultsPerPage)

            return(PagedResult <T> .Create(data, page, resultsPerPage, totalPages, totalResults));
        public static async Task <PagedResult <T> > PaginateAsync <T>(this IMongoQueryable <T> collection,
                                                                      int currentPage = 1, int pageSize = 5)
            if (currentPage <= 0)
                currentPage = 1;

            if (pageSize <= 0)
                pageSize = 5;

            if (pageSize > 15)
                pageSize = 15;

            var isEmpty = await collection.AnyAsync() == false;

            if (isEmpty)
                return(PagedResult <T> .Empty);

            var totalResults = await collection.CountAsync();

            var totalPages = (int)Math.Ceiling((decimal)totalResults / pageSize);

            if (currentPage > totalPages)
                currentPage = totalPages;

            var paginatedSource = await collection.Limit(currentPage, pageSize).ToListAsync();

            return(PagedResult <T> .Create(paginatedSource, currentPage, pageSize, totalPages, totalResults));
        private static async Task <PagedResults <TEntity> > PaginateAsync <TEntity, TQuery>(this IMongoQueryable <TEntity> collection,
                                                                                            int page, int resultsPerPage, string orderbyKey, SortOrder sortOrder)
            page           = page <= 0 ? 1 : page;
            resultsPerPage = resultsPerPage <= 0 ? 10 : resultsPerPage;

            var isEmpty = await collection.AnyAsync() == false;

            if (isEmpty)
                return(PagedResults <TEntity> .Empty);

            var totalResults = await collection.CountAsync();

            var totalPages = (int)(totalResults / resultsPerPage) + 1;

            var skip = (page - 1) * resultsPerPage;

            var data = await collection.OrderData(orderbyKey, sortOrder).Skip(skip).Take(resultsPerPage).ToListAsync();

            return(PagedResults <TEntity> .Create(data, page, resultsPerPage, totalPages, totalResults));
 public async Task <int> CountAsync(Expression <Func <T, bool> > predicate)
     return(await collectionQueryable.CountAsync(predicate));
        ///<inheritdoc cref="MongoPaginationService.PaginateAsync{T}(IMongoQueryable{T}, int, int)" />
        public static async Task <IPaginationResult <IMongoQueryable <T> > > PaginateAsync <T>(this IMongoQueryable <T> query, int page, int pageSize)
            var entriesCount = await query.CountAsync();

            return(CreateResult(page, pageSize, query, entriesCount));