public bool OnSelectMovie(IMDBFetcher fetcher, out int selectedMovie) { DlgMovieList dlg = new DlgMovieList(); dlg.Filename = fetcher.MovieName; for (int i = 0; i < fetcher.Count; ++i) { dlg.AddMovie(fetcher[i].Title); } DialogResult result = dlg.ShowDialog(this); this.Update(); if (result == DialogResult.Cancel) { selectedMovie = -1; return(false); } selectedMovie = dlg.SelectedItem; if (dlg.IsNewFind) { _newMovieToFind = dlg.NewTitleToFind; selectedMovie = -1; } return(true); }
public bool OnDetailsEnd(IMDBFetcher fetcher) { CheckIMDBDetails(); logger.Debug("OnDetailsEnd: {0} - {1}", _status, _filename); Utils.SendMovieRefresh(); return(true); }
public bool OnSelectMovie(IMDBFetcher fetcher, out int selectedMovie) { GUIDialogSelect pDlgSelect = (GUIDialogSelect)GUIWindowManager.GetWindow((int)Window.WINDOW_DIALOG_SELECT); // more then 1 movie found // ask user to select 1 pDlgSelect.SetHeading(196); //select movie pDlgSelect.Reset(); for (int i = 0; i < fetcher.Count; ++i) { pDlgSelect.Add(fetcher[i].Title); } pDlgSelect.EnableButton(true); pDlgSelect.SetButtonLabel(413); // manual pDlgSelect.DoModal(GUIWindowManager.ActiveWindow); // and wait till user selects one selectedMovie = pDlgSelect.SelectedLabel; if (selectedMovie != -1) { return(true); } if (!pDlgSelect.IsButtonPressed) { return(false); } else { return(true); } }
public bool OnDetailsEnd(IMDBFetcher fetcher) { if (_progressDialog.IsInstance(fetcher)) { _progressDialog.CloseProgress(); } return(true); }
public bool OnDisableCancel(IMDBFetcher fetcher) { if (_progressDialog.IsInstance(fetcher)) { _progressDialog.DisableCancel(); } return(true); }
public bool OnSearchStarting(IMDBFetcher fetcher) { _progressDialog.ResetProgress(); _progressDialog.SetHeading("Searching IMDB..."); _progressDialog.SetLine1(fetcher.MovieName); _progressDialog.SetLine2(string.Empty); _progressDialog.Instance = fetcher; return(true); }
public bool OnDetailsStarting(IMDBFetcher fetcher) { _progressDialog.ResetProgress(); _progressDialog.SetHeading("Downloading Movie details..."); _progressDialog.SetLine1("Downloading Movie details..."); _progressDialog.SetLine2(fetcher.MovieName); _progressDialog.Instance = fetcher; return(true); }
public bool OnActorInfoStarting(IMDBFetcher fetcher) { _progressDialog.ResetProgress(); _progressDialog.SetHeading("Downloading Actor info..."); _progressDialog.SetLine1("Downloading Actor info..."); _progressDialog.SetLine2(fetcher.MovieName); _progressDialog.Instance = fetcher; return(true); }
public bool OnRequestMovieTitle(IMDBFetcher fetcher, out string movieName) { movieName = _newMovieToFind; if (movieName == string.Empty) { return(false); } return(true); }
public bool OnDetailsEnd(IMDBFetcher fetcher) { GUIDialogProgress pDlgProgress = (GUIDialogProgress)GUIWindowManager.GetWindow((int)Window.WINDOW_DIALOG_PROGRESS); if ((pDlgProgress != null) && (pDlgProgress.IsInstance(fetcher))) { pDlgProgress.Close(); } return(true); }
public bool OnMovieNotFound(IMDBFetcher fetcher) { // show dialog... GUIDialogOK pDlgOK = (GUIDialogOK)GUIWindowManager.GetWindow((int)Window.WINDOW_DIALOG_OK); pDlgOK.SetHeading(195); pDlgOK.SetLine(1, fetcher.MovieName); pDlgOK.SetLine(2, string.Empty); pDlgOK.DoModal(GUIWindowManager.ActiveWindow); return(true); }
public bool OnDisableCancel(IMDBFetcher fetcher) { GUIDialogProgress pDlgProgress = (GUIDialogProgress)GUIWindowManager.GetWindow((int)Window.WINDOW_DIALOG_PROGRESS); if (pDlgProgress.IsInstance(fetcher)) { pDlgProgress.DisableCancel(true); } return(true); }
public NewMovie() { _status = Utils.ImporterStatus.NONE; _selected = -1; _moviedetails = new IMDBMovie(); _fetcher = new IMDBFetcher(this); _grabbermovies = new List <GrabberMovie>(); _hasnearest = false; _moviedetails.ID = -1; }
public bool OnSearchStarted(IMDBFetcher fetcher) { DialogResult result = _progressDialog.ShowDialog(this); this.Update(); if (result == DialogResult.Cancel) { return(false); } return(true); }
public bool OnActorsStarted(IMDBFetcher fetcher) { _progressDialog.Instance = fetcher; DialogResult result = _progressDialog.ShowDialog(this); this.Update(); if (result == DialogResult.Cancel) { return(false); } return(true); }
public bool OnRequestMovieTitle(IMDBFetcher fetcher, out string movieName) { string strMovieName = ""; GetStringFromKeyboard(ref strMovieName); movieName = strMovieName; if (movieName == string.Empty) { return(false); } return(true); }
public bool OnActorsStarted(IMDBFetcher fetcher) { GUIDialogProgress pDlgProgress = (GUIDialogProgress)GUIWindowManager.GetWindow((int)Window.WINDOW_DIALOG_PROGRESS); pDlgProgress.SetObject(fetcher); pDlgProgress.DoModal(GUIWindowManager.ActiveWindow); if (pDlgProgress.IsCanceled) { return(false); } return(true); }
public bool OnSearchStarting(IMDBFetcher fetcher) { GUIDialogProgress pDlgProgress = (GUIDialogProgress)GUIWindowManager.GetWindow((int)Window.WINDOW_DIALOG_PROGRESS); // show dialog that we're busy querying pDlgProgress.Reset(); pDlgProgress.SetHeading(197); pDlgProgress.SetLine(1, fetcher.MovieName); pDlgProgress.SetLine(2, string.Empty); pDlgProgress.SetObject(fetcher); pDlgProgress.StartModal(GUIWindowManager.ActiveWindow); return(true); }
public bool OnActorsStarting(IMDBFetcher fetcher) { GUIDialogProgress pDlgProgress = (GUIDialogProgress)GUIWindowManager.GetWindow((int)Window.WINDOW_DIALOG_PROGRESS); // show dialog that we're downloading the actor info pDlgProgress.Reset(); pDlgProgress.SetHeading(986); pDlgProgress.SetLine(1, fetcher.MovieName); pDlgProgress.SetLine(2, string.Empty); pDlgProgress.SetObject(fetcher); pDlgProgress.StartModal(GUIWindowManager.ActiveWindow); return(true); }
public bool OnSearchEnd(IMDBFetcher fetcher) { _moviedetails.SearchString = MediaPortal.Util.Utils.GetFilename(_moviedetails.File, true); int minDistance = int.MaxValue; int idxNearest = -1; lock (((ICollection)_grabbermovies).SyncRoot) { if (fetcher.Count > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < fetcher.Count; ++i) { GrabberMovie movie = new GrabberMovie(fetcher[i].Title, _title); if (movie.Distance < minDistance) { minDistance = movie.Distance; idxNearest = i; } _grabbermovies.Add(movie); } if (idxNearest > -1 && idxNearest < _grabbermovies.Count && minDistance <= Utils.NearestFactor) { _grabbermovies[idxNearest].IsNearest = true; _hasnearest = true; } } } if (Utils.ApproveIfOne && fetcher.Count == 1) { _selected = 0; Status = Utils.ImporterStatus.QUEUED_INFO; logger.Debug("OnSearchEnd - Approve (One): {0} - {1} - {2}", _status, _grabbermovies[_selected].Title, fetcher[_selected].Database); } else if (Utils.ApproveForNearest && _hasnearest) { _selected = idxNearest; Status = Utils.ImporterStatus.QUEUED_INFO; logger.Debug("OnSearchEnd - Approve (Nearest): {0} - {1} - {2} <= {3} - {4}", _status, _grabbermovies[_selected].Title, _grabbermovies[_selected].Distance, Utils.NearestFactor, fetcher[_selected].Database); } else { Status = Utils.ImporterStatus.WAITING; } logger.Debug("OnSearchEnd: {0} [{1}] {2} - {3}", _status, fetcher.Count, fetcher.MovieName, _filename); return(true); }
private void buttonFind_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { int index = 0; ListViewItem listItem = _listView1.SelectedItems[0]; if (_textBoxTitle.Text == string.Empty) { MessageBox.Show("Please select a movie", "Information", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation); ; return; } _progressDialog.Total = 1; _progressDialog.Count = 1; string file = listItem.Text; IMDBMovie movieDetails = new IMDBMovie(); string path, filename; Util.Utils.Split(file, out path, out filename); movieDetails.Path = path; movieDetails.File = filename; movieDetails.SearchString = _textBoxTitle.Text; if (IMDBFetcher.GetInfoFromIMDB(this, ref movieDetails, false, false)) { if (movieDetails != null) { index = listItem.Index; _listView1.Items.Remove(listItem); if (_listView1.Items.Count > 0) { if (index >= _listView1.Items.Count) { index = _listView1.Items.Count - 1; } _listView1.SelectedIndices.Clear(); _listView1.SelectedIndices.Add(index); _listView1.Update(); } else { this.DialogResult = DialogResult.Cancel; this.Close(); } } } }
public bool OnDetailsNotFound(IMDBFetcher fetcher) { Status = Utils.ImporterStatus.NONE; logger.Debug("OnDetailsNotFound: {0} - {1}", _status, _filename); return(false); }
public bool OnDetailsNotFound(IMDBFetcher fetcher) { MessageBox.Show("Movie details could not be found.", fetcher.MovieName, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation); return(true); }
public bool OnActorsEnd(IMDBFetcher fetcher) { return(true); }
public bool OnRequestMovieTitle(IMDBFetcher fetcher, out string movieName) { movieName = _moviedetails.SearchString; logger.Debug("OnRequestMovieTitle: {0} - {1}", _status, _filename); return(false); }
public bool OnSelectActor(IMDBFetcher fetcher, out int selected) { selected = -1; logger.Debug("OnSelectActor: {0} - {1}", _status, _filename); return(false); }
public bool OnMovieNotFound(IMDBFetcher fetcher) { MessageBox.Show("No IMDB info found!", fetcher.MovieName, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation); return(false); }
public bool OnActorsEnd(IMDBFetcher fetcher) { logger.Debug("OnActorsEnd: {0} - {1}", _status, _filename); return(true); }
public bool OnSelectActor(IMDBFetcher fetcher, out int selectedActor) { selectedActor = -1; return(true); }
// Changed - covers and the same movie name protected override void OnClicked(int controlId, GUIControl control, Action.ActionType actionType) { base.OnClicked(controlId, control, actionType); if (control == btnRefresh) { // Check Internet connection if (!Win32API.IsConnectedToInternet()) { GUIDialogOK dlgOk = (GUIDialogOK)GUIWindowManager.GetWindow((int)Window.WINDOW_DIALOG_OK); dlgOk.SetHeading(257); dlgOk.SetLine(1, GUILocalizeStrings.Get(703)); dlgOk.DoModal(GUIWindowManager.ActiveWindow); return; } string title = currentMovie.Title; int id = currentMovie.ID; string file = currentMovie.Path + "\\" + currentMovie.File; // Delete covers FanArt.DeleteCovers(title, id); //Delete fanarts FanArt.DeleteFanarts(file, title); if (IMDBFetcher.RefreshIMDB(this, ref currentMovie, false, false, true)) { if ((imageSearchThread != null) && (imageSearchThread.IsAlive)) { imageSearchThread.Abort(); imageSearchThread = null; } imdbCoverArtUrl = currentMovie.ThumbURL; coverArtUrls = new string[1]; coverArtUrls[0] = imdbCoverArtUrl; ResetSpinControl(); Refresh(false); Update(); // Start images search thread SearchImages(); } return; } if (control == spinImages) { int item = spinImages.Value - 1; if (item < 0 || item >= coverArtUrls.Length) { item = 0; } if (currentMovie.ThumbURL == coverArtUrls[item]) { return; } currentMovie.ThumbURL = coverArtUrls[item]; // Title suffix for problem with covers and movie with the same name string titleExt = currentMovie.Title + "{" + currentMovie.ID + "}"; string coverArtImage = Util.Utils.GetCoverArtName(Thumbs.MovieTitle, titleExt); string largeCoverArtImage = Util.Utils.GetLargeCoverArtName(Thumbs.MovieTitle, titleExt); Util.Utils.FileDelete(coverArtImage); // // 07.11.2010 Deda: Cache entry Flag change for cover thumb file // Util.Utils.DoInsertNonExistingFileIntoCache(coverArtImage); // Util.Utils.FileDelete(largeCoverArtImage); Refresh(false); Update(); int idMovie = currentMovie.ID; if (idMovie >= 0) { VideoDatabase.SetThumbURL(idMovie, currentMovie.ThumbURL); } return; } if (control == btnCast) { viewmode = ViewMode.Cast; Update(); } if (control == btnPlot) { viewmode = ViewMode.Plot; Update(); } if (control == btnReview) { viewmode = ViewMode.Review; Update(); } if (control == btnWatched) { if (currentMovie.Watched > 0) { GUIPropertyManager.SetProperty("#iswatched", "no"); currentMovie.Watched = 0; VideoDatabase.SetMovieWatchedStatus(currentMovie.ID, false); ArrayList files = new ArrayList(); VideoDatabase.GetFiles(currentMovie.ID, ref files); foreach (string file in files) { int fileId = VideoDatabase.GetFileId(file); VideoDatabase.DeleteMovieStopTime(fileId); } } else { GUIPropertyManager.SetProperty("#iswatched", "yes"); currentMovie.Watched = 1; VideoDatabase.SetMovieWatchedStatus(currentMovie.ID, true); } VideoDatabase.SetWatched(currentMovie); } if (control == spinDisc) { string selectedItem = spinDisc.GetLabel(); int idMovie = currentMovie.ID; if (idMovie > 0) { if (selectedItem != "HD" && selectedItem != "share") { VideoDatabase.SetDVDLabel(idMovie, selectedItem); } else { VideoDatabase.SetDVDLabel(idMovie, "HD"); } } } if (control == btnPlay) { int id = currentMovie.ID; ArrayList files = new ArrayList(); VideoDatabase.GetFiles(id, ref files); if (files.Count > 1) { GUIVideoFiles._stackedMovieFiles = files; GUIVideoFiles._isStacked = true; GUIVideoFiles.MovieDuration(files); } GUIVideoFiles.PlayMovie(id, false); return; } }