        // USE CASE: Using a configured FlexiCapture project to recognize image files
        public static void Using_a_configured_FlexiCapture_project_to_recognize_image_files(IEngine engine)
            trace("Open the sample project...");
            IProject project = engine.OpenProject("D:\\Users\\seral\\Desktop\\SampleImages\\SampleProject\\DocScan1CProject\\DocScan1CProject.fcproj");

            try {
                trace("Add a new batch...");
                IBatch batch = project.Batches.AddNew("DocScan1C");

                trace("Open the batch...");

                try {
                    IStringsCollection filePaths = engine.CreateStringsCollection();
                    filePaths.Add(SamplesFolder + "1134.pdf");
                    filePaths.Add(SamplesFolder + "Scan_07_θη_06.bmp");
                    //filePaths.Add(SamplesFolder + "Scan_02_θη_06.jpg");
                    // filePaths.Add(SamplesFolder + "Scan_08_θη_06.jpg");*/

                    IStringsCollection badFiles = engine.CreateStringsCollection();;
                    ILongsCollection   docIds   = engine.CreateLongsCollection();

                    trace("Add image files to the batch...");
                    batch.AddImages(filePaths, -1, null, null, badFiles, docIds);

                    trace("Recognize all images in the batch...");
                    batch.Recognize(null, RecognitionModeEnum.RM_ReRecognizeMinimal, null);

                    trace("Export the results...");

                    IExportParams exportParams = engine.CreateExportParams(ExportDestinationTypeEnum.EDT_File);
                    exportParams.IgnoreRuleErrors                 = true;
                    exportParams.FileExportParams.RootPath        = "D:\\Users\\seral\\Desktop\\FCEExport";
                    exportParams.FileExportParams.FileFormat      = FileExportFormatEnum.FEF_XML;
                    exportParams.FileExportParams.FileNamePattern = "<DocumentDefinition>";
                    exportParams.FileExportParams.CreateSeparateFilesForRepeatableItems = true;
                    exportParams.FileExportParams.FileOverwriteRule = FileOverwriteRuleEnum.FOR_Rename;

                    batch.Export(null, exportParams);
                    trace("Close and delete the batch...");
                } finally {
                    batch.Close();                     // Before the batch could be deleted, it has to be closed

                trace("Close the project...");
            } finally {
            void collectionEvents_OnCollectionChanged(bool reloaded,
                                                      ILongsCollection added, ILongsCollection deleted, ILongsCollection modified)
                try {
                    if (reloaded)
                        trace(name + ": RESET");
                        string addedTxt    = added != null ? " ADDED:" + added.Count : "";
                        string deletedTxt  = deleted != null ? " DELETED:" + deleted.Count : "";
                        string modifiedTxt = modified != null ? " MODIFIED:" + modified.Count : "";

                        trace(name + ":" + addedTxt + deletedTxt + modifiedTxt);
                } catch (Exception e) {
            void collectionEvents_OnCollectionChanged( bool reloaded, 
				ILongsCollection added, ILongsCollection deleted, ILongsCollection modified )
                try {
                    if( reloaded ) {
                        trace( name + ": RESET" );
                    } else {
                        string addedTxt = added != null ? " ADDED:" + added.Count : "";
                        string deletedTxt = deleted != null ? " DELETED:" + deleted.Count : "";
                        string modifiedTxt = modified != null ? " MODIFIED:" + modified.Count : "";

                        trace( name + ":" + addedTxt + deletedTxt + modifiedTxt );
                } catch( Exception e ) {
                    trace( e.Message );