        /// <summary>Finds finite value elements</summary>
        /// <param name="A">input array</param>
        /// <returns>Logical array with 1 if the corresponding elements of input array is finite, 0 else.</returns>
        /// <remarks><para>If the input array is empty, an empty array will be returned.</para>
        /// <para>The array returned will be a dense array.</para></remarks>
        public static ILLogicalArray  isfinite(ILArray <complex> A)
            if (A.IsEmpty)
            ILDimension inDim = A.Dimensions;

            byte [] retDblArr;
            // build ILDimension
            int newLength = inDim.NumberOfElements;

            //retDblArr = new  byte [newLength];
            retDblArr = ILMemoryPool.Pool.New <byte> (newLength);
            int leadDimLen = inDim [0];

            // physical -> pointer arithmetic
                fixed(byte *pOutArr = retDblArr)
                fixed(complex * pInArr = A.m_data)
                    byte *   lastElement = pOutArr + retDblArr.Length;
                    byte *   tmpOut      = pOutArr;
                    complex *tmpIn       = pInArr;

                    while (tmpOut < lastElement)   // HC02

                        *tmpOut++ = complex.IsFinite(*tmpIn++)  ?(byte)1:(byte)0;

            return(new  ILLogicalArray(retDblArr, inDim));
        /// <summary>Locate infinite value elements</summary>
        /// <param name="A">input array</param>
        /// <returns>Logical array with 1 if the corresponding elements of input array is infinite, 0 else.</returns>
        /// <remarks><para>If the input array is empty, an empty array will be returned.</para>
        /// <para>The array returned will be a dense array.</para></remarks>
        public static ILLogicalArray  isinf(ILArray <complex> A)
            if (A.IsEmpty)
            ILDimension inDim = A.Dimensions;

            byte [] retDblArr;
            // build ILDimension
            int newLength = inDim.NumberOfElements;

            //retDblArr = new  byte [newLength];
            retDblArr = ILMemoryPool.Pool.New <byte> (newLength);
            int leadDim    = 0;
            int leadDimLen = inDim [0];

            if (A.IsReference)
                #region Reference storage
                // walk along the longest dimension (for performance reasons)
                for (int i = 1; i < inDim.NumberOfDimensions; i++)
                    if (leadDimLen < inDim [i])
                        leadDimLen = inDim [i];
                        leadDim    = i;
                ILIndexOffset idxOffset = A.m_indexOffset;
                int           incOut    = inDim.SequentialIndexDistance(leadDim);
                System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(!A.IsVector, "Reference arrays of vector size should not exist!");
                if (A.IsMatrix)
                    #region Matrix
                    ////////////////////////////   MATRIX   ////////////////////
                    int secDim = (leadDim + 1) % 2;
                        fixed(int *leadDimStart = idxOffset [leadDim],
                              secDimStart       = idxOffset [secDim])
                            fixed(byte *pOutArr = retDblArr)
                            fixed(complex * pInArr = A.m_data)
                                byte *   tmpOut     = pOutArr;
                                complex *tmpIn      = pInArr;
                                byte *   tmpOutEnd  = pOutArr + inDim.NumberOfElements - 1;
                                int *    secDimEnd  = secDimStart + idxOffset [secDim].Length;
                                int *    secDimIdx  = secDimStart;
                                int *    leadDimIdx = leadDimStart;
                                int *    leadDimEnd = leadDimStart + leadDimLen;

                                while (secDimIdx < secDimEnd)
                                    if (tmpOut > tmpOutEnd)
                                        tmpOut = pOutArr + (tmpOut - tmpOutEnd);
                                    tmpIn      = pInArr + *secDimIdx++;
                                    leadDimIdx = leadDimStart;
                                    while (leadDimIdx < leadDimEnd)     // HC00

                                        *tmpOut = complex.IsInfinity(*(tmpIn + *leadDimIdx++))  ?(byte)1:(byte)0;
                                        tmpOut += incOut;
                    #region arbitrary size
                    unsafe {
                        int [] curPosition = new int [A.Dimensions.NumberOfDimensions];
                        fixed(int *leadDimStart = idxOffset [leadDim])
                            fixed(byte *pOutArr = retDblArr)
                            fixed(complex * pInArr = A.m_data)
                                byte *   tmpOut    = pOutArr;
                                byte *   tmpOutEnd = tmpOut + retDblArr.Length - 1;
                                complex *tmpIn     = pInArr + A.getBaseIndex(0, 0);

                                tmpIn -= idxOffset [leadDim, 0];     // if the first index of leaddim is not 0, it will be added later anyway. so we subtract it here
                                int *leadDimIdx = leadDimStart;
                                int *leadDimEnd = leadDimStart + leadDimLen;
                                int  dimLen = curPosition.Length;
                                int  d, curD, count = retDblArr.Length / leadDimLen;

                                // start at first element
                                while (count-- > 0)
                                    leadDimIdx = leadDimStart;
                                    while (leadDimIdx < leadDimEnd)    //HC01

                                        *tmpOut = complex.IsInfinity(*(tmpIn + *leadDimIdx++))  ?(byte)1:(byte)0;
                                        tmpOut += incOut;
                                    if (tmpOut > tmpOutEnd)
                                        tmpOut -= retDblArr.Length - 1;

                                    // increment higher dimensions
                                    d = 1;
                                    while (d < dimLen)
                                        curD   = (d + leadDim) % dimLen;
                                        tmpIn -= idxOffset [curD, curPosition [curD]];
                                        curPosition [curD]++;
                                        if (curPosition [curD] < idxOffset [curD].Length)
                                            tmpIn += idxOffset [curD, curPosition [curD]];
                                        curPosition [curD] = 0;
                                        tmpIn += idxOffset [curD, 0];
                // physical -> pointer arithmetic
                #region physical storage
                    fixed(byte *pOutArr = retDblArr)
                    fixed(complex * pInArr = A.m_data)
                        byte *   lastElement = pOutArr + retDblArr.Length;
                        byte *   tmpOut      = pOutArr;
                        complex *tmpIn       = pInArr;

                        while (tmpOut < lastElement)   // HC02

                            *tmpOut++ = complex.IsInfinity(*tmpIn++)  ?(byte)1:(byte)0;
            return(new  ILLogicalArray(retDblArr, inDim));
        /// <summary>determine, if any elements are nonzero</summary>
        /// <param name="A">N-dimensional array</param>
        /// <param name="leadDim">index of dimension to operate along</param>
        /// <returns><para>array of same size as A, having the 'leadDim's dimension reduced to 1, if any elements along that dimension are non-zero, '0' else. </para></returns>
        public static ILLogicalArray  any(ILArray <complex> A, int leadDim)
            if (A.IsEmpty)
            if (A.IsScalar)
                return(new ILLogicalArray(new byte [1] {
                }, 1, 1));
            if (leadDim >= A.Dimensions.NumberOfDimensions)
                throw new ILArgumentException("dimension parameter out of range!");
            ILDimension inDim = A.Dimensions;

            int[] newDims  = inDim.ToIntArray();
            int   tmpCount = 0;
            int   newLength;

            byte [] retDblArr;
            // build ILDimension
            newLength        = inDim.NumberOfElements / newDims[leadDim];
            newDims[leadDim] = 1;
            retDblArr        = ILMemoryPool.Pool.New <byte>(newLength);
            ILDimension newDimension = new ILDimension(newDims);
            int         incOut       = newDimension.SequentialIndexDistance(leadDim);
            int         leadDimLen   = inDim[leadDim];
            int         nrHigherDims = inDim.NumberOfElements / leadDimLen;

            // physical -> pointer arithmetic
            if (leadDim == 0)
                #region physical along 1st leading dimension
                    fixed(byte *pOutArr = retDblArr)
                    fixed(complex * pInArr = A.m_data)
                        complex *lastElement;
                        byte *   tmpOut = pOutArr;
                        complex *tmpIn  = pInArr;

                        for (int h = nrHigherDims; h-- > 0;)
                            lastElement = tmpIn + leadDimLen;

                            while (tmpIn < lastElement)
                                tmpCount += ((*tmpIn++).iszero())?0:1;
                            *tmpOut = (tmpCount == 0)? (byte)0:(byte)1; tmpCount = 0;
                #region physical along abitrary dimension
                // sum along abitrary dimension
                    fixed(byte *pOutArr = retDblArr)
                    fixed(complex * pInArr = A.m_data)
                        byte *   lastElementOut = newLength + pOutArr - 1;
                        int      inLength       = inDim.NumberOfElements - 1;
                        complex *lastElementIn  = pInArr + inLength;
                        int      inc            = inDim.SequentialIndexDistance(leadDim);
                        byte *   tmpOut         = pOutArr;
                        int      outLength      = newLength - 1;
                        complex *leadEnd;
                        complex *tmpIn = pInArr;

                        for (int h = nrHigherDims; h-- > 0;)
                            leadEnd = tmpIn + leadDimLen * inc;

                            while (tmpIn < leadEnd)
                                tmpCount += ((*tmpIn).iszero())?0:1;
                                tmpIn    += inc;
                            *tmpOut = (tmpCount == 0)? (byte)0:(byte)1; tmpCount = 0;
                            tmpOut += inc;
                            if (tmpOut > lastElementOut)
                                tmpOut = pOutArr + ((tmpOut - pOutArr) - outLength);
                            if (tmpIn > lastElementIn)
                                tmpIn = pInArr + ((tmpIn - pInArr) - inLength);

            return(new  ILLogicalArray(retDblArr, newDims));;