/// <summary> /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="WindowsNetworkFileShare"/> class. /// </summary> /// <param name="networkName">Address of the file share</param> /// <param name="credentials">Username and password for accessing the file share</param> /// <param name="mpr">A class that handles calls to mpr.dll or performs same operations</param> public WindowsNetworkFileShare(string networkName, NetworkCredential credentials, IMPR mpr = null) { _mpr = mpr ?? new MPR(); _networkName = networkName; var netResource = new NetResource { Scope = ResourceScope.GlobalNetwork, ResourceType = ResourceType.Disk, DisplayType = ResourceDisplaytype.Share, RemoteName = networkName }; var userName = string.IsNullOrEmpty(credentials.Domain) ? credentials.UserName : string.Format(@"{0}\{1}", credentials.Domain, credentials.UserName); var result = _mpr.UseConnection(IntPtr.Zero, netResource, credentials.Password, userName, 0, null, null, null); if (result != 0) { throw new ExternalException("Error connecting to remote share - Code: " + result + ", " + GetErrorForNumber(result)); } }
public bool SAPLoadData(ClsSAPDataParameter p_para) { bool Result = true; m_Conn = ClsUtility.GetConn(); DataTable dtIMPRDate = new DataTable(); try { //查询IMPR的数据 string strSqlIMPR = "select distinct GJAHR from IMPR t where dldate='" + p_para.Sap_AEDAT + "'"; dtIMPRDate = m_Conn.GetSqlResultToDt(strSqlIMPR); } catch (Exception exception) { Result = false; ClsErrorLogInfo.WriteSapLog("1", "xmtz", "ALL", p_para.Sap_AEDAT, "插入hb_xmtz表过程中查询IMPR表发生异常:\t\n" + exception); return(Result); } foreach (DataRow subRowIMPRdate in dtIMPRDate.Rows) { string strDate = subRowIMPRdate["GJAHR"].ToString(); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(strDate)) { continue; } IMPR strIMPR = new IMPR(); DataTable dtIMPR = new DataTable(); try { //查询IMPR的数据 string strSqlIMPR = "select * from IMPR t where t.gjahr='" + strDate + "'"; dtIMPR = m_Conn.GetSqlResultToDt(strSqlIMPR); } catch (Exception exception) { Result = false; ClsErrorLogInfo.WriteSapLog("1", "xmtz", "ALL", p_para.Sap_AEDAT, "插入hb_xmtz表过程中查询IMPR表发生异常:\t\n" + exception); return(Result); } strBuilder.Clear(); strBuilder.Append(" Begin "); //开始执行SQL strBuilder.Append(" DELETE FROM HB_XMTZ WHERE XMTZ_YEAR='" + strDate + "';"); foreach (DataRow subRowIMPR in dtIMPR.Rows) { string strPOST1 = string.Empty; //投资节点名称 string strWTGES = string.Empty; //投资节点金额 int intJC = 0; strIMPR.strPRNAM = subRowIMPR["PRNAM"].ToString(); strIMPR.strPOSID = subRowIMPR["POSID"].ToString(); strIMPR.strGJAHR = subRowIMPR["GJAHR"].ToString(); strIMPR.strOBJNR = subRowIMPR["OBJNR"].ToString(); try { //投资节点名称 strPOST1 = m_Conn.GetSqlResultToStr("select distinct t.post1 from IMPU t where Trim(t.posnr)='" + strIMPR.strPOSID + "' and t.gjahr='" + strDate + "'"); } catch (Exception exception1) { Result = false; ClsErrorLogInfo.WriteSapLog("1", "xmtz", "ALL", p_para.Sap_AEDAT, "插入hb_xmtz表过程中查询IMPU表发生异常:\t\n" + exception1); return(Result); } try { //投资节点金额 strWTGES = m_Conn.GetSqlResultToStr("select sum(WTGES) from BPGE t where t.OBJNR='" + strIMPR.strOBJNR + "' and t.WRTTP='47' "); } catch (Exception exception1) { Result = false; ClsErrorLogInfo.WriteSapLog("1", "xmtz", "ALL", p_para.Sap_AEDAT, "插入hb_xmtz表过程中查询BPGE表发生异常:\t\n" + exception1); return(Result); } //string[] strjc = strIMPR.strPOSID.Split('-'); //intJC = strjc.Length; intJC = strIMPR.strPOSID.Length / 2; //添加数据 strBuilder.Append(" INSERT INTO HB_XMTZ"); strBuilder.Append("(XMTZ_ID,XMTZ_TZCXMC,XMTZ_DWBS,XMTZ_YEAR,XMTZ_TZCXDXH,XMTZ_TZJDMC,XMTZ_TZJDJE,XMTZ_CCDJ)"); strBuilder.Append(" VALUES("); strBuilder.Append("SQ_XMTZ.NEXTVAL,"); strBuilder.Append("'" + strIMPR.strPRNAM + "',"); strBuilder.Append("'" + strIMPR.strPOSID + "',"); strBuilder.Append("'" + strIMPR.strGJAHR + "',"); strBuilder.Append("'" + strIMPR.strOBJNR + "',"); strBuilder.Append("'" + strPOST1 + "',"); strBuilder.Append("'" + (string.IsNullOrEmpty(strWTGES) ? "0.00" : ((Convert.ToDecimal(strWTGES) / 10000).ToString("F2"))) + "',"); strBuilder.Append("'" + intJC.ToString() + "'"); strBuilder.Append(");"); } strBuilder.Append(" End;"); //SQL完成 try { //数据提交 Result = ClsUtility.ExecuteSqlToDb(strBuilder.ToString()); } catch (Exception exception5) { Result = false; ClsErrorLogInfo.WriteSapLog("1", "xmtz", "ALL", p_para.Sap_AEDAT, "插入hb_xmtz表发生异常:" + exception5); } } return(Result); }