public void StepExecutionComplete(IJTXJob job, int stepId, IJTXExecuteInfo execInfo)
     lock (m_queuedMessages)
         m_queuedMessages.Add("Finished running step '" + stepId.ToString() + "' for job: " + job.ID.ToString());
        /// <summary>
        /// Required by IGPFunction2 interface; this function is called when the GP tool is ready to be executed.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="paramValues"></param>
        /// <param name="trackCancel"></param>
        /// <param name="envMgr"></param>
        /// <param name="msgs"></param>
        public override void Execute(IArray paramValues, ITrackCancel trackCancel, IGPEnvironmentManager envMgr, IGPMessages msgs)
            // Do some common error-checking
            base.Execute(paramValues, trackCancel, envMgr, msgs);

            // Assign the requested job
                IJTXJobManager         jobManager = this.WmxDatabase.JobManager;
                IJTXWorkflowExecution3 jobExec    = jobManager.GetJob(m_jobId) as IJTXWorkflowExecution3;

                // Don't try to deal with the case of multiple active steps
                int[] currentStepIds = jobExec.GetCurrentSteps();
                if (currentStepIds.Length != 1)
                    throw new WmauException(WmauErrorCodes.C_NO_OR_MULTIPLE_STEPS_ERROR);

                jobExec.RunStepChecks(currentStepIds[0], true);
                IJTXExecuteInfo execInfo = jobExec.RunStep(currentStepIds[0], false, true, false, this);
                if (execInfo.ThrewError)
                    throw new WmauException(
                              new Exception(execInfo.ErrorCode.ToString() + ": " + execInfo.ErrorDescription));

                // Set the output parameter
                WmauParameterMap  paramMap     = new WmauParameterMap(paramValues);
                IGPParameterEdit3 outParamEdit = paramMap.GetParamEdit(C_PARAM_OUT_JOB_ID);
                IGPLong           outValue     = new GPLongClass();
                outValue.Value     = m_jobId;
                outParamEdit.Value = outValue as IGPValue;

            catch (WmauException wmEx)
                    msgs.AddError(wmEx.ErrorCodeAsInt, wmEx.Message);
                    // Catch anything else that possibly happens
            catch (Exception ex)
                WmauError error = new WmauError(WmauErrorCodes.C_UNSPECIFIED_ERROR);
                msgs.AddError(error.ErrorCodeAsInt, error.Message + "; " + ex.Message);