 /// <summary>
 /// Creates an external link.
 /// </summary>
 public ExternalLink CreateExternalLink(ExternalLink externalLink, string webUrl, string accessToken)
         return(_externalLinksRepository.Create(webUrl, accessToken, externalLink));
     catch (Exception)
         throw new Exception("An error occured while creating the link");
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates the group.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="itemRequestModel">The item request model containing a valid group to create.</param>
        /// <param name="webUrl">The web URL.</param>
        /// <param name="accessToken">The access token.</param>
        /// <param name="currentUserEmail"></param>
        /// <param name="isUserAdmin">Boolean flag for whether user is an admin</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public override Group Create(ItemRequestModel itemRequestModel, string webUrl, string accessToken,
                                     string currentUserEmail, bool isUserAdmin)
            // User cannot create a group in a group they do not own
            //if(groupRequest.Parent != null && !IsOwnerOrDesignee(groupRequest.Parent))
            //    throw new Exception("You cannot create a group in a group you do not own.");

            // Non-admin cannot create a clause in a locked group
            if (itemRequestModel.Parent != null && itemRequestModel.Parent.IsLocked && !isUserAdmin)
                throw new Exception("You cannot modify a locked group.");

                var createdGroup = _groupRepository.Create(webUrl, accessToken, itemRequestModel.Group);

                // need to explicitly retrieve the new group in order to get its full set of properties
                var retrievedNewGroup = _groupRepository.Get(webUrl, createdGroup.Id, accessToken,
                    (BuildGroups(new List <Group> {
                }, webUrl, accessToken, currentUserEmail, isUserAdmin)
            catch (Exception)
                throw new Exception("Failed to create group");
        private Clause ProcessTags(Clause clause, string webUrl, string accessToken)
            // watch for null pointer exception
            if (clause.TagsList == null)
                clause.TagsList = new List <Tag>();

            var storedTags = _tagRepository.GetAll(webUrl, accessToken, "");

            // Create new tags, if any; ensure there are no tags with the same title in SharePoint
            var createdTags = clause.TagsList
                              .Where(t => t.Id <= 0 && storedTags.All(storedTag => storedTag.Title != t.Title))
                              .Select(tag => _tagRepository.Create(webUrl, accessToken, tag)).ToList();

            // concatenate any newly created tags onto the list of existing tags; will be an empty list
            // if their are neither
            var existingTagList = clause.TagsList.Where(t => t.Id > 0);

            clause.TagsList = new List <Tag>(createdTags.Concat(existingTagList));

            // Update clause.Tags to match the TagsList; regardless of whether an add, remove, or both
            // occur, this will ensure the clause.Tag stays current; will be an empty string if no tags
            clause.Tags = string.Join(",", clause.TagsList.Select(t => t.Id));

        private void ProcessExternalLinks(Clause clause, List <ExternalLink> externalLinks, string webUrl,
                                          string accessToken)
            // create new external links if needed
            if (!externalLinks.Any())

            var externalLinksToCreate = externalLinks.Where(externalLink => externalLink.Id < 0);

            foreach (var externalLink in externalLinksToCreate)
                externalLink.ClauseId = clause.Id;
                _externalLinksRepository.Create(webUrl, accessToken, externalLink);
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates the clause (and optionally a group).
        /// </summary>
        public override Clause Create(ItemRequestModel itemRequestModel, string webUrl, string accessToken,
                                      string currentUserEmail, bool isUserAdmin)
            // User cannot create a clause in a group they do not own
            //if(clauseRequest.Group != null && !IsOwnerOrDesignee(clauseRequest.Group))
            //    throw new Exception("You cannot create a clause in a group you do not own.");

            // Non-admin cannot create a clause in a locked group
            if (itemRequestModel.Group != null && itemRequestModel.Group.IsLocked && !isUserAdmin)
                throw new Exception("You cannot modify a locked group");

                var preparedClause = PrepareClause(itemRequestModel, webUrl, accessToken);

                var createdClause = _clauseRepository.Create(webUrl, accessToken, preparedClause);

                // need to explicitly retrieve the new clause in order to get its full set of properties
                var retrievedNewClause = _clauseRepository.Get(webUrl, createdClause.Id, accessToken,

                // now that the clause has been created, create any new external links; there is a dependency
                // on the clause id (which is not set before the clause is created)
                ProcessExternalLinks(retrievedNewClause, itemRequestModel.ExternalLinks, webUrl, accessToken);

                    (BuildClauses(new List <Clause> {
                }, webUrl, accessToken, currentUserEmail,
            catch (Exception e)
                throw new Exception("Failed to create clause", e);
 public virtual T Post(string webUrl, [FromBody] T item, string accessToken = "")
     accessToken   = GetAccessToken(accessToken);
     item.ToClient = false;
     return(Repository.Create(webUrl, accessToken, item));