private ILookupItem SetRelevanceSortPriority(ILookupItem item, UnityEventFunction function)
            // When items are sorted by relevance, highest value wins. It can be tricky to know if the item is going to
            // be positioned correctly, but essentially, the more flags you have, the higher up in the list you'll be.
            // Language specific flags have the most boost power, so the type of declared element helps a lot (methods
            // are higher than types, but not as high as local variables). Environmental flags will still boost the
            // relevance, but not by as much. So text matching will boost above other items of the same declared element
            // type, but won't boost a method name over a local variable name. The evaluation mode can also give a small
            // but significant boost - Light has higher relevance than Full. Many of these flags are set automatically
            // by looking at the declared element type, or evaluation mode, etc. But we can set some values explicitly,
            // which can give a meaningful boost and get our items to the top of the list
            // Secondary sort order is OrderString, which is usually display text, but can be overridden.

            // Generated items get a boost over normal declared element items
            item.Placement.Relevance |= (long)CLRLookupItemRelevance.GenerateItems;

            // Set high selection priority to push us further up, unless it's undocumented, in which case, give it a
            // smaller selection boost
            item = !function.Undocumented ? item.WithHighSelectionPriority() : item.WithLowSelectionPriority();
 public static void SetTopPriority(this ILookupItem lookupItem)
     lookupItem.Placement.OrderString = MoqCompleteOrderString;