public CacheRegistrationIndexModule(IMirrorService mirror) { this._mirror = mirror ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(mirror)); this.Get("cache/v3/registration/{id}/index.json", async(req, res, routeData) => { string id = routeData.As <string>("id"); // Documentation: var upstreamPackages = (await _mirror.FindUpstreamMetadataAsync(id, CancellationToken.None)).ToList(); var versions = upstreamPackages.Select(p => p.Identity.Version).ToList(); if (!upstreamPackages.Any()) { res.StatusCode = 404; return; } // TODO: Paging of registration items. // "Un-paged" example: // Paged example: await res.AsJson(new { Count = upstreamPackages.Count, TotalDownloads = upstreamPackages.Sum(p => p.DownloadCount), Items = new[] { new RegistrationIndexItem( packageId: id, items: upstreamPackages.Select(p => ToRegistrationIndexLeaf(req, p)).ToList(), lower: versions.Min().ToNormalizedString(), upper: versions.Max().ToNormalizedString() ), } }); }); this.Get("cache/v3/registration/{id}/{version}.json", async(req, res, routeData) => { string id = routeData.As <string>("id"); string version = routeData.As <string>("version"); if (!NuGetVersion.TryParse(version, out var nugetVersion)) { res.StatusCode = 400; return; } // Allow read-through caching to happen if it is confiured. await _mirror.MirrorAsync(id, nugetVersion, CancellationToken.None); var package = await _mirror.FindAsync(new PackageIdentity(id, nugetVersion)); if (package == null) { res.StatusCode = 404; return; } // Documentation: var result = new RegistrationLeaf( registrationUri: req.PackageRegistration(id, nugetVersion, "cache"), listed: package.IsListed, downloads: package.DownloadCount.GetValueOrDefault(), packageContentUri: req.PackageDownload(id, nugetVersion, "cache"), published: package.Published.GetValueOrDefault(), registrationIndexUri: req.PackageRegistration(id, "cache")); await res.AsJson(result); }); }