public MagicLightsApplication( LightClientManager lightsSetup, IMagicService magicService, ILightsConfigurationProvider configurationProvider) { lightClientManager = lightsSetup; this.magicService = magicService; this.configurationProvider = configurationProvider; }
public BookModel(IPageRenderer pageRenderer, IAlchemyService alchemyService, IRaceService raceService, ITraitService traitService, ISkillService skillService, IMagicService magicService, IAbilityService abilityService, IBranchService branchService, IMajorService majorService) : base(pageRenderer, majorService) { _alchemyService = alchemyService; _raceService = raceService; _traitService = traitService; _skillService = skillService; _magicService = magicService; _abilityService = abilityService; _branchService = branchService; }
public MagicController( IMagicService magicService, IQueryMessage queryMessage, ILangRepository langRepository, PowerfulQuery powerfulQuery ) { _magicService = magicService; _queryMessage = queryMessage; _langRepository = langRepository; _powerfulQuery = powerfulQuery; }
static void Initialize () { CardService = new MagicTheGathering_IO (); ProductService = new MagicCardMarket_EU_v1_1 (); ExecutableCommands = new List<ExecutableCommand> { new StartCommand (), new HelpCommand (), new CardCommand (CardService), new PriceCommand (ProductService), }; (ExecutableCommands.First (c => c is HelpCommand) as HelpCommand).BuildHelp (ExecutableCommands); FrontEnds = new List<IMtgBotFrontEnd> { new TelegramBot () }; }
public CardCommand (IMagicService serv) { Keyword = "card"; Description = @"Searches for a card. Options: -s, -set: define set(s) by code (GTC, OGW, ...) Multiple sets split by comma's -c, -color: define color(s) (white, black, ...) white,black = white AND black. [white,black] = white OR black OR both. -t, -type: define type(s) (legendary, land, dragon, ...) -a, -ability: search the card's ability text. (vigilance, extort, ...) -p, -page: define the page of results. -L, -Legal: get the legality of the card. -R, -Rules: get the special rulings of the card. -F, -First: force first result. -T, -Text: get the card as text."; service = serv; }
public IndexModel(IMagicService magicService) { _magicService = magicService; }
public EditModel(IMagicService magicService, ICoreLogic coreLogic, IMajorService majorService) : base(majorService) { _magicService = magicService; _coreLogic = coreLogic; }
public LoggingDecorator(IMagicService decorated) { this.decorated = decorated; }
public IndexModel(IMagicService magicService, IMajorService majorService) : base(majorService) { _magicService = magicService; }
public Consumer(IMagicService magicService) { this.magicService = magicService; }
public MagiaController(IMagicService serviceMagia) { _serviceMagia = serviceMagia; }