public static string MethodSignature(string type, string name, IMethodInvokeFactory method) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.Append(type.ToLowerInvariant()); sb.Append("."); sb.Append(name); if (method.DeclaredParameters.Count == 0) { sb.Append(" ("); } else { sb.Append(" ( "); string offset = new String(' ', sb.Length); sb.Append(MethodParameterSignature(method.DeclaredParameters.First())); foreach (FunctionParameter parameter in method.DeclaredParameters.Skip(1)) { sb.Append(",\n"); sb.Append(offset); sb.Append(MethodParameterSignature(parameter)); } } sb.Append(" ) -> "); sb.Append(method.DeclaredReturn); return(sb.ToString()); }
public override TO2Type ResultType(IBlockContext context) { TO2Type targetType = target.ResultType(context); IMethodInvokeFactory method = targetType.FindMethod(context.ModuleContext, methodName); if (method != null) { IMethodInvokeEmitter methodInvoker = method.Create(context, arguments.Select(arg => arg.ResultType(context)).ToList(), this); if (methodInvoker != null) { return(methodInvoker.ResultType); } } IFieldAccessFactory field = targetType.FindField(context.ModuleContext, methodName); if (field != null) { IFieldAccessEmitter fieldAccess = field.Create(context.ModuleContext); FunctionType functionType = fieldAccess.FieldType as FunctionType; if (functionType == null) { context.AddError(new StructuralError( StructuralError.ErrorType.NoSuchMethod, $"Field '{methodName}' of type '{targetType.Name}' is neither a method or a function", Start, End )); return(BuiltinType.Unit); } else { return(functionType.returnType); } } context.AddError(new StructuralError( StructuralError.ErrorType.NoSuchMethod, $"Type '{targetType.Name}' does not have a method or field '{methodName}'", Start, End )); return(BuiltinType.Unit); }
public MethodCall(Expression target, string methodName, List <Expression> arguments, Position start = new Position(), Position end = new Position()) : base(start, end) { = target; this.methodName = methodName; this.arguments = arguments; for (int j = 0; j < this.arguments.Count; j++) { int i = j; // Copy for lambda this.arguments[i].TypeHint = context => { TO2Type targetType =; IMethodInvokeFactory methodInvoker = targetType.FindMethod(context.ModuleContext, this.methodName); return(methodInvoker?.ArgumentHint(i)?.Invoke(context)); }; } }
public override void EmitCode(IBlockContext context, bool dropResult) { if (preparedResult != null) { if (!dropResult) { preparedResult.EmitLoad(context); } preparedResult = null; return; } TO2Type targetType = target.ResultType(context); IMethodInvokeFactory method = targetType.FindMethod(context.ModuleContext, methodName); if (method != null) { EmitCodeMethodCall(context, targetType, method, dropResult); return; } IFieldAccessFactory field = targetType.FindField(context.ModuleContext, methodName); if (field != null) { EmitCodeDelegateCall(context, targetType, field, dropResult); return; } context.AddError(new StructuralError( StructuralError.ErrorType.NoSuchMethod, $"Type '{targetType.Name}' does not have a method or field '{methodName}'", Start, End )); }
public void AddMethod(string name, IMethodInvokeFactory methodInvokeFactory) => realizedType.DeclaredMethods.Add(name, methodInvokeFactory);
private void EmitCodeMethodCall(IBlockContext context, TO2Type targetType, IMethodInvokeFactory method, bool dropResult) { if (target is IAssignContext assignContext) { if (assignContext.IsConst(context) && !method.IsConst) { context.AddError(new StructuralError( StructuralError.ErrorType.NoSuchMethod, $"Method '{methodName}' will mutate const variable.", Start, End )); } } List <TO2Type> argumentTypes = arguments.Select(arg => arg.ResultType(context)).ToList(); IMethodInvokeEmitter methodInvoker = method.Create(context, argumentTypes, this); if (methodInvoker == null) { context.AddError(new StructuralError( StructuralError.ErrorType.NoSuchMethod, $"Type '{targetType.Name}' does not have a method '{methodName}' matching arguments ({string.Join(", ", argumentTypes)})", Start, End )); return; } if (methodInvoker.IsAsync && !context.IsAsync) { context.AddError(new StructuralError( StructuralError.ErrorType.NoSuchFunction, $"Cannot call async method of variable '{targetType.Name}.{methodName}' from a sync context", Start, End )); return; } if (methodInvoker.RequiredParameterCount() > arguments.Count) { context.AddError(new StructuralError( StructuralError.ErrorType.ArgumentMismatch, $"Method '{targetType.Name}.{methodName}' requires {methodInvoker.RequiredParameterCount()} arguments", Start, End )); return; } int i; for (i = 0; i < arguments.Count; i++) { TO2Type argumentType = arguments[i].ResultType(context); if (!methodInvoker.Parameters[i].type.IsAssignableFrom(context.ModuleContext, argumentType)) { context.AddError(new StructuralError( StructuralError.ErrorType.ArgumentMismatch, $"Argument {methodInvoker.Parameters[i].name} of '{targetType.Name}.{methodName}' has to be a {methodInvoker.Parameters[i].type}, but got {argumentType}", Start, End )); return; } } foreach (Expression argument in arguments) { argument.Prepare(context); } if (methodInvoker.RequiresPtr) { target.EmitPtr(context); } else { target.EmitCode(context, false); } for (i = 0; i < arguments.Count; i++) { arguments[i].EmitCode(context, false); if (!context.HasErrors) { methodInvoker.Parameters[i].type.AssignFrom(context.ModuleContext, arguments[i].ResultType(context)) .EmitConvert(context); } } if (!context.HasErrors) { for (; i < methodInvoker.Parameters.Count; i++) { methodInvoker.Parameters[i].defaultValue.EmitCode(context); } } if (context.HasErrors) { return; } methodInvoker.EmitCode(context); if (methodInvoker.IsAsync) { context.RegisterAsyncResume(methodInvoker.ResultType); } if (dropResult) { context.IL.Emit(OpCodes.Pop); } }