        public RedirectToActionResult GenerateReply(string replyMessageContent, string poster, string chatGenre, string parentMessageID)
            //CALLED WHEN the user submits a completed reply form from the ReplyForm view
            //REDIRECTS TO the main forum page, which will load the new reply

            //check if replier's username exists
            //add to userlist if not
            //generate reply
            //add reply to message in forum (via MessageBoard)
            //add reply to poster's history (via userlist)
            //add reply to the reply list of the original MESSAGE (via userlist)

            User        newUser;
            Reply       reply;
            List <User> listOfUsers = userRepo.ListOfUsers.ToList();
            bool        userExists  = false;

            foreach (User u in listOfUsers)
                //checking database to user if the username already exists
                if (u.Username == poster)
                    userExists = true;  //this means that the user has been found in the "database"
            if (userExists != true)
                //create new user
                //add user to Userlist
                newUser = new User()
                    Username = poster

            //building old message object to grab important info such as usernames (easier than passing around a bunch of view form data)
            int     OGMessageID = int.Parse(parentMessageID);
            Message message     = messageRepo.getMessageFromBoard(chatGenre, OGMessageID);
            string  OGCommenter = message.UserNameSignature;

            //instantiating reply object
            reply = new Reply()
                UserNameSignature = poster,
                ReplyContent      = replyMessageContent

            messageRepo.findAndAddToMessageReplies(chatGenre, OGMessageID, reply);
            userRepo.ModifyUserReplyHistory(poster, "add", reply);
            //UserList.AddReplyToMessage(OGCommenter, OGMessageID, reply);

            //determine which chatRoom will be displayed in the form when called
            //determines what the title text will be
            //determines the which message list gets sorted
            if (chatGenre == "general")
                TempData["chatRoom"]      = "general";
                TempData["pageTitleText"] = "General Messageboard";
            else if (chatGenre == "starwars")
                TempData["chatRoom"]      = "starwars";
                TempData["pageTitleText"] = "Star Wars Messageboard";
                throw new ArgumentException("please enter a valid chatRoomGenre");
