public void InitializeFileSyncContext <T>(IMobileServiceClient client, IMobileServiceLocalStore store, IAptkAmaLocalTableService <T> table) where T : ITableData { #if PORTABLE || WINDOWS_PHONE throw new ArgumentException("This functionality is not implemented in this version of this assembly. You should reference the NuGet package from your main application project in order to reference the platform-specific implementation."); #else var tInstance = Activator.CreateInstance <T>() as IFileSyncTableData; if (tInstance == null) { return; } var triggerFactory = tInstance.SpecificFileSyncTriggerFactory ?? _configuration.GlobalFileSyncTriggerFactory; if (triggerFactory != null) { client.InitializeFileSyncContext(new AptkAmaFileSyncHandler <T>(_configuration, table), store, triggerFactory); } else { client.InitializeFileSyncContext(new AptkAmaFileSyncHandler <T>(_configuration, table), store); } #endif }