public async Task <LoginResult> Login(LoginModel loginModel) { var loginAsJson = JsonSerializer.Serialize(loginModel); var response = await _httpClient.PostAsync("Login", new StringContent(loginAsJson, Encoding.UTF8, "application/json")); var loginResult = JsonSerializer.Deserialize <LoginResult>(await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync(), new JsonSerializerOptions { PropertyNameCaseInsensitive = true }); if (!response.IsSuccessStatusCode) { return(loginResult); } await _localStorage.SetItemAsync("authToken", loginResult.Token); ((ApiAuthenticationStateProvider)_authenticationStateProvider).MarkUserAsAuthenticated(loginModel.Email); _httpClient.DefaultRequestHeaders.Authorization = new AuthenticationHeaderValue("bearer", loginResult.Token); _tempService.CurrentUser = await _userRegistrationService.GetCurrent(loginModel.Email); User user = await _userManager.FindByEmailAsync(loginModel.Email); LogDTO logDTO = new LogDTO { Action = "Успешно авторизовался", UserId = user.Id }; await _logService.AddLog(logDTO); return(loginResult); }
public void InfoLog(string msg) { if (_appSettings.LogLevel == (int)AppLogLevel.Info) { msg = "Info: " + msg; LogModel log = new LogModel(); log.LogLevel = _appSettings.LogLevel; log.Message = msg; _logService.AddLog(log); } }
public void Generate_Link([FromBody] string email) { string S = email; try { _reset.generate_link(email); } catch (Exception E) { _logger.AddLog(E.ToString(), E.GetType().ToString()); // return StatusCode(StatusCodes.Status400BadRequest); } }
public IActionResult Post([FromBody] Employee employee) { if (!ModelState.IsValid) { _logger.AddLog(BadRequest(ModelState).ToString(), BadRequest().GetType().ToString()); return(BadRequest(ModelState)); } try { var doesExistAlready = _registerEmployee.IsEmpIdExist(employee.EmpId); if (doesExistAlready) { return(StatusCode(StatusCodes.Status406NotAcceptable, "Employee ID exists")); } //Inside this post with image we are checking if this user.username (containing official email) already exists or not if (_registerEmployee.PostWithImage(employee) == true) { _passwordResetService.GenerateAndSendEmail(employee.PersonalInfo.Email, employee.Username); return(Ok()); } return(BadRequest(ModelState)); } catch (Exception E) { _logger.AddLog(E.ToString(), E.GetType().ToString()); return(StatusCode(StatusCodes.Status500InternalServerError)); } }
public (IList <Log>, int) Get(int page = 1, DateTime?startDate = null, DateTime?endDate = null, int limit = 50) { try { if (page < 0) { throw new IndexOutOfRangeException(); } } catch (Exception E) { _log.AddLog(E.ToString(), E.GetType().ToString()); } return(_log.GetAllLogs(page = 1, startDate, endDate, limit)); //Note: Everything returned by controller has to be an ActionResult. }
public string CreateTokenAuthentication(int userId) { try { string CacheName = ProjectConst.TokenCacheName + userId; var TokenKey = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); long ExpireDate = DateTime.Now.AddMinutes(ConfigManager.GetData(ProjectConst.TokenExpireTime).ToDouble()).ToLong(); var Entity = new TokenAuthenticationEntity { UserId = userId, ExpireDate = ExpireDate, TokenKey = TokenKey }; if (_redisManager.IsExsistByName <TokenAuthenticationEntity>(CacheName)) { _redisManager.RemoveSingleByName <TokenAuthenticationEntity>(CacheName); } _redisManager.AddSingle(CacheName, Entity, DateTime.Now.AddMinutes(ConfigManager.GetData(ProjectConst.TokenCacheTime).ToDouble())); return(TokenKey); } catch (KnownException ex) { throw ex; } catch (Exception ex) { _logger.AddLog("", LogTypeEnum.Error, "AuthenticationManager.CreateTokenAuthentication", userId, ex.Message, "", ex); throw new KnownException(ErrorTypeEnum.GeneralExeption, ex.Message, ex); } }
protected void LogMsg(string msg) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(msg) == false) { _logger.AddLog(msg); } }
public IActionResult GetPagePermission(string role, string page) { bool result; try { result = _roleService.PageAccessAllowed(role, page); } catch (Exception E) { _logger.AddLog(E.ToString(), E.GetType().ToString()); return(NotFound("Exception Occured.")); } return(Ok(result)); }
public async Task Post([FromBody] LogEntryModel model) { var log = _mapper.Map <LogEntry>(model); log.Id = 0; log.Date = DateTimeOffset.UtcNow; await _logService.AddLog(log, model.Key); }
private async void SendNewMassage(string message) { var result = await ApplicationManager.SendNewMassageAsync(message); var logText = result.Success ? "Сообщение успешно доставлено." : result.Error; var logType = result.Success ? enLogType.Message : enLogType.Error; logService.AddLog(logText, logType); }
public IActionResult GetByEmail([FromRoute] string email) { PersonalInfo personalInfo; try { //string email = "*****@*****.**"; personalInfo = _personalInfoService.GetByEmail(email); if (personalInfo == null) { return(NotFound("Record Not Found.")); } } catch (Exception E) { _logger.AddLog(E.ToString(), E.GetType().ToString()); return(NotFound("Exception Occured.")); } return(Ok(personalInfo)); }
public async Task <ActionResult <LetterRequests> > PostUserLetterRequest([FromBody] LetterRequests letter) { if (!ModelState.IsValid) { _logger.AddLog(BadRequest(ModelState).ToString(), BadRequest().GetType().ToString()); return(BadRequest(ModelState)); } try { letter.DateCreated = System.DateTime.Now; letter.DateModified = System.DateTime.Now; await _letterRequestService.PostLetterRequest(letter); } catch (Exception E) { _logger.AddLog(E.ToString(), E.GetType().ToString()); return(StatusCode(StatusCodes.Status406NotAcceptable)); } return(StatusCode(StatusCodes.Status201Created)); }
public async Task <IActionResult> Create(CreateOfferViewModel model) { if (this.ModelState.IsValid) { var tutor = await userManager.GetUserAsync(HttpContext.User); // TO DO: Enable File Uploading for images var dto = mapper.Map <CreateOfferViewModel, OfferDTO>(model); dto.TutorId = tutor.Id; int id = await this.offerService.AddOffer(dto); var result = await this.userManager.AddClaimAsync(tutor, new System.Security.Claims.Claim("Creator", id.ToString())); var log = new Log { UserId = this.userManager.GetUserId(HttpContext.User), LogType = LogType.CreatedAnOffer, DateTime = DateTime.Now, ResourceId = id, ResourceType = ResourceType.Comment }; await logService.AddLog(log); //return await Task.FromResult<IActionResult>(this.RedirectToRoute("Offer/Details/" + id)); //this.TempData["Success"] = true; return(this.RedirectToAction("Details", "Offer", new { id = id })); } foreach (var error in this.ModelState.Values.SelectMany(p => p.Errors)) { this.ViewData["Error"] += error + "/n"; } CreateOfferViewModel createModel = CreateModel(); return(await Task.Run(() => this.View(createModel))); }
//调用中和接口向ERP系统插入订单 public string AddOrder(Full_order_info_listItem OrderItem) { string HttpResponse = string.Empty; List <GoodsItem> ListGoodsItem = new List <GoodsItem>(); SortedDictionary <string, string> sb = new SortedDictionary <string, string>(); //详细地址 sb.Add("address", OrderItem.full_order_info.address_info.delivery_address); //市 sb.Add("city", OrderItem.full_order_info.address_info.delivery_city); //商品信息 foreach (var item in OrderItem.full_order_info.orders) { //取规格ID ListGoodsItem.Add(new GoodsItem { item_id = orderService.QueryBarcode(item.outer_sku_id), qty = item.num, price = Convert.ToDouble(item.total_fee) / item.num }); } string GoodsJson = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(ListGoodsItem); sb.Add("items", GoodsJson); //买家手机号 sb.Add("mobile", OrderItem.full_order_info.address_info.receiver_tel); //创建时间 sb.Add("order_created", OrderItem.full_order_info.order_info.pay_time); //订单号 sb.Add("order_id", OrderItem.full_order_info.order_info.tid); //省 sb.Add("province", OrderItem.full_order_info.address_info.delivery_province); //备注 sb.Add("remark", OrderItem.full_order_info.remark_info.buyer_message); //收货人名称 sb.Add("recevier", OrderItem.full_order_info.address_info.receiver_name); //收货人手机号 sb.Add("tel", OrderItem.full_order_info.address_info.receiver_tel); //区 sb.Add("town", OrderItem.full_order_info.address_info.delivery_district); string ordersJosonStr = HttpHepler.UrlResponseByPost("add_order", sb, appkey, appsecret); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ordersJosonStr)) { RootResponse rootModel = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <RootResponse>(ordersJosonStr); if (rootModel.Code == "0") { return(rootModel.AddOrderResponse.ERPORDERID); } logService.AddLog("有赞订单号:" + OrderItem.full_order_info.order_info.tid + " 收件人信息" + OrderItem.full_order_info.address_info.receiver_name + OrderItem.full_order_info.address_info.receiver_tel + " 地址:" + OrderItem.full_order_info.address_info.delivery_province + OrderItem.full_order_info.address_info.delivery_city + OrderItem.full_order_info.address_info.delivery_district + OrderItem.full_order_info.address_info.delivery_address + " 错误信息:" + rootModel.ErrorMessage.Trim()); } return(null); }
public void Log(string logName, int moduleId, string moduleName, string errorMsg, string errorStack, string extraData) { var log = new Sys_Log(); log.LogId = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); log.LogName = logName; log.ModuleId = moduleId; log.ModuleName = moduleName; log.ErrorMsg = errorMsg; log.ErrorStack = errorStack; log.ExtraData = extraData; log.CreatedDate = DateTime.Now; _logService.AddLog(log); }
public async Task <IActionResult> OnPost() { var principal = HttpContext.User as ClaimsPrincipal; var accessUserIdClaim = principal?.Claims.FirstOrDefault(c => c.Type == "Id"); if (accessUserIdClaim == null) { return(BadRequest()); } Log.CreatedByUserId = int.Parse(accessUserIdClaim.Value); await _logService.AddLog(Log); return(RedirectToPage("../Log")); }
//调用ZH接口发送增加订单 public string AddOrder(BbOrder orderItem) { try { List <GoodsItem> listGoodsItem = new List <GoodsItem>(); SortedDictionary <string, string> sb = new SortedDictionary <string, string>(); sb.Add("address", orderItem.Address); sb.Add("city", orderItem.City); foreach (var item in orderItem.Item) { listGoodsItem.Add(new GoodsItem { item_id = orderService.QueryBarcode(item.Outer_id), qty = Convert.ToInt32(item.Num), price = Convert.ToDouble(item.Total_fee / Convert.ToInt32(item.Num)) }); } string goodsJson = CommonHelper.ToJson(listGoodsItem); sb.Add("items", goodsJson); sb.Add("mobile", orderItem.Receiver_phone); sb.Add("order_created", orderItem.Pay_time); sb.Add("order_id", orderItem.Oid); sb.Add("province", orderItem.Province); sb.Add("remark", orderItem.Remark); sb.Add("recevier", orderItem.Receiver_name); sb.Add("tel", orderItem.Receiver_phone); sb.Add("town", orderItem.County); string ordersJosonStr = HttpHepler.UrlResponseByPost("add_order", sb, appkey, appsecret); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ordersJosonStr)) { RootResponse rootModel = CommonHelper.DeJson <RootResponse>(ordersJosonStr); if (rootModel.Code == "0") { return(rootModel.AddOrderResponse.ERPORDERID); } logService.AddLog("贝店订单号:" + orderItem.Oid + " 收件人信息:" + orderItem.Receiver_name + orderItem.Receiver_phone + " 地址:" + orderItem.Province + orderItem.City + orderItem.County + orderItem.Address + " 错误信息:" + rootModel.ErrorMessage.Trim()); log.Error(rootModel.ErrorMessage); } return(null); } catch (Exception e) { throw e; } }
public IActionResult GetPaginatedEmployeeLetterRequests(int empId, int page = 1, string sort = "Id", string search = "", int limit = 10, bool sortOrder = false, string searchInColumn = "none", string thenSearchFor = "") { // EmpID less than 1 will result in returning all values try { IList <TrainingRequest> employeeTrainingRequests = _trainingRequestService.GetPaginatedEmployeeTrainingRequests(empId, page, sort, search, limit, sortOrder, searchInColumn, thenSearchFor); if (employeeTrainingRequests == null) { return(NotFound($"No Training Exists for employee Id: {empId}")); } return(Ok(employeeTrainingRequests)); } catch (Exception E) { _log.AddLog(E.ToString(), E.GetType().ToString()); return(NotFound(E.ToString())); } }
public async Task InvokeAsync(HttpContext context, ILogService logService) { if (context.Request.Path.HasValue) { var log = new Log(); log.RequestPath = context.Request.Path.Value.ToString(); log.RequestMethod = context.Request.Method.ToString(); log.TraceIdentifier = context.TraceIdentifier.ToString(); log.UserAgent = context.Request.Headers["User-Agent"].ToString(); log.IPAddress = context.Connection.RemoteIpAddress.ToString(); log.RoutePath = context.Request.QueryString.Value.ToString(); log.ResponseStatusCode = context.Response.StatusCode.ToString(); log.CreateDate = DateTime.Now; logService.AddLog(log); await _next(context); } }
public void Intercept(IInvocation invocation) { var models = invocation.Arguments.Where(Ext.IsAttributeType <FunctionAttribute>); var selectMany = models.SelectMany(x => x.GetType().GetPropertiesBy <FieldAttribute>(), (model, prop) => new { CurrentValue = prop.GetValue(model), FieldName = prop.GetAttributeValue((FieldAttribute z) => z.Name), functionName = model.GetType() .GetAttributeValue((FunctionAttribute attr) => attr.Name) }); foreach (var prop in selectMany) { var lastLog = _logService.GetLastLog(new LogFilter() { FieldName = prop.FieldName, FunctionName = prop.functionName }); var logModel = new LogModel() { UserCode = "Dnaiel", FunctionName = prop.functionName, FieldName = prop.FieldName, NewValue = prop.CurrentValue?.ToString() }; if (lastLog != null) { logModel.OldValue = lastLog.NewValue; } else { logModel.OldValue = string.Empty; } _logService.AddLog(logModel); } }
public IActionResult GetCertifications(int EmpId) { IEnumerable <Certification> _certificationList = null; try { _certificationList = _certficateService.GetAll(EmpId); if (_certificationList == null) { return(NotFound($"No Record Found against Employee Id: {EmpId}")); } } catch (Exception E) { _logger.AddLog(E.ToString(), E.GetType().ToString()); return(NotFound("Exception Occured.")); } return(Ok(_certificationList)); }
public void OnActionExecuted(ActionExecutedContext filterContext) { var UserName = filterContext.HttpContext.User.Identity.Name; var URL = filterContext.HttpContext.Request.RawUrl; var Browser = filterContext.HttpContext.Request.Browser; var exeption = filterContext.Exception; LogDTO l = new LogDTO { UserName = UserName == "" ? "-" : UserName, BrowserName = Browser.Browser, BrowserVersion = Browser.MinorVersionString, JavasriptVersion = Browser.JScriptVersion.ToString(), IsMobile = Browser.IsMobileDevice, Platform = Browser.Platform, Exeption = exeption is null ? "-" : exeption.Message, URL = URL, Date = DateTime.Now }; logService.AddLog(l); }
public async Task <IActionResult> Add(int id, [FromForm] AddCommentViewModel model) { // TODO: Add TRY CATCH BLOCK if (ModelState.IsValid) { try { model.PublishDate = DateTime.Now; var dto = mapper.Map <AddCommentViewModel, CommentDTO>(model); dto.CommenterId = (await this.userManager.GetUserAsync(User)).Id; dto.PublicationDate = DateTime.Now; var result = await this.commentService.AddComment(dto); var log = new Log { UserId = dto.CommenterId, LogType = LogType.AddedAComment, DateTime = DateTime.Now, ResourceId = result, ResourceType = ResourceType.Comment }; int logId = await logService.AddLog(log); //this.TempData["Success"] = Constants.Message.SuccessfulComment; return(this.RedirectToAction("Details", "Offer", new { Id = model.OfferId })); } catch { ModelState.AddModelError("error", "Вашият коментар не успя да бъде записан."); return(await Task.Run(() => this.RedirectToAction("Details", "Offer", new { Id = model.OfferId }))); } } else { ModelState.AddModelError("error", "there was an error"); return(await Task.Run(() => this.RedirectToAction("Details", "Offer", new { Id = model.OfferId }))); } }
/// <summary> /// 修改权值 /// </summary> /// <param name="food_name"></param> /// <param name="reason"></param> public void ChangeWeight(String food_name, List <int> reason, bool IsWriteToJson) { // reason 0 冷 // reason 1 一般 // reason 2 热 // reason 3 干 // reason 4 正常 // reason 5 湿 int pos = FindNameIndex(food_name); for (int i = 0; i < reason.Count; i++) { if (reason[i] > 0) { foodInformationList[pos].Weight[i] = Convert.ToInt32(Math.Ceiling(Convert.ToDouble(foodInformationList[pos].Weight[i] * (Math.Pow(4, reason[i]) / (Math.Pow(3, reason[i])))))); } else if (reason[i] < 0) { int absNum = Math.Abs(reason[i]); foodInformationList[pos].Weight[i] = Convert.ToInt32(Math.Ceiling(Convert.ToDouble(foodInformationList[pos].Weight[i] * (Math.Pow(3, absNum) / (Math.Pow(4, absNum)))))); } } if (IsWriteToJson) { Log log = new Log(); log.FoodName = food_name; log.Date = DateTime.Now; log.WeatherList = new List <int>(2); log.WeatherList.Add((int)(weatherStatus.Temperature)); log.WeatherList.Add((int)(weatherStatus.Temperature)); log.WeightChangeList = reason; _logService.AddLog(log); _foodFavorService.ChangeWeight(pos, reason); } }
public ActionResult Rent(string userId, string carId, string orderTime) { try { //生成租车订单 if (!(String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(userId)) && !(String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(carId))) { User info = new User(); User userbase = User_Manager.selectUser(info); //判断是否有租车权限,没有则跳转到其他页面 if (Commons.NORMAL_USER.Equals(userbase.PhoneNumber) || Commons.COMPANY_USER.Equals(userbase.CardPath)) { // user.rentCar(userbase, carId, orderTime); //输出订单记录 Log order = new Log(); _logService.AddLog(order); } } } catch { } return(View()); }
public async Task <IActionResult> GetGrievanceTypes() { IEnumerable <GrievanceTypes> AllGrievanceTypes = new List <GrievanceTypes>(); try { AllGrievanceTypes = await _grievanceTypeService.GetAll(); if (AllGrievanceTypes == null) { return(NotFound($"No Record Found")); } } catch (Exception ex) { _logger.AddLog(ex.ToString(), ex.GetType().ToString()); return(NotFound("Exception Occured.")); } return(Ok(AllGrievanceTypes)); }
public void OnException(ExceptionContext context) { _logService.AddLog("77"); throw new NotImplementedException(); }
public ActionResult Create(CreateRequestModel model) { var valid = true; var addresses = new List <string>(); if (model.Errors == null) { model.Errors = new List <string>(); } if (model.Request.DepartureAddress == "" && model.Request.DeparturePointId == 0) { model.Errors.Add("Укажите адрес отправления"); valid = false; } if (model.Request.DestinationAddress == "" && model.Request.DestinationPointId == 0) { model.Errors.Add("Укажите адрес назначения"); valid = false; } //TODO сделать валидацию даты времени отправления if (!valid) { var poiList = _locationService.GetPOIList(); model.POIList = new SelectList(poiList, "Id", "Name"); model.POIListAddresses = new SelectList(poiList, "Id", "Address"); return(View(model)); } var mileageService = new MileageCalculatingService(); string calcDestinationAddress; string calcDepartureAddress; if (model.Request.DestinationPointId == 0) { calcDestinationAddress = model.Request.DestinationAddress; } else { calcDestinationAddress = _locationService.GetPOIById(model.Request.DestinationPointId).Address; } if (model.Request.DeparturePointId == 0) { calcDepartureAddress = model.Request.DepartureAddress; } else { calcDepartureAddress = _locationService.GetPOIById(model.Request.DeparturePointId).Address; } model.Request.Mileage = mileageService.GetMileage(calcDepartureAddress, calcDestinationAddress); model.Request.AuthorLogin = User.Identity.Name; var error = ""; if (!_requestService.AddRequest(model.Request, out error)) { model.Errors.Add(error); var poiList = _locationService.GetPOIList(); model.POIList = new SelectList(poiList, "Id", "Name"); model.POIListAddresses = new SelectList(poiList, "Id", "Address"); return(View(model)); } var userId = _userService.GetUserByMail(HttpContext.User.Identity.Name).Id; var newLog = new DtoLog() { CreatorFirstName = _employeeService.GetUserLastName(userId).Firstname, CreatorLastName = _employeeService.GetUserLastName(userId).Lastname, BrowserName = HttpContext.Request.Browser.Browser, IpAddress = HttpContext.Request.UserHostAddress, RequestMile = model.Request.Mileage, RequestPrice = 10 }; _logService.AddLog(newLog, out error); return(RedirectToAction("Index", "Request")); }
public string GetPwd(string username) { logservice.AddLog("getPwd" + username); return("666"); }
public async Task InvokeAsync(HttpContext context, ILogService logService) { logService.AddLog(context); await _next(context); }