public static List <t_goods> GetGoodsListFromSql(string str) { List <t_goods> result = new List <t_goods>(); string sql = @" select * from t_goods where `status`=1 {0} limit 0,10; "; using (MySqlConnection sql_conn = new MySqlConnection(mysqlCon)) { string strWhere = ""; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(str)) { strWhere += " and (goodsName like '%" + str + "%' or type like '%" + str + "%')"; } sql = string.Format(sql, strWhere); sql_conn.Open(); MySqlCommand cmd = new MySqlCommand(sql, sql_conn); DataSet ds = new DataSet(); MySqlDataAdapter adapter = new MySqlDataAdapter(cmd); adapter.Fill(ds); result = (List <t_goods>)IListDataSet.DataSetToIList <t_goods>(ds, 0); return(result); } }
public static List <t_unit_goods> GetGoodsByUnitID(int UnitID, ref string code) { List <t_unit_goods> result = new List <t_unit_goods>(); string sql = @" select * from t_unit where status_code!=-1 {0}; select * from t_unit_goods where status_code!=-1 {1} ; "; //select count(1) as goods_id,sum(x1.count + 0) AS count, convert(sum(x1.price * x1.count), UNSIGNED) as price,convert(sum(x1.sell_min_price * x1.count), UNSIGNED) as sell_min_price, convert(sum(x1.sell_max_price * x1.count), UNSIGNED) as sell_max_price from t_unit_goods x1 where x1.status_code != -1 { 0} using (MySqlConnection sql_conn = new MySqlConnection(mysqlCon)) { string strWhere = ""; string strWhere2 = ""; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(UnitID.ToString()) && UnitID != 0) { strWhere += " and unit_id=" + UnitID + ""; strWhere2 += " and id=" + UnitID + ""; } sql = string.Format(sql, strWhere2, strWhere); sql_conn.Open(); MySqlCommand cmd = new MySqlCommand(sql, sql_conn); DataSet ds = new DataSet(); MySqlDataAdapter adapter = new MySqlDataAdapter(cmd); adapter.Fill(ds); code = ((List <t_unit>)IListDataSet.DataSetToIList <t_unit>(ds, 0)).FirstOrDefault().code; result = (List <t_unit_goods>)IListDataSet.DataSetToIList <t_unit_goods>(ds, 1); return(result); } }
public static List <t_unit_goods> GetUnitGoodsListById(int id) { List <t_unit_goods> result = new List <t_unit_goods>(); string sql = @" select x1.* from t_unit_goods x1 left join t_goods x2 on where x1.status_code!=-1 {0} ; "; //select count(1) as goods_id,sum(x1.count + 0) AS count, convert(sum(x1.price * x1.count), UNSIGNED) as price,convert(sum(x1.sell_min_price * x1.count), UNSIGNED) as sell_min_price, convert(sum(x1.sell_max_price * x1.count), UNSIGNED) as sell_max_price from t_unit_goods x1 where x1.status_code != -1 { 0} using (MySqlConnection sql_conn = new MySqlConnection(mysqlCon)) { string strWhere = ""; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(id.ToString()) && id != 0) { strWhere += " and x1.unit_id=" + id + ""; } sql = string.Format(sql, strWhere); sql_conn.Open(); MySqlCommand cmd = new MySqlCommand(sql, sql_conn); DataSet ds = new DataSet(); MySqlDataAdapter adapter = new MySqlDataAdapter(cmd); adapter.Fill(ds); result = (List <t_unit_goods>)IListDataSet.DataSetToIList <t_unit_goods>(ds, 0); } return(result); }
public static t_unit GetModel(long id) { t_unit result = new t_unit(); string sql = @" select * from t_unit where status_code!=-1 {0} ; "; using (MySqlConnection sql_conn = new MySqlConnection(mysqlCon)) { string strWhere = ""; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(id.ToString()) && id != 0) { strWhere += " and id= " + id + ""; } sql = string.Format(sql, strWhere); sql_conn.Open(); MySqlCommand cmd = new MySqlCommand(sql, sql_conn); DataSet ds = new DataSet(); MySqlDataAdapter adapter = new MySqlDataAdapter(cmd); adapter.Fill(ds); result = (t_unit)IListDataSet.DataSetToIList <t_unit>(ds, 0)[0]; return(result); } }
/// <summary> /// 海量数据插入方法 /// </summary> /// <typeparam name="db"></typeparam> /// <typeparam name="entityType">实体类型名称</typeparam> /// <param name="list"></param> public virtual void AddByBulkCopy(DbContext db, Type entityType, IList list) { DataSet ds = IListDataSet.ToDataSet(list); if (ds.Tables.Count > 0) { AddByBulkCopy((SqlConnection)db.Database.Connection, ds.Tables[0], entityType.Name); } }
public static List <t_unit_goods_list> GetUnitGoodsListData(string unit_id, string goods_type, string goods_name, string MD5, decimal?min_price, decimal?max_price, int pageIndex, int pageSize, ref int total) { List <t_unit_goods_list> result = new List <t_unit_goods_list>(); string sql = @" select SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS x2.`code`,x2.unit_name,x3.goodsName ,x1.* from t_unit_goods_list x1 left join t_unit x2 on left join t_goods x3 on where x1.status_code!=-1 {0} order by x1.random_num asc limit @begin,@pagesize; SELECT FOUND_ROWS() as total;; "; using (MySqlConnection sql_conn = new MySqlConnection(mysqlCon)) { string strWhere = ""; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(unit_id) && unit_id != "0") { strWhere += " and x1.unit_id=" + unit_id + ""; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(goods_type)) { strWhere += " and (x3.type like '%" + goods_type + "%' or x3.topType like '%" + goods_type + "%')"; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(MD5)) { strWhere += " and (x1.MD5_1 = '" + MD5 + "' or x1.MD5_2='" + MD5 + "' or x1.MD5_3='" + MD5 + "' or x1.MD5_4='" + MD5 + "' or x1.MD5_5='" + MD5 + "')"; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(goods_name)) { strWhere += " and (x3.goods_name like '%" + goods_name + "%' or x1.goods_name_new like '%" + goods_name + "%')"; } if (min_price != null && min_price != 0) { } if (max_price != null && max_price != 0) { } sql = string.Format(sql, strWhere); sql_conn.Open(); MySqlCommand cmd = new MySqlCommand(sql, sql_conn); DataSet ds = new DataSet(); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@begin", (pageIndex - 1) * pageSize); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@pagesize", pageSize); MySqlDataAdapter adapter = new MySqlDataAdapter(cmd); adapter.Fill(ds); result = (List <t_unit_goods_list>)IListDataSet.DataSetToIList <t_unit_goods_list>(ds, 0); total = int.Parse(ds.Tables[1].Rows[0][0].ToString()); return(result); } }
/// <summary> /// 初始化数据 /// </summary> public void InitializeData(DataTable dataTable) { if (dataTable != null && dataTable.Rows.Count > 0) { _dataTable = dataTable; List <tlsTtResultSecond> ItemList = new List <tlsTtResultSecond>(); try { ItemList = (List <tlsTtResultSecond>)IListDataSet.DataTableToIList <tlsTtResultSecond>(_dataTable, 1); if (ItemList.Count > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < ItemList.Count; i++) { if (ItemList[i].Result != null) { if (ItemList[i].Result.Trim().Equals("合格")) { _qualifiedCount += 1; } else if (ItemList[i].Result.Trim().Equals("不合格")) { _unqualifiedCount += 1; } else { _otherCount += 1; } } else { _otherCount += 1; } } } _totalCount = dataTable.Rows.Count; double percent = Convert.ToDouble(_qualifiedCount) / Convert.ToDouble(_totalCount); string result = string.Format("{0:0.00%}", percent); this.labeltotalCount.Content = "本次数据统计共 " + _totalCount + " 条数据"; this.labelqualifiedCount.Content = "合格数: " + _qualifiedCount; this.labelunqualifiedCount.Content = "不合格数: " + _unqualifiedCount; this.labelotherCount.Content = "其他: " + _otherCount; this.labelCount.Content = "合格率: " + result; DataGridRecord.DataContext = ItemList; } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message); } } else { DataGridRecord.DataContext = null; } }
/// <summary> /// 查看数据 /// </summary> /// <param name="sender"></param> /// <param name="e"></param> private void btn_selectData_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { _isRead = false; _atpLsit = new List <clsATP>(); DataTable data = _atpBll.GetAllAsDataTable(); if (data != null) { _atpLsit = (List <clsATP>)IListDataSet.DataTableToIList <clsATP>(data, 1); this.DataGridRecord.DataContext = _atpLsit; } }
public static List <t_unit> GetList(int currentPage, int pagesize, string code, string unit_kind, string unit_name, string price, string status_code, ref int total) { List <t_unit> result = new List <t_unit>(); string sql = @" select SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS * from t_unit x1 left join (select unit_id, convert(count(1), UNSIGNED) as goods_count, convert(sum(count), UNSIGNED) as goods_num from t_unit_goods where status_code=1 group by unit_id)x2 on where x1.status_code!=-1 {0} order by limit @begin,@pagesize; SELECT FOUND_ROWS() as total; "; using (MySqlConnection sql_conn = new MySqlConnection(mysqlCon)) { string strWhere = ""; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(code)) { strWhere += " and code like '%" + code + "%'"; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(unit_kind)) { strWhere += " and unit_kind like'%" + unit_kind + "%'"; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(unit_name)) { strWhere += " and unit_name like'%" + unit_name + "%'"; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(price) && price != "0") { strWhere += " and price=" + price + ""; } //if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(status_code)) //{ // strWhere += " and status_code='" + status_code + "'"; //} sql = string.Format(sql, strWhere); sql_conn.Open(); MySqlCommand cmd = new MySqlCommand(sql, sql_conn); DataSet ds = new DataSet(); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@begin", (currentPage - 1) * pagesize); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@pagesize", pagesize); MySqlDataAdapter adapter = new MySqlDataAdapter(cmd); adapter.Fill(ds); total = int.Parse(ds.Tables[1].Rows[0][0].ToString()); result = (List <t_unit>)IListDataSet.DataSetToIList <t_unit>(ds, 0); return(result); } }
/// <summary> /// 查询被检单位 /// </summary> private void SearchCompany() { this.DataGridRecord.DataContext = null; DataTable dataTable = _clsCompanyOprbll.GetAsDataTable("FULLNAME Like '%" + textBoxCompanyName.Text.Trim().ToString() + "%'"); if (dataTable != null && dataTable.Rows.Count > 0) { List <clsCompany> ItemNames = (List <clsCompany>)IListDataSet.DataTableToIList <clsCompany>(dataTable, 1); if (ItemNames.Count > 0) { this.DataGridRecord.DataContext = ItemNames; } } }
public void BindData(object list) { usersInfoBindingSource.DataSource = BLLFty.Create <BaseBLL>().GetListByNoTracking <UsersInfo>(o => o.IsDel == false && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(o.Password)); dsPermission = IListDataSet.ToDataSet <Permission>(BLLFty.Create <BaseBLL>().GetListBy <Permission>(o => o.UserID == MainForm.usersInfo.ID)); if (dsPermission.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0) { cuTreeListPermission.DataSource = dsPermission.Tables[0]; cuTreeListPermission.CheckedStateFieldName = "CheckBoxState"; cuTreeListPermission.Columns["Caption"].Caption = "功能名称"; cuTreeListPermission.Columns["Caption"].OptionsColumn.AllowEdit = false; cuTreeListPermission.Columns["SerialNo"].Visible = false; cuTreeListPermission.Columns["UserID"].Visible = false; cuTreeListPermission.Columns["CheckBoxState"].Visible = false; } }
/// <summary> /// 查询样品 /// </summary> private void SearchSampleByName() { DataTable dataTable = _clsTaskOpr.GetSampleByNameOrCode(textBoxName.Text.Trim(), _projectName, false, _IsFirst, 1); if (dataTable != null && dataTable.Rows.Count > 0) { _Items = (List <clsttStandardDecide>)IListDataSet.DataTableToIList <clsttStandardDecide>(dataTable, 1); this.DataGridRecord.ItemsSource = dataTable.DefaultView; _IsFirst = false; } else { this.DataGridRecord.ItemsSource = null; } }
private void SearchTask() { this.DataGridRecord.ItemsSource = null; DataTable dt = _Tskbll.GetAsDataTable(string.Empty, string.Empty, 1); if (dt != null && dt.Rows.Count > 0) { List <tlsTrTask> Items = (List <tlsTrTask>)IListDataSet.DataTableToIList <tlsTrTask>(dt, 1); this.DataGridRecord.ItemsSource = (Items != null && Items.Count > 0) ? Items : null; } else { this.DataGridRecord.ItemsSource = null; } }
private DataTable ListToDataTable() { string[] PropertyName = new string[43]; int PropertyNum = 0; tlsTtResultSecond Rs = new tlsTtResultSecond(); Type t = Rs.GetType(); foreach (PropertyInfo pi in t.GetProperties()) { PropertyName[PropertyNum] = pi.Name; PropertyNum++; } DataSet dto = IListDataSet.ToDataSet <tlsTtResultSecond>(_selectedRecords, PropertyName); return(dto.Tables[0]); }
/// <summary> /// 获取相机序列化数据 /// </summary> /// <returns>反馈序列化数据</returns> private List <VM_Content> GetCameraInfo(CameraStatus flag, ref string test) { IList <VM_CameraParameters> camerList = new List <VM_CameraParameters>(); CamereBLL camereBLL = new CamereBLL(); DataSet ds = new DataSet(); ds = camereBLL.GetCameraList(""); camerList = IListDataSet.DataSetToIList <VM_CameraParameters>(ds, 0); //if (m_VoltageLevel == 0) //{ // camerList = camerList.Where(s => s.exposureMode == "0").ToList(); //} //else //{ // camerList = camerList.Where(s => s.exposureMode == m_VoltageLevel.ToString()).ToList(); //} camerList = camerList.Where(s => s.exposureMode == m_VoltageLevel.ToString()).ToList(); IList <VM_Content> camerList2 = new List <VM_Content>(); if (flag == CameraStatus.Start) { camerList2.Add(new VM_Content { startTag = "Y", isMulti = "N", illumination = "1", station = "heifei", CameraParameters = camerList }); } else if (flag == CameraStatus.Stop) { camerList2.Add(new VM_Content { startTag = "N", isMulti = "N", illumination = "1", station = "heifei", CameraParameters = camerList }); } else { camerList2.Add(new VM_Content { startTag = "N", isMulti = "N", illumination = "1", station = "heifei", CameraParameters = camerList }); } //序列化 var lists = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(camerList2); test = lists.ToString(); //反序列化 //Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<List<VM_Content>>(lists); return(null); }
private void Window_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { if (_dataTable != null && _dataTable.Rows.Count > 0) { List <tlsTtResultSecond> ItemList = new List <tlsTtResultSecond>(); try { ItemList = (List <tlsTtResultSecond>)IListDataSet.DataTableToIList <tlsTtResultSecond>(_dataTable, 1); if (ItemList.Count > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < ItemList.Count; i++) { if (ItemList[i].Result != null) { if (ItemList[i].Result.Trim().Equals("合格")) { _qualifiedList.Add(ItemList[i]); _qualified++; } else if (ItemList[i].Result.Trim().Equals("不合格")) { _unqualified++; _unqualifiedList.Add(ItemList[i]); } else { _other++; _otherList.Add(ItemList[i]); } } else { _other++; _otherList.Add(ItemList[i]); } } } } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message); } } Assembly(); }
/// <summary> /// 查询样品 /// </summary> private void SearchSample() { this.DataGridRecord.DataContext = null; DataTable dataTable = _clsTaskOpr.GetSampleByNameOrCode(textBoxSampleName.Text.Trim(), textBoxName.Text.Trim(), false, _IsFirst, 1); if (dataTable != null) { List <clsttStandardDecide> ItemNames = (List <clsttStandardDecide>)IListDataSet.DataTableToIList <clsttStandardDecide>(dataTable, 1); if (ItemNames != null && ItemNames.Count > 0) { this.DataGridRecord.DataContext = ItemNames; _IsFirst = false; if (_ItemNames.Count <= 0) { _ItemNames = ItemNames; } } } }
public static List <t_goods> GetGoodsList(int currentPage, int pagesize, string type, string goodsName, string minPrice, string maxPrice, ref int total) { List <t_goods> result = new List <t_goods>(); string sql = @" select SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS * from t_goods where `status`=1 {0} order by id desc limit @begin,@pagesize; SELECT FOUND_ROWS() as total; "; using (MySqlConnection sql_conn = new MySqlConnection(mysqlCon)) { string strWhere = ""; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(type)) { strWhere += " and (type like '%" + type + "%' or topType like '%" + type + "%')"; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(goodsName)) { strWhere += " and goodsName like'%" + goodsName + "%'"; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(minPrice)) { strWhere += " and minPrice>=" + minPrice + ""; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(maxPrice)) { strWhere += " and minPrice<=" + maxPrice + ""; } sql = string.Format(sql, strWhere); sql_conn.Open(); MySqlCommand cmd = new MySqlCommand(sql, sql_conn); DataSet ds = new DataSet(); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@begin", (currentPage - 1) * pagesize); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@pagesize", pagesize); MySqlDataAdapter adapter = new MySqlDataAdapter(cmd); adapter.Fill(ds); total = int.Parse(ds.Tables[1].Rows[0][0].ToString()); result = (List <t_goods>)IListDataSet.DataSetToIList <t_goods>(ds, 0); return(result); } }
void GetPermission(object sender) { UsersInfo user = ((DevExpress.XtraGrid.Views.Layout.LayoutView)sender).GetFocusedRow() as UsersInfo; if (user != null) { dsPermission = IListDataSet.ToDataSet <Permission>(BLLFty.Create <BaseBLL>().GetListBy <Permission>(o => o.UserID == user.ID)); cuTreeListPermission.DataSource = dsPermission.Tables[0]; cuTreeListPermission.ExpandAll(); foreach (TreeListNode node in cuTreeListPermission.GetNodeList()) { DataRowView drv = cuTreeListPermission.GetDataRecordByNode(node) as DataRowView; if (drv != null) { node.Checked = (bool)drv["CheckBoxState"]; } } buttonPermissionBindingSource.DataSource = btnPermissionList = BLLFty.Create <BaseBLL>().GetListBy <ButtonPermission>(o => o.UserID == user.ID); } }
/// <summary> /// 编辑原始报表 /// </summary> private void Edit() { clsReport report; try { if (DataGridRecord.SelectedItems.Count > 0) { report = (clsReport)DataGridRecord.SelectedItems[0]; //根据主表ID查询子表样品信息集合 DataTable dt = _resultTable.GetReportDetail(report.ID); if (dt != null && dt.Rows.Count > 0) { List <clsReportDetail> ItemNames = (List <clsReportDetail>)IListDataSet.DataTableToIList <clsReportDetail>(dt, 1); for (int i = 0; i < ItemNames.Count; i++) { DYSeriesDataSet.DataModel.clsReport.ReportDetail reportDetail = new DYSeriesDataSet.DataModel.clsReport.ReportDetail(); reportDetail.FoodName = ItemNames[i].FoodName; reportDetail.ProjectName = ItemNames[i].ProjectName; reportDetail.Unit = ItemNames[i].Unit; reportDetail.CheckData = ItemNames[i].CheckData; report.reportDetailList.Add(reportDetail); } } UpdateReportWindow window = new UpdateReportWindow(); window.ShowInTaskbar = false; window.Owner = this; window.GetValues(report); window.ShowDialog(); SearchReport(); } else { MessageBox.Show("请选择编辑条目!", "操作提示"); } } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show("异常(Edit):\n" + ex.Message); } }
/// <summary> /// 查询原始报表 /// </summary> private void SearchReport() { this.DataGridRecord.DataContext = null; try { SqlWhere(); string error = string.Empty; DataTable dt = _resultTable.GetReport(_SqlWhere, 1, out error); if (dt != null && dt.Rows.Count > 0) { List <clsReport> Items = (List <clsReport>)IListDataSet.DataTableToIList <clsReport>(dt, 1); this.DataGridRecord.DataContext = Items; } else if (!error.Equals(string.Empty)) { MessageBox.Show(error); } } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show("异常(SearchReport):\n" + ex.Message); } }
public bool Save() { try { this.Cursor = System.Windows.Forms.Cursors.WaitCursor; bool flag = false; if (dsPermission == null) { CommonServices.ErrorTrace.SetErrorInfo(this.FindForm(), "该用户没有操作权限"); flag = true; } if (btnPermissionList == null) { CommonServices.ErrorTrace.SetErrorInfo(this.FindForm(), "该用户没有按钮控制权限"); flag = true; } if (flag) { return(false); } BLLFty.Create <PermissionBLL>().Update(IListDataSet.DataSetToIList <Permission>(dsPermission, 0).ToList(), btnPermissionList); //vStockOutBillDtlForPrintBindingSource.DataSource = BLLFty.Create<StockOutBillBLL>().GetStockOutBillDtlForPrint(hd.ID); //gvBillDtlForPrint.BestFitColumns(); clientFactory.DataPageRefresh <Permission>().OrderBy(o => o.SerialNo); CommonServices.ErrorTrace.SetSuccessfullyInfo(this.FindForm(), "保存成功"); return(true); } catch (Exception ex) { CommonServices.ErrorTrace.SetErrorInfo(this.FindForm(), ex.Message); return(false); } finally { this.Cursor = System.Windows.Forms.Cursors.Default; } }
private void btnCleanRepeatSample_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { try { DataTable dataTable = _clsTaskOpr.GetSampleByNameOrCode(string.Empty, string.Empty, false, false, 1); if (dataTable != null && dataTable.Rows.Count > 0) { List <clsttStandardDecide> ItemNames = (List <clsttStandardDecide>)IListDataSet.DataTableToIList <clsttStandardDecide>(dataTable, 1); if (ItemNames != null && ItemNames.Count > 0) { int delNum = 0; IDictionary <string, clsttStandardDecide> dicItems = new Dictionary <string, clsttStandardDecide>(); string err = String.Empty; for (int i = 0; i < ItemNames.Count; i++) { //key=样品名称+项目名称+标准名称 //+标准值+判定符号+单位 string key = ItemNames[i].FtypeNmae + "_" + ItemNames[i].Name + "_" + ItemNames[i].ItemDes; //+ "_" + ItemNames[i].StandardValue + "_" + ItemNames[i].Demarcate + "_" + ItemNames[i].Unit; if (!dicItems.ContainsKey(key)) { dicItems.Add(key, ItemNames[i]); } else { if (_clsttStandardDecideOpr.DeleteByID(ItemNames[i].ID, out err) == 1) { delNum += 1; } } } if (delNum > 0) { MessageBox.Show("成功清理 " + delNum + " 条重复国家检测标准!"); } else { MessageBox.Show("暂无重复国家检测标准!"); } SearchSample(); } } else { MessageBox.Show("暂无国家检测标准需要清理!", "操作提示"); } } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show("异常:\n" + ex.Message); } }
/// <summary> /// 打印甘肃回执 /// </summary> private void PrintGSHZ() { Global.GSType = "HZ"; clsReportGS record; try { if (dataGridGS.SelectedItems.Count > 0) { IDictionary <string, string> dicItems = new Dictionary <string, string>(); IDictionary <string, string> dicSample = new Dictionary <string, string>(); record = (clsReportGS)dataGridGS.SelectedItems[0]; clsReportGS report = null; if (record != null) { report = new clsReportGS(); report.Title = record.Title; report.FoodName = record.FoodName; report.FoodType = record.FoodType; report.ProductionDate = record.ProductionDate; report.CheckedCompanyName = record.CheckedCompanyName == null ? "______" : record.CheckedCompanyName; report.CheckedCompanyAddress = record.CheckedCompanyAddress == null ? "______" : record.CheckedCompanyAddress; report.CheckedCompanyPhone = record.CheckedCompanyPhone; report.LabelProducerName = record.LabelProducerName; report.LabelProducerAddress = record.LabelProducerAddress == null ? "______" : record.LabelProducerAddress; report.LabelProducerPhone = record.LabelProducerPhone; if (record.SamplingData != null) { report.SamplingData = record.SamplingData == null ? "____年__月__日" : record.SamplingData; string str = record.SamplingData; string[] s = str.Split(new char[] { '-' }); report.SamplingData = s[0] + "年" + s[1] + "月" + s[2] + "日"; } else { report.SamplingData = "____年__月__日"; } report.SamplingPerson = record.SamplingPerson; report.SampleNum = record.SampleNum; report.SamplingBase = record.SamplingBase; report.SamplingAddress = record.SamplingAddress; report.SamplingOrderCode = record.SamplingOrderCode; report.Standard = record.Standard; report.InspectionConclusion = record.InspectionConclusion; report.Notes = record.Notes; report.Surveyor = record.Surveyor; report.ItemsList = report.UnqualifiedItemsList = report.SampleList = string.Empty; //根据主表ID查询子表样品信息集合 DataTable dt = _resultTable.GetReportDetailGS(record.ID); if (dt != null && dt.Rows.Count > 0) { List <clsReportGSDetail> ItemNames = (List <clsReportGSDetail>)IListDataSet.DataTableToIList <clsReportGSDetail>(dt, 1); for (int i = 0; i < ItemNames.Count; i++) { clsReportGS.ReportDetail reportDetail = new clsReportGS.ReportDetail(); reportDetail.ProjectName = ItemNames[i].ProjectName; reportDetail.Unit = ItemNames[i].Unit; reportDetail.InspectionStandard = ItemNames[i].InspectionStandard; reportDetail.IndividualResults = ItemNames[i].IndividualResults; reportDetail.IndividualDecision = ItemNames[i].IndividualDecision; report.reportDetailList.Add(reportDetail); if (!dicItems.ContainsKey(ItemNames[i].ProjectName)) { if (i + 1 < ItemNames.Count) { report.ItemsList += ItemNames[i].ProjectName + ","; } else { report.ItemsList += ItemNames[i].ProjectName; } dicItems.Add(ItemNames[i].ProjectName, ItemNames[i].ProjectName); } if (!dicSample.ContainsKey(ItemNames[i].ProjectName)) { if (ItemNames[i].IndividualDecision.Equals("不合格")) { if (i + 1 < ItemNames.Count) { report.UnqualifiedItemsList += ItemNames[i].ProjectName + ","; } else { report.UnqualifiedItemsList += ItemNames[i].ProjectName; } dicSample.Add(ItemNames[i].ProjectName, ItemNames[i].ProjectName); } } } if (report.UnqualifiedItemsList.Equals(string.Empty)) { report.UnqualifiedItemsList = "____________________"; } if (report.ItemsList.Equals(string.Empty)) { report.ItemsList = "____________________"; } } } //甘肃打印回执 PrintPreviewWindow print = new PrintPreviewWindow("xaml\\Print\\PrintModel\\GSHZDocument.xaml", report, new OrderDocumentRenderer()); print._resultGS = record; print.Owner = this; print.ShowInTaskbar = false; print.ShowDialog(); } else { MessageBox.Show("请选择打印条目!", "操作提示"); } } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show("异常(Print):\n" + ex.Message); } }
/// <summary> /// 给控件赋值 /// </summary> private void SetCheckBox() { //标准名称 IList <string> ItemDesList = new List <string>(); IDictionary <string, string> dicItemDes = new Dictionary <string, string>(); //样品名称 IList <string> SampleNameList = new List <string>(); IDictionary <string, string> dicSampleName = new Dictionary <string, string>(); //项目名称 IList <string> ItemsList = new List <string>(); IDictionary <string, string> dicItems = new Dictionary <string, string>(); //判定符号 IList <string> DemarcateList = new List <string>(); IDictionary <string, string> dicDemarcate = new Dictionary <string, string>(); //单位 IList <string> UnitList = new List <string>(); IDictionary <string, string> dicUnit = new Dictionary <string, string>(); try { //样品、单位、判定符号需单独从数据库中获取 DataTable dataTable = _clsTaskOpr.GetSampleByNameOrCode(string.Empty, string.Empty, false, false, 1); if (dataTable != null && dataTable.Rows.Count > 0) { List <clsttStandardDecide> ItemNames = (List <clsttStandardDecide>)IListDataSet.DataTableToIList <clsttStandardDecide>(dataTable, 1); if (ItemNames != null && ItemNames.Count > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < ItemNames.Count; i++) { string str = ItemNames[i].FtypeNmae; if (!dicSampleName.ContainsKey(str) && !str.Equals(string.Empty)) { dicSampleName.Add(str, str); SampleNameList.Add(str); } str = ItemNames[i].Unit; if (!str.Equals(string.Empty) && !dicUnit.ContainsKey(str)) { dicUnit.Add(str, str); UnitList.Add(str); } str = ItemNames[i].Demarcate; if (!str.Equals(string.Empty) && !dicDemarcate.ContainsKey(str)) { dicDemarcate.Add(str, str); DemarcateList.Add(str); } } } } for (int i = 0; i < _ItemNames.Count; i++) { string str = _ItemNames[i].ItemDes; if (!dicItemDes.ContainsKey(str) && !str.Equals(string.Empty)) { dicItemDes.Add(str, str); ItemDesList.Add(str); } str = _ItemNames[i].Name; if (!dicItems.ContainsKey(str) && !str.Equals(string.Empty)) { dicItems.Add(str, str); ItemsList.Add(str); } } } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show("异常:" + ex.Message); } finally { this.textBoxFtypeNmae.ItemsSource = SampleNameList; this.textBoxName.ItemsSource = ItemsList; this.textBoxItemDes.ItemsSource = ItemDesList; this.textBoxItemDes.Text = _ItemNames[0].ItemDes; this.textBoxDemarcate.ItemsSource = DemarcateList; this.textBoxDemarcate.Text = _ItemNames[0].Demarcate; this.textBoxUnit.ItemsSource = UnitList; this.textBoxUnit.Text = _ItemNames[0].Unit; } }
private void Window_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { try { if (_decide != null && _decide.ID > 0) { textBoxFtypeNmae.Text = _decide.FtypeNmae; textBoxSampleNum.Text = _decide.SampleNum; textBoxName.Text = _decide.Name; textBoxItemDes.Text = _decide.ItemDes; textBoxStandardValue.Text = _decide.StandardValue; textBoxDemarcate.Text = _decide.Demarcate; textBoxUnit.Text = _decide.Unit; } else { this.Title = "新增国家检测标准"; } if (_sampleName.Length > 0) { this.textBoxFtypeNmae.Text = _sampleName; this.textBoxFtypeNmae.IsReadOnly = false; } if (_projectName.Length > 0 && _ItemNames != null && _ItemNames.Count == 0) { DataTable dataTable = _clsTaskOpr.GetSampleByNameOrCode(string.Empty, _projectName, true, true, 1); if (dataTable != null && dataTable.Rows.Count > 0) { _ItemNames = (List <clsttStandardDecide>)IListDataSet.DataTableToIList <clsttStandardDecide>(dataTable, 1); } } if (_ItemNames != null && _ItemNames.Count > 0) { SetCheckBox(); } else { DataTable dataTable = _clsTaskOpr.GetSampleByNameOrCode(string.Empty, string.Empty, false, false, 1); if (dataTable != null && dataTable.Rows.Count > 0) { _ItemNames = (List <clsttStandardDecide>)IListDataSet.DataTableToIList <clsttStandardDecide>(dataTable, 1); SetCheckBox(); } } } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show("异常:" + ex.Message); } finally { values.Add(textBoxFtypeNmae.Text.Trim()); values.Add(textBoxSampleNum.Text.Trim()); values.Add(textBoxName.Text.Trim()); values.Add(textBoxItemDes.Text.Trim()); values.Add(textBoxStandardValue.Text); values.Add(textBoxDemarcate.Text); values.Add(textBoxUnit.Text); _isUpdate = false; } }
/// <summary> /// 打印甘肃报表 /// </summary> private void PrintGS() { Global.GSType = string.Empty; clsReportGS record; try { if (dataGridGS.SelectedItems.Count > 0) { record = (clsReportGS)dataGridGS.SelectedItems[0]; clsReportGS report = null; if (record != null) { report = new clsReportGS(); report.Title = record.Title; report.FoodName = record.FoodName; report.FoodType = record.FoodType; report.ProductionDate = record.ProductionDate; report.CheckedCompanyName = record.CheckedCompanyName; report.CheckedCompanyAddress = record.CheckedCompanyAddress; report.CheckedCompanyPhone = record.CheckedCompanyPhone; report.LabelProducerName = record.LabelProducerName; report.LabelProducerAddress = record.LabelProducerAddress; report.LabelProducerPhone = record.LabelProducerPhone; report.SamplingData = record.SamplingData; report.SamplingPerson = record.SamplingPerson; report.SampleNum = record.SampleNum; report.SamplingBase = record.SamplingBase; report.SamplingAddress = record.SamplingAddress; report.SamplingOrderCode = record.SamplingOrderCode; report.Standard = record.Standard; report.InspectionConclusion = record.InspectionConclusion; report.Notes = record.Notes; report.Surveyor = record.Surveyor; //根据主表ID查询子表样品信息集合 DataTable dt = _resultTable.GetReportDetailGS(record.ID); if (dt != null && dt.Rows.Count > 0) { List <clsReportGSDetail> ItemNames = (List <clsReportGSDetail>)IListDataSet.DataTableToIList <clsReportGSDetail>(dt, 1); for (int i = 0; i < ItemNames.Count; i++) { clsReportGS.ReportDetail reportDetail = new clsReportGS.ReportDetail(); reportDetail.ProjectName = ItemNames[i].ProjectName; reportDetail.Unit = ItemNames[i].Unit; reportDetail.InspectionStandard = ItemNames[i].InspectionStandard; reportDetail.IndividualResults = ItemNames[i].IndividualResults; reportDetail.IndividualDecision = ItemNames[i].IndividualDecision; report.reportDetailList.Add(reportDetail); } } } //甘肃打印模板 PrintPreviewWindow print = new PrintPreviewWindow("xaml\\Print\\PrintModel\\GSDocument.xaml", report, new OrderDocumentRenderer()); print._resultGS = record; print.Owner = this; print.ShowInTaskbar = false; print.ShowDialog(); } else { MessageBox.Show("请选择打印条目!", "操作提示"); } } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show("异常(Print):\n" + ex.Message); } }
/// <summary> /// 打印原始报表 /// </summary> private void Print() { clsReport record; try { if (DataGridRecord.SelectedItems.Count > 0) { record = (clsReport)DataGridRecord.SelectedItems[0]; ReportClass report = null; if (record != null) { report = new ReportClass(); report.r_Title = record.Title; report.r_CheckUnitName = record.CheckUnitName; report.r_Trademark = record.Trademark; report.r_Specifications = record.Specifications; report.r_ProductionDate = record.ProductionDate; report.r_QualityGrade = record.QualityGrade; report.r_CheckedCompanyName = record.CheckedCompanyName; report.r_CheckedCompanyPhone = record.CheckedCompanyPhone; report.r_ProductionUnitsName = record.ProductionUnitsName; report.r_ProductionUnitsPhone = record.ProductionUnitsPhone; report.r_TaskSource = record.TaskSource; report.r_Standard = record.Standard; report.r_SamplingData = record.SamplingData; report.r_SampleNum = record.SampleNum; report.r_SamplingCode = record.SamplingCode; report.r_SampleArrivalData = record.SampleArrivalData; report.r_Note = record.Notes; //根据主表ID查询子表样品信息集合 DataTable dt = _resultTable.GetReportDetail(record.ID); if (dt != null && dt.Rows.Count > 0) { List <clsReportDetail> ItemNames = (List <clsReportDetail>)IListDataSet.DataTableToIList <clsReportDetail>(dt, 1); for (int i = 0; i < ItemNames.Count; i++) { ReportClass.ReportDetail reportDetail = new ReportClass.ReportDetail(); reportDetail.FoodName = ItemNames[i].FoodName; reportDetail.ProjectName = ItemNames[i].ProjectName; reportDetail.Unit = ItemNames[i].Unit; reportDetail.CheckData = ItemNames[i].CheckData; report.r_reportList.Add(reportDetail); } } } //原始打印模板 PrintPreviewWindow print = new PrintPreviewWindow("xaml\\Print\\PrintModel\\OrderDocument.xaml", report, new OrderDocumentRenderer()); print._result = record; print.Owner = this; print.ShowInTaskbar = false; print.ShowDialog(); } else { MessageBox.Show("请选择打印条目!", "操作提示"); } } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show("异常(Print):\n" + ex.Message); } }
/// <summary> /// 编辑甘肃报表 /// </summary> private void EditGS() { clsReportGS report; try { if (dataGridGS.SelectedItems.Count > 0) { report = (clsReportGS)dataGridGS.SelectedItems[0]; //根据主表ID查询子表样品信息集合 DataTable dt = _resultTable.GetReportDetailGS(report.ID); if (dt != null && dt.Rows.Count > 0) { List <clsReportGSDetail> ItemNames = (List <clsReportGSDetail>)IListDataSet.DataTableToIList <clsReportGSDetail>(dt, 1); for (int i = 0; i < ItemNames.Count; i++) { DYSeriesDataSet.DataModel.clsReportGS.ReportDetail reportDetail = new DYSeriesDataSet.DataModel.clsReportGS.ReportDetail(); reportDetail.ID = ItemNames[i].ID; reportDetail.ReportGSID = ItemNames[i].ReportGSID; reportDetail.ProjectName = ItemNames[i].ProjectName; reportDetail.InspectionStandard = ItemNames[i].InspectionStandard; reportDetail.IndividualResults = ItemNames[i].IndividualResults; reportDetail.Unit = ItemNames[i].Unit; reportDetail.IndividualDecision = ItemNames[i].IndividualDecision; report.reportDetailList.Add(reportDetail); } } UpdateReportGSWindow window = new UpdateReportGSWindow(); window.ShowInTaskbar = false; window.Owner = this; window.GetValues(report); window.ShowDialog(); SearchReportGS(); } else { MessageBox.Show("请选择编辑条目!", "操作提示"); } } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show("异常(Edit):\n" + ex.Message); } }
/// <summary> /// 双击编辑报表 甘肃 /// </summary> /// <param name="sender"></param> /// <param name="e"></param> private void dataGridGS_MouseDoubleClick(object sender, System.Windows.Input.MouseButtonEventArgs e) { if (!Global.EachDistrict.Equals("GS")) { clsReportGS report; try { if (dataGridGS.SelectedItems.Count > 0) { report = (clsReportGS)dataGridGS.SelectedItems[0]; //根据主表ID查询子表样品信息集合 DataTable dt = _resultTable.GetReportDetailGS(report.ID); if (dt != null && dt.Rows.Count > 0) { List <clsReportGSDetail> ItemNames = (List <clsReportGSDetail>)IListDataSet.DataTableToIList <clsReportGSDetail>(dt, 1); for (int i = 0; i < ItemNames.Count; i++) { DYSeriesDataSet.DataModel.clsReportGS.ReportDetail reportDetail = new DYSeriesDataSet.DataModel.clsReportGS.ReportDetail(); reportDetail.ID = ItemNames[i].ID; reportDetail.ReportGSID = ItemNames[i].ReportGSID; reportDetail.ProjectName = ItemNames[i].ProjectName; reportDetail.InspectionStandard = ItemNames[i].InspectionStandard; reportDetail.IndividualResults = ItemNames[i].IndividualResults; reportDetail.Unit = ItemNames[i].Unit; reportDetail.IndividualDecision = ItemNames[i].IndividualDecision; report.reportDetailList.Add(reportDetail); } } UpdateReportGSWindow window = new UpdateReportGSWindow(); window.ShowInTaskbar = false; window.Owner = this; window.GetValues(report); window.ShowDialog(); SearchReportGS(); } } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show("异常(Edit):\n" + ex.Message); } } }