/// <summary>
        ///     Use Source Reader to allocate a sample
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sourceReader">The Source Reader</param>
        /// <param name="dwStreamIndex">The stream to pull data from</param>
        /// <param name="dwControlFlags">A bitwise OR of zero or more flags from the MF_SOURCE_READER_CONTROL_FLAG enumeration</param>
        /// <param name="pdwActualStreamIndex">Receives the zero-based index of the stream</param>
        /// <param name="pdwStreamFlags">Receives a bitwise OR of zero or more flags from the MF_SOURCE_READER_FLAG enumeration</param>
        /// <param name="pllTimestamp">Receives the time stamp of the sample, or the time of the stream event indicated in pdwStreamFlags. The time is given in 100-nanosecond units</param>
        public void ReadSampleFrom(
            IMFSourceReader sourceReader,
            uint dwStreamIndex,
            uint dwControlFlags,
            out uint pdwActualStreamIndex,
            out uint pdwStreamFlags,
            out ulong pllTimestamp)
            // Once a sample is read avoid reading more samples
            if (this.read)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Already holding a sample");

            sourceReader.ReadSample(dwStreamIndex, dwControlFlags, out pdwActualStreamIndex, out pdwStreamFlags, out pllTimestamp, out this.sample);

            if (this.sample != null)
                // Get the size of the media sample in bytes
                IMFMediaBuffer buffer = null;
                this.sample.GetBufferByIndex(0, out buffer);
                buffer.GetCurrentLength(out this.bufferSize);

                // Add the memory pressure of unmanaged memory to improve the garbage collector performance

            this.read = true;
        /// <summary>
        /// Reads from this wave stream
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="buffer">Buffer to read into</param>
        /// <param name="offset">Offset in buffer</param>
        /// <param name="count">Bytes required</param>
        /// <returns>Number of bytes read; 0 indicates end of stream</returns>
        public override int Read(byte[] buffer, int offset, int count)
            if (pReader == null)
                pReader = CreateReader(settings);
            if (repositionTo != -1)
            int bytesWritten = 0;

            // read in any leftovers from last time
            if (decoderOutputCount > 0)
                bytesWritten += ReadFromDecoderBuffer(buffer, offset, count - bytesWritten);
            while (bytesWritten < count)
                IMFSample             pSample;
                MF_SOURCE_READER_FLAG dwFlags;
                ulong timestamp;
                int   actualStreamIndex;
                pReader.ReadSample(MediaFoundationInterop.MF_SOURCE_READER_FIRST_AUDIO_STREAM, 0, out actualStreamIndex, out dwFlags, out timestamp, out pSample);
                    // reached the end of the stream
                    Console.WriteLine("SAMPLE SETTINGS CHANGED!");
                    waveFormat = GetCurrentWaveFormat(pReader, false, 0, 0, 0);
                    // carry on, but user must handle the change of format
                if (dwFlags != 0)
                    throw new InvalidOperationException(String.Format("MediaFoundationReadError {0}", dwFlags));
                IMFMediaBuffer pBuffer;
                pSample.ConvertToContiguousBuffer(out pBuffer);
                IntPtr pAudioData;
                int    cbBuffer;
                int    pcbMaxLength;
                pBuffer.Lock(out pAudioData, out pcbMaxLength, out cbBuffer);
                Marshal.Copy(pAudioData, decoderOutputBuffer, 0, cbBuffer);
                decoderOutputOffset = 0;
                decoderOutputCount  = cbBuffer;
                bytesWritten       += ReadFromDecoderBuffer(buffer, offset + bytesWritten, count - bytesWritten);
            position += bytesWritten;
        /// <summary>
        /// Reads the next sample from the media source.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sourceReader">A valid IMFSourceReader instance.</param></param></param>
        /// <param name="streamIndex">The stream to pull data from.</param>
        /// <param name="controlFlags">One or more members of the MF_SOURCE_READER_CONTROL_FLAG enumeration.</param>
        /// <param name="actualStreamIndex">Receives the zero-based index of the stream.</param>
        /// <param name="streamFlags">Receives one or more members of the MF_SOURCE_READER_FLAG enumeration.</param>
        /// <param name="timestamp">Receives the time stamp of the sample, or the time of the stream event indicated in <paramref name="streamFlags"/>.</param>
        /// <param name="sample">Receives an instance of the IMFSample interface or the value null.</param>
        /// <returns>If this function succeeds, it returns the S_OK member. Otherwise, it returns another HResult's member that describe the error.</returns>
        public static HResult ReadSample(this IMFSourceReader sourceReader, SourceReaderStreams streamIndex, MF_SOURCE_READER_CONTROL_FLAG controlFlags, out int actualStreamIndex, out MF_SOURCE_READER_FLAG streamFlags, out TimeSpan timestamp, out IMFSample sample)
            if (sourceReader == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("sourceReader");

            long tmp = 0;

            HResult hr = sourceReader.ReadSample((int)streamIndex, controlFlags, out actualStreamIndex, out streamFlags, out tmp, out sample);

            timestamp = hr.Succeeded() ? TimeSpan.FromTicks(tmp) : default(TimeSpan);

        private static byte[] ReadSample(IMFSourceReader reader, int inputStreamIndex, out int streamIndex, out long timestamp)
            Marshal.ThrowExceptionForHR((int)reader.ReadSample(inputStreamIndex, 0, out streamIndex, out MF_SOURCE_READER_FLAG readFlag, out timestamp, out IMFSample sample));

                if (readFlag == MF_SOURCE_READER_FLAG.EndOfStream)

                Marshal.ThrowExceptionForHR((int)sample.ConvertToContiguousBuffer(out IMFMediaBuffer buffer));

                    Marshal.ThrowExceptionForHR((int)buffer.Lock(out IntPtr pData, out int maxLength, out int currentLength));

                        byte[] bytes = new byte[currentLength];

                        Marshal.Copy(pData, bytes, 0, bytes.Length);

                if (sample != null)
        /// <summary>
        /// Reads from this wave stream
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="buffer">Buffer to read into</param>
        /// <param name="offset">Offset in buffer</param>
        /// <param name="count">Bytes required</param>
        /// <returns>Number of bytes read; 0 indicates end of stream</returns>
        public override int Read(byte[] buffer, int offset, int count)
            if (pReader == null)
                pReader = CreateReader(settings);
            if (repositionTo != -1)

            int bytesWritten = 0;

            // read in any leftovers from last time
            if (decoderOutputCount > 0)
                bytesWritten += ReadFromDecoderBuffer(buffer, offset, count - bytesWritten);

            while (bytesWritten < count)
                IMFSample pSample;
                int       dwFlags;
                ulong     timestamp;
                int       actualStreamIndex;
                pReader.ReadSample(MediaFoundationInterop.MF_SOURCE_READER_FIRST_AUDIO_STREAM, 0, out actualStreamIndex, out dwFlags, out timestamp, out pSample);
                if (dwFlags != 0)
                    // reached the end of the stream or media type changed
                  * {
                  * printf("Type change - not supported by WAVE file format.\n");
                  * break;
                  * }
                  * if (dwFlags & MF_SOURCE_READERF_ENDOFSTREAM)
                  * {
                  * printf("End of input file.\n");
                  * break;
                  * }*/

                IMFMediaBuffer pBuffer;
                pSample.ConvertToContiguousBuffer(out pBuffer);
                IntPtr pAudioData = IntPtr.Zero;
                int    cbBuffer;
                int    pcbMaxLength;
                pBuffer.Lock(out pAudioData, out pcbMaxLength, out cbBuffer);
                Marshal.Copy(pAudioData, decoderOutputBuffer, 0, cbBuffer);
                decoderOutputOffset = 0;
                decoderOutputCount  = cbBuffer;

                bytesWritten += ReadFromDecoderBuffer(buffer, offset + bytesWritten, count - bytesWritten);

            position += bytesWritten;
文件: frmMain.cs 项目: yudigh/Tanta
        /// +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=
        /// <summary>
        /// Does everything to copy a file. Opens the Source Reader and Sink Writer
        /// configures the streams and then, because a Synchronous version
        /// of the Source Reader is used, we sit in a loop and perform the copy.
        /// Any errors here simply throw an exception and must be trapped elsewhere
        /// Note that because this code is intended for demo purposes, it has been
        /// kept very simple and linear. Most of the things that could have been
        /// refactored in a common procedure (audio and video streams) are simply
        /// written out in duplicate in order to make it obvious what is going on.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sourceFileName">the source file name</param>
        /// <param name="outputFileName">the name of the output file</param>
        /// <history>
        ///    01 Nov 18  Cynic - Originally Written
        /// </history>
        public void CopyFile(string sourceFileName, string outputFileName)
            HResult hr;
            int     sinkWriterOutputVideoStreamId = -1;
            int     videoSamplesProcessed         = 0;
            bool    videoStreamIsAtEOS            = false;
            int     sourceReaderVideoStreamId     = -1;

            int  sinkWriterOutputAudioStreamId = -1;
            int  audioSamplesProcessed         = 0;
            bool audioStreamIsAtEOS            = false;
            int  sourceReaderAudioStreamId     = -1;

            // not keen on endless loops. This is the maximum number
            // of streams we will check in the source reader.
            const int MAX_SOURCEREADER_STREAMS = 100;

            // create the SourceReader
            sourceReader = TantaWMFUtils.CreateSourceReaderSyncFromFile(sourceFileName, DEFAULT_ALLOW_HARDWARE_TRANSFORMS);
            if (sourceReader == null)
                // we failed
                throw new Exception("CopyFile: Failed to create SourceReader, Nothing will work.");
            // create the SinkWriter
            sinkWriter = TantaWMFUtils.CreateSinkWriterFromFile(outputFileName, DEFAULT_ALLOW_HARDWARE_TRANSFORMS);
            if (sinkWriter == null)
                // we failed
                throw new Exception("CopyFile: Failed to create Sink Writer, Nothing will work.");

            // find the first audio and video stream and identify the default Media Type
            // they are using. We could look into the streams and enumerate all of the
            // types on offer and choose one from the list - but for a copy operation
            // the default will be quite suitable.

            sourceReaderNativeVideoMediaType = null;
            sourceReaderNativeAudioMediaType = null;
            for (int streamIndex = 0; streamIndex < MAX_SOURCEREADER_STREAMS; streamIndex++)
                IMFMediaType workingType   = null;
                Guid         guidMajorType = Guid.Empty;

                // if we have found both the video and audio types (and their stream ids) leave now
                if ((sourceReaderNativeVideoMediaType != null) && (sourceReaderNativeAudioMediaType != null))

                hr = sourceReader.GetNativeMediaType(streamIndex, 0, out workingType);
                if (hr == HResult.MF_E_NO_MORE_TYPES)
                if (hr == HResult.MF_E_INVALIDSTREAMNUMBER)
                if (hr != HResult.S_OK)
                    // we failed
                    throw new Exception("CopyFile: failed on call to GetNativeMediaType, retVal=" + hr.ToString());
                if (workingType == null)
                    // we failed
                    throw new Exception("CopyFile: failed on call to GetNativeMediaType, workingType == null");

                // what major type does this stream have?
                hr = workingType.GetMajorType(out guidMajorType);
                if (hr != HResult.S_OK)
                    throw new Exception("CopyFile:  call to workingType.GetMajorType failed. Err=" + hr.ToString());
                if (guidMajorType == null)
                    throw new Exception("CopyFile:  call to workingType.GetMajorType failed. guidMajorType == null");

                // test for video or audio (there can be others)
                if ((guidMajorType == MFMediaType.Video) && (sourceReaderNativeVideoMediaType == null))
                    // this stream represents a video type
                    sourceReaderNativeVideoMediaType = workingType;
                    sourceReaderVideoStreamId        = streamIndex;
                    // the sourceReaderNativeVideoMediaType will be released elsewhere
                else if ((guidMajorType == MFMediaType.Audio) && (sourceReaderNativeAudioMediaType == null))
                    // this stream represents a audio type
                    sourceReaderNativeAudioMediaType = workingType;
                    sourceReaderAudioStreamId        = streamIndex;
                    // the sourceReaderNativeAudioMediaType will be released elsewhere

                // if we get here release the type - we do not use it
                if (workingType != null)
                    workingType = null;

            // at this point we expect we can have a native video or a native audio media type
            // or both, but not neither. if we don't we cannot carry on
            if ((sourceReaderNativeVideoMediaType == null) && (sourceReaderNativeAudioMediaType == null))
                // we failed
                throw new Exception("CopyFile: failed on call to GetNativeMediaType, sourceReaderNativeVideoMediaType == null");

            // if we have a video stream in the source file we now set it up
            if (sourceReaderNativeVideoMediaType != null)
                // set the media type on the reader - this is the media type it will output
                hr = sourceReader.SetCurrentMediaType(sourceReaderVideoStreamId, null, sourceReaderNativeVideoMediaType);
                if (hr != HResult.S_OK)
                    // we failed
                    throw new Exception("CopyFile: failed on call to SetCurrentMediaType(v), retVal=" + hr.ToString());
                // add a stream to the sink writer. The mediaType specifies the format of the samples that will be written
                // to the file. Note that it does not necessarily need to match the input format. To set the input format
                // use SetInputMediaType. In this case it does match because we copied the video encoder information directly
                // out of the video source type
                hr = sinkWriter.AddStream(sourceReaderNativeVideoMediaType, out sinkWriterOutputVideoStreamId);
                if (hr != HResult.S_OK)
                    // we failed
                    throw new Exception("CopyFile: Failed adding the output stream(v), retVal=" + hr.ToString());
                // Set the input format for a stream on the sink writer. Note the use of the stream index here
                // The input format does not have to match the target format that is written to the media sink
                // If the formats do not match, this call attempts to load an transform
                // that can convert from the input format to the target format. If it cannot find one, and this is not
                // a sure thing, it will throw an exception.
                hr = sinkWriter.SetInputMediaType(sinkWriterOutputVideoStreamId, sourceReaderNativeVideoMediaType, null);
                if (hr != HResult.S_OK)
                    // we failed
                    throw new Exception("CopyFile: Failed on calling SetInputMediaType(v) on the writer, retVal=" + hr.ToString());

            // if we have an audio stream in the source file we now set it up
            if (sourceReaderNativeAudioMediaType != null)
                // set the media type on the reader - this is the media type it will output
                hr = sourceReader.SetCurrentMediaType(sourceReaderAudioStreamId, null, sourceReaderNativeAudioMediaType);
                if (hr != HResult.S_OK)
                    // we failed
                    throw new Exception("CopyFile: failed on call to SetCurrentMediaType(a), retVal=" + hr.ToString());
                // add a stream to the sink writer. The mediaType specifies the format of the samples that will be written
                // to the file. Note that it does not necessarily need to match the input format. To set the input format
                // use SetInputMediaType. In this case it does match because we copied the video encoder information directly
                // out of the video source type
                hr = sinkWriter.AddStream(sourceReaderNativeAudioMediaType, out sinkWriterOutputAudioStreamId);
                if (hr != HResult.S_OK)
                    // we failed
                    throw new Exception("CopyFile: Failed adding the output stream(a), retVal=" + hr.ToString());
                // Set the input format for a stream on the sink writer. Note the use of the stream index here
                // The input format does not have to match the target format that is written to the media sink
                // If the formats do not match, this call attempts to load an transform
                // that can convert from the input format to the target format. If it cannot find one, and this is not
                // a sure thing, it will throw an exception.
                hr = sinkWriter.SetInputMediaType(sinkWriterOutputAudioStreamId, sourceReaderNativeAudioMediaType, null);
                if (hr != HResult.S_OK)
                    // we failed
                    throw new Exception("CopyFile: Failed on calling SetInputMediaType(a) on the writer, retVal=" + hr.ToString());

            // begin writing on the sink writer
            hr = sinkWriter.BeginWriting();
            if (hr != HResult.S_OK)
                // we failed
                throw new Exception("CopyFile: failed on call to BeginWriting, retVal=" + hr.ToString());

            // we sit in a loop here and get the sample from the source reader and write it out
            // to the sink writer. An EOS (end of sample) value in the flags will signal the end.
            while (true)
                int actualStreamIndex;
                MF_SOURCE_READER_FLAG actualStreamFlags;
                long      timeStamp          = 0;
                IMFSample workingMediaSample = null;

                // Request the next sample from the media source. Note that this could be
                // any type of media sample (video, audio, subtitles etc). We do not know
                // until we look at the stream ID. We saved the stream ID earlier when
                // we obtained the media types and so we can branch based on that.
                hr = sourceReader.ReadSample(
                    out actualStreamIndex,
                    out actualStreamFlags,
                    out timeStamp,
                    out workingMediaSample
                if (hr != HResult.S_OK)
                    // we failed
                    throw new Exception("CopyFile: Failed on calling the ReadSample on the reader, retVal=" + hr.ToString());

                // the sample may be null if either end of stream or a stream tick is returned
                if (workingMediaSample == null)
                    // just ignore, the flags will have the information we need.
                    // the sample is not null
                    if (actualStreamIndex == sourceReaderAudioStreamId)
                        // audio data
                        // ensure discontinuity is set for the first sample in each stream
                        if (audioSamplesProcessed == 0)
                            // audio data
                            hr = workingMediaSample.SetUINT32(MFAttributesClsid.MFSampleExtension_Discontinuity, 1);
                            if (hr != HResult.S_OK)
                                // we failed
                                throw new Exception("CopyFile: Failed on calling SetUINT32 on the sample, retVal=" + hr.ToString());
                            // remember this - we only do it once
                        hr = sinkWriter.WriteSample(sinkWriterOutputAudioStreamId, workingMediaSample);
                        if (hr != HResult.S_OK)
                            // we failed
                            throw new Exception("CopyFile: Failed on calling the WriteSample on the writer, retVal=" + hr.ToString());
                    else if (actualStreamIndex == sourceReaderVideoStreamId)
                        // video data
                        // ensure discontinuity is set for the first sample in each stream
                        if (videoSamplesProcessed == 0)
                            // video data
                            hr = workingMediaSample.SetUINT32(MFAttributesClsid.MFSampleExtension_Discontinuity, 1);
                            if (hr != HResult.S_OK)
                                // we failed
                                throw new Exception("CopyFile: Failed on calling SetUINT32 on the sample, retVal=" + hr.ToString());
                            // remember this - we only do it once
                        hr = sinkWriter.WriteSample(sinkWriterOutputVideoStreamId, workingMediaSample);
                        if (hr != HResult.S_OK)
                            // we failed
                            throw new Exception("CopyFile: Failed on calling the WriteSample on the writer, retVal=" + hr.ToString());

                    // release the sample
                    if (workingMediaSample != null)
                        workingMediaSample = null;

                // do we have a stream tick event?
                if ((actualStreamFlags & MF_SOURCE_READER_FLAG.StreamTick) != 0)
                    if (actualStreamIndex == sourceReaderVideoStreamId)
                        // video stream
                        hr = sinkWriter.SendStreamTick(sinkWriterOutputVideoStreamId, timeStamp);
                    else if (actualStreamIndex == sourceReaderAudioStreamId)
                        // audio stream
                        hr = sinkWriter.SendStreamTick(sinkWriterOutputAudioStreamId, timeStamp);

                // is this stream at an END of Segment
                if ((actualStreamFlags & MF_SOURCE_READER_FLAG.EndOfStream) != 0)
                    // We have an EOS - but is it on the video or audio channel?
                    // we have to get it on both
                    if (actualStreamIndex == sourceReaderVideoStreamId)
                        // video stream
                        // have we seen this before?
                        if (videoStreamIsAtEOS == false)
                            hr = sinkWriter.NotifyEndOfSegment(sinkWriterOutputVideoStreamId);
                            if (hr != HResult.S_OK)
                                // we failed
                                throw new Exception("CopyFile: Failed on calling the NotifyEndOfSegment on video stream, retVal=" + hr.ToString());
                            videoStreamIsAtEOS = true;
                    else if (actualStreamIndex == sourceReaderAudioStreamId)
                        // audio stream
                        // have we seen this before?
                        if (audioStreamIsAtEOS == false)
                            hr = sinkWriter.NotifyEndOfSegment(sinkWriterOutputAudioStreamId);
                            if (hr != HResult.S_OK)
                                // we failed
                                throw new Exception("CopyFile: Failed on calling the NotifyEndOfSegment on audio stream, retVal=" + hr.ToString());
                            audioStreamIsAtEOS = true;
                        // audio stream

                    // our exit condition depends on which streams are in use
                    if ((sourceReaderNativeVideoMediaType != null) && (sourceReaderNativeAudioMediaType != null))
                        // if both streams are at EOS we can leave
                        if ((videoStreamIsAtEOS == true) && (audioStreamIsAtEOS == true))
                    else if (sourceReaderNativeVideoMediaType != null)
                        // only video is active, if the video stream is EOS we can leave
                        if (videoStreamIsAtEOS == true)
                    else if (sourceReaderNativeAudioMediaType != null)
                        // only audio is active, if the audio stream is EOS we can leave
                        if (audioStreamIsAtEOS == true)
            } // bottom of endless for loop

            hr = sinkWriter.Finalize_();
            if (hr != HResult.S_OK)
                // we failed
                throw new Exception("Failed on call tosinkWriter.Finalize(), retVal=" + hr.ToString());