public byte[] ProcessMessage(string msg, string authorization)
            if (!_controllerStorage.HasControllerByUuid(authorization))
                throw new UnauthorizedAccessException();
                string[] split = msg.Split('#');
                if (split.Length != 6)
                    throw new BadRequestException("Invalid message format: Unexpected count of parameter");
                    if (split[0].CompareTo("HELLO") != 0)
                        throw new BadRequestException("Invalid message format: Invalid command");
                    if (split[1].CompareTo(authorization) != 0)
                        throw new BadRequestException("Invalid message format: Authorization mismatch");
                    string uuId       = authorization;
                    string deviceName = split[2];
                    string firmwareId = split[3];
                    int    minorVersion;
                    int    majorVersion;

                    if (!Int32.TryParse(split[4], out minorVersion) || !Int32.TryParse(split[5], out majorVersion))
                        throw new BadRequestException("Invalid message format: Minor/Major version not convertible");
                    _controllerStorage.SetFirmware(uuId, minorVersion, majorVersion, firmwareId, deviceName);

                    //return preferred color

                    //return Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes("_NOPE");
                    int id = _controllerStorage.GetControllerByUuId(uuId).Id;
                    IList <ILedDataSet> leds = _ledStorage.GetAllLedsOfController(id);

                    //prepare the response message
                    byte[] responseMsg = new byte[(leds.Count * 4)];

                    for (int i = 0; i < leds.Count; i++)
                        byte[] val = ConvertRgbValue(leds[i].RgbValue);
                        responseMsg[(i * 4)]     = (byte)i;
                        responseMsg[(i * 4) + 1] = val[0];
                        responseMsg[(i * 4) + 2] = val[1];
                        responseMsg[(i * 4) + 3] = val[2];
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns an instance of <see cref="ControllerLeds"/> encompassing all <see cref="Led"/>s of the controller having the passed <see cref="Controller.Id"/>.
        /// The method throws an <see cref="ResourceNotFoundException"/> if the specified <see cref="Controller"/> does not exists.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="id"><see cref="Controller.Id"/> of the controller</param>
        /// <returns>instance of <see cref="ControllerLeds"/> encompassing the Leds</returns>
        public ControllerLeds GetLedsOfController(int id)
            if (!_controllerStorage.HasControllerById(id))
                throw new ResourceNotFoundException(ResourceNotFoundException.MSG_CONTROLLER_NOT_FOUND.Replace("{VALUE}", id + ""));
            ControllerLeds controllerLeds = new ControllerLeds();

            controllerLeds.ControllerId = id;
            foreach (ILedDataSet lds in _ledStorage.GetAllLedsOfController(id))
                Led led = new Led();
                led.ControllerId = lds.ControllerId;
                led.LedNumber    = lds.LedNumber;
                led.RgbValue     = lds.RgbValue;
