private static void PrintQlikSenseVersionNumber() { try { var uri = new Uri(""); ILocation location = Qlik.Engine.Location.FromUri(uri); X509Certificate2 x509 = new X509Certificate2(); //Create X509Certificate2 object from .cert file. byte[] rawData = ReadFile("PathToMyCertFile.pfx"); x509.Import(rawData, "PasswordToMyCert", X509KeyStorageFlags.UserKeySet); X509Certificate2Collection certificateCollection = new X509Certificate2Collection(x509); // Defining the location as a direct connection to Qlik Sense Server location.AsDirectConnection("domain", "user", certificateCollection: certificateCollection); using (IHub hub = location.Hub(noVersionCheck: true)) { Console.WriteLine(hub.EngineVersion().ComponentVersion); } } catch (CommunicationErrorException cex) { Console.WriteLine("Can not connect to Qlik Sense instance, check that Qlik Sense is running." + Environment.NewLine + cex.Message); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine("General error." + Environment.NewLine + ex.Message); } Console.ReadLine(); }
private static void GetEngineObjects(string centralNodeHostname, TelemetryMetadata metadata, int engineRequestTimeoutMS) { TelemetryDashboardMain.Logger.Log(string.Format("Engine request timeout set to: {0} ms (default is: 30000 ms)", engineRequestTimeoutMS.ToString()), LogLevel.Info); Qlik.Sense.JsonRpc.RpcConnection.Timeout = engineRequestTimeoutMS; string wssPath = "https://" + centralNodeHostname + ":4747"; ILocation location = Location.FromUri(new Uri(wssPath)); X509Certificate2Collection certificateCollection = new X509Certificate2Collection(CertificateConfigHelpers.Certificate); // Defining the location as a direct connection to Qlik Sense Server location.AsDirectConnection("INTERNAL", "sa_api", certificateCollection: certificateCollection); int totalApps = metadata.Apps.Count; int currentApp = 0; TelemetryDashboardMain.Logger.Log("Will start to fetch all app objects from the engine.", LogLevel.Info); foreach (KeyValuePair <Guid, QRSApp> appTuple in metadata.Apps) { currentApp++; TelemetryDashboardMain.Logger.Log(string.Format("App {0} of {1} - Checking to see if visualaizations fetch is needed for app '{2}' with ID '{3}' ", currentApp, totalApps, appTuple.Value.Name, appTuple.Key.ToString()), LogLevel.Debug); if (appTuple.Value.VisualizationUpdateNeeded) { TelemetryDashboardMain.Logger.Log(string.Format("Getting visualizations for app '{0}' with ID '{1}' ", appTuple.Value.Name, appTuple.Key.ToString()), LogLevel.Info); try { IAppIdentifier appIdentifier = new AppIdentifier() { AppId = appTuple.Key.ToString() }; using (IApp app = location.App(appIdentifier, null, true)) { IEnumerable <ISheet> sheetList = app.GetSheets(); foreach (ISheet sheet in sheetList) { ISheetLayout sheetObject = (SheetLayout)sheet.GetLayout(); IList <Visualization> vizs = new List <Visualization>(); sheetObject.Cells.ToList().ForEach(c => vizs.Add(new Visualization(c.Name, c.Type))); metadata.Apps[appTuple.Key].Sheets.FirstOrDefault(s => s.Value.EngineObjectID == sheetObject.Info.Id).Value.SetSheetsList(vizs); } } } catch (Exception e) { TelemetryDashboardMain.Logger.Log("Failed to get engine objects from App: " + appTuple.Key.ToString() + ". Message: " + e.Message, LogLevel.Error); TelemetryDashboardMain.Logger.Log("Skipping app: " + appTuple.Key.ToString(), LogLevel.Error); } } } TelemetryDashboardMain.Logger.Log("Done getting all app objects from the engine.", LogLevel.Info); }
private static ILocation SetupConnection(Uri uri) { // Qlik Sense Server on a local machine. // Note 1. The uri must match the host name that the server certificate was issued to when installing Qlik Sense. If not, the certificate validation will fail. // Note 2. The account executing this program must the same as the one running the Qlik Sense services. ILocation location = Qlik.Engine.Location.FromUri(uri); // Defines the location as a direct connection. userDirectory contains the name of the domain / user directory (AD). userId contains the user. extendedSecurityEnvironment defines whether there is an extended security environment (default is false). location.AsDirectConnection(userDirectory: "myDomain", userId: "myUser", extendedSecurityEnvironment: false); return(location); }
// Connects to the Qlik Sense server with the UserID and UserDirectory provided (Qlik Sense users) public void QSConnectServerHeader(string UserId, string HeaderAuthName, string VirtualProxyPath = "", Boolean UseSSL = false, Boolean CheckSDKVersion = true) { QSIsConnected = false; string strUri = qsServer; Uri uri = new Uri(strUri); qsLocation = Qlik.Engine.Location.FromUri(uri); if (VirtualProxyPath.Trim() != "") { qsLocation.VirtualProxyPath = VirtualProxyPath; } //qsLocation.AsStaticHeaderUserViaProxy(UserId, HeaderAuthName, UseSSL, false); //qsLocation.AsDirectConnection("qlikdbs2", UserId, certificateValidation: false); //qsLocation.AsNtlmUserViaProxy(true, new System.Net.NetworkCredential { Domain = "qlikdbs2", Password = "******", UserName = "******" }, false); X509Certificate2 x509 = new X509Certificate2(); //Create X509Certificate2 object from .cert file. byte[] rawData = ReadFile("client.pfx"); x509.Import(rawData, "test@123", X509KeyStorageFlags.UserKeySet); X509Certificate2Collection certificateCollection = new X509Certificate2Collection(x509); // Defining the location as a direct connection to Qlik Sense Server qsLocation.AsDirectConnection("qlikdbs2", "usera", certificateCollection: certificateCollection, certificateValidation: false); qsLocation.IsVersionCheckActive = CheckSDKVersion; IHub MyHub = qsLocation.Hub(); QSUserId = UserId; QSHeaderAuthName = HeaderAuthName; QSIsConnected = true; Console.WriteLine("QSEasy connected to Qlik Sense version: " + MyHub.ProductVersion()); Console.WriteLine("UserID: " + UserId + " - VirtualProxy: " + VirtualProxyPath); }
private static void Main(string[] args) { //////Setup var options = new Options(); Uri serverURL; string appname; bool openSheets; QlikSelection mySelection = null; //// process the parameters using the if (CommandLine.Parser.Default.ParseArguments(args, options)) { serverURL = new Uri(options.server); appname = options.appname; openSheets = options.fetchobjects; if (options.selectionfield != null) { mySelection = new QlikSelection(); mySelection.fieldname = options.selectionfield; mySelection.fieldvalues = options.selectionvalues.Split(','); } //TODO need to validate the params ideally } else { throw new Exception("Check parameters are correct"); } Print($"{nameof(options.server)}:{options.server}"); Print($"{nameof(options.appname)}:{options.appname}"); Print($"{nameof(options.usingProxy)}:{options.usingProxy}"); Print($"{nameof(options.User)}:{options.User}"); Print($"{ nameof(options.fetchobjects)}:{options.fetchobjects}"); ////connect to the server (using windows credentials QlikConnection.Timeout = int.MaxValue; var d = DateTime.Now; ILocation remoteQlikSenseLocation = Qlik.Engine.Location.FromUri(serverURL); var isHTTPs = serverURL.Scheme == Uri.UriSchemeHttps; if ((!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(options.User)) && (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(options.staticHeader))) { remoteQlikSenseLocation.VirtualProxyPath = options.usingProxy; remoteQlikSenseLocation.AsStaticHeaderUserViaProxy(options.User, options.staticHeader, isHTTPs); } else if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(options.usingProxy)) { remoteQlikSenseLocation.VirtualProxyPath = options.usingProxy; remoteQlikSenseLocation.AsNtlmUserViaProxy(isHTTPs); } else if ((!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(options.User)) && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(options.Directory) && options.directConnection) { remoteQlikSenseLocation.AsDirectConnection(options.Directory, options.User); } else { remoteQlikSenseLocation.AsNtlmUserViaProxy(isHTTPs); } ////Start to cache the apps if (appname != null) { //Open up and cache one app IAppIdentifier appidentifier = remoteQlikSenseLocation.AppWithNameOrDefault(appname, false); LoadCache(remoteQlikSenseLocation, appidentifier, openSheets, mySelection); } else { //Get all apps, open them up and cache them remoteQlikSenseLocation.GetAppIdentifiers(true) .ToList() .ForEach(id => LoadCache(remoteQlikSenseLocation, id, openSheets, null)); } ////Wrap it up var dt = DateTime.Now - d; Print("Cache initialization complete. Total time: {0}", dt.ToString()); //Console.ReadKey(); }