public static async Task <LabellingJob> CreateLabellingJob(ILabellingJobRepository jobRepo, IJobIterationRepository iterationRepo, IDataStore dataStore, IPredictiveModel model, ISelectionStrategy selectionStrategy, IStoppingCriterion stoppingCriterion, ISeedingStrategy seedingStrategy, IJobIterationNotifier notifier, IDataFormat dataFormat, int batchSize, int seedSize) { var job = new LabellingJob() { JobID = Guid.NewGuid(), DataStore = dataStore, Model = model, SelectionStrategy = selectionStrategy, StoppingCriterion = stoppingCriterion, DataFormat = dataFormat, BatchSize = batchSize }; await jobRepo.Add(job); JobIteration iteration = new JobIteration() { JobID = job.JobID, PreviousIterationID = Guid.Empty, QueryIDs = (await seedingStrategy.GetQueryIDs(dataStore, dataFormat, seedSize)).ToArray() }; await iterationRepo.Add(iteration); notifier.OnLabelsRequested(iteration); return(job); }
public static async Task <JobIteration> DoIteration(IJobIterationNotifier jobIterationNotifier, ILabellingJobRepository jobRepo, IJobIterationRepository iterationRepo, Guid jobIterationId, string[] labels) { //add the newly supplied labels to the previous jobIteration object JobIteration iteration = iterationRepo.Get(jobIterationId); iteration.QueryLabels = labels; await iterationRepo.Update(iteration); //now update the datastore with the supplied labels Guid labellingJobId = iteration.JobID; LabellingJob job = await jobRepo.Get(labellingJobId); IDataStore dataStore = job.DataStore; var idLabelLookups = iteration.QueryIDs.Zip(labels, (key, value) => new { key, value }) .ToDictionary(item => Convert.ToInt64(item.key), item => item.value); await dataStore.AddLabels(idLabelLookups); JobIteration newIteration = new JobIteration() { IterationID = Guid.NewGuid(), JobID = labellingJobId, PreviousIterationID = jobIterationId }; IEnumerable <object[]> unlabelled = await dataStore.GetUnlabelled(); IEnumerable <object[]> labelled = await dataStore.GetLabelled(); //check to see if we should stop the active labelling process IStoppingCriterion stoppingCriterion = job.StoppingCriterion; bool shouldStop = await stoppingCriterion.ShouldStop(unlabelled, labelled); if (shouldStop == false) { //we should keep going so we need to solicit a new batch of queries from the selection strategy ISelectionStrategy selectionStrategy = job.SelectionStrategy; int batchSize = job.BatchSize; var idQueries = await selectionStrategy.GenerateQuery(labelled, unlabelled, job.DataFormat, batchSize); newIteration.QueryIDs = idQueries.ToArray(); } //save the new iteration await iterationRepo.Add(newIteration); if (shouldStop) { jobIterationNotifier.LabellingJobComplete(); } else { jobIterationNotifier.OnLabelsRequested(newIteration); } return(newIteration); }