        public void DisplayText()
            IWorksheet    worksheet    = this.workbook.Worksheets[2];
            IMigrantRange migrantRange = worksheet.MigrantRange;

            worksheet.UsedRangeIncludesFormatting = false;
            int           rowCount        = worksheet.UsedRange.LastRow;
            int           colCount        = worksheet.UsedRange.LastColumn;
            List <string> rowsList        = new List <string>();
            List <string> rowsContentList = new List <string>();

            for (int i = 8; i <= rowCount; i++)
                //string rowValue = migrantRange.DisplayText.ToString();
                string value = "";
                for (int j = 1; j <= colCount; j++)
                    migrantRange.ResetRowColumn(i, j);
                    value = value + " - " + migrantRange.DisplayText;

            //IRange[] cells = worksheet["A8:C40"].Cells;

            //give value of each cell in range

            /*foreach (IRange cell in cells)
             * {
             *  string cellValue = cell.DisplayText.ToString();
             *  //Console.WriteLine(cellValue);
             * }*/

            //give value of each row in range
            //IRange[] rows = worksheet["A8:"].Rows;

            /*foreach (IRange row in rows)
             * {
             *  row.ToArray();
             *  display value of the first cell of the row
             *  string rowValue = row.DisplayText.ToString();
             *  Console.WriteLine(rowValue);
             * }*/

            //string displayText = worksheet.Range["C8:C10"].DisplayText;
            //getrange of cells and display a part of them
            //IRange range = worksheet.Range[1, 8, 16, 534];
            //string displayText = range[1, 9, 4, 20].Text;
            //string displayText = worksheet.GetValueRowCol(8, 3).ToString();

            worksheet.UsedRangeIncludesFormatting = false;
        private void btnCreate_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
            if (!(int.TryParse(numRowCount.Text, out rowCount) && int.TryParse(numColCount.Text, out colCount)))
                MessageBox.Show("Enter Numerical Value");

            if (rowCount <= 0)
                MessageBox.Show("Invalid row count");

            if (colCount <= 0)
                MessageBox.Show("Invalid column count");
            if (rdbExcel97.Checked)
                if (colCount > 256)
                    MessageBox.Show("Column count must be less than or equal to 256 for Excel 2003 format.");
                if (rowCount > 65536)
                    MessageBox.Show("Row count must be less than or equal to 65,536 for Excel 2003 format.");
            if (rdbExcel2007.Checked || rdbExcel2010.Checked || rdbExcel2013.Checked)
                if (rowCount > 100001)
                    MessageBox.Show("Row count must be less than or equal to 100,000.");
                if (colCount > 151)
                    MessageBox.Show("Column count must be less than or equal to 151.");

            #region Starttime
            //Start Time


            #region Initialize Workbook
            //New instance of XlsIO is created.[Equivalent to launching MS Excel with no workbooks open].
            //The instantiation process consists of two steps.

            //Step 1 : Instantiate the spreadsheet creation engine.
            ExcelEngine excelEngine = new ExcelEngine();
            //Step 2 : Instantiate the excel application object.
            IApplication application = excelEngine.Excel;
            //Set the Default version as Excel 97to2003
            if (this.rdbExcel97.Checked)
                application.DefaultVersion = ExcelVersion.Excel97to2003;
                fileName = "PerformanceChecking.xls";
            //Set the Default version as Excel 2007
            else if (this.rdbExcel2007.Checked)
                application.DefaultVersion = ExcelVersion.Excel2007;
                fileName = "PerformanceChecking.xlsx";
            //Set the Default version as Excel 2010
            else if (this.rdbExcel2010.Checked)
                application.DefaultVersion = ExcelVersion.Excel2010;
                fileName = "PerformanceChecking.xlsx";
            //Set the Default version as Excel 2013
            else if (this.rdbExcel2013.Checked)
                application.DefaultVersion = ExcelVersion.Excel2013;
                fileName = "PerformanceChecking.xlsx";
            //A new workbook is created.[Equivalent to creating a new workbook in MS Excel]
            //The new workbook will have 3 worksheets
            IWorkbook workbook = application.Workbooks.Create(3);

            //The first worksheet object in the worksheets collection is accessed.
            IWorksheet worksheet = workbook.Worksheets[0];

            startTime = DateTime.Now;
            workbook.DetectDateTimeInValue = false;

            if (chbColumnStyle.Checked)
                //Body Style
                IStyle bodyStyle = workbook.Styles.Add("BodyStyle");

                //Add custom colors to the palette.
                workbook.SetPaletteColor(9, Color.FromArgb(239, 243, 247));
                bodyStyle.Color = Color.FromArgb(239, 243, 247);
                bodyStyle.Borders[ExcelBordersIndex.EdgeLeft].LineStyle  = ExcelLineStyle.Thin;
                bodyStyle.Borders[ExcelBordersIndex.EdgeRight].LineStyle = ExcelLineStyle.Thin;

                worksheet.SetDefaultColumnStyle(1, colCount, bodyStyle);
            if (this.chkImportOnSave.Checked)
                DataTable dataTable = new DataTable();
                for (int column = 1; column <= colCount; column++)
                    dataTable.Columns.Add("Column: " + column.ToString(), typeof(int));
                //Adding data into data table
                for (int row = 1; row < rowCount; row++)
                    for (int column = 1; column <= colCount; column++)
                        dataTable.Rows[row - 1][column - 1] = row * column;
                startTime = DateTime.Now;
                worksheet.ImportDataTable(dataTable, 1, 1, true, true);
                #region Apply Style
                //Header Style
                IStyle headerStyle = workbook.Styles.Add("HeaderStyle");

                //Add custom colors to the palette.
                workbook.SetPaletteColor(8, Color.FromArgb(255, 174, 33));
                headerStyle.Color     = Color.FromArgb(255, 174, 33);
                headerStyle.Font.Bold = true;
                headerStyle.Borders[ExcelBordersIndex.EdgeLeft].LineStyle   = ExcelLineStyle.Thin;
                headerStyle.Borders[ExcelBordersIndex.EdgeRight].LineStyle  = ExcelLineStyle.Thin;
                headerStyle.Borders[ExcelBordersIndex.EdgeTop].LineStyle    = ExcelLineStyle.Thin;
                headerStyle.Borders[ExcelBordersIndex.EdgeBottom].LineStyle = ExcelLineStyle.Thin;
                IMigrantRange migrantRange = worksheet.MigrantRange;
                for (int column = 1; column <= colCount; column++)
                    migrantRange.ResetRowColumn(1, column);
                    migrantRange.Text      = "Column: " + column.ToString();
                    migrantRange.CellStyle = headerStyle;

                #region Insert Data
                //Writing Data using normal interface
                for (int row = 2; row <= rowCount; row++)
                    //double columnSum = 0.0;
                    for (int column = 1; column <= colCount; column++)
                        //Writing number
                        migrantRange.ResetRowColumn(row, column);
                        migrantRange.Number = row * column;

            #region Workook Save

            #region Workbook Save and Dispose
            //Close the workbook
            //Dispose the Excel Engine

            #region Set EndTime and get LogDetails
            //End Time
            endTime = DateTime.Now - startTime;

            #region View the Workbook
            //Message box confirmation to view the created spreadsheet.
            if (MessageBox.Show("Do you want to view the workbook?", "Workbook has been created",
                                MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Information)
                == DialogResult.Yes)
                //Launching the Excel file using the default Application.[MS Excel Or Free ExcelViewer]
                System.Diagnostics.Process process = new System.Diagnostics.Process();
                process.StartInfo = new System.Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo(fileName)
                    UseShellExecute = true
        public ActionResult ExportExcel(string page, string row, string fromDatePara, string toDatePara, string title, string aetType, string total, string currency, string payer, string receiptter, string status, string isPlan, string orderBy)
            int pageInt = int.Parse(page);
            int length  = int.Parse(row);
            //Get data View
            //var listData = _context.FundAccEntrys.Where(x => x.IsPlan == false && x.IsDeleted == false).Select(x => new { x.Title, x.AetType, x.Total, x.Currency, x.Payer, x.Receiptter, x.Status }).OrderUsingSortExpression(orderBy).AsNoTracking().ToList();

            var fromDate = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(fromDatePara) ? DateTime.ParseExact(fromDatePara, "dd/MM/yyyy", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) : (DateTime?)null;
            var toDate   = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(toDatePara) ? DateTime.ParseExact(toDatePara, "dd/MM/yyyy", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) : (DateTime?)null;

            var listData = (from a in _context.FundAccEntrys
                            join b in _context.FundCatReptExpss.Where(x => x.IsDeleted == false)
                            on a.CatCode equals b.CatCode
                            where (!a.IsDeleted &&
                                   ((fromDate == null) || (a.DeadLine.HasValue && a.DeadLine.Value.Date >= fromDate)) &&
                                   ((toDate == null) || (a.DeadLine.HasValue && a.DeadLine.Value.Date <= toDate))) &&
                            (string.IsNullOrEmpty(aetType) || (a.AetType.Equals(aetType))) &&
                            (string.IsNullOrEmpty(status) || (a.Status.Equals(status))) &&
                            (string.IsNullOrEmpty(isPlan) || (a.IsPlan.Equals(Convert.ToBoolean(isPlan))))
                            select new
                CatName = b.CatName,
                Id = a.Id,
                AetCode = a.AetCode,
                Title = a.Title,
                AetType = a.AetType,
                AetRelativeType = a.AetRelativeType,
                AetDescription = a.AetDescription,
                Total = a.Total,
                Payer = a.Payer,
                Currency = a.Currency,
                Status = a.Status,
                Receiptter = a.Receiptter
            var listExport = new List <FundAccEntryExportModel>();
            var no         = 1;

            foreach (var item in listData)
                var itemExport = new FundAccEntryExportModel();

                itemExport.No         = no;
                itemExport.CatName    = item.CatName;
                itemExport.Title      = item.Title;
                itemExport.AetType    = item.AetType;
                itemExport.Total      = item.Total;
                itemExport.Currency   = item.Currency;
                itemExport.Payer      = item.Payer;
                itemExport.Receiptter = item.Receiptter;
                itemExport.Status     = item.Status;

                if (item.Status == "CREATED")
                    itemExport.Status = "Khởi tạo";
                else if (item.Status == "PENDING")
                    itemExport.Status = "Đang chờ";
                else if (item.Status == "APPROVED")
                    itemExport.Status = "Đã duyệt";
                else if (item.Status == "REFUSE")
                    itemExport.Status = "Từ chối";
                    itemExport.Status = "Hủy bỏ";

                if (item.AetType == "Receipt")
                    itemExport.AetType = "Thu";
                else if (item.AetType == "Expense")
                    itemExport.AetType = "Chi";
                //itemExport.LeaderIdea = item.LeaderIdea == "undefined" ? "Không ý kiến" : item.LeaderIdea;
                //itemExport.Percent = item.Percent.ToString();

                //if (item.Percent == 100)
                //    itemExport.Percent = "100%";
                //else if (item.Percent == 0)
                //    itemExport.Percent = "0%";
                //    itemExport.Percent = String.Format("{0:0.00}", item.Percent) + "%";
                no = no + 1;

            ExcelEngine  excelEngine = new ExcelEngine();
            IApplication application = excelEngine.Excel;

            application.DefaultVersion = ExcelVersion.Excel2016;
            IWorkbook workbook = application.Workbooks.Create(1);

            workbook.Version = ExcelVersion.Excel2016;
            IWorksheet sheetRequest = workbook.Worksheets.Create("PhieuThuChi");

            IMigrantRange migrantRange = workbook.Worksheets[0].MigrantRange;

            sheetRequest.Range["A1"].ColumnWidth = 24;
            sheetRequest.Range["B1"].ColumnWidth = 24;
            sheetRequest.Range["C1"].ColumnWidth = 24;
            sheetRequest.Range["D1"].ColumnWidth = 24;
            sheetRequest.Range["E1"].ColumnWidth = 24;
            sheetRequest.Range["F1"].ColumnWidth = 24;
            sheetRequest.Range["G1"].ColumnWidth = 24;
            sheetRequest.Range["H1"].ColumnWidth = 24;
            sheetRequest.Range["I1"].ColumnWidth = 24;
            //sheetRequest.Range["I1"].ColumnWidth = 24;
            //sheetRequest.Range["J1"].ColumnWidth = 24;


            sheetRequest.Range["A1"].Text = "Phiếu Thu Chi";
            sheetRequest.Range["A1"].CellStyle.Font.FontName = "Calibri";
            sheetRequest.Range["A1"].CellStyle.Font.Bold     = true;
            sheetRequest.Range["A1"].CellStyle.Font.Size     = 24;
            sheetRequest.Range["A1"].CellStyle.Font.RGBColor = Color.FromArgb(0, 0, 176, 240);
            sheetRequest.Range["A1"].HorizontalAlignment     = ExcelHAlign.HAlignCenter;

            sheetRequest.ImportData(listExport, 2, 1, true);

            sheetRequest["A2"].Text = "TT";
            sheetRequest["B2"].Text = "Tên danh mục";
            sheetRequest["C2"].Text = "Tiêu Đề";
            sheetRequest["D2"].Text = "Loại";
            sheetRequest["E2"].Text = "Số Tiền";
            sheetRequest["F2"].Text = "Loại Tiền";
            sheetRequest["G2"].Text = "Người Trả";
            sheetRequest["H2"].Text = "Người Nhận";
            sheetRequest["I2"].Text = "Trạng Thái";

            IStyle tableHeader = workbook.Styles.Add("TableHeaderStyle");

            tableHeader.Font.Color          = ExcelKnownColors.White;
            tableHeader.Font.Bold           = true;
            tableHeader.Font.Size           = 11;
            tableHeader.Font.FontName       = "Calibri";
            tableHeader.HorizontalAlignment = ExcelHAlign.HAlignCenter;
            tableHeader.VerticalAlignment   = ExcelVAlign.VAlignCenter;
            tableHeader.Color = Color.FromArgb(0, 0, 122, 192);
            tableHeader.Borders[ExcelBordersIndex.EdgeLeft].LineStyle   = ExcelLineStyle.None;
            tableHeader.Borders[ExcelBordersIndex.EdgeRight].LineStyle  = ExcelLineStyle.None;
            tableHeader.Borders[ExcelBordersIndex.EdgeTop].LineStyle    = ExcelLineStyle.None;
            tableHeader.Borders[ExcelBordersIndex.EdgeBottom].LineStyle = ExcelLineStyle.None;
            tableHeader.Borders[ExcelBordersIndex.EdgeBottom].LineStyle = ExcelLineStyle.None;
            sheetRequest["A2:I2"].CellStyle       = tableHeader;
            sheetRequest.Range["A2:I2"].RowHeight = 20;

            string       ContentType = "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet";
            var          fileName    = "ExportPhieuThuChi" + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmmss") + ".xls";
            MemoryStream ms          = new MemoryStream();

            ms.Position = 0;
            return(File(ms, ContentType, fileName));
        public ActionResult ExportExcel(string page, string row, string title, string aetType, string total, string currency, string payer, string receiptter, string status, string orderBy)
            int pageInt = int.Parse(page);
            int length  = int.Parse(row);
            //Get data View
            var listData   = _context.FundAccEntrys.Where(x => x.IsPlan == true && x.IsDeleted == true).Select(x => new { x.Title, x.AetType, x.Total, x.Currency, x.Payer, x.Receiptter, x.Status }).OrderUsingSortExpression(orderBy).AsNoTracking().ToList();
            var listExport = new List <FundPlanAccEntryExportModel>();
            var no         = 1;

            foreach (var item in listData)
                var itemExport = new FundPlanAccEntryExportModel();

                itemExport.Title      = item.Title;
                itemExport.AetType    = item.AetType;
                itemExport.Total      = item.Total;
                itemExport.Currency   = item.Currency;
                itemExport.Payer      = item.Payer;
                itemExport.Receiptter = item.Receiptter;
                itemExport.Status     = item.Status;
                //itemExport.LeaderIdea = item.LeaderIdea == "undefined" ? "Không ý kiến" : item.LeaderIdea;
                //itemExport.Percent = item.Percent.ToString();

                //if (item.Percent == 100)
                //    itemExport.Percent = "100%";
                //else if (item.Percent == 0)
                //    itemExport.Percent = "0%";
                //    itemExport.Percent = String.Format("{0:0.00}", item.Percent) + "%";
                no = no + 1;

            ExcelEngine  excelEngine = new ExcelEngine();
            IApplication application = excelEngine.Excel;

            application.DefaultVersion = ExcelVersion.Excel2010;

            IWorkbook workbook = application.Workbooks.Create(1);

            workbook.Version = ExcelVersion.Excel97to2003;
            IWorksheet sheetRequest = workbook.Worksheets.Create("KeHoachThuChi");

            IMigrantRange migrantRange = workbook.Worksheets[0].MigrantRange;

            sheetRequest.Range["A1"].ColumnWidth = 24;
            sheetRequest.Range["B1"].ColumnWidth = 24;
            sheetRequest.Range["C1"].ColumnWidth = 24;
            sheetRequest.Range["D1"].ColumnWidth = 24;
            sheetRequest.Range["E1"].ColumnWidth = 24;
            sheetRequest.Range["F1"].ColumnWidth = 24;
            sheetRequest.Range["G1"].ColumnWidth = 24;
            sheetRequest.Range["H1"].ColumnWidth = 24;
            //sheetRequest.Range["I1"].ColumnWidth = 24;
            //sheetRequest.Range["J1"].ColumnWidth = 24;


            sheetRequest.Range["A1"].Text = "Kế Hoạch Thu Chi";
            sheetRequest.Range["A1"].CellStyle.Font.FontName = "Calibri";
            sheetRequest.Range["A1"].CellStyle.Font.Bold     = true;
            sheetRequest.Range["A1"].CellStyle.Font.Size     = 24;
            sheetRequest.Range["A1"].CellStyle.Font.RGBColor = Color.FromArgb(0, 0, 176, 240);
            sheetRequest.Range["A1"].HorizontalAlignment     = ExcelHAlign.HAlignCenter;

            sheetRequest.ImportData(listExport, 2, 1, true);

            sheetRequest["A2"].Text = "TT";
            sheetRequest["B2"].Text = "Tiêu Đề";
            sheetRequest["C2"].Text = "Loại";
            sheetRequest["D2"].Text = "Số Tiền";
            sheetRequest["E2"].Text = "Loại Tiền";
            sheetRequest["F2"].Text = "Người Trả";
            sheetRequest["G2"].Text = "Người Nhận";
            sheetRequest["H2"].Text = "Trạng Thái";

            IStyle tableHeader = workbook.Styles.Add("TableHeaderStyle");

            tableHeader.Font.Color          = ExcelKnownColors.White;
            tableHeader.Font.Bold           = true;
            tableHeader.Font.Size           = 11;
            tableHeader.Font.FontName       = "Calibri";
            tableHeader.HorizontalAlignment = ExcelHAlign.HAlignCenter;
            tableHeader.VerticalAlignment   = ExcelVAlign.VAlignCenter;
            tableHeader.Color = Color.FromArgb(0, 0, 122, 192);
            tableHeader.Borders[ExcelBordersIndex.EdgeLeft].LineStyle   = ExcelLineStyle.None;
            tableHeader.Borders[ExcelBordersIndex.EdgeRight].LineStyle  = ExcelLineStyle.None;
            tableHeader.Borders[ExcelBordersIndex.EdgeTop].LineStyle    = ExcelLineStyle.None;
            tableHeader.Borders[ExcelBordersIndex.EdgeBottom].LineStyle = ExcelLineStyle.None;
            tableHeader.Borders[ExcelBordersIndex.EdgeBottom].LineStyle = ExcelLineStyle.None;
            sheetRequest["A2:H2"].CellStyle       = tableHeader;
            sheetRequest.Range["A2:H2"].RowHeight = 20;

            string       ContentType = "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet";
            var          fileName    = "ExportPhieuThuChi" + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmmss") + ".xls";
            MemoryStream ms          = new MemoryStream();

            ms.Position = 0;
            return(File(ms, ContentType, fileName));
        private void Button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            int rowCount = Convert.ToInt32(textBox1.Value);
            int colCount = Convert.ToInt32(textBox2.Value);
            //Step 1 : Instantiate the spreadsheet creation engine.
            ExcelEngine excelEngine = new ExcelEngine();

            //Step 2 : Instantiate the excel application object.
            IApplication application = excelEngine.Excel;
            IWorkbook    workbook;

            workbook = application.Workbooks.Create(1);
            IWorksheet sheet = workbook.Worksheets[0];

            if (chkImport.Checked)
                workbook.Version = ExcelVersion.Excel2013;
                DataTable dataTable = new DataTable();
                for (int column = 1; column <= colCount; column++)
                    dataTable.Columns.Add("Column: " + column.ToString(), typeof(int));
                //Adding data into data table
                for (int row = 1; row < rowCount; row++)
                    for (int column = 1; column <= colCount; column++)
                        dataTable.Rows[row - 1][column - 1] = row * column;
                sheet.ImportDataTable(dataTable, 1, 1, true, true);
                IMigrantRange migrantRange = sheet.MigrantRange;

                for (int column = 1; column <= colCount; column++)
                    migrantRange.ResetRowColumn(1, column);
                    migrantRange.SetValue("Column: " + column.ToString());

                //Writing Data using normal interface
                for (int row = 2; row <= rowCount; row++)
                    //double columnSum = 0.0;
                    for (int column = 1; column <= colCount; column++)
                        //Writing number
                        migrantRange.ResetRowColumn(row, column);
                        migrantRange.SetValue(row * column);
            workbook.Version = ExcelVersion.Excel2013;

            MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream();


            if (stream != null)
                SaveAndroid androidSave = new SaveAndroid();
                androidSave.Save("CreateSheet.xlsx", "application/msexcel", stream, m_context);
        public ActionResult ExportFlow(int id)
            //var logger = LogManager.GetLogger(typeof(Program));
            //logger.Info("1 - Bat dau lay list export");

            var userId = ESEIM.AppContext.UserId;
            var data   = _context.DispatchesHeaders.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Id == id);

            //tracking User
            var tracking = _context.DispatchTrackingProcesss.FirstOrDefault(x => x.DispatchCode == data.DispatchCode);

            var listDispatchesMember = _context.DispatchesMemberActivitys.Where(x => x.ProcessCode == tracking.ProcessCode);
            var listMember           = listDispatchesMember.Where(x => x.ProcessCode == tracking.ProcessCode).Select(x => new IncommingDispatchesMember
                Id                    = x.Id,
                Assigner              = x.Assigner,
                AssignerName          = _context.Users.FirstOrDefault(y => y.Id == x.Assigner).GivenName ?? null,
                AssignerGroupUserName = _context.AdGroupUsers.Join(_context.AdUserInGroups.Where(y => y.UserId == x.Assigner), post => post.GroupUserCode, meta => meta.GroupUserCode, (post, meta) => post.Title).AsNoTracking().FirstOrDefault(),
                GroupUserName         = _context.AdGroupUsers.Join(_context.AdUserInGroups.Where(y => y.UserId == x.UserId), post => post.GroupUserCode, meta => meta.GroupUserCode, (post, meta) => post.Title).AsNoTracking().FirstOrDefault(),
                Name                  = x.User.GivenName,
                UserId                = x.UserId,
                CreatedTime           = x.CreatedTime,
                Role                  = x.Role,
                //IsShowComment = x.Assigner.Equals(userId) ? true : false,
                //IsShowDelete = false,
                //IsShowAction = x.UserId.Equals(userId) ? true : false,
                Status  = (x.UserId.Equals(userId) && x.Role == 2 && x.AssigneeConfirm == EnumHelper <DocumentStatusEnum> .GetDisplayValue(DocumentStatusEnum.Review)) ? null : x.AssigneeConfirm,
                Comment = x.Comment
            }).OrderBy(x => x.Id).AsNoTracking();

            var listExport = listMember.ToList().Select(a => new ExportFlowModel
                AssignerName = a.AssignerName + " - " + a.AssignerGroupUserName,
                Name         = a.Name + " - " + a.GroupUserName,
                Comment      = a.Comment,
                CreatedTime  = a.CreatedTime.Value.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy"),
                Role         = a.Role == 1 ? "Xử lý chính" : a.Role == 2 ? "Phối hợp" : "Xem để biết",
                Status       = a.Status == "DONE" ? "Đã hoàn tất"
                         : a.Status == "SEND" ? "Đã chuyển xử lý chính"
                         : a.Status == "ADD_SEND" ? "Đã chuyển"
                         : a.Status == "SEND_COORDINATED" ? "Đã chuyển phối hợp"
                         : a.Status == "UPDATED" ? "Đã cập nhật"
                         : a.Status == "COORDINATED" ? "Đã phối hợp"
                         : a.Status == "PROCESSING" ? "Đang xử lý"
                         : a.Status == "NOCOORDINATED" ? "Chưa phối hợp"
                         : a.Status == null ? "Chưa xem"
                         : a.Status == "" ? "Chưa chuyển"
                         : "Đã xem"

            ExcelEngine  excelEngine = new ExcelEngine();
            IApplication application = excelEngine.Excel;

            application.DefaultVersion = ExcelVersion.Excel2010;

            IWorkbook workbook = application.Workbooks.Create(1);

            workbook.Version = ExcelVersion.Excel97to2003;
            IWorksheet sheetRequest = workbook.Worksheets.Create("Sheet2");

            IMigrantRange migrantRange = workbook.Worksheets[0].MigrantRange;

            sheetRequest.Range["A1"].ColumnWidth = 24;
            sheetRequest.Range["B1"].ColumnWidth = 24;
            sheetRequest.Range["C1"].ColumnWidth = 24;
            sheetRequest.Range["D1"].ColumnWidth = 24;
            sheetRequest.Range["E1"].ColumnWidth = 24;
            sheetRequest.Range["F1"].ColumnWidth = 24;


            sheetRequest.Range["A1"].Text = "Các hoạt động xử lý công văn";
            sheetRequest.Range["A1"].CellStyle.Font.FontName = "Calibri";
            sheetRequest.Range["A1"].CellStyle.Font.Bold     = true;
            sheetRequest.Range["A1"].CellStyle.Font.Size     = 24;
            sheetRequest.Range["A1"].CellStyle.Font.RGBColor = Color.FromArgb(0, 0, 176, 240);
            sheetRequest.Range["A1"].HorizontalAlignment     = ExcelHAlign.HAlignCenter;

            sheetRequest.ImportData(listExport, 2, 1, true);

            sheetRequest["A2"].Text = "Người chuyển";
            sheetRequest["B2"].Text = "Người nhận";
            sheetRequest["C2"].Text = "Ý kiến";
            sheetRequest["D2"].Text = "Thời gian";
            sheetRequest["E2"].Text = "Vai trò";
            sheetRequest["F2"].Text = "Trạng thái";

            IStyle tableHeader = workbook.Styles.Add("TableHeaderStyle");

            tableHeader.Font.Color          = ExcelKnownColors.White;
            tableHeader.Font.Bold           = true;
            tableHeader.Font.Size           = 11;
            tableHeader.Font.FontName       = "Calibri";
            tableHeader.HorizontalAlignment = ExcelHAlign.HAlignCenter;
            tableHeader.VerticalAlignment   = ExcelVAlign.VAlignCenter;
            tableHeader.Color = Color.FromArgb(0, 0, 122, 192);
            tableHeader.Borders[ExcelBordersIndex.EdgeLeft].LineStyle   = ExcelLineStyle.None;
            tableHeader.Borders[ExcelBordersIndex.EdgeRight].LineStyle  = ExcelLineStyle.None;
            tableHeader.Borders[ExcelBordersIndex.EdgeTop].LineStyle    = ExcelLineStyle.None;
            tableHeader.Borders[ExcelBordersIndex.EdgeBottom].LineStyle = ExcelLineStyle.None;
            tableHeader.Borders[ExcelBordersIndex.EdgeBottom].LineStyle = ExcelLineStyle.None;
            sheetRequest["A2:F2"].CellStyle       = tableHeader;
            sheetRequest.Range["A2:F2"].RowHeight = 20;

            string       ContentType = "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet";
            var          fileName    = "Luồng xử lý công văn (" + data.DocumentSymbol + " ngày " + data.PromulgateDate.Value.ToString("dd.MM.yyyy") + ") - " + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmmss") + ".xls";
            MemoryStream ms          = new MemoryStream();

            ms.Position = 0;
            return(File(ms, ContentType, fileName));
        private async void btnGenerateExcel_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            #region Workbook initialization
            int           rowCount = Convert.ToInt32(cbRows.Text);
            int           colCount = Convert.ToInt32(cbColumns.Text);
            MessageDialog dialog   = null;
            if (rdbExcel2003.IsChecked.Value && colCount > 256)
                dialog = new MessageDialog("Maximum number of columns allowed for Excel 2003 format is 256. Please select Excel 2007 to 2013 format if you need more than 256 columns.");
                await dialog.ShowAsync();
            else if (rdbExcel2003.IsChecked.Value && rowCount > 65536)
                dialog = new MessageDialog("Maximum number of rows allowed for Excel 2003 format is 65,536. Please select Excel 2007 to 2013 format if you need more than 65,536 rows.");
                await dialog.ShowAsync();
                System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch watcher = new System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch();
                //New instance of XlsIO is created.[Equivalent to launching MS Excel with no workbooks open].
                //The instantiation process consists of two steps.

                //Step 1 : Instantiate the spreadsheet creation engine.
                ExcelEngine excelEngine = new ExcelEngine();
                //Step 2 : Instantiate the excel application object.
                IApplication application = excelEngine.Excel;

                //Set the Default Version as Excel 97to2003
                if (this.rdbExcel2003.IsChecked == true)
                    application.DefaultVersion = ExcelVersion.Excel97to2003;
                ////Set the Default Version as Excel 2007
                //else if (this.rdbExcel2007.IsChecked == true)
                //    application.DefaultVersion = ExcelVersion.Excel2007;
                //else if (this.rdbExcel2010.IsChecked == true)
                //    application.DefaultVersion = ExcelVersion.Excel2010;
                else if (this.rdbExcel2013.IsChecked == true)
                    application.DefaultVersion = ExcelVersion.Excel2013;

                //A new workbook is created.[Equivalent to creating a new workbook in MS Excel]
                //The new workbook will have 3 worksheets
                IWorkbook workbook = application.Workbooks.Create(1);
                //The first worksheet object in the worksheets collection is accessed.
                IWorksheet worksheet = workbook.Worksheets[0];

                #region FillData

                IMigrantRange migrantRange = worksheet.MigrantRange;

                for (int column = 1; column <= colCount; column++)
                    migrantRange.ResetRowColumn(1, column);
                    migrantRange.Text = "Column: " + column.ToString();
                    worksheet.SetColumnWidth(column, 9);

                //Writing Data using normal interface
                for (int row = 2; row <= rowCount; row++)
                    //double columnSum = 0.0;
                    for (int column = 1; column <= colCount; column++)
                        //Writing number
                        migrantRange.ResetRowColumn(row, column);
                        migrantRange.Number = row * column;

                #region Save the Workbook
                StorageFile storageFile;
                if (!(Windows.Foundation.Metadata.ApiInformation.IsTypePresent("Windows.Phone.UI.Input.HardwareButtons")))
                    FileSavePicker savePicker = new FileSavePicker();
                    savePicker.SuggestedStartLocation = PickerLocationId.Desktop;
                    savePicker.SuggestedFileName      = "Performance";
                    if (workbook.Version == ExcelVersion.Excel97to2003)
                        savePicker.FileTypeChoices.Add("Excel Files", new List <string>()
                        savePicker.FileTypeChoices.Add("Excel Files", new List <string>()
                    storageFile = await savePicker.PickSaveFileAsync();
                    StorageFolder local = Windows.Storage.ApplicationData.Current.LocalFolder;
                    if (workbook.Version == ExcelVersion.Excel97to2003)
                        storageFile = await local.CreateFileAsync("Performance.xls", CreationCollisionOption.ReplaceExisting);
                        storageFile = await local.CreateFileAsync("Performance.xlsx", CreationCollisionOption.ReplaceExisting);

                //Saving the workbook to disk.
                if (storageFile != null)
                    //Saving the workbook
                    await workbook.SaveAsAsync(storageFile);


                    MessageDialog msgDialog = new MessageDialog("Do you want to view the Document?", "File has been created successfully.");

                    UICommand yesCmd = new UICommand("Yes");
                    UICommand noCmd = new UICommand("No");
                    IUICommand cmd = await msgDialog.ShowAsync();

                    if (cmd == yesCmd)
                        // Launch the saved file
                        bool success = await Windows.System.Launcher.LaunchFileAsync(storageFile);
        public ActionResult Performance(string SaveOption, string Import, string rowCount, string colCount)
            if (SaveOption == null)

            int rows    = Convert.ToInt32(rowCount);
            int columns = Convert.ToInt32(colCount);

            if (SaveOption == "Xls")
                if (columns > 256)
                    Response.Write("<script LANGUAGE='JavaScript' >alert('Column count must be less than or equal to 256 for Excel 2003 format.');document.location='" + VirtualPathUtility.ToAbsolute("~/XlsIO/Performance") + "';</script>");
                if (rows > 65536)
                    Response.Write("<script LANGUAGE='JavaScript' >alert('Row count must be less than or equal to 65,536 for Excel 2003 format.');document.location='" + VirtualPathUtility.ToAbsolute("~/XlsIO/Performance") + "';</script>");
            if (SaveOption == "Xlsx")
                if (rows > 100001)
                    Response.Write("<script LANGUAGE='JavaScript' >alert('Row count must be less than or equal to 100,000.');document.location='" + VirtualPathUtility.ToAbsolute("~/XlsIO/Performance") + "';</script>");
                if (columns > 151)
                    Response.Write("<script LANGUAGE='JavaScript' >alert('Column count must be less than or equal to 151.');document.location='" + VirtualPathUtility.ToAbsolute("~/XlsIO/Performance") + "';</script>");
            //New instance of XlsIO is created.[Equivalent to launching Microsoft Excel with no workbooks open].
            //The instantiation process consists of two steps.

            //Step 1 : Instantiate the spreadsheet creation engine.
            ExcelEngine excelEngine = new ExcelEngine();

            //Step 2 : Instantiate the excel application object.
            IApplication application = excelEngine.Excel;
            IWorkbook    workbook;

            if (SaveOption == "Xlsx")
                application.DefaultVersion = ExcelVersion.Excel2016;
                application.DefaultVersion = ExcelVersion.Excel97to2003;

            workbook = application.Workbooks.Create(1);

            IWorksheet sheet = workbook.Worksheets[0];

            if (Import == "importonsave")
                workbook.Version = ExcelVersion.Excel2013;
                DataTable dataTable = new DataTable();
                for (int column = 1; column <= columns; column++)
                    dataTable.Columns.Add("Column: " + column.ToString(), typeof(int));
                //Adding data into data table
                for (int row = 1; row < rows; row++)
                    for (int column = 1; column <= columns; column++)
                        dataTable.Rows[row - 1][column - 1] = row * column;
                sheet.ImportDataTable(dataTable, 1, 1, true, true);
                IMigrantRange migrantRange = sheet.MigrantRange;

                for (int column = 1; column <= columns; column++)
                    migrantRange.ResetRowColumn(1, column);
                    migrantRange.SetValue("Column: " + column.ToString());

                //Writing Data using normal interface
                for (int row = 2; row <= rows; row++)
                    //double columnSum = 0.0;
                    for (int column = 1; column <= columns; column++)
                        //Writing number
                        migrantRange.ResetRowColumn(row, column);
                        migrantRange.SetValue(row * column);
                if (SaveOption == "Xls")
                    return(excelEngine.SaveAsActionResult(workbook, "Performance.xls", HttpContext.ApplicationInstance.Response, ExcelDownloadType.PromptDialog, ExcelHttpContentType.Excel97));
                    return(excelEngine.SaveAsActionResult(workbook, "Performance.xlsx", HttpContext.ApplicationInstance.Response, ExcelDownloadType.PromptDialog, ExcelHttpContentType.Excel2016));
            catch (Exception)

            //Close the workbook.
        public EtlProcessedFile LoadExcelFileVectorPrecio()
            var dateIni    = DateTime.Now;
            var idLoadFile = dateIni.TimeOfDay.ToString().PadRight(20).Replace(".", "").Replace(":", "");

            //EtlProcessedFile processedFile = new EtlProcessedFile { DateIni = dateIni, FileName = MessageCenter.URL_FILE_VP };
            // "vectorPrecios_20200301Data.xlsx" vectorPrecios_20200324Data.xlsx vectorPrecios_20200327Data.xlsx vectorPrecios_20200331Data.xlsx
            EtlProcessedFile processedFile = new EtlProcessedFile {
                DateIni = dateIni, FileName = "vectorPrecios_20200331Data.xlsx"

                var stopwatch = new Stopwatch();
                List <VectorPrecio> vectores = new List <VectorPrecio>();
                using (ExcelEngine excelEngine = new ExcelEngine())
                    FileStream    inputStream = new FileStream(processedFile.FileName, FileMode.Open);
                    IWorkbook     workbook    = excelEngine.Excel.Workbooks.Open(inputStream);
                    IWorksheet    sheet       = workbook.Worksheets[0];
                    IMigrantRange mRange      = sheet.MigrantRange;
                    int           rowCount    = sheet.UsedRange.LastRow;
                    int           colCount    = sheet.UsedRange.LastColumn;

                    for (int r = 2; r <= rowCount; r++)
                        var vectorPrecio = new VectorPrecio();
                        for (int c = 1; c <= colCount; c++)
                            mRange.ResetRowColumn(r, c);
                            var      value      = mRange.Value?.ToString().TrimEnd().TrimStart();
                            DateTime parsedDate = new DateTime();
                            switch (c)
                            case 1: vectorPrecio.Fecha = DateTime.TryParse(value, out parsedDate) == true ? parsedDate : new DateTime(); break;

                            case 2: vectorPrecio.Operadora = value; break;

                            case 3: vectorPrecio.Fondo = value; break;

                            case 4: vectorPrecio.Serie = value; break;

                            case 6: vectorPrecio.Precio = String.IsNullOrEmpty(value) == true ? -1 : Convert.ToDecimal(value.Replace(",", "").Replace("'", "").Replace("´", ""), null); break;
                        var fondoserie = vectorPrecio.Fondo + vectorPrecio.Serie;
                        var fondo      = vectorPrecio.Fondo;
                        var serie      = vectorPrecio.Serie;
                        var operadora  = vectorPrecio.Operadora;
                        var fondokey   = vectorPrecio.Fecha.ToString("MMyy") + fondoserie;
                        //var fondoInverison = _dataContext.FondosInversionMontosMinimos.FirstOrDefault(fi => fi.FondoKey == fondokey);

                        vectorPrecio.FondoSerie     = fondoserie;
                        vectorPrecio.FondoKey       = fondokey;
                        vectorPrecio.FondoInversion = new FondosInversionMontosMinimos {
                            FondoKey = fondokey, Fondo = fondo, Serie = serie, FondoSerie = fondoserie, Operadora = operadora
                        vectorPrecio.IdLoadFile = idLoadFile;

                        /*** CUATRO_DIAS ***/
                        var r4 = CalculateRendimiento(vectorPrecio.Fecha, vectorPrecio.Precio, fondoserie, MessageCenter.CUATRO_DIAS);
                        vectorPrecio.RendiDirCuatroDias = r4.Directo;
                        vectorPrecio.RendiAnuCuatroDias = r4.Anualizado;

                        /*** SIETE_DIAS ***/
                        var r7 = CalculateRendimiento(vectorPrecio.Fecha, vectorPrecio.Precio, fondoserie, MessageCenter.SIETE_DIAS);
                        vectorPrecio.RendiDirSieteDias = r7.Directo;
                        vectorPrecio.RendiAnuSieteDias = r7.Anualizado;

                        /*** UN_MES ***/
                        var r30 = CalculateRendimiento(vectorPrecio.Fecha, vectorPrecio.Precio, fondoserie, MessageCenter.UN_MES);
                        vectorPrecio.RendiDirUnMes = r30.Directo;
                        vectorPrecio.RendiAnuUnMes = r30.Anualizado;

                        /*** TRES_MESES ***/
                        var r90 = CalculateRendimiento(vectorPrecio.Fecha, vectorPrecio.Precio, fondoserie, MessageCenter.TRES_MESES);
                        vectorPrecio.RendiDirTresMeses = r90.Directo;
                        vectorPrecio.RendiAnuTresMeses = r90.Anualizado;

                        /*** SEIS_MESES ***/
                        var r180 = CalculateRendimiento(vectorPrecio.Fecha, vectorPrecio.Precio, fondoserie, MessageCenter.SEIS_MESES);
                        vectorPrecio.RendiDirSeisMeses = r180.Directo;
                        vectorPrecio.RendiAnuSeisMeses = r180.Anualizado;

                        /*** NUEVE_MESES ***/
                        var r270 = CalculateRendimiento(vectorPrecio.Fecha, vectorPrecio.Precio, fondoserie, MessageCenter.NUEVE_MESES);
                        vectorPrecio.RendiDirNueveMeses = r270.Directo;
                        vectorPrecio.RendiAnuNueveMeses = r270.Anualizado;

                        /*** DOCE_MESES ***/
                        var r360 = CalculateRendimiento(vectorPrecio.Fecha, vectorPrecio.Precio, fondoserie, MessageCenter.DOCE_MESES);
                        vectorPrecio.RendiDirDoceMeses = r360.Directo;
                        vectorPrecio.RendiAnuDoceMeses = r360.Anualizado;

                        /*** DIECIOCHO_MESES ***/
                        var r540 = CalculateRendimiento(vectorPrecio.Fecha, vectorPrecio.Precio, fondoserie, MessageCenter.DIECIOCHO_MESES);
                        vectorPrecio.RendiDirDiesiOchoMeses = r540.Directo;
                        vectorPrecio.RendiAnuDiesiOchoMeses = r540.Anualizado;

                        /*** VEINTICUATRO_MESES ***/
                        var r720 = CalculateRendimiento(vectorPrecio.Fecha, vectorPrecio.Precio, fondoserie, MessageCenter.VEINTICUATRO_MESES);
                        vectorPrecio.RendiDirVeintiCuatroMeses = r720.Directo;
                        vectorPrecio.RendiAnuVeintiCuatroMeses = r720.Anualizado;

                        /*** TREINTAYSEIS_MESES ***/
                        var r1080 = CalculateRendimiento(vectorPrecio.Fecha, vectorPrecio.Precio, fondoserie, MessageCenter.TREINTAYSEIS_MESES);
                        vectorPrecio.RendiDirTreintaySeisMeses = r1080.Directo;
                        vectorPrecio.RendiAnuTreintaySeisMeses = r1080.Anualizado;


                    workbook.Close();      //Close the instance of IWorkbook
                    excelEngine.Dispose(); //Dispose the instance of ExcelEngine

                processedFile.DateEnd       = DateTime.Now;
                processedFile.ElapsedTime   = (stopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds) / 1000;
                processedFile.LoadedRecords = vectores.Count;
                processedFile.TypeLoad      = "Vector de Precios";
                processedFile.IdLoadFile    = idLoadFile;

            } catch (Exception e)
            { Console.WriteLine($"Errors LoadExcelFileVectorPrecio: {e.ToString()} "); }

        public EtlProcessedFile LoadExcelFileMontosMinimos()
            var dateIni    = DateTime.Now;
            var idLoadFile = dateIni.TimeOfDay.ToString().PadRight(20).Replace(".", "").Replace(":", "");

            EtlProcessedFile processedFile = new EtlProcessedFile {
                DateIni = dateIni, FileName = MessageCenter.URL_FILE_MM

                var stopwatch = new Stopwatch();
                List <FondosInversionMontosMinimos> fondos = new List <FondosInversionMontosMinimos>();
                using (ExcelEngine excelEngine = new ExcelEngine())
                    FileStream    inputStream = new FileStream(processedFile.FileName, FileMode.Open);
                    IWorkbook     workbook    = excelEngine.Excel.Workbooks.Open(inputStream);
                    IWorksheet    sheet       = workbook.Worksheets["montos minimos"];
                    IMigrantRange mRange      = sheet.MigrantRange;
                    int           rowCount    = sheet.UsedRange.LastRow;
                    int           colCount    = sheet.UsedRange.LastColumn;

                    for (int r = 2; r <= rowCount; r++)
                        var fondoInversion = new FondosInversionMontosMinimos();
                        for (int c = 1; c <= colCount; c++)
                            mRange.ResetRowColumn(r, c);
                            var      value      = mRange.Value?.ToString().TrimEnd().TrimStart();
                            DateTime parsedDate = new DateTime();
                            switch (c)
                            case 1: fondoInversion.Fecha = DateTime.TryParse(value, out parsedDate) == true ? parsedDate : new DateTime(); break;

                            case 2: fondoInversion.Operadora = value; break;

                            case 3: fondoInversion.Fondo = value; break;

                            case 4: fondoInversion.Serie = value; break;

                            case 6: fondoInversion.MontoMinimo = String.IsNullOrEmpty(value) == true ? -1 : Convert.ToDecimal(value.Replace(",", "").Replace("'", "").Replace("´", ""), null); break;

                            case 7: fondoInversion.MontoMinimoTipo = value.ToUpper() == "SERIE A" ? (char)'S' : StringToChar(value.ToCharArray()); break;

                            case 8: fondoInversion.Divisa = value; break;

                            case 9: fondoInversion.Activo = StringToChar(value.ToUpper().ToCharArray()); break;

                            case 11: fondoInversion.PersonaFisica = TransformStringToBoolean(value.ToUpper()); break;

                            case 12: fondoInversion.PersonaMoral = TransformStringToBoolean(value.ToUpper()); break;

                            case 13: fondoInversion.PersonaMoralNoContribuyente = TransformStringToBoolean(value.ToUpper()); break;

                            case 14: fondoInversion.SociedadesDeInversion = TransformStringToBoolean(value.ToUpper()); break;

                        fondoInversion.FondoSerie = fondoInversion.Fondo + fondoInversion.Serie;
                        fondoInversion.FondoKey   = fondoInversion.Fecha.ToString("MMyy") + fondoInversion.FondoSerie;
                        fondoInversion.IdLoadFile = idLoadFile;

                    workbook.Close();      //Close the instance of IWorkbook
                    excelEngine.Dispose(); //Dispose the instance of ExcelEngine


                processedFile.DateEnd       = DateTime.Now;
                processedFile.ElapsedTime   = (stopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds) / 1000;
                processedFile.LoadedRecords = fondos.Count;
                processedFile.TypeLoad      = "Fondos de Inversión MM";
                processedFile.IdLoadFile    = idLoadFile;

            } catch (Exception e)
            { Console.WriteLine($"Finish with errors {e.ToString()} "); }

        private async void Excel()
            var balanceView = BalanceView.GetInstance();

            var confirmacion = await dialogService.ShowMessageConfirmacion("Mensaje", "¿Desea exportar el balance a una planilla de cálculo?");

            if (confirmacion)
                try {
                    if (ListaBalance.Count == 0)
                        await dialogService.ShowMessage("Error", "Se deben agregar elementos al balance");

                    using (ExcelEngine excelEngine = new ExcelEngine())
                        cont = 0;
                        //Seleccionar versión de Excel 2013
                        excelEngine.Excel.DefaultVersion = ExcelVersion.Excel2013;

                        //Crear workbook con una hoja de trabajo
                        IWorkbook workbook = excelEngine.Excel.Workbooks.Create(1);

                        //Acceder a la primera hoja de trabajo desde la instancia de workbook
                        IWorksheet worksheet = workbook.Worksheets[0];

                        IMigrantRange migrantRange = worksheet.MigrantRange;

                        foreach (var elemento in ListaBalance)
                            // Writing Data.
                            //cont aumenta en 7 la posición de las filas en cada producto, las columnas dependen de los días elegidos

                            migrantRange["A1"].Text = "Fecha";
                            migrantRange["A1"].CellStyle.Font.Bold = true;

                            migrantRange["B1"].Text = "Origen";
                            migrantRange["B1"].CellStyle.Font.Bold = true;

                            migrantRange["C1"].Text = "Categoría";
                            migrantRange["C1"].CellStyle.Font.Bold = true;

                            migrantRange["D1"].Text = "Monto";
                            migrantRange["D1"].CellStyle.Font.Bold = true;

                            //Nueva celda
                            migrantRange.ResetRowColumn(cont + 2, 1);
                            migrantRange.Text = string.Format("{0}/{1}/{2}", elemento.Dia, elemento.Mes, elemento.Anio);

                            //migrantRange.CellStyle.Borders.LineStyle = ExcelLineStyle.Medium;

                            //Nueva celda
                            migrantRange.ResetRowColumn(cont + 2, 2);
                            migrantRange.Text = elemento.Origen;
                            //Nueva celda
                            migrantRange.ResetRowColumn(cont + 2, 3);
                            migrantRange.Text = elemento.GastoIngreso;
                            //Nueva celda
                            migrantRange.ResetRowColumn(cont + 2, 4);

                            migrantRange.Number = double.Parse(elemento.Cantidad);
                            if (double.Parse(elemento.Cantidad) > 0)
                                worksheet[string.Format("D{0}", cont + 2)].CellStyle.Font.Color = ExcelKnownColors.Green;
                            else if (double.Parse(elemento.Cantidad) < 0)
                                worksheet[string.Format("D{0}", cont + 2)].CellStyle.Font.Color = ExcelKnownColors.Red;

                            cont = cont + 1;

                        IRange range = worksheet.Range[string.Format("A{0}:C{0}", cont + 2)];
                        range.Text = string.Format("Balance: ");
                        range.CellStyle.HorizontalAlignment = ExcelHAlign.HAlignCenter;
                        range.CellStyle.Font.Bold           = true;
                        worksheet[string.Format("D{0}", cont + 2)].Number = double.Parse(BalanceTotal);
                        worksheet[string.Format("D{0}", cont + 2)].CellStyle.Font.Bold = true;
                        if (double.Parse(BalanceTotal) > 0)
                            worksheet[string.Format("D{0}", cont + 2)].CellStyle.ColorIndex = ExcelKnownColors.Green;
                        else if (double.Parse(BalanceTotal) < 0)
                            worksheet[string.Format("D{0}", cont + 2)].CellStyle.ColorIndex = ExcelKnownColors.Red;
                        worksheet.Range[string.Format("A1:D{0}", cont + 2)].BorderInside();
                        worksheet.Range[string.Format("A1:D{0}", cont + 2)].BorderAround();

                        //Save the workbook to stream in xlsx format.
                        MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream();


                        //Save the stream as a file in the device and invoke it for viewing
                        DependencyService.Get <ISave>().SaveAndView(string.Format("Balance Mensual de {0}-{1}", SelectedItemMes, SelectedItemAño) + ".xlsx", "application/msexcel", stream);

                        await dialogService.ShowMessage("Mensaje", string.Format("El balance se guardó como archivo de nombre '{0}' en la carpeta Balances", string.Format("Balance Mensual de {0}-{1}", SelectedItemMes, SelectedItemAño) + ".xlsx"));
                    await dialogService.ShowMessage("Error", "No se pudo exportar a hoja de cálculo. Intenta habilitando los permisos en ajustes.");
        public ActionResult Performance(string SaveOption, string Import, string rowCount, string colCount)
            if (SaveOption == null)

            int rows    = Convert.ToInt32(rowCount);
            int columns = Convert.ToInt32(colCount);
            //New instance of XlsIO is created.[Equivalent to launching MS Excel with no workbooks open].
            //The instantiation process consists of two steps.

            //Step 1 : Instantiate the spreadsheet creation engine.
            ExcelEngine excelEngine = new ExcelEngine();
            //Step 2 : Instantiate the excel application object.
            IApplication application = excelEngine.Excel;

            // Creating new workbook
            IWorkbook  workbook = application.Workbooks.Create(1);
            IWorksheet sheet    = workbook.Worksheets[0];

            #region Generate Excel
            if (Import == "importonsave")
                DataTable dataTable = new DataTable();
                for (int column = 1; column <= columns; column++)
                    dataTable.Columns.Add("Column: " + column.ToString(), typeof(int));
                //Adding data into data table
                for (int row = 1; row < rows; row++)
                    for (int column = 1; column <= columns; column++)
                        dataTable.Rows[row - 1][column - 1] = row * column;
                sheet.ImportDataTable(dataTable, 1, 1, true, true);
                IMigrantRange migrantRange = workbook.Worksheets[0].MigrantRange;
                for (int column = 1; column <= columns; column++)
                    migrantRange.ResetRowColumn(1, column);
                    migrantRange.Text = "Column: " + column.ToString();

                //Writing Data using normal interface
                for (int row = 2; row <= rows; row++)
                    //double columnSum = 0.0;
                    for (int column = 1; column <= columns; column++)
                        //Writing number
                        migrantRange.ResetRowColumn(row, column);
                        migrantRange.Number = row * column;

            string ContentType = null;
            string fileName    = null;
            if (SaveOption == "ExcelXls")
                ContentType = "Application/vnd.ms-excel";
                fileName    = "Sample.xls";
                workbook.Version = ExcelVersion.Excel2013;
                ContentType      = "Application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet";
                fileName         = "Sample.xlsx";

            MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream();
            ms.Position = 0;

            return(File(ms, ContentType, fileName));
        private async void Xls()
            if (ProductoPrincipal.Calculo == false)
                await dialogService.ShowMessage("Error", "Se debe realizar, en primera medida, el cálculo");

            using (ExcelEngine excelEngine = new ExcelEngine())
                cont = 0;
                //Seleccionar versión de Excel 2013
                excelEngine.Excel.DefaultVersion = ExcelVersion.Excel2013;

                //Crear workbook con una hoja de trabajo
                IWorkbook workbook = excelEngine.Excel.Workbooks.Create(1);

                foreach (var productoA in ProductoPrincipal.Productos)
                    CantSemanas = productoA.Semanas.Count.ToString();

                    //Acceder a la primera hoja de trabajo desde la instancia de workbook
                    IWorksheet worksheet = workbook.Worksheets[0];

                    IMigrantRange migrantRange = worksheet.MigrantRange;
                    // Writing Data.
                    //cont aumenta en 7 la posición de las filas en cada producto, las columnas dependen de los días elegidos

                    migrantRange["A" + (cont + 1).ToString()].Text = productoA.Nombres;

                    migrantRange["A" + (2 + cont).ToString()].Text = "Requerimiento Bruto";

                    migrantRange["A" + (3 + cont).ToString()].Text = "Inventario Inicial";

                    migrantRange["A" + (4 + cont).ToString()].Text = "Requerimiento Neto";

                    migrantRange["A" + (5 + cont).ToString()].Text = "Liberación Orden";

                    migrantRange["A" + (6 + cont).ToString()].Text = "Inventario Final";

                    //Estilos de las celdas
                    migrantRange["A" + (cont + 1).ToString()].CellStyle.Font.Bold         = true;
                    migrantRange["A" + (cont + 1).ToString()].CellStyle.ColorIndex        = ExcelKnownColors.Sea_green;
                    migrantRange["A" + (cont + 1).ToString()].CellStyle.Borders.LineStyle = ExcelLineStyle.Medium;
                    migrantRange["A" + (2 + cont).ToString()].CellStyle.ColorIndex        = ExcelKnownColors.Aqua;
                    migrantRange["A" + (2 + cont).ToString()].CellStyle.Borders.LineStyle = ExcelLineStyle.Medium;
                    migrantRange["A" + (3 + cont).ToString()].CellStyle.ColorIndex        = ExcelKnownColors.Aqua;
                    migrantRange["A" + (3 + cont).ToString()].CellStyle.Borders.LineStyle = ExcelLineStyle.Medium;
                    migrantRange["A" + (4 + cont).ToString()].CellStyle.ColorIndex        = ExcelKnownColors.Aqua;
                    migrantRange["A" + (4 + cont).ToString()].CellStyle.Borders.LineStyle = ExcelLineStyle.Medium;
                    migrantRange["A" + (5 + cont).ToString()].CellStyle.ColorIndex        = ExcelKnownColors.Aqua;
                    migrantRange["A" + (5 + cont).ToString()].CellStyle.Borders.LineStyle = ExcelLineStyle.Medium;
                    migrantRange["A" + (6 + cont).ToString()].CellStyle.ColorIndex        = ExcelKnownColors.Aqua;
                    migrantRange["A" + (6 + cont).ToString()].CellStyle.Borders.LineStyle = ExcelLineStyle.Medium;
                    //Recorrido de columnas desde la columna 2 en adelante
                    for (int column = 2; column < int.Parse(CantSemanas) + 2; column++)
                        //Nueva celda
                        migrantRange.ResetRowColumn(cont + 1, column);
                        migrantRange.Text = "Día" + (column - 1).ToString() + "  " + DateSelected.Date.AddDays(column - 2).ToString().Remove(10);
                        //Estilo de la celda  migrantRange.ResetRowColumn(cont+1, column)
                        migrantRange.CellStyle.ColorIndex        = ExcelKnownColors.Pale_blue;
                        migrantRange.CellStyle.Borders.LineStyle = ExcelLineStyle.Medium;
                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(productoA.Semanas[column - 2].LibOrden))
                            migrantRange.CellStyle.ColorIndex = ExcelKnownColors.Bright_green;
                        //Nueva celda
                        migrantRange.ResetRowColumn(cont + 2, column);
                        migrantRange.Text = productoA.Semanas[column - 2].ReqBruto;
                        //Nueva celda
                        migrantRange.ResetRowColumn(cont + 3, column);
                        migrantRange.Text = productoA.Semanas[column - 2].InventarioInicial;
                        //Nueva celda
                        migrantRange.ResetRowColumn(cont + 4, column);
                        migrantRange.Text = productoA.Semanas[column - 2].ReqNeto;
                        //Nueva celda
                        migrantRange.ResetRowColumn(cont + 5, column);
                        migrantRange.Text = productoA.Semanas[column - 2].LibOrden;
                        //Estilo de la celda   migrantRange.ResetRowColumn(cont+5, column)
                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(productoA.Semanas[column - 2].LibOrden))
                            migrantRange.CellStyle.ColorIndex = ExcelKnownColors.Bright_green;
                            migrantRange.CellStyle.Font.Bold  = true;
                        //Nueva celda
                        migrantRange.ResetRowColumn(cont + 6, column);
                        migrantRange.Text = productoA.Semanas[column - 2].InvFinal;
                    cont = cont + 7;
                //Save the workbook to stream in xlsx format.
                MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream();


                //Save the stream as a file in the device and invoke it for viewing
                await DependencyService.Get <ISave>().SaveAndView(ProductoPrincipal.Nombre + ".xlsx", "application/msexcel", stream);

                await dialogService.ShowMessage("Mensaje", "El Producto se guardó como hoja de Excel en la carpeta MRP");
        private void BtnGenerate_Clicked(object sender, EventArgs e)
            int rows    = Convert.ToInt32(this.rowCount.Text);
            int columns = Convert.ToInt32(this.colCount.Text);
            //Step 1 : Instantiate the spreadsheet creation engine.
            ExcelEngine excelEngine = new ExcelEngine();

            //Step 2 : Instantiate the excel application object.
            IApplication application = excelEngine.Excel;
            IWorkbook    workbook;

            workbook         = application.Workbooks.Create(1);
            workbook.Version = ExcelVersion.Excel2013;
            IWorksheet sheet = workbook.Worksheets[0];

            if (this.Import.IsChecked.Value)
                DataTable dataTable = new DataTable();
                for (int column = 1; column <= columns; column++)
                    dataTable.Columns.Add("Column: " + column.ToString(), typeof(int));
                //Adding data into data table
                for (int row = 1; row < rows; row++)
                    for (int column = 1; column <= columns; column++)
                        dataTable.Rows[row - 1][column - 1] = row * column;
                sheet.ImportDataTable(dataTable, 1, 1, true, true);
                IMigrantRange migrantRange = sheet.MigrantRange;

                for (int column = 1; column <= Convert.ToInt32(this.colCount.Text); column++)
                    migrantRange.ResetRowColumn(1, column);
                    migrantRange.SetValue("Column: " + column.ToString());

                //Writing Data using normal interface
                for (int row = 2; row <= rows; row++)
                    //double columnSum = 0.0;
                    for (int column = 1; column <= columns; column++)
                        //Writing number
                        migrantRange.ResetRowColumn(row, column);
                        migrantRange.SetValue(row * column);

            MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream();


            if (Device.RuntimePlatform == Device.UWP)
                Xamarin.Forms.DependencyService.Get <ISaveWindowsPhone>().Save("Sample.xlsx", "application/msexcel", stream);
                Xamarin.Forms.DependencyService.Get <ISave>().Save("Sample.xlsx", "application/msexcel", stream);
        public ActionResult ExportExcel(string page, string row, string customerName, string areaExport, string staff, string fromDate, string toDate, string orderBy)
            int pageInt = int.Parse(page);
            int length  = int.Parse(row);
            //Get data View
            var listData   = FuncJTable(customerName, areaExport, staff, fromDate, toDate).OrderUsingSortExpression(orderBy).AsNoTracking().ToList();
            var listExport = new List <ProporCurrentExportModel>();
            var no         = 1;

            foreach (var item in listData)
                var itemExport = new ProporCurrentExportModel();
                itemExport.No           = no;
                itemExport.CustomerName = item.CustomerName;
                itemExport.Area         = item.Area;
                itemExport.Staff        = item.Staff;
                itemExport.CreatedTime  = item.CreatedTime != null?item.CreatedTime.Value.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm") : "";

                itemExport.Proportion  = item.Proportion.ToString();
                itemExport.TotalCanImp = item.TotalCanImp.ToString();

                //if (item.Percent == 100)
                //    itemExport.Percent = "100%";
                //else if (item.Percent == 0)
                //    itemExport.Percent = "0%";
                //    itemExport.Percent = String.Format("{0:0.00}", item.Percent) + "%";
                no = no + 1;

            ExcelEngine  excelEngine = new ExcelEngine();
            IApplication application = excelEngine.Excel;

            application.DefaultVersion = ExcelVersion.Excel2010;

            IWorkbook workbook = application.Workbooks.Create(1);

            workbook.Version = ExcelVersion.Excel97to2003;
            IWorksheet sheetRequest = workbook.Worksheets.Create("TyTrongButSon");

            IMigrantRange migrantRange = workbook.Worksheets[0].MigrantRange;

            sheetRequest.Range["A1"].ColumnWidth = 24;
            sheetRequest.Range["B1"].ColumnWidth = 24;
            sheetRequest.Range["C1"].ColumnWidth = 24;
            sheetRequest.Range["D1"].ColumnWidth = 24;
            sheetRequest.Range["E1"].ColumnWidth = 24;
            sheetRequest.Range["F1"].ColumnWidth = 24;
            sheetRequest.Range["G1"].ColumnWidth = 24;
            //sheetRequest.Range["H1"].ColumnWidth = 24;
            //sheetRequest.Range["I1"].ColumnWidth = 24;
            //sheetRequest.Range["J1"].ColumnWidth = 24;


            sheetRequest.Range["A1"].Text = "Tỷ trọng";
            sheetRequest.Range["A1"].CellStyle.Font.FontName = "Calibri";
            sheetRequest.Range["A1"].CellStyle.Font.Bold     = true;
            sheetRequest.Range["A1"].CellStyle.Font.Size     = 24;
            sheetRequest.Range["A1"].CellStyle.Font.RGBColor = Color.FromArgb(0, 0, 176, 240);
            sheetRequest.Range["A1"].HorizontalAlignment     = ExcelHAlign.HAlignCenter;

            sheetRequest.ImportData(listExport, 2, 1, true);

            sheetRequest["A2"].Text = "TT";
            sheetRequest["B2"].Text = "NPP/ĐL/CH";
            sheetRequest["C2"].Text = "KHU VỰC";
            sheetRequest["D2"].Text = "Tỷ trọng (%)";
            sheetRequest["E2"].Text = "TRỮ LƯỢNG TRỐNG (T)";
            sheetRequest["F2"].Text = "NHÂN VIÊN";
            sheetRequest["G2"].Text = "THỜI GIAN NHẬP DỮ LIỆU";

            IStyle tableHeader = workbook.Styles.Add("TableHeaderStyle");

            tableHeader.Font.Color          = ExcelKnownColors.White;
            tableHeader.Font.Bold           = true;
            tableHeader.Font.Size           = 11;
            tableHeader.Font.FontName       = "Calibri";
            tableHeader.HorizontalAlignment = ExcelHAlign.HAlignCenter;
            tableHeader.VerticalAlignment   = ExcelVAlign.VAlignCenter;
            tableHeader.Color = Color.FromArgb(0, 0, 122, 192);
            tableHeader.Borders[ExcelBordersIndex.EdgeLeft].LineStyle   = ExcelLineStyle.None;
            tableHeader.Borders[ExcelBordersIndex.EdgeRight].LineStyle  = ExcelLineStyle.None;
            tableHeader.Borders[ExcelBordersIndex.EdgeTop].LineStyle    = ExcelLineStyle.None;
            tableHeader.Borders[ExcelBordersIndex.EdgeBottom].LineStyle = ExcelLineStyle.None;
            tableHeader.Borders[ExcelBordersIndex.EdgeBottom].LineStyle = ExcelLineStyle.None;
            sheetRequest["A2:G2"].CellStyle       = tableHeader;
            sheetRequest.Range["A2:G2"].RowHeight = 20;

            string       ContentType = "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet";
            var          fileName    = "ExportTyTrongButSon" + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmmss") + ".xls";
            MemoryStream ms          = new MemoryStream();

            ms.Position = 0;
            return(File(ms, ContentType, fileName));