public async Task SendCompanyLeadHooked(Guid leadId, IUrlHelper url, HttpRequest httpRequest) { var company = _uow.CompanyRepository.GetFirst(); if (url == null) { if (this.Url == null) { throw new ApplicationException("IUrlHelper in the context is null."); } } if (httpRequest == null) { if (this.Request == null) { throw new ApplicationException("HttpRequest in the context is null."); } } var callbackLink = (url ?? this.Url).LeadHookedCallbackLink(leadId, (httpRequest != null) ? httpRequest.Scheme : this.Request.Scheme); var lead = _leadRepo.GetByUid(leadId); string leadTypeName = _leadTypeRepo.Get(lead.LeadTypeId)?.Name.ToLower(); string subject = $"New {leadTypeName} lead link"; await _emailSender.SendCompanyLeadHookedAsync(subject, company.Email, callbackLink); }
public object Get(DataSourceLoadOptions loadOptions) { return(DataSourceLoader.Load(_leadTypeRepo.Get(), loadOptions)); }