/// <summary>
        /// This is basically the same example as the SaveNetworkData above, though
        /// this time the data is stored as a part of the MIKE 1D setup in the
        /// standard .m1dx file.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="vidaaFilepath">Path and name of the Vidaa example</param>
        public static void SaveDoubleNetworkDataWithSetup(string vidaaFilepath)
                // Creates a new Mike 1D controller and load the setup
                Mike1DControllerFactory controllerFactory = new Mike1DControllerFactory();
                Diagnostics             diagnostics       = new Diagnostics("My Diagnostics");
                IMike1DController       controller        = controllerFactory.OpenAndCreate(Connection.Create(vidaaFilepath), diagnostics);
                if (diagnostics.ErrorCountRecursive > 0)
                    throw new Exception("Loading errors, aborting");

                // Create a NetworkData that can store a user defined type, and add some data at some locations
                NetworkDataDouble myDoubleData = new NetworkDataDouble()
                    CanInterpolate = false
                myDoubleData.AddValue(new Location("SonderAa", 1034), 1.034);
                myDoubleData.AddValue(new Location("LindSkov", 2860), 2.86);
                myDoubleData.AddValue("MyNodeId", -42);

                // Set the NetworkData as additional data, using the string "UserData" as key
                controller.Mike1DData.SetAdditionalData("UserData", myDoubleData);

                // Saving the file again (same filename, new extension)
                controller.Mike1DData.Connection.BridgeName         = "m1dx";
                controller.Mike1DData.Connection.FilePath.Extension = ".m1dx";

                // Load the setup again, changing the extension to .m1dx
                FilePath vidaaFile = new FilePath(vidaaFilepath);
                vidaaFile.Extension = ".m1dx";

                // Load the setup
                Mike1DControllerFactory controllerFactory = new Mike1DControllerFactory();
                Diagnostics             diagnostics       = new Diagnostics("My Diagnostics");
                IMike1DController       controller        = controllerFactory.OpenAndCreate(Connection.Create(vidaaFile.Path), diagnostics);
                if (diagnostics.ErrorCountRecursive > 0)
                    throw new Exception("Loading errors, aborting");

                // Get the additional data using the string "UserData" as key, which we know is a NetworkData with MyData
                NetworkDataDouble myComplexData = (NetworkDataDouble)controller.Mike1DData.GetAdditionalData("UserData");

                // Now we can extract our data again
                double v1034;
                bool   ok1034 = myComplexData.GetValue(new Location("SonderAa", 1034), out v1034);
                double v2860;
                bool   ok2860 = myComplexData.GetValue(new Location("LindSkov", 2860), out v2860);
                double vNode;
                bool   okNode = myComplexData.GetValue("MyNodeId", out vNode);

        /// <summary>
        /// Using the MIKE 1D controller to run a simulation
        /// <para>
        /// The controller gives more control of the simulation.
        /// It also pushes the responsibility of error reporting and
        /// summary information to the user.
        /// </para>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="setupFilepath">Path to setup file (.sim11, .mdb or .m1dx)</param>
        public static void ControllerRun(string setupFilepath)
            // The controller factory
            Mike1DControllerFactory controllerFactory = new Mike1DControllerFactory();
            IMike1DController       controller        = null;

            // Try-catch to catch any unexpected exception or runtime exceptions.
                // Diagnostics object receiving errors, warning and hints during
                // load and initialize.
                Diagnostics diagnostics = new Diagnostics("My Diagnostics");

                // creates a new Mike 1D controller and load the setup
                controller = controllerFactory.OpenAndCreate(Connection.Create(setupFilepath), diagnostics);
                if (diagnostics.ErrorCountRecursive > 0)
                    throw new Exception("Loading errors, aborting");

                // Now the MIKE 1D data is available
                Mike1DData mike1DData = controller.Mike1DData;

                // Validate setup, returns a new diagnostics object
                IDiagnostics validated = controller.Validate();
                if (validated.ErrorCountRecursive > 0)
                    throw new Exception("Validation errors, aborting");

                // Initialize simulation
                if (diagnostics.ErrorCountRecursive > 0)
                    throw new Exception("Initialization errors, aborting");

                // Run the simulation
            catch (Exception e)
                // Write exception to log file
                if (controllerFactory.LogFileWriter != null)
                // Call Finish, which should make sure to close down properly, and release any licences.
                if (controller != null)
                    try { controller.Finish(); }
                    catch { }
                // Rethrow exception
        public void SetMaxNumberOfThreads(IMike1DController controller)
            Mike1DController hdController = controller as Mike1DController;

            if (hdController != null)
                hdController.MaxNumberOfThreadsUser = 1;
        /// <summary>
        /// Example of how to add a cross section after loading a complete
        /// setup, and running the simulation with the new cross section
        /// included. It is not necessary to save the modified cross sections
        /// to file before running.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="setupFilepath">A .sim11 setup path</param>
        public static void AddCrossSectionAndRun(string setupFilepath)
            Mike1DControllerFactory controllerFactory = new Mike1DControllerFactory();
            IMike1DController       controller        = null;

                // creates a new Mike 1D controller and load the setup
                Diagnostics diagnostics = new Diagnostics("My Diagnostics");
                controller = controllerFactory.OpenAndCreate(Connection.Create(setupFilepath), diagnostics);
                if (diagnostics.ErrorCountRecursive > 0)
                    throw new Exception("Loading errors, aborting");

                // Add an additional cross section

                // Change the output file name, so we can compare results with/without change
                controller.Mike1DData.ResultSpecifications[0].Connection.FilePath.FileNameWithoutExtension += "-csAdd";

                IDiagnostics validated = controller.Validate();
                if (validated.ErrorCountRecursive > 0)
                    throw new Exception("Validation errors, aborting");

                // run the simulation with the new cross section included
                if (diagnostics.ErrorCountRecursive > 0)
                    throw new Exception("Initialization errors, aborting");

            catch (Exception e)
                // Write exception to log file
                if (controllerFactory.LogFileWriter != null)
                // Call Finish, which should make sure to close down properly, and release any licences.
                if (controller != null)
                    try { controller.Finish(); }
                    catch { }
                // Rethrow exception
        public void UserStructureSaveData()
            string setupFilePath = Path.Combine(ExampleBase.ExampleRoot, @"UnitFlow\UnitFlowStruc.sim11");

            Mike1DControllerFactory controllerFactory = new Mike1DControllerFactory();
            Diagnostics             diagnostics       = new Diagnostics("My Diagnostics");
            IMike1DController       controller        = controllerFactory.OpenAndCreate(Connection.Create(setupFilePath), diagnostics);

            // Add custom assembly and type - required for the standalong engine to load it again.

            // Save to .m1dx file
            controller.Mike1DData.Connection.FilePath.Extension = ".m1dx";
            controller.Mike1DData.Connection.FilePath.FileNameWithoutExtension = "UnitFlowStruc-2";
            controller.Mike1DData.Connection.BridgeName = "m1dx";
            controller.Mike1DData.ResultSpecifications.ForEach(rs => rs.Connection.FilePath.FileNameWithoutExtension += "-2");
        public void CreateSumAllCatchment(IMike1DController controller)
            Mike1DData mike1DData = controller.Mike1DData;

            sumTotalRunoffCatchment = new CatchmentCombined("SumAllCatchments")
                ScaleByArea = false,
                Area        = 1,
            double minTimestep = double.MaxValue;
            double maxTimestep = double.MinValue;

            foreach (ICatchment catchment in mike1DData.RainfallRunoffData.Catchments)
                if (!(catchment is CatchmentCombined))
                    sumTotalRunoffCatchment.AddNewCatchment(catchment.ModelId, 1.0);
                    minTimestep = System.Math.Min(minTimestep, catchment.TimeStep.TotalSeconds);
                    maxTimestep = System.Math.Max(maxTimestep, catchment.TimeStep.TotalSeconds);
            sumTotalRunoffCatchment.TimeStep = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(minTimestep);

            // Setup writer to write total runoff to csv file
            writer = new StreamWriter("SumTotalRunoff.csv");

            sumTotalRunoffCatchment.PostTimeStepEvent +=
                delegate(DateTime time)

            controller.ControllerEvent += HandleControllerEvent;
 /// <summary>
 /// (*1) Method that is called when a new controller has been created.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="sender">The <see cref="IMike1DController"/> that triggered the event</param>
 /// <param name="controllerCreatedEventArgs">Event arguments</param>
 private void ControllerCreated(object sender, ControllerCreatedEventArgs controllerCreatedEventArgs)
     // Store the controller, and register for the ControllerEvent.
     _controller = controllerCreatedEventArgs.Controller;
     _controller.ControllerEvent += ControllerEvent;
 public void Initialize(IMike1DController controller)
     // The special event is called with name "SummaryReady", when the summary has been build
     // and can be modified.
     controller.SpecialEvent += AddReachLengthColumnToSummary;
        /// <summary>
        /// This is basically the same example as the SaveNetworkData above, though
        /// this time the data is stored as a part of the MIKE 1D setup in the
        /// standard .m1dx file.
        /// <para>
        /// This is ONLY recommended for advanced users and use:
        /// The disadvantage of this approach is that the resulting .m1dx file can only be
        /// read again by a similar approach, i.e. it WILL ONLY run using the default engine
        /// when the custom assembly is available, hence it CAN NOT be read by others unless
        /// they are also provided with the custom assembly.
        /// </para>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="vidaaFilepath">Path and name of the Vidaa example</param>
        /// <param name="customAssemblyFile"></param>
        public static void SaveComplexNetworkDataWithSetup(string vidaaFilepath, string customAssemblyFile)
                // Creates a new Mike 1D controller and load the setup
                Mike1DControllerFactory controllerFactory = new Mike1DControllerFactory();
                Diagnostics             diagnostics       = new Diagnostics("My Diagnostics");
                IMike1DController       controller        = controllerFactory.OpenAndCreate(Connection.Create(vidaaFilepath), diagnostics);
                if (diagnostics.ErrorCountRecursive > 0)
                    throw new Exception("Loading errors, aborting");

                // Create a NetworkData that can store a user defined type, and add some data at some locations
                NetworkData <MyData> myComplexData = new NetworkData <MyData>()
                    CanInterpolate = false
                myComplexData.AddValue(new Location("SonderAa", 1034), new MyData()
                    SValue = "SA", DValue = 1.034
                myComplexData.AddValue(new Location("LindSkov", 2860), new MyData()
                    SValue = "LS", DValue = 2.86
                myComplexData.AddValue("MyNodeId", new MyData()
                    SValue = "Node", DValue = -42

                // Set the NetworkData as additional data, using the string "UserData" as key
                controller.Mike1DData.SetAdditionalData("UserData", myComplexData);
                controller.Mike1DData.SetAdditionalData("UserData2", new MyData()
                    SValue = "Upstream", DValue = 15.03

                // Saving the file again (same filename, new extension)
                controller.Mike1DData.Connection.BridgeName         = "m1dx";
                controller.Mike1DData.Connection.FilePath.Extension = ".m1dx";

                // We need to add two custom types, in order to store data to .m1dx
                // The types are found in the DHI.Mike1D.Examples.dll, which cannot be found by the MIKE 1D engine unless an explicit path is provided
                // Make the path relative to the setup.
                string relativeAssemblyFile = FilePath.GetRelativeFilePath(customAssemblyFile, Path.GetDirectoryName(Path.GetFullPath(vidaaFilepath)));


                // Close any log files

                // Load the setup again, changing the extension to .m1dx
                FilePath vidaaFile = new FilePath(vidaaFilepath);
                vidaaFile.Extension = ".m1dx";

                Mike1DControllerFactory controllerFactory = new Mike1DControllerFactory();
                Diagnostics             diagnostics       = new Diagnostics("My Diagnostics");
                IMike1DController       controller        = controllerFactory.OpenAndCreate(Connection.Create(vidaaFile), diagnostics);

                Mike1DData mike1DData = controller.Mike1DData;

                // Get the additional data using the string "UserData" as key, which we know is a NetworkData with MyData
                NetworkData <MyData> myComplexData = (NetworkData <MyData>)mike1DData.GetAdditionalData("UserData");
                MyData myComplexData2 = (MyData)mike1DData.GetAdditionalData("UserData2");

                // Now we can extract our data again
                MyData v1034;
                bool   ok1034 = myComplexData.GetValue(new Location("SonderAa", 1034), out v1034);
                MyData v2860;
                bool   ok2860 = myComplexData.GetValue(new Location("LindSkov", 2860), out v2860);
                MyData vNode;
                bool   okNode = myComplexData.GetValue("MyNodeId", out vNode);

 public void CatchmenUrbanSnowPlowingSetup(IMike1DController controller)
     // Listen for ControllerEvent's
     controller.ControllerEvent += CatchmentUrbanSnowPlowingControllerEvent;
 public void ControllerCreated(IMike1DController controller)
     _controller = controller;
     _controller.ControllerEvent += ControllerOnControllerEvent;
 private void ControllerCreatedEvent(object sender, ControllerCreatedEventArgs controllerCreatedEventArgs)
     // - and then the ControllerEvent
     controller = controllerCreatedEventArgs.Controller;
     controller.ControllerEvent += Controller_ControllerEvent;
 public void Initialize(IMike1DController controller)
     controller.ControllerEvent += ControllerOnControllerEvent;