//public string Keyword { get; set; } public List <SelectListItem> GetStatusList(ILocalizationManager localizationManager) { var list = new List <SelectListItem> { new SelectListItem { Text = localizationManager.GetString(CRSConsts.LocalizationSourceName, "PleaseSelect"), Value = "", Selected = Status == null } }; list.AddRange(Enum.GetValues(typeof(StatusCode)) .Cast <StatusCode>() .Select(status => new SelectListItem { Text = localizationManager.GetString(CRSConsts.LocalizationSourceName, $"StatusCode_{status}"), Value = status.ToString(), Selected = status == Status }) ); return(list); }
public void UpdateState(IdCardConsoleBoundUserInterfaceState state) { _privilegedIdButton.Text = state.IsPrivilegedIdPresent ? _localizationManager.GetString("Remove privileged ID card") : _localizationManager.GetString("Insert privileged ID card"); _targetIdButton.Text = state.IsTargetIdPresent ? _localizationManager.GetString("Remove target ID card") : _localizationManager.GetString("Insert target ID card"); var interfaceEnabled = state.IsPrivilegedIdPresent && state.IsPrivilegedIdAuthorized && state.IsTargetIdPresent; _fullNameLabel.Modulate = interfaceEnabled ? Color.White : Color.Gray; _fullNameLineEdit.Editable = interfaceEnabled; _fullNameLineEdit.Text = state.TargetIdFullName; _jobTitleLabel.Modulate = interfaceEnabled ? Color.White : Color.Gray; _jobTitleLineEdit.Editable = interfaceEnabled; _jobTitleLineEdit.Text = state.TargetIdJobTitle; foreach (var(accessName, button) in _accessButtons) { button.Disabled = !interfaceEnabled; if (interfaceEnabled) { button.Pressed = state.TargetIdAccessList.Contains(accessName); } } _submitButton.Disabled = !interfaceEnabled; }
public MagicMirrorWindow(MagicMirrorBoundUserInterface owner, IResourceCache resourceCache, ILocalizationManager localization) { Title = "Magic Mirror"; _hairPickerWindow = new HairPickerWindow(resourceCache, localization); _hairPickerWindow.Populate(); _hairPickerWindow.OnHairStylePicked += newStyle => owner.HairSelected(newStyle, false); _hairPickerWindow.OnHairColorPicked += newColor => owner.HairColorSelected(newColor, false); _facialHairPickerWindow = new FacialHairPickerWindow(resourceCache, localization); _facialHairPickerWindow.Populate(); _facialHairPickerWindow.OnHairStylePicked += newStyle => owner.HairSelected(newStyle, true); _facialHairPickerWindow.OnHairColorPicked += newColor => owner.HairColorSelected(newColor, true); var vBox = new VBoxContainer(); Contents.AddChild(vBox); var hairButton = new Button { Text = localization.GetString("Customize hair") }; hairButton.OnPressed += args => _hairPickerWindow.Open(); vBox.AddChild(hairButton); var facialHairButton = new Button { Text = localization.GetString("Customize facial hair") }; facialHairButton.OnPressed += args => _facialHairPickerWindow.Open(); vBox.AddChild(facialHairButton); }
/// <summary> /// Called when you click the owner entity with an empty hand. Opens the UI client-side if possible. /// </summary> /// <param name="args">Data relevant to the event such as the actor which triggered it.</param> void IActivate.Activate(ActivateEventArgs args) { if (!args.User.TryGetComponent(out IActorComponent actor)) { return; } if (!args.User.TryGetComponent(out IHandsComponent hands)) { _notifyManager.PopupMessage(Owner.Transform.GridPosition, args.User, _localizationManager.GetString("You have no hands.")); return; } if (!Powered) { return; } var activeHandEntity = hands.GetActiveHand?.Owner; if (activeHandEntity == null) { _userInterface.Open(actor.playerSession); } }
public IdCardConsoleWindow(IdCardConsoleBoundUserInterface owner, ILocalizationManager loc) { _loc = loc; _owner = owner; var vBox = new VBoxContainer(); vBox.AddChild(new GridContainer { Columns = 3, Children = { new Label { Text = loc.GetString("Privileged ID:") }, (_privilegedIdButton = new Button()), (_privilegedIdLabel = new Label()), new Label { Text = loc.GetString("Target ID:") }, (_targetIdButton = new Button()), (_targetIdLabel = new Label()) } }); _privilegedIdButton.OnPressed += _ => _owner.ButtonPressed(UiButton.PrivilegedId); _targetIdButton.OnPressed += _ => _owner.ButtonPressed(UiButton.TargetId); // Separator vBox.AddChild(new Control { CustomMinimumSize = (0, 8) });
public SandboxWindow(ILocalizationManager loc) { Title = loc.GetString("Sandbox Panel"); RespawnButton = new Button { Text = loc.GetString("Respawn") }; SpawnEntitiesButton = new Button { Text = loc.GetString("Spawn Entities") }; SpawnTilesButton = new Button { Text = loc.GetString("Spawn Tiles") }; Contents.AddChild(new VBoxContainer { Children = { RespawnButton, SpawnEntitiesButton, SpawnTilesButton } }); }
public List <SelectListItem> GetTasksStateSelectListItems(ILocalizationManager localizationManager) { var list = new List <SelectListItem> { new SelectListItem { Text = localizationManager.GetString(SimpleTaskAppConsts.LocalizationSourceName, "AllTasks"), Value = "", Selected = SelectedTaskState == null } }; list.AddRange(Enum.GetValues(typeof(TaskState)) .Cast <TaskState>() .Select(state => new SelectListItem { Text = localizationManager.GetString(SimpleTaskAppConsts.LocalizationSourceName, $"TaskState_{state}"), Value = state.ToString(), Selected = state == SelectedTaskState }) ); return(list); }
public CargoConsoleOrderMenu() { IoCManager.InjectDependencies(this); Title = _loc.GetString("Order Form"); var vBox = new VBoxContainer(); var gridContainer = new GridContainer { Columns = 2 }; var requesterLabel = new Label { Text = _loc.GetString("Name:") }; Requester = new LineEdit(); gridContainer.AddChild(requesterLabel); gridContainer.AddChild(Requester); var reasonLabel = new Label { Text = _loc.GetString("Reason:") }; Reason = new LineEdit(); gridContainer.AddChild(reasonLabel); gridContainer.AddChild(Reason); var amountLabel = new Label { Text = _loc.GetString("Amount:") }; Amount = new SpinBox { SizeFlagsHorizontal = SizeFlags.FillExpand, Value = 1 }; Amount.SetButtons(new List <int>() { -100, -10, -1 }, new List <int>() { 1, 10, 100 }); Amount.IsValid = (n) => { return(n > 0); }; gridContainer.AddChild(amountLabel); gridContainer.AddChild(Amount); vBox.AddChild(gridContainer); SubmitButton = new Button() { Text = _loc.GetString("OK"), TextAlign = Label.AlignMode.Center, }; vBox.AddChild(SubmitButton); Contents.AddChild(vBox); }
public void FrameUpdate(RenderFrameEventArgs renderFrameEventArgs) { if (_lobby == null) { return; } if (_gameStarted) { _lobby.StartTime.Text = ""; return; } string text; var difference = _startTime - DateTime.UtcNow; if (difference.Ticks < 0) { if (difference.TotalSeconds < -5) { text = _localization.GetString("Right Now?"); } else { text = _localization.GetString("Right Now"); } } else { text = $"{(int) Math.Floor(difference.TotalMinutes)}:{difference.Seconds:D2}"; } _lobby.StartTime.Text = _localization.GetString("Round Starts In: {0}", text); }
protected virtual HttpResponseMessage CreateUnAuthorizedResponse(HttpActionContext actionContext) { HttpStatusCode statusCode; ErrorInfo error; if (actionContext.RequestContext.Principal?.Identity?.IsAuthenticated ?? false) { statusCode = HttpStatusCode.Forbidden; error = new ErrorInfo( _localizationManager.GetString(AbpWebConsts.LocalizaionSourceName, "DefaultError403"), _localizationManager.GetString(AbpWebConsts.LocalizaionSourceName, "DefaultErrorDetail403") ); } else { statusCode = HttpStatusCode.Unauthorized; error = new ErrorInfo( _localizationManager.GetString(AbpWebConsts.LocalizaionSourceName, "DefaultError401"), _localizationManager.GetString(AbpWebConsts.LocalizaionSourceName, "DefaultErrorDetail401") ); } var response = new HttpResponseMessage(statusCode) { Content = new ObjectContent <AjaxResponse>( new AjaxResponse(error, true), _configuration.HttpConfiguration.Formatters.JsonFormatter ) }; return(response); }
private void TurnOn(IEntity user) { if (Activated) { return; } var cell = Cell; if (cell == null) { EntitySystem.Get <AudioSystem>().Play("/Audio/machines/button.ogg", Owner); _notifyManager.PopupMessage(Owner, user, _localizationManager.GetString("Cell missing...")); return; } // To prevent having to worry about frame time in here. // Let's just say you need a whole second of charge before you can turn it on. // Simple enough. if (cell.AvailableCharge(1) < Wattage) { EntitySystem.Get <AudioSystem>().Play("/Audio/machines/button.ogg", Owner); _notifyManager.PopupMessage(Owner, user, _localizationManager.GetString("Dead cell...")); return; } Activated = true; SetState(true); EntitySystem.Get <AudioSystem>().Play("/Audio/items/flashlight_toggle.ogg", Owner); }
private void PerformLayout() { optionsMenu = new OptionsMenu(); Resizable = false; Title = "Esc Menu"; var vBox = new VBoxContainer { SeparationOverride = 4 }; Contents.AddChild(vBox); OptionsButton = new Button { Text = _localizationManager.GetString("Options") }; OptionsButton.OnPressed += OnOptionsButtonClicked; vBox.AddChild(OptionsButton); DisconnectButton = new Button { Text = _localizationManager.GetString("Disconnect") }; DisconnectButton.OnPressed += OnDisconnectButtonClicked; vBox.AddChild(DisconnectButton); QuitButton = new Button { Text = _localizationManager.GetString("Quit Game") }; QuitButton.OnPressed += OnQuitButtonClicked; vBox.AddChild(QuitButton); }
protected override void OnEnable() { if (Application.IsPlaying(this)) { Observe(locaManager.OnLanguageChanged); text.text = locaManager.GetString(StringID); } }
void UseFood(IEntity user) { if (user == null) { return; } if (UsesLeft() == 0) { user.PopupMessage(user, _localizationManager.GetString("Empty")); } else { // TODO: Add putting food back in boxes here? if (user.TryGetComponent(out StomachComponent stomachComponent)) { var transferAmount = Math.Min(_transferAmount, _contents.CurrentVolume); var split = _contents.SplitSolution(transferAmount); if (stomachComponent.TryTransferSolution(split)) { if (_useSound != null) { Owner.GetComponent <SoundComponent>()?.Play(_useSound); user.PopupMessage(user, _localizationManager.GetString("Nom")); } } else { // Add it back in _contents.TryAddSolution(split); user.PopupMessage(user, _localizationManager.GetString("Can't eat")); } } } if (UsesLeft() > 0) { return; } Owner.Delete(); if (_finishPrototype != null) { var finisher = Owner.EntityManager.SpawnEntity(_finishPrototype, Owner.Transform.GridPosition); if (user.TryGetComponent(out HandsComponent handsComponent) && finisher.TryGetComponent(out ItemComponent itemComponent)) { if (handsComponent.CanPutInHand(itemComponent)) { handsComponent.PutInHand(itemComponent); return; } } finisher.Transform.GridPosition = user.Transform.GridPosition; return; } }
protected virtual string GetAuthorizationExceptionMessage(HttpContext context) { if (context.Response.StatusCode == (int)HttpStatusCode.Forbidden) { _localizationManager.GetString(AbpWebConsts.LocalizaionSourceName, "DefaultError403"); } return(_localizationManager.GetString(AbpWebConsts.LocalizaionSourceName, "DefaultError401")); }
public async Task NotifyTodoResponsibleAssignation(Todo todo) { if (todo.ResponsibleId.HasValue) { var message = _localizationManager.GetString(SapConsts.LocalizationSourceName, "AssignedAsLeader"); var formatedMessage = string.Format(message, todo.TodoName); await _notificationPublisher.PublishAsync(TodoNotificationTypes.AddedAsResponsibleOfTask, new AddedAsResponsibleNotificationMessage(todo.Id, todo.TodoList.Id, formatedMessage, todo.TodoName), new EntityIdentifier(typeof(Todo), todo.Id)); } }
public void SendDeadChat(IPlayerSession player, string message) { var clients = _playerManager.GetPlayersBy(x => x.AttachedEntity != null && x.AttachedEntity.HasComponent <GhostComponent>()).Select(p => p.ConnectedClient);; var msg = _netManager.CreateNetMessage <MsgChatMessage>(); msg.Channel = ChatChannel.Dead; msg.Message = message; msg.MessageWrap = $"{_localizationManager.GetString("DEAD")}: {player.AttachedEntity.Name}: {{0}}"; msg.SenderEntity = player.AttachedEntityUid.GetValueOrDefault(); _netManager.ServerSendToMany(msg, clients.ToList()); }
public AdminAnnounceWindow() { RobustXamlLoader.Load(this); IoCManager.InjectDependencies(this); AnnounceMethod.AddItem(_localization.GetString("announce-type-station")); AnnounceMethod.SetItemMetadata(0, AdminAnnounceType.Station); AnnounceMethod.AddItem(_localization.GetString("announce-type-server")); AnnounceMethod.SetItemMetadata(1, AdminAnnounceType.Server); AnnounceMethod.OnItemSelected += AnnounceMethodOnOnItemSelected; Announcement.OnTextChanged += AnnouncementOnOnTextChanged; }
public List <FeatureDto> ListAllFeatures() { var features = _featureManager.GetAll(); List <FeatureDto> dtos = features.Select( feature => new FeatureDto() { Name = feature.Name, DisplayName = _localizationManager.GetString((LocalizableString)feature.DisplayName) }).ToList(); return(dtos); }
/// <summary> /// Create and initialize the chem master UI client-side. Creates the basic layout, /// actual data isn't filled in until the server sends data about the chem master. /// </summary> public ChemMasterWindow() { IoCManager.InjectDependencies(this); Contents.AddChild(new VBoxContainer { Children = { //Container new HBoxContainer { Children = { new Label { Text = _localizationManager.GetString("Container") }, new Control { SizeFlagsHorizontal = SizeFlags.FillExpand }, (EjectButton = new Button{ Text = _localizationManager.GetString("Eject") }) } }, //Wrap the container info in a PanelContainer so we can color it's background differently. new PanelContainer { SizeFlagsVertical = SizeFlags.FillExpand, SizeFlagsStretchRatio = 6, CustomMinimumSize = (0, 200), PanelOverride = new StyleBoxFlat { BackgroundColor = new Color(27, 27, 30) }, Children = { //Currently empty, when server sends state data this will have container contents and fill volume. (ContainerInfo = new VBoxContainer { SizeFlagsHorizontal = SizeFlags.FillExpand, Children = { new Label { Text = _localizationManager.GetString("No container loaded.") } } }), } },
private ErrorInfo GetUnAuthorizedErrorMessage(HttpStatusCode statusCode) { if (statusCode == HttpStatusCode.Forbidden) { return(new ErrorInfo( localizationManager.GetString(StudioXWebConsts.LocalizaionSourceName, "DefaultError403"), localizationManager.GetString(StudioXWebConsts.LocalizaionSourceName, "DefaultErrorDetail403") )); } return(new ErrorInfo( localizationManager.GetString(StudioXWebConsts.LocalizaionSourceName, "DefaultError401"), localizationManager.GetString(StudioXWebConsts.LocalizaionSourceName, "DefaultErrorDetail401") )); }
private ErrorInfo GetUnAuthorizedErrorMessage(HttpStatusCode statusCode) { if (statusCode == HttpStatusCode.Forbidden) { return(new ErrorInfo( _localizationManager.GetString(CodeZeroConsts.LocalizationCodeZeroWeb, "DefaultError403"), _localizationManager.GetString(CodeZeroConsts.LocalizationCodeZeroWeb, "DefaultErrorDetail403") )); } return(new ErrorInfo( _localizationManager.GetString(CodeZeroConsts.LocalizationCodeZeroWeb, "DefaultError401"), _localizationManager.GetString(CodeZeroConsts.LocalizationCodeZeroWeb, "DefaultErrorDetail401") )); }
void IExamine.Examine(FormattedMessage message) { message.AddText(_loc.GetString("Contains:\n")); foreach (var reagent in ReagentList) { if (_prototypeManager.TryIndex(reagent.ReagentId, out ReagentPrototype proto)) { message.AddText($"{proto.Name}: {reagent.Quantity}u\n"); } else { message.AddText(_loc.GetString("Unknown reagent: {0}u\n", reagent.Quantity)); } } }
public HumanInventoryWindow(ILocalizationManager loc, IResourceCache resourceCache) { Title = loc.GetString("Your Inventory"); Resizable = false; var buttonDict = new Dictionary <Slots, InventoryButton>(); Buttons = buttonDict; const int width = ButtonSize * 4 + ButtonSeparation * 3 + RightSeparation; const int height = ButtonSize * 4 + ButtonSeparation * 3; var windowContents = new Control { CustomMinimumSize = (width, height) }; Contents.AddChild(windowContents); void AddButton(Slots slot, string textureName, Vector2 position) { var texture = resourceCache.GetTexture($"/Textures/UserInterface/Inventory/{textureName}.png"); var storageTexture = resourceCache.GetTexture("/Textures/UserInterface/Inventory/back.png"); var button = new InventoryButton(slot, texture, storageTexture) { Position = position }; windowContents.AddChild(button); buttonDict.Add(slot, button); } const int size = ButtonSize; const int sep = ButtonSeparation; const int rSep = RightSeparation; // Left column. AddButton(Slots.EYES, "glasses", (0, size + sep)); AddButton(Slots.INNERCLOTHING, "uniform", (0, 2 * (size + sep))); AddButton(Slots.EXOSUITSLOT1, "suit_storage", (0, 3 * (size + sep))); // Middle column. AddButton(Slots.HEAD, "head", (size + sep, 0)); AddButton(Slots.MASK, "mask", (size + sep, size + sep)); AddButton(Slots.OUTERCLOTHING, "suit", (size + sep, 2 * (size + sep))); AddButton(Slots.SHOES, "shoes", (size + sep, 3 * (size + sep))); // Right column AddButton(Slots.EARS, "ears", (2 * (size + sep), 0)); AddButton(Slots.IDCARD, "id", (2 * (size + sep), size + sep)); AddButton(Slots.GLOVES, "gloves", (2 * (size + sep), 2 * (size + sep))); // Far right column. AddButton(Slots.BACKPACK, "back", (rSep + 3 * (size + sep), 0)); AddButton(Slots.BELT, "belt", (rSep + 3 * (size + sep), size + sep)); AddButton(Slots.POCKET1, "pocket", (rSep + 3 * (size + sep), 2 * (size + sep))); AddButton(Slots.POCKET2, "pocket", (rSep + 3 * (size + sep), 3 * (size + sep))); Size = CombinedMinimumSize; } }
public List <SelectListItem> GetOfficeList(ILocalizationManager localizationManager) { var list = new List <SelectListItem> { new SelectListItem { Text = localizationManager.GetString(CRSConsts.LocalizationSourceName, "PleaseSelect"), Value = "", Selected = OfficeCode == null } }; var officeList = Offices.ToList(); list.AddRange(officeList .Select(office => new SelectListItem { Text = office.Name.ToString(), Value = office.Code.ToString(), Selected = office.Equals(OfficeCode) }) ); return(list); }
public WiresMenu(ILocalizationManager localizationManager) { _localizationManager = localizationManager; Title = _localizationManager.GetString("Wires"); _wiresContainer = new VBoxContainer(); Contents.AddChild(_wiresContainer); }
public List <SelectListItem> GetInstructorList(ILocalizationManager localizationManager) { var list = new List <SelectListItem> { new SelectListItem { Text = localizationManager.GetString(CRSConsts.LocalizationSourceName, "PleaseSelect"), Value = "", Selected = InstructorCode == null } }; var instructorList = Instructors.ToList(); list.AddRange(instructorList .Select(instructor => new SelectListItem { Text = instructor.Name.ToString(), Value = instructor.Code.ToString(), Selected = instructor.Equals(InstructorCode) }) ); return(list); }
/// <summary> /// 获取枚举的本地化值 /// </summary> /// <typeparam name="T">Enum</typeparam> /// <param name="enumValue">Enum value</param> /// <param name="localizationService">Localization service</param> /// <param name="languageId">Language identifier</param> /// <returns>Localized value</returns> public static string GetLocalizedEnum <T>(this T enumValue, ILocalizationManager localizationManager, string sourceName = "ServerSide") { if (localizationManager == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("localizationManager"); } if (!typeof(T).GetTypeInfo().IsEnum) { throw new ArgumentException("T must be an enumerated type"); } //localized value string resourceName = string.Format("Enums.{0}.{1}", typeof(T).ToString(), //Convert.ToInt32(enumValue) enumValue.ToString()); string result = localizationManager.GetString(sourceName, resourceName); //set default value if required if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(result)) { result = CommonHelper.ConvertEnum(enumValue.ToString()); } return(result); }
public List <SelectListItem> GetDepartmentList(ILocalizationManager localizationManager) { var list = new List <SelectListItem> { new SelectListItem { Text = localizationManager.GetString(CRSConsts.LocalizationSourceName, "PleaseSelect"), Value = "", Selected = DepartmentCode == null } }; var departmentList = Departments.ToList(); list.AddRange(departmentList .Select(department => new SelectListItem { Text = department.Name.ToString(), Value = department.Code.ToString(), Selected = department.Equals(DepartmentCode) }) ); return(list); }
/// <summary> /// 获取枚举的本地化值 /// </summary> /// <typeparam name="T">Enum</typeparam> /// <param name="enumValue">Enum value</param> /// <param name="localizationService">Localization service</param> /// <param name="languageId">Language identifier</param> /// <returns>Localized value</returns> public static string GetLocalizedEnum(this object enumValue, Type enumType, ILocalizationManager localizationManager, string sourceName) { if (localizationManager == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("localizationManager"); } if (!enumType.GetTypeInfo().IsEnum) { throw new ArgumentException("T must be an enumerated type"); } //localized value string resourceName = string.Format("Enums.{0}.{1}", enumType.ToString(), //Convert.ToInt32(enumValue) enumValue.ToString()); string result = localizationManager.GetString(sourceName, resourceName); //如果没有翻译,则获取默认值 if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(result)) { result = CommonHelper.ConvertEnum(enumValue.ToString()); } return(result); }
public static AjaxResponse ToMvcAjaxResponse(this ModelStateDictionary modelState, ILocalizationManager localizationManager) { if (modelState.IsValid) { return new AjaxResponse(); } var validationErrors = new List<ValidationErrorInfo>(); foreach (var state in modelState) { foreach (var error in state.Value.Errors) { validationErrors.Add(new ValidationErrorInfo(error.ErrorMessage, state.Key)); } } var errorInfo = new ErrorInfo(localizationManager.GetString(AbpWebConsts.LocalizaionSourceName, "ValidationError")) { ValidationErrors = validationErrors.ToArray() }; return new AjaxResponse(errorInfo); }