private async void GetRogreenHighImportanceMessagesButton_Click(Object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { try { string filter = "importance eq 'high' " + "and sender/emailaddress/address eq '*****@*****.**'"; folderMessages = await graphClient.Me.MailFolders.Inbox.Messages.Request() .Filter(filter).GetAsync(); MyMessages = new ObservableCollection <Models.Message>(); foreach (var message in folderMessages) { MyMessages.Add(new Models.Message { Id = message.Id, Sender = (message.Sender != null) ? message.Sender.EmailAddress.Name : "Unknown name", From = (message.Sender != null) ? message.Sender.EmailAddress.Address : "Unknown email", Subject = message.Subject ?? "No subject", Importance = message.Importance.ToString() }); } MessageCountTextBlock.Text = $"You have {MyMessages.Count()} red bang messages:"; MessagesDataGrid.ItemsSource = MyMessages; } catch (ServiceException ex) { MessageCountTextBlock.Text = $"We could not get messages: {ex.Error.Message}"; } }
public async Task <List <Message> > GetRecentUnreadMail() { var graphClient = GetAuthenticatedClient(); IMailFolderMessagesCollectionPage messages = await graphClient.Me.MailFolders.Inbox.Messages.Request().GetAsync(); DateTime from = DateTime.Now.Subtract(TimeSpan.FromMinutes(30)); List <Message> unreadMessages = new List <Message>(); var done = false; while (messages?.Count > 0 && !done) { foreach (Message message in messages) { if (message.ReceivedDateTime.HasValue && message.ReceivedDateTime.Value >= from) { if (message.IsRead.HasValue && !message.IsRead.Value) { unreadMessages.Add(message); } } else { done = true; } } messages = await messages.NextPageRequest.GetAsync(); } return(unreadMessages); }
private void OutputMessages(IMailFolderMessagesCollectionPage messages) { foreach (var message in messages) { var output = $"Message: {message.Id} {message.Subject} {message.Body}"; Console.WriteLine(output); } }
public async Task <List <Message> > ListSentMessages(string fparam1) { List <ResultsItem> items = new List <ResultsItem>(); List <QueryOption> options = new List <QueryOption>() { new QueryOption("filter", "folder ne null"), new QueryOption("select", "id,name,webUrl") }; IMailFolderMessagesCollectionPage messages = await _graphClient.Users[userid].MailFolders.SentItems.Messages.Request().Top(100).GetAsync(); return(messages.ToList().Where(i => i.Subject.ToLower().Contains(fparam1)).ToList <Message>()); }
public static async Task <IMailFolderMessagesCollectionPage> GetNextMessages(IMailFolderMessagesCollectionPage messages) { try { if (messages.NextPageRequest == null) { return(null); } return(await messages.NextPageRequest.GetAsync()); } catch (ServiceException ex) { Console.WriteLine($"Error getting messages: {ex.Message}"); return(null); } }
// Get messages with attachments in the current user's inbox. public async Task <List <ResultsItem> > GetMyInboxMessagesThatHaveAttachments() { List <ResultsItem> items = new List <ResultsItem>(); // Get messages in the Inbox folder that have attachments. // Note: Messages that have inline messages don't set the `hasAttachments` property to `true`. To find them, you need to parse the body content. IMailFolderMessagesCollectionPage messages = await graphClient.Me.MailFolders.Inbox.Messages.Request(requestOptions) .WithUserAccount(ClaimsPrincipal.Current.ToGraphUserAccount()) .Filter("hasAttachments eq true") .Expand("attachments") .GetAsync(); if (messages?.Count > 0) { foreach (Message message in messages) { // This snippet displays information about the first attachment and displays the content if it's an image. // Reference attachments include a file attachment as a file-type icon. Attachment firstAttachment = message.Attachments[0]; byte[] contentBytes = null; if ((firstAttachment is FileAttachment) && (firstAttachment.ContentType.Contains("image"))) { FileAttachment fileAttachment = firstAttachment as FileAttachment; contentBytes = fileAttachment.ContentBytes; } items.Add(new ResultsItem { Display = message.Subject, Id = message.Id, Properties = new Dictionary <string, object> { { Resource.Prop_AttachmentsCount, message.Attachments.Count }, { Resource.Prop_AttachmentName, firstAttachment.Name }, { Resource.Prop_AttachmentType, firstAttachment.ODataType }, { Resource.Prop_AttachmentSize, firstAttachment.Size }, { "Stream", contentBytes } } }); } } return(items); }
public async Task <List <ResultsItem> > ListInboxMessages(string alias) { User user = FindByAlias(alias).Result; List <ResultsItem> items = new List <ResultsItem>(); IMailFolderMessagesCollectionPage messages = await _graphClient.Users[user.Id].MailFolders.Inbox.Messages.Request().Top(10).GetAsync(); if (messages?.Count > 0) { foreach (Message message in messages) { items.Add(new ResultsItem { Display = message.Subject, Id = message.Id }); } } return(items); }
// Get messages in the current user's inbox. // To get the messages from another mail folder, you can specify the Drafts, DeletedItems, or SentItems well-known folder, // or you can specify the folder ID, for example: `await graphClient.Me.MailFolders[folder-id].Messages.Request().GetAsync();` public async Task <List <ResultsItem> > GetMyInboxMessages(GraphServiceClient graphClient) { List <ResultsItem> items = new List <ResultsItem>(); // Get messages in the Inbox folder. IMailFolderMessagesCollectionPage messages = await graphClient.Me.MailFolders.Inbox.Messages.Request().GetAsync(); if (messages?.Count > 0) { foreach (Message message in messages) { items.Add(new ResultsItem { Display = message.Subject, Id = message.Id }); } } return(items); }
/// <summary> /// MEthod for fetching the Inbox messages /// </summary> /// <param name="userid">Messages from which user</param> /// <param name="searchparam1">filter parameter for the subject</param> /// <returns></returns> public async Task <List <Message> > ListInboxMessages(string searchparam) { //List<ResultsItem> items = new List<ResultsItem>(); IMailFolderMessagesCollectionPage messages = await _graphClient.Users[userid].MailFolders.Inbox.Messages.Request().Top(100).GetAsync(); //List<Message> fmsgs = messages.ToList<Message>().Where(i => i.Subject.ToLower().Contains(searchparam)).ToList<Message>(); //if (messages?.Count > 0) //{ // foreach (Message message in messages) // { // items.Add(new ResultsItem // { // Subject = message.Subject, // Id = message.Id // }); // } //} return(messages.ToList().Where(i => i.Subject.ToLower().Contains(searchparam)).ToList <Message>()); }
public async Task <IActionResult> Index() { string token = "eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJub25jZSI6IkFRQUJBQUFBQUFEQ29NcGpKWHJ4VHE5Vkc5dGUtN0ZYU3dTSEFKZzN0S3g0WGYzZjg1TDNhc2pnQ0o4c3ZxVXBQVi1PNWI0SVNVRHhpcmcycHhmMUJ2YjBCbzQ1QjE1S3czYTBUM0V1bnBhZXJma3hOY0xTX0NBQSIsImFsZyI6IlJTMjU2IiwieDV0IjoiQ3RmUUM4TGUtOE5zQzdvQzJ6UWtacGNyZk9jIiwia2lkIjoiQ3RmUUM4TGUtOE5zQzdvQzJ6UWtacGNyZk9jIn0.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.NdaOhi4jVmg0IwmmczbmkOQriEdm3BxPShvc9WsLCAcNDg1TCgc2RuycBboHLlRS36zft9f3LBpyfYjEdmb-Gwb6Ndce-hsDqyN6h4WuRNZEIN3QZ37I2qsiTvPp8-mRBhlDWyKgUNvaJ98zFTPo1WhtivcevBhl6yPVh9c2RNcs91UTq-3K7t8Ea54_6XmKj65zRJ0PLGUrbt_4u1cDtzl8uD9eD5KAyZr6adINoZkr_kj--95VZR_XlPqGFKy24dNm0LSUYR2MmflsJ5f2cORKZh3FAi7E4s9br-oWWTscQjnYH_fc4luAF8zpV8u7SlPAvDYRv4fsm7F6drks8A"; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(token)) { // If there's no token in the session, redirect to Home return(Redirect("/")); } try { //Creating Request Graph Client with Authorization Token GraphServiceClient client = new GraphServiceClient( new DelegateAuthenticationProvider( (requestMessage) => { requestMessage.Headers.Authorization = new AuthenticationHeaderValue("Bearer", token); return(Task.FromResult(0)); })); //Getting Top (2) Emails with Attachments from SentItems IMailFolderMessagesCollectionPage mailResults = await client.Me.MailFolders.SentItems.Messages.Request().Expand("attachments").Top(2).GetAsync(); List <EmailBuilderViewModel> EviewModel = FillEmailModel(mailResults); GraphModel md = new GraphModel(); md.EmailItems = EviewModel; GenerateEmail(md.EmailItems); return(View(md)); } catch (System.Exception ex) { return(RedirectToAction("Error", "Home", new { message = "ERROR retrieving messages", debug = ex.Message })); } }
// Get messages in the current user's inbox. // To get the messages from another mail folder, you can specify the Drafts, DeletedItems, or SentItems well-known folder, // or you can specify the folder ID, for example: `await graphClient.Me.MailFolders[folder-id].Messages.Request().GetAsync();` public async Task <List <ResultsItem> > GetMyInboxMessages() { List <ResultsItem> items = new List <ResultsItem>(); // Get messages in the Inbox folder. IMailFolderMessagesCollectionPage messages = await graphClient.Me.MailFolders.Inbox.Messages.Request(requestOptions) .WithUserAccount(ClaimsPrincipal.Current.ToGraphUserAccount()) .GetAsync(); if (messages?.Count > 0) { foreach (Message message in messages) { items.Add(new ResultsItem { Display = message.Subject, Id = message.Id }); } } return(items); }
/// <summary> /// Binds Email Message to EmailBuilderViewModel Model /// </summary> /// <param name="mailResults">IMailFolderMessagesCollectionPage response from Graph API Request</param> /// <returns>List of EmailBuilderViewModel</returns> private List <EmailBuilderViewModel> FillEmailModel(IMailFolderMessagesCollectionPage mailResults) { List <EmailBuilderViewModel> EviewModel = new List <EmailBuilderViewModel>(); foreach (Message msg in mailResults) { EviewModel.Add(new EmailBuilderViewModel { Id = msg.Id, Subject = msg.Subject ?? string.Empty, Sender = msg.Sender.EmailAddress.Address.ToString() ?? string.Empty, From = msg.From.EmailAddress.Address.ToString() ?? string.Empty, Body = msg.Body.Content.ToString() ?? string.Empty, EmailAttachemnets = msg.Attachments.Select(x => new EmailAttachment { AttachmentID = msg.Attachments.CurrentPage.Select(z => z.Id).FirstOrDefault(), Name = msg.Attachments.CurrentPage.Select(z => z.Name).FirstOrDefault(), ContentType = msg.Attachments.CurrentPage.Select(z => z.ContentType).FirstOrDefault(), Size = msg.Attachments.CurrentPage.Select(z => z.Size).FirstOrDefault(), File = msg.Attachments.CurrentPage.Cast <FileAttachment>().Select(z => z.ContentBytes).FirstOrDefault(), }).ToList(), ToRecipients = msg.ToRecipients.Select(x => x.EmailAddress.Address).ToList <string>(), BccRecipients = msg.BccRecipients.Select(x => x.EmailAddress.Address).ToList <string>(), CcRecipients = msg.CcRecipients.Select(x => x.EmailAddress.Address).ToList <string>(), hasAttachments = msg.HasAttachments, CreatedDateTime = msg.CreatedDateTime, SentDateTime = msg.SentDateTime, ConversationId = msg.ConversationId, InternetMessageId = msg.InternetMessageId, ParentFolderId = msg.ParentFolderId, WebLink = msg.WebLink, }); } return(EviewModel); }
private async void GetInboxMessagesButton_Click(Object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { try { // Get only messages from my Inbox inbox = await graphClient.Me.MailFolders.Inbox.Request().GetAsync(); folderMessages = await graphClient.Me.MailFolders.Inbox.Messages.Request() .Top(20).GetAsync(); MyMessages = new ObservableCollection <Models.Message>(); foreach (var message in folderMessages) { MyMessages.Add(new Models.Message { Id = message.Id, Sender = (message.Sender != null) ? message.Sender.EmailAddress.Name : "Unknown name", From = (message.Sender != null) ? message.Sender.EmailAddress.Address : "Unknown email", Subject = message.Subject ?? "No subject", Importance = message.Importance.ToString() }); } MessageCountTextBlock.Text = $"You have {inbox.TotalItemCount} messages, " + $"{inbox.UnreadItemCount} of them are unread. Here are the first 20:"; MessagesDataGrid.ItemsSource = MyMessages; } catch (ServiceException ex) { MessageCountTextBlock.Text = $"We could not get messages: {ex.Error.Message}"; } }
/// <summary> /// Given a set of messages, this function iterates through them /// and saves (to either OneDrive or Google Drive), deletes, and embeds a hyperlink to attachment location /// </summary> /// <returns> Returns true if attachments were successfully cleaned </returns> internal static async Task <bool> cleanupMessages(IMailFolderMessagesCollectionPage messages, GraphServiceClient graphClient, string accessToken, string callbackToken, string requestUri) { EmailController control = new EmailController(); foreach (var message in messages.CurrentPage) { if ((message.HasAttachments != null && message.HasAttachments == true) || (Format.getBetween(message.Body.Content.ToString(), "<img", ">") != "")) { var attachments = await graphClient.Me.Messages[message.Id] .Attachments .Request() .GetAsync(); string[] attachmentIds = new string[attachments.CurrentPage.Count]; int index = 0; string[] attachmentUrls = null; string[] attachmentNames = new string[attachments.CurrentPage.Count]; string attachmentLocation = null; foreach (Microsoft.Graph.FileAttachment attachment in attachments.CurrentPage) { attachmentIds[index] = attachment.Id; attachmentNames[index++] = attachment.Name; string attachmentContent = Convert.ToBase64String(attachment.ContentBytes); // For files, build a stream directly from ContentBytes if (attachment.Size < (4 * 1024 * 1024)) { MemoryStream fileStream = new MemoryStream(Convert.FromBase64String(attachmentContent)); // OneDrive Save attachmentLocation = await saveAttachmentOneDrive(accessToken, attachment.Name, fileStream, message.Subject); } else { // TODO: need to implement functionality for size > 4MB return(false); } } // TODO: Google controller goes through all attachments by itself // Should probably have it same as OneDrive saving (which does each email) // Need to convert one of the two.. /* Google Drive save start */ /* * GoogleController google = new GoogleController(); * SaveAttachmentRequest newRequest = new SaveAttachmentRequest() * { * filenames = attachmentNames, * attachmentIds = attachmentIds, * messageId = message.Id, * outlookRestUrl = requestUri, * outlookToken = callbackToken, * subject = message.Subject * }; * * attachmentLocation = await google.saveAttachmentGoogleDrive(newRequest); * * attachmentLocation = "" + attachmentLocation; */ /* Google Drive save end */ // Delete await deleteEmailAttachments(accessToken, attachmentIds, message.Id, attachmentUrls); // Patch new body to email await control.updateEmailBody(requestUri, attachmentLocation, message.Id, accessToken, callbackToken); } } return(true); }
private async Task <Dictionary <Message, List <FileAttachment> > > GetFileAttachments(GraphServiceClient graphClient, IMailFolderMessagesCollectionPage messages) { var msgToAttachmentsDict = new Dictionary <Message, List <FileAttachment> >(); for (int i = 0; i < messages.Count; i++) { if (messages[i].HasAttachments == true) { var attachmentsList = new List <FileAttachment>(); IMessageAttachmentsCollectionPage attachmentsPage = await graphClient.Users["*****@*****.**"] .MailFolders [config.ArchiverId] .Messages[messages[i].Id] .Attachments .Request() .GetAsync(); for (int j = 0; j < attachmentsPage.Count; j++) { if (attachmentsPage[j].ODataType == "#microsoft.graph.fileAttachment") { var fileAttachment = attachmentsPage[j] as FileAttachment; attachmentsList.Add(fileAttachment); } } msgToAttachmentsDict[messages[i]] = attachmentsList; } } return(msgToAttachmentsDict); }
//public async Task<List<ContactItem>> LoadPeopleFromMeetings(DateTimeOffset date) //{ // var attendees = new List<ContactItem>(); // try // { // var meetings = await LoadMeetings(date); // foreach (var m in meetings) // { // if (!m.IsOrganizer) // { // var email = (m.Organizer != null) ? m.Organizer.Address : string.Empty; // var name = (m.Organizer != null) ? m.Organizer.Name : string.Empty; // var c = new ContactItem(name, email, 1); // attendees.Add(c); // } // if (m.Attendees.Count >= 0) // { // foreach (var a in m.Attendees) // { // var c = new ContactItem("", a, 1); // attendees.Add(c); // } // } // } // } // catch (Exception e) // { // Logger.WriteToLogFile(e); // } // return attendees; //} //internal async void LoadEvents() //{ // if (!IsInternetAvailable() || !await TrySilentAuthentication()) return; // try // { // var token = authResult.Token; // ////////////// ////////////// ////////////// // ////////////// Access the API // ////////////// ////////////// ////////////// // var client = new OutlookServicesClient(new Uri(apiUrl), async () => // { // // Since we have it locally from the Session, just return it here. // return token; // }); // Once the token has been returned by ADAL, // add it to the http authorization header, // before making the call to access the To Do list service. //httpClient.DefaultRequestHeaders.Authorization = new AuthenticationHeaderValue("Bearer", result.Token); ///////////// QUERY 1 //var res = await httpClient.GetAsync(""); //var res = await httpClient.GetAsync("$top=10&$select=Subject,Start,End"); //var text = await res.Content.ReadAsStringAsync(); //Console.WriteLine(text); ///////////// QUERY 2 //var eventResults = await client.Me.Events // .OrderByDescending(e => e.Start.DateTime) // .Take(10) // .Select(e => new DisplayEvent(e.Subject, e.Start.DateTime, e.End.DateTime, e.Attendees.Count)) // .ExecuteAsync(); // Obtain calendar event data //var eventsResults = await (from i in client.Me.Events where i.End >= DateTimeOffset.UtcNow select i).Take(10).ExecuteAsync(); //Console.WriteLine(eventResults); // } // catch (Exception e) // { // Console.WriteLine(e); // } //} #endregion #region Email Queries /// <summary> /// In case the email result contains an odata count, return the value /// </summary> /// <param name="result"></param> /// <returns></returns> private static long GetResultCount(IMailFolderMessagesCollectionPage result) { return(result.AdditionalData.ContainsKey("@odata.count") ? long.Parse(result.AdditionalData["@odata.count"].ToString()) : Settings.NoValueDefault); // here, we could also iterate through the result and manually count (if it didn't work), but why should we when the API does it? }
/// <summary> /// Get messages in all the current user's mail folders. /// </summary> /// <param name="fromTime">search condition, start time.</param> /// <param name="toTime">search condition, end time.</param> /// <param name="getUnRead">bool flag, if get unread email.</param> /// <param name="isImportant">bool flag, if get important email.</param> /// <param name="directlyToMe">bool flag, if filter email directly to me.</param> /// <param name="fromAddress">search condition, filter email from this address.</param> /// <param name="skip">number of skipped result.</param> /// <returns>A <see cref="Task{TResult}"/> representing the result of the asynchronous operation.</returns> public async Task <List <Message> > GetMyMessagesAsync(DateTime fromTime, DateTime toTime, bool getUnRead = false, bool isImportant = false, bool directlyToMe = false, string fromAddress = null, int skip = 0) { var optionList = new List <QueryOption>(); var filterString = string.Empty; if (getUnRead) { filterString = this.AppendFilterString(filterString, "isread:false"); } if (isImportant) { filterString = this.AppendFilterString(filterString, "importance:high"); } if (directlyToMe) { User me = await this._graphClient.Me.Request().GetAsync(); var address = me.Mail ?? me.UserPrincipalName; filterString = this.AppendFilterString(filterString, $"to:{address}"); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(fromAddress)) { filterString = this.AppendFilterString(filterString, $"from:{fromAddress}"); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(filterString)) { optionList.Add(new QueryOption("$search", $"\"{filterString}\"")); } // skip can't be used with search // optionList.Add(new QueryOption("$skip", $"{page}")); // some message don't have receiveddatetime. use last modified datetime. // optionList.Add(new QueryOption(GraphQueryConstants.Orderby, "lastModifiedDateTime desc")); // only get emails from Inbox folder. IMailFolderMessagesCollectionPage messages = optionList.Count != 0 ? await this._graphClient.Me.MailFolders.Inbox.Messages.Request(optionList).GetAsync(): await this._graphClient.Me.MailFolders.Inbox.Messages.Request().GetAsync(); List <Message> result = new List <Message>(); var done = false; while (messages?.Count > 0 && !done) { var messagesList = messages?.OrderByDescending(message => message.ReceivedDateTime).ToList(); foreach (Message message in messagesList) { var receivedDateTime = message.ReceivedDateTime; if (receivedDateTime > fromTime && receivedDateTime < toTime) { if (skip > 0) { skip--; } else { result.Add(message); } } else { done = true; } // make size to 5 to save memory // 5 is the page size if (result.Count == 5) { return(result.OrderByDescending(me => me.ReceivedDateTime).ToList()); } } if (messages.NextPageRequest != null) { messages = await messages.NextPageRequest.GetAsync(); } else { done = true; } } return(result.OrderByDescending(message => message.ReceivedDateTime).ToList()); }
private async Task CheckForUpdates() { var graphClient = GetGraphClient(); IMailFolderMessagesCollectionPage messages = await GetUnreadMessages(graphClient); var msgToAttachmentsDict = await GetFileAttachments(graphClient, messages); foreach (KeyValuePair <Message, List <FileAttachment> > kvp in msgToAttachmentsDict) { foreach (FileAttachment attachment in kvp.Value) { if (attachment.ContentType.Contains("image")) { string txtFromImg = await OCR(attachment.ContentBytes); var dataName = "name:fileBlock1"; var msgTitle = kvp.Key.Subject; //var pageTitle = String.Join(" ", txtFromImg.Split().Take(5).ToArray()); var htmlString = "<!DOCTYPE html>" + "<html>" + "<head>" + $"<title> {msgTitle} </title>" + "</head>" + "<body>"; htmlString += $"<p>{txtFromImg}</p>"; htmlString += $"<object data-attachment=\"{attachment.Name}\" data=\"{dataName}\" type=\"{attachment.ContentType}\" />"; htmlString += "</body>" + "</html>"; Console.WriteLine(htmlString); await PostToNotebook(graphClient, htmlString, attachment); } else if (attachment.ContentType.Contains("csv")) { var dataName = "name:fileBlock1"; var records = CsvParse(attachment.ContentBytes); var msgTitle = kvp.Key.Subject; var htmlString = "<!DOCTYPE html>" + "<html>" + "<head>" + $"<title> {msgTitle} </title>" + "</head>" + "<body>"; foreach (var record in records) { htmlString += $"<p>{record.Annotation} ({record.Location})</p>"; } htmlString += $"<object data-attachment=\"{attachment.Name}\" data=\"{dataName}\" type=\"{attachment.ContentType}\" />"; htmlString += "</body>" + "</html>"; Console.WriteLine(htmlString); await PostToNotebook(graphClient, htmlString, attachment); } } await MarkMessageAsRead(graphClient, kvp.Key.Id); } OutputMessages(messages); }