public void HandleDeathLocationIJE() { IJEMortality ije1 = new IJEMortality(File.ReadAllText(FixturePath("fixtures/ije/DeathLocation.ije")), true); DeathRecord dr = ije1.ToDeathRecord(); IJEMortality ije1rt = new IJEMortality(dr); Assert.Equal("4", ije1rt.DPLACE); }
public void HandleUnknownBirthRecordId() { IJEMortality ije1 = new IJEMortality(File.ReadAllText(FixturePath("fixtures/ije/UnknownBirthRecordId.ije")), true); DeathRecord dr1 = ije1.ToDeathRecord(); Assert.Null(dr1.BirthRecordId); IJEMortality ije1rt = new IJEMortality(dr1); Assert.Equal("", ije1rt.BCNO); }
public void HandleOtherCODandCOUNTYC() { IJEMortality ije1 = new IJEMortality(File.ReadAllText(FixturePath("fixtures/ije/CODandCOUNTYCOther.ije")), true); Assert.Equal("000", ije1.COD); Assert.Equal("000", ije1.COUNTYC); DeathRecord dr1 = ije1.ToDeathRecord(); Assert.Equal("OTH", dr1.DeathLocationAddress["addressCounty"]); Assert.Equal("OTH", dr1.Residence["addressCounty"]); }
public static string SendResponse(HttpListenerRequest request) { string requestBody = GetBodyContent(request); DeathRecord deathRecord = null; Console.WriteLine($"Request from: {request.UserHostAddress}, type: {request.ContentType}, url: {request.RawUrl}."); // Look at content type to determine input format; be permissive in what we accept as format specification switch (request.ContentType) { case string ijeType when new Regex(@"ije").IsMatch(ijeType): // application/ije IJEMortality ije = new IJEMortality(requestBody); deathRecord = ije.ToDeathRecord(); break; case string nightingaleType when new Regex(@"nightingale").IsMatch(nightingaleType): deathRecord = Nightingale.FromNightingale(requestBody); break; case string jsonType when new Regex(@"json").IsMatch(jsonType): // application/fhir+json case string xmlType when new Regex(@"xml").IsMatch(xmlType): // application/fhir+xml default: deathRecord = new DeathRecord(requestBody); break; } // Look at URL extension to determine output format; be permissive in what we accept as format specification string result = ""; switch (request.RawUrl) { case string url when new Regex(@"(ije|mor)$").IsMatch(url): // .mor or .ije IJEMortality ije = new IJEMortality(deathRecord); result = ije.ToString(); break; case string url when new Regex(@"json$").IsMatch(url): // .json result = deathRecord.ToJSON(); break; case string url when new Regex(@"xml$").IsMatch(url): // .xml result = deathRecord.ToXML(); break; case string url when new Regex(@"nightingale$").IsMatch(url): // .nightingale result = Nightingale.ToNightingale(deathRecord); break; } return(result); }
public (Record record, List <Dictionary <string, string> > issues) NewPost() { string input; using (StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(Request.Body, Encoding.UTF8)) { input = reader.ReadToEnd(); } if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(input)) { if (input.Trim().StartsWith("<") || input.Trim().StartsWith("{")) // XML or JSON? { return(Record.CheckGet(input, false)); } else { try // IJE? { if (input.Length != 5000) { return(null, new List <Dictionary <string, string> > { new Dictionary <string, string> { { "severity", "error" }, { "message", "The given input does not appear to be a valid record." } } }); } IJEMortality ije = new IJEMortality(input); DeathRecord deathRecord = ije.ToDeathRecord(); return(new Record(deathRecord), new List <Dictionary <string, string> > { }); } catch (Exception e) { return(null, new List <Dictionary <string, string> > { new Dictionary <string, string> { { "severity", "error" }, { "message", e.Message } } }); } } } else { return(null, new List <Dictionary <string, string> > { new Dictionary <string, string> { { "severity", "error" }, { "message", "The given input appears to be empty." } } }); } }
public void HandleOtherEthnicityDataInIJE() { IJEMortality ije1 = new IJEMortality(File.ReadAllText(FixturePath("fixtures/ije/EthnicityOtherCase.ije")), true); DeathRecord dr1 = ije1.ToDeathRecord(); IJEMortality ije1rt = new IJEMortality(dr1); Assert.Equal("N", ije1rt.DETHNIC1); Assert.Equal("N", ije1rt.DETHNIC2); Assert.Equal("N", ije1rt.DETHNIC3); Assert.Equal("H", ije1rt.DETHNIC4); Assert.Equal("Guatemalan", ije1rt.DETHNIC5); IJEMortality ije2 = new IJEMortality(File.ReadAllText(FixturePath("fixtures/ije/EthnicityOtherCaseNoWriteIn.ije")), true); DeathRecord dr2 = ije2.ToDeathRecord(); IJEMortality ije2rt = new IJEMortality(dr2); Assert.Equal("N", ije2rt.DETHNIC1); Assert.Equal("N", ije2rt.DETHNIC2); Assert.Equal("N", ije2rt.DETHNIC3); Assert.Equal("H", ije2rt.DETHNIC4); IJEMortality ije3 = new IJEMortality(File.ReadAllText(FixturePath("fixtures/ije/EthnicityPlusOtherCase.ije")), true); DeathRecord dr3 = ije3.ToDeathRecord(); IJEMortality ije3rt = new IJEMortality(dr3); Assert.Equal("H", ije3rt.DETHNIC1); Assert.Equal("N", ije3rt.DETHNIC2); Assert.Equal("N", ije3rt.DETHNIC3); Assert.Equal("H", ije3rt.DETHNIC4); Assert.Equal("Guatemalan", ije3rt.DETHNIC5); IJEMortality ije4 = new IJEMortality(File.ReadAllText(FixturePath("fixtures/ije/EthnicityAllH.ije")), true); DeathRecord dr4 = ije4.ToDeathRecord(); IJEMortality ije4rt = new IJEMortality(dr4); Assert.Equal("H", ije4rt.DETHNIC1); Assert.Equal("H", ije4rt.DETHNIC2); Assert.Equal("H", ije4rt.DETHNIC3); Assert.Equal("H", ije4rt.DETHNIC4); // the only time unkown are preserved in a roundtrip is when all DETHNIC fields are unknown IJEMortality ije5 = new IJEMortality(File.ReadAllText(FixturePath("fixtures/ije/EthnicityAllUnknown.ije")), true); DeathRecord dr5 = ije5.ToDeathRecord(); IJEMortality ije5rt = new IJEMortality(dr5); Assert.Equal("U", ije5rt.DETHNIC1); Assert.Equal("U", ije5rt.DETHNIC2); Assert.Equal("U", ije5rt.DETHNIC3); Assert.Equal("U", ije5rt.DETHNIC4); }
public void HandleUnknownDOBParts() { IJEMortality ije1 = new IJEMortality(File.ReadAllText(FixturePath("fixtures/ije/DOBDatePartAbsent.ije")), true); Assert.Equal("9999", ije1.DOB_YR); Assert.Equal("01", ije1.DOB_MO); Assert.Equal("01", ije1.DOB_DY); DeathRecord dr1 = ije1.ToDeathRecord(); Assert.True(dr1.DateOfBirthDatePartAbsent != null); Tuple <string, string>[] datePart = { Tuple.Create("year-absent-reason", "unknown"), Tuple.Create("date-month", "1"), Tuple.Create("date-day", "1") }; Assert.Equal(datePart[0], dr1.DateOfBirthDatePartAbsent[0]); Assert.Equal(datePart[1], dr1.DateOfBirthDatePartAbsent[1]); Assert.Equal(datePart[2], dr1.DateOfBirthDatePartAbsent[2]); Assert.Equal("9999-01-01", dr1.DateOfBirth); }
static int Main(string[] args) { if (args.Length == 0) { DeathRecord deathRecord = new DeathRecord(); // Identifier deathRecord.Identifier = "1"; // CertifiedTime deathRecord.CertifiedTime = "2019-01-29T16:48:06-05:00"; // RegisteredTime deathRecord.RegisteredTime = "2019-02-01T16:47:04-05:00"; // CertificationRole Dictionary <string, string> certificationRole = new Dictionary <string, string>(); certificationRole.Add("code", "434641000124105"); certificationRole.Add("system", ""); certificationRole.Add("display", "Physician"); deathRecord.CertificationRole = certificationRole; // InterestedPartyIdentifier var ipId = new Dictionary <string, string>(); ipId["system"] = ""; ipId["value"] = "0000000000"; deathRecord.InterestedPartyIdentifier = ipId; // InterestedPartyName deathRecord.InterestedPartyName = "Example Hospital"; // InterestedPartyAddress Dictionary <string, string> address = new Dictionary <string, string>(); address.Add("addressLine1", "10 Example Street"); address.Add("addressLine2", "Line 2"); address.Add("addressCity", "Bedford"); address.Add("addressCounty", "Middlesex"); address.Add("addressState", "MA"); address.Add("addressZip", "01730"); address.Add("addressCountry", "United States"); deathRecord.InterestedPartyAddress = address; // InterestedPartyType Dictionary <string, string> type = new Dictionary <string, string>(); type.Add("code", "prov"); type.Add("system", ""); type.Add("display", "Healthcare Provider"); deathRecord.InterestedPartyType = type; // State Local Identifier deathRecord.StateLocalIdentifier = "42"; // MannerOfDeathType Dictionary <string, string> mannerOfDeathType = new Dictionary <string, string>(); mannerOfDeathType.Add("code", "7878000"); mannerOfDeathType.Add("system", ""); mannerOfDeathType.Add("display", "Accidental death"); deathRecord.MannerOfDeathType = mannerOfDeathType; // CertifierGivenNames string[] cnames = { "Doctor", "Middle" }; deathRecord.CertifierGivenNames = cnames; // CertifierFamilyName deathRecord.CertifierFamilyName = "Last"; // CertifierSuffix deathRecord.CertifierSuffix = "Jr."; // CertifierAddress Dictionary <string, string> caddress = new Dictionary <string, string>(); caddress.Add("addressLine1", "11 Example Street"); caddress.Add("addressLine2", "Line 2"); caddress.Add("addressCity", "Bedford"); caddress.Add("addressCounty", "Middlesex"); caddress.Add("addressState", "MA"); caddress.Add("addressZip", "01730"); caddress.Add("addressCountry", "United States"); deathRecord.CertifierAddress = caddress; Dictionary <string, string> certifierIdentifier = new Dictionary <string, string>(); certifierIdentifier.Add("system", ""); certifierIdentifier.Add("value", "1234567890"); deathRecord.CertifierIdentifier = certifierIdentifier; // CertifierLicenseNumber deathRecord.CertifierLicenseNumber = "789123456"; // CertifierQualification Dictionary <string, string> qualification = new Dictionary <string, string>(); qualification.Add("code", "434641000124105"); qualification.Add("system", ""); qualification.Add("display", "Physician certified and pronounced death certificate"); deathRecord.CertifierQualification = qualification; // ContributingConditions deathRecord.ContributingConditions = "Example Contributing Conditions"; // COD1A deathRecord.COD1A = "Rupture of myocardium"; // INTERVAL1A deathRecord.INTERVAL1A = "minutes"; // CODE1A Dictionary <string, string> code1a = new Dictionary <string, string>(); code1a.Add("code", "I21.0"); code1a.Add("system", ""); code1a.Add("display", "Acute transmural myocardial infarction of anterior wall"); deathRecord.CODE1A = code1a; // COD1B deathRecord.COD1B = "Acute myocardial infarction"; // INTERVAL1B deathRecord.INTERVAL1B = "6 days"; // CODE1B Dictionary <string, string> code1b = new Dictionary <string, string>(); code1b.Add("code", "I21.9"); code1b.Add("system", ""); code1b.Add("display", "Acute myocardial infarction, unspecified"); deathRecord.CODE1B = code1b; // COD1C deathRecord.COD1C = "Coronary artery thrombosis"; // INTERVAL1C deathRecord.INTERVAL1C = "5 years"; // COD1D deathRecord.COD1D = "Atherosclerotic coronary artery disease"; // INTERVAL1D deathRecord.INTERVAL1D = "7 years"; // GivenNames deathRecord.GivenNames = new string[] { "Example", "Something", "Middle" }; // FamilyName deathRecord.FamilyName = "Last"; // AliasGivenNames deathRecord.AliasGivenNames = new string[] { "FirstNameAlias", "MiddleAlias" }; // AliasFamilyName deathRecord.AliasFamilyName = "LastNameAlias"; // AliasSuffix deathRecord.AliasSuffix = "Jr."; // Suffix deathRecord.Suffix = "Jr."; // Gender deathRecord.Gender = "male"; // BirthSex deathRecord.BirthSex = "F"; // DateOfBirth deathRecord.DateOfBirth = "1940-02-19"; // Residence Dictionary <string, string> raddress = new Dictionary <string, string>(); raddress.Add("addressLine1", "101 Example Street"); raddress.Add("addressLine2", "Line 2"); raddress.Add("addressCity", "Bedford"); raddress.Add("addressCounty", "Middlesex"); raddress.Add("addressState", "MA"); raddress.Add("addressZip", "01730"); raddress.Add("addressCountry", "United States"); deathRecord.Residence = raddress; // ResidenceWithinCityLimits deathRecord.ResidenceWithinCityLimitsBoolean = false; // SSN deathRecord.SSN = "123456789"; // Ethnicity Tuple <string, string>[] ethnicity = { Tuple.Create("Hispanic or Latino", "2135-2"), Tuple.Create("Puerto Rican", "2180-8") }; deathRecord.Ethnicity = ethnicity; // Race Tuple <string, string>[] race = { Tuple.Create("White", "2106-3"), Tuple.Create("Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander", "2076-8"), Tuple.Create("Native Hawaiian", "2079-2") }; deathRecord.Race = race; // MaritalStatus Dictionary <string, string> mscode = new Dictionary <string, string>(); mscode.Add("code", "S"); mscode.Add("system", ""); mscode.Add("display", "Never Married"); deathRecord.MaritalStatus = mscode; // FatherGivenNames string[] fnames = { "Father", "Middle" }; deathRecord.FatherGivenNames = fnames; // FatherFamilyName deathRecord.FatherFamilyName = "Last"; // FatherSuffix deathRecord.FatherSuffix = "Sr."; // MotherGivenNames string[] mnames = { "Mother", "Middle" }; deathRecord.MotherGivenNames = mnames; // MotherMaidenName deathRecord.MotherMaidenName = "Maiden"; // MotherSuffix deathRecord.MotherSuffix = "Dr."; // SpouseGivenNames string[] spnames = { "Spouse", "Middle" }; deathRecord.SpouseGivenNames = spnames; // SpouseFamilyName deathRecord.SpouseFamilyName = "Last"; // SpouseSuffix deathRecord.SpouseSuffix = "Ph.D."; // EducationLevel Dictionary <string, string> elevel = new Dictionary <string, string>(); elevel.Add("code", "BD"); elevel.Add("system", ""); elevel.Add("display", "College or baccalaureate degree complete"); deathRecord.EducationLevel = elevel; // BirthRecordId deathRecord.BirthRecordId = "4242123"; // BirthRecordState Dictionary <string, string> brs = new Dictionary <string, string>(); brs.Add("code", "US-MA"); brs.Add("system", "urn:iso:std:iso:3166:-2"); brs.Add("display", "Massachusetts"); deathRecord.BirthRecordState = brs; // BirthRecordYear deathRecord.BirthRecordYear = "1940"; // UsualOccupation deathRecord.UsualOccupation = "secretary"; deathRecord.UsualOccupationStart = "1965-01-01"; deathRecord.UsualOccupationEnd = "2010-01-01"; // UsualIndustry deathRecord.UsualIndustry = "State agency"; // MilitaryService Dictionary <string, string> mserv = new Dictionary <string, string>(); mserv.Add("code", "Y"); mserv.Add("system", ""); mserv.Add("display", "Yes"); deathRecord.MilitaryService = mserv; // MorticianGivenNames string[] fdnames = { "FD", "Middle" }; deathRecord.MorticianGivenNames = fdnames; // MorticianFamilyName deathRecord.MorticianFamilyName = "Last"; // MorticianSuffix deathRecord.MorticianSuffix = "Jr."; // MorticianIdentifier var mortId = new Dictionary <string, string>(); mortId["value"] = "9876543210"; mortId["system"] = ""; deathRecord.MorticianIdentifier = mortId; // FuneralHomeAddress Dictionary <string, string> fdaddress = new Dictionary <string, string>(); fdaddress.Add("addressLine1", "1011010 Example Street"); fdaddress.Add("addressLine2", "Line 2"); fdaddress.Add("addressCity", "Bedford"); fdaddress.Add("addressCounty", "Middlesex"); fdaddress.Add("addressState", "MA"); fdaddress.Add("addressZip", "01730"); fdaddress.Add("addressCountry", "United States"); deathRecord.FuneralHomeAddress = fdaddress; // FuneralHomeName deathRecord.FuneralHomeName = "Smith Funeral Home"; // FuneralDirectorPhone deathRecord.FuneralDirectorPhone = "000-000-0000"; // DispositionLocationAddress Dictionary <string, string> dladdress = new Dictionary <string, string>(); dladdress.Add("addressLine1", "603 Example Street"); dladdress.Add("addressLine2", "Line 2"); dladdress.Add("addressCity", "Bedford"); dladdress.Add("addressCounty", "Middlesex"); dladdress.Add("addressState", "MA"); dladdress.Add("addressZip", "01730"); dladdress.Add("addressCountry", "United States"); deathRecord.DispositionLocationAddress = dladdress; // DispositionLocationName deathRecord.DispositionLocationName = "Bedford Cemetery"; // DecedentDispositionMethod Dictionary <string, string> ddm = new Dictionary <string, string>(); ddm.Add("code", "449971000124106"); ddm.Add("system", ""); ddm.Add("display", "Burial"); deathRecord.DecedentDispositionMethod = ddm; // AutopsyPerformedIndicator Dictionary <string, string> api = new Dictionary <string, string>(); api.Add("code", "Y"); api.Add("system", ""); api.Add("display", "Yes"); deathRecord.AutopsyPerformedIndicator = api; // AutopsyResultsAvailable Dictionary <string, string> ara = new Dictionary <string, string>(); ara.Add("code", "Y"); ara.Add("system", ""); ara.Add("display", "Yes"); deathRecord.AutopsyResultsAvailable = ara; // PregnancyStatus Dictionary <string, string> ps = new Dictionary <string, string>(); ps.Add("code", "NA"); ps.Add("system", ""); ps.Add("display", "not applicable"); deathRecord.PregnancyStatus = ps; // TransportationRole Dictionary <string, string> tr = new Dictionary <string, string>(); tr.Add("code", "257500003"); tr.Add("system", ""); tr.Add("display", "Passenger"); deathRecord.TransportationRole = tr; // ExaminerContacted deathRecord.ExaminerContactedBoolean = false; // TobaccoUse Dictionary <string, string> tbu = new Dictionary <string, string>(); tbu.Add("code", "373066001"); tbu.Add("system", ""); tbu.Add("display", "Yes"); deathRecord.TobaccoUse = tbu; // InjuryLocationAddress Dictionary <string, string> iladdress = new Dictionary <string, string>(); iladdress.Add("addressLine1", "781 Example Street"); iladdress.Add("addressLine2", "Line 2"); iladdress.Add("addressCity", "Bedford"); iladdress.Add("addressCounty", "Middlesex"); iladdress.Add("addressState", "MA"); iladdress.Add("addressZip", "01730"); iladdress.Add("addressCountry", "United States"); deathRecord.InjuryLocationAddress = iladdress; // InjuryLocationName deathRecord.InjuryLocationName = "Example Injury Location Name"; // InjuryDescription deathRecord.InjuryDescription = "Example Injury Description"; // InjuryLocationDescription deathRecord.InjuryLocationDescription = "Example Injury Location Description"; // InjuryDate deathRecord.InjuryDate = "2018-02-19T16:48:06-05:00"; // InjuryAtWork Dictionary <string, string> codeIW = new Dictionary <string, string>(); codeIW.Add("code", "N"); codeIW.Add("system", ""); codeIW.Add("display", "No"); deathRecord.InjuryAtWork = codeIW; // TransportationInjury Dictionary <string, string> codeTI = new Dictionary <string, string>(); codeTI.Add("code", "Y"); codeTI.Add("system", ""); codeTI.Add("display", "Yes"); deathRecord.TransportationEvent = codeTI; // InjuryPlace Dictionary <string, string> ip = new Dictionary <string, string>(); ip["code"] = "0"; ip["system"] = "urn:oid:2.16.840.1.114222.4.5.320"; ip["display"] = "Home"; deathRecord.InjuryPlace = ip; // DeathLocationAddress Dictionary <string, string> dtladdress = new Dictionary <string, string>(); dtladdress.Add("addressLine1", "671 Example Street"); dtladdress.Add("addressLine2", "Line 2"); dtladdress.Add("addressCity", "Bedford"); dtladdress.Add("addressCounty", "Middlesex"); dtladdress.Add("addressState", "MA"); dtladdress.Add("addressZip", "01730"); dtladdress.Add("addressCountry", "United States"); deathRecord.DeathLocationAddress = dtladdress; // DeathLocationName deathRecord.DeathLocationName = "Example Death Location Name"; // DeathLocationDescription deathRecord.DeathLocationDescription = "Example Death Location Description"; // DeathLocationType Dictionary <string, string> deathLocationCode = new Dictionary <string, string>(); deathLocationCode.Add("code", "16983000"); deathLocationCode.Add("system", ""); deathLocationCode.Add("display", "Death in hospital"); deathRecord.DeathLocationType = deathLocationCode; // DeathLocationJurisdiction deathRecord.DeathLocationJurisdiction = "MA"; // DateOfDeath deathRecord.DateOfDeath = "2018-02-19T16:48:06-05:00"; // AgeAtDeath Dictionary <string, string> aad = new Dictionary <string, string>(); aad.Add("unit", "a"); aad.Add("value", "79"); deathRecord.AgeAtDeath = aad; // DateOfDeathPronouncement deathRecord.DateOfDeathPronouncement = "2018-02-20T16:48:06-05:00"; // PronouncerGivenNames string[] pronouncer_gnames = { "FD", "Middle" }; deathRecord.PronouncerGivenNames = pronouncer_gnames; // PronouncerFamilyName deathRecord.PronouncerFamilyName = "Last"; // PronouncerSuffix deathRecord.PronouncerSuffix = "Jr."; // PronouncerIdentifier var pronouncerId = new Dictionary <string, string>(); pronouncerId["value"] = "0000000000"; pronouncerId["system"] = ""; deathRecord.PronouncerIdentifier = pronouncerId; Console.WriteLine(XDocument.Parse(deathRecord.ToXML()).ToString() + "\n\n"); //Console.WriteLine(Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(deathRecord.ToJSON()), Newtonsoft.Json.Formatting.Indented) + "\n\n"); return(0); } else if (args.Length == 2 && args[0] == "description") { DeathRecord d = new DeathRecord(File.ReadAllText(args[1])); Console.WriteLine(d.ToDescription()); return(0); } else if (args.Length == 2 && args[0] == "2ije") { DeathRecord d = new DeathRecord(File.ReadAllText(args[1])); IJEMortality ije1 = new IJEMortality(d); Console.WriteLine(ije1.ToString()); return(0); } else if (args.Length == 2 && args[0] == "ije2xml") { IJEMortality ije1 = new IJEMortality(File.ReadAllText(args[1])); DeathRecord d = ije1.ToDeathRecord(); Console.WriteLine(XDocument.Parse(d.ToXML()).ToString()); return(0); } else if (args.Length == 2 && args[0] == "ije2json") { IJEMortality ije1 = new IJEMortality(File.ReadAllText(args[1])); DeathRecord d = ije1.ToDeathRecord(); Console.WriteLine(d.ToJSON()); return(0); } else if (args.Length == 2 && args[0] == "json2xml") { DeathRecord d = new DeathRecord(File.ReadAllText(args[1])); Console.WriteLine(XDocument.Parse(d.ToXML()).ToString()); return(0); } else if (args.Length == 2 && args[0] == "checkXml") { DeathRecord d = new DeathRecord(File.ReadAllText(args[1]), true); Console.WriteLine(XDocument.Parse(d.ToXML()).ToString()); return(0); } else if (args.Length == 2 && args[0] == "checkJson") { DeathRecord d = new DeathRecord(File.ReadAllText(args[1]), true); Console.WriteLine(d.ToJSON()); return(0); } else if (args.Length == 2 && args[0] == "xml2json") { DeathRecord d = new DeathRecord(File.ReadAllText(args[1])); Console.WriteLine(d.ToJSON()); return(0); } else if (args.Length == 2 && args[0] == "xml2xml") { // Forces record through getters and then setters, prints as xml DeathRecord indr = new DeathRecord(File.ReadAllText(args[1])); DeathRecord outdr = new DeathRecord(); List <PropertyInfo> properties = typeof(DeathRecord).GetProperties().ToList(); foreach (PropertyInfo property in properties) { if (property.Name.Contains("CausesOfDeath") || property.Name.Contains("CertifierQualification")) { continue; } property.SetValue(outdr, property.GetValue(indr)); } Console.WriteLine(XDocument.Parse(outdr.ToXML()).ToString()); return(0); } else if (args.Length == 2 && args[0] == "json2json") { // Forces record through getters and then setters, prints as JSON DeathRecord indr = new DeathRecord(File.ReadAllText(args[1])); DeathRecord outdr = new DeathRecord(); List <PropertyInfo> properties = typeof(DeathRecord).GetProperties().ToList(); foreach (PropertyInfo property in properties) { if (property.Name.Contains("CausesOfDeath") || property.Name.Contains("CertifierQualification")) { continue; } property.SetValue(outdr, property.GetValue(indr)); } Console.WriteLine(outdr.ToJSON()); return(0); } else if (args.Length == 2 && args[0] == "roundtrip-ije") { Console.WriteLine("Converting FHIR to IJE...\n"); DeathRecord d = new DeathRecord(File.ReadAllText(args[1])); //Console.WriteLine(XDocument.Parse(d.ToXML()).ToString() + "\n"); IJEMortality ije1 = new IJEMortality(d); //Console.WriteLine(ije1.ToString() + "\n\n"); IJEMortality ije2 = new IJEMortality(ije1.ToString()); //Console.WriteLine(ije2.ToString() + "\n\n"); //Console.WriteLine(XDocument.Parse(ije2.ToDeathRecord().ToXML()).ToString() + "\n"); IJEMortality ije3 = new IJEMortality(new DeathRecord(ije2.ToDeathRecord().ToXML())); int issues = 0; int total = 0; foreach (PropertyInfo property in typeof(IJEMortality).GetProperties()) { string val1 = Convert.ToString(property.GetValue(ije1, null)); string val2 = Convert.ToString(property.GetValue(ije2, null)); string val3 = Convert.ToString(property.GetValue(ije3, null)); IJEField info = (IJEField)property.GetCustomAttributes().First(); if (val1.ToUpper() != val2.ToUpper() || val1.ToUpper() != val3.ToUpper() || val2.ToUpper() != val3.ToUpper()) { issues++; Console.WriteLine($"[MISMATCH]\t{info.Name}: {info.Contents} \t\t\"{val1}\" != \"{val2}\" != \"{val3}\""); } total++; } Console.WriteLine($"\n{issues} issues out of {total} total fields."); return(issues); } else if (args.Length == 2 && args[0] == "roundtrip-all") { DeathRecord d1 = new DeathRecord(File.ReadAllText(args[1])); DeathRecord d2 = new DeathRecord(d1.ToJSON()); DeathRecord d3 = new DeathRecord(); List <PropertyInfo> properties = typeof(DeathRecord).GetProperties().ToList(); foreach (PropertyInfo property in properties) { if (property.Name.Contains("CausesOfDeath") || property.Name.Contains("Boolean")) { continue; } property.SetValue(d3, property.GetValue(d2)); } int good = 0; int bad = 0; foreach (PropertyInfo property in properties) { if (property.Name.Contains("CausesOfDeath") || property.Name.Contains("Boolean")) { continue; } string one; string two; string three; if (property.PropertyType.ToString() == "System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2[System.String,System.String]") { Dictionary <string, string> oneDict = (Dictionary <string, string>)property.GetValue(d1); one = String.Join(", ", oneDict.Select(x => x.Key + "=" + x.Value).ToArray()); two = String.Join(", ", ((Dictionary <string, string>)property.GetValue(d2)).Select(x => x.Key + "=" + x.Value).ToArray()); three = String.Join(", ", ((Dictionary <string, string>)property.GetValue(d3)).Select(x => x.Key + "=" + x.Value).ToArray()); } else if (property.PropertyType.ToString() == "System.String[]") { one = String.Join(", ", (string[])property.GetValue(d1)); two = String.Join(", ", (string[])property.GetValue(d2)); three = String.Join(", ", (string[])property.GetValue(d3)); } else { one = Convert.ToString(property.GetValue(d1)); two = Convert.ToString(property.GetValue(d2)); three = Convert.ToString(property.GetValue(d3)); } if (one.ToLower() != three.ToLower()) { Console.WriteLine("[MISMATCH]\t" + $"\"{one}\" (property: {property.Name}) does not equal \"{three}\"" + $" 1:\"{one}\" 2:\"{two}\" 3:\"{three}\""); bad++; } else { Console.WriteLine("[MATCH]\t" + $"\"{one}\" (property: {property.Name}) equals \"{three}\"" + $" 1:\"{one}\" 2:\"{two}\" 3:\"{three}\""); good++; } } Console.WriteLine($"\n{bad} mismatches out of {good + bad} total properties checked."); if (bad > 0) { return(1); } else { return(0); } } else if (args.Length == 2 && args[0] == "ije") { string ijeString = File.ReadAllText(args[1]); List <PropertyInfo> properties = typeof(IJEMortality).GetProperties().ToList().OrderBy(p => ((IJEField)p.GetCustomAttributes().First()).Field).ToList(); foreach (PropertyInfo property in properties) { IJEField info = (IJEField)property.GetCustomAttributes().First(); string field = ijeString.Substring(info.Location - 1, info.Length); Console.WriteLine($"{info.Field, -5} {info.Name,-15} {Truncate(info.Contents, 75), -75}: \"{field + "\"",-80}"); } } else if (args.Length == 3 && args[0] == "compare") { string ijeString1 = File.ReadAllText(args[1]); DeathRecord record2 = new DeathRecord(File.ReadAllText(args[2])); IJEMortality ije2 = new IJEMortality(record2); string ijeString2 = ije2.ToString(); List <PropertyInfo> properties = typeof(IJEMortality).GetProperties().ToList().OrderBy(p => ((IJEField)p.GetCustomAttributes().First()).Field).ToList(); int differences = 0; foreach (PropertyInfo property in properties) { IJEField info = (IJEField)property.GetCustomAttributes().First(); string field1 = ijeString1.Substring(info.Location - 1, info.Length); string field2 = ijeString2.Substring(info.Location - 1, info.Length); if (field1 != field2) { differences += 1; Console.WriteLine($"1: {info.Field, -5} {info.Name,-15} {Truncate(info.Contents, 75), -75}: \"{field1 + "\"",-80}"); Console.WriteLine($"2: {info.Field, -5} {info.Name,-15} {Truncate(info.Contents, 75), -75}: \"{field2 + "\"",-80}"); Console.WriteLine(); } } Console.WriteLine($"Differences detected: {differences}"); return(differences); } else if (args.Length == 2 && args[0] == "extract") { BaseMessage message = BaseMessage.Parse(File.ReadAllText(args[1])); switch (message) { case DeathRecordSubmission submission: var record = submission.DeathRecord; Console.WriteLine(record.ToJSON()); break; } return(0); } else if (args.Length == 2 && args[0] == "submit") { DeathRecord record = new DeathRecord(File.ReadAllText(args[1])); DeathRecordSubmission message = new DeathRecordSubmission(record); message.MessageSource = ""; Console.WriteLine(message.ToJSON(true)); return(0); } else if (args.Length == 2 && args[0] == "resubmit") { DeathRecord record = new DeathRecord(File.ReadAllText(args[1])); DeathRecordUpdate message = new DeathRecordUpdate(record); message.MessageSource = ""; Console.WriteLine(message.ToJSON(true)); return(0); } else if (args.Length == 2 && args[0] == "ack") { BaseMessage message = BaseMessage.Parse(File.ReadAllText(args[1])); AckMessage ackMessage = new AckMessage(message); Console.WriteLine(ackMessage.ToJSON(true)); return(0); } else if (args.Length == 2 && args[0] == "showcodes") { BaseMessage message = BaseMessage.Parse(File.ReadAllText(args[1])); switch (message) { case CodingResponseMessage codingResponse: Console.WriteLine($"\nUnderlying COD: {codingResponse.UnderlyingCauseOfDeath}\n"); Console.WriteLine($"Record Axis Codes: {String.Join(", ", codingResponse.CauseOfDeathRecordAxis.ToArray())}\n"); Console.WriteLine("Entity Axis Codes:"); foreach (var entry in codingResponse.CauseOfDeathEntityAxisList) { Console.WriteLine($" Line: {entry.Line} Sequence: {entry.Position} Code: {entry.Code}"); } Console.WriteLine(); break; default: Console.WriteLine("Message does not appear to be a coding response message"); break; } } return(0); }
static int Main(string[] args) { if (args.Length == 0) { Console.WriteLine("No filepath given; Constructing a fake record and printing its XML and JSON output...\n"); DeathRecord deathRecord = new DeathRecord(); deathRecord.Id = "1337"; deathRecord.DateOfRegistration = "2018-07-11"; deathRecord.GivenNames = new string[] { "First", "Middle" }; deathRecord.FamilyName = "Last"; deathRecord.MaidenName = "Last Maiden"; deathRecord.Suffix = "Sr."; deathRecord.FatherFamilyName = "FTHLast"; deathRecord.Gender = "male"; Dictionary <string, string> code = new Dictionary <string, string>(); code.Add("code", "M"); code.Add("system", ""); code.Add("display", "Male"); deathRecord.BirthSex = code; Dictionary <string, string> dictionary = new Dictionary <string, string>(); dictionary.Add("residenceLine1", "19 Example Street"); dictionary.Add("residenceLine2", "Line 2"); dictionary.Add("residenceCity", "Bedford"); dictionary.Add("residenceCounty", "Middlesex"); dictionary.Add("residenceState", "Massachusetts"); dictionary.Add("residenceZip", "01730"); dictionary.Add("residenceCountry", "United States"); dictionary.Add("residenceInsideCityLimits", "True"); deathRecord.Residence = dictionary; deathRecord.SSN = "111223333"; Tuple <string, string>[] ethnicity = { Tuple.Create("Hispanic or Latino", "2135-2"), Tuple.Create("Puerto Rican", "2180-8") }; deathRecord.Ethnicity = ethnicity; Tuple <string, string>[] race = { Tuple.Create("White", "2106-3"), Tuple.Create("Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander", "2076-8") }; deathRecord.Race = race; deathRecord.DateOfBirth = "1970-04-24"; deathRecord.DateOfDeath = "1970-04-24"; dictionary = new Dictionary <string, string>(); dictionary.Add("placeOfBirthLine1", "9 Example Street"); dictionary.Add("placeOfBirthLine2", "Line 2"); dictionary.Add("placeOfBirthCity", "Bedford"); dictionary.Add("placeOfBirthCounty", "Middlesex"); dictionary.Add("placeOfBirthState", "Massachusetts"); dictionary.Add("placeOfBirthZip", "01730"); dictionary.Add("placeOfBirthCountry", "United States"); deathRecord.PlaceOfBirth = dictionary; dictionary = new Dictionary <string, string>(); dictionary.Add("placeOfDeathTypeCode", "16983000"); dictionary.Add("placeOfDeathTypeSystem", ""); dictionary.Add("placeOfDeathTypeDisplay", "Death in hospital"); dictionary.Add("placeOfDeathFacilityName", "Example Hospital"); dictionary.Add("placeOfDeathLine1", "8 Example Street"); dictionary.Add("placeOfDeathLine2", "Line 2"); dictionary.Add("placeOfDeathCity", "Bedford"); dictionary.Add("placeOfDeathCounty", "Middlesex"); dictionary.Add("placeOfDeathState", "Massachusetts"); dictionary.Add("placeOfDeathZip", "01730"); dictionary.Add("placeOfDeathCountry", "United States"); dictionary.Add("placeOfDeathInsideCityLimits", "True"); deathRecord.PlaceOfDeath = dictionary; code = new Dictionary <string, string>(); code.Add("code", "S"); code.Add("system", ""); code.Add("display", "Never Married"); deathRecord.MaritalStatus = code; code = new Dictionary <string, string>(); code.Add("code", "PHC1453"); code.Add("system", ""); code.Add("display", "Bachelor's Degree"); deathRecord.Education = code; deathRecord.Age = "100"; Dictionary <string, string> occupation = new Dictionary <string, string>(); occupation.Add("jobDescription", "Software Engineer"); occupation.Add("industryDescription", "Information Technology"); deathRecord.Occupation = occupation; deathRecord.ServedInArmedForces = false; dictionary = new Dictionary <string, string>(); dictionary.Add("dispositionTypeCode", "449971000124106"); dictionary.Add("dispositionTypeSystem", ""); dictionary.Add("dispositionTypeDisplay", "Burial"); dictionary.Add("dispositionPlaceName", "Example disposition place name"); dictionary.Add("dispositionPlaceLine1", "100 Example Street"); dictionary.Add("dispositionPlaceLine2", "Line 2"); dictionary.Add("dispositionPlaceCity", "Bedford"); dictionary.Add("dispositionPlaceCounty", "Middlesex"); dictionary.Add("dispositionPlaceState", "Massachusetts"); dictionary.Add("dispositionPlaceZip", "01730"); dictionary.Add("dispositionPlaceCountry", "United States"); dictionary.Add("dispositionPlaceInsideCityLimits", "True"); dictionary.Add("funeralFacilityName", "Example funeral facility name"); dictionary.Add("funeralFacilityLine1", "50 Example Street"); dictionary.Add("funeralFacilityLine2", "Line 2a"); dictionary.Add("funeralFacilityCity", "Watertown"); dictionary.Add("funeralFacilityCounty", "Middlesex"); dictionary.Add("funeralFacilityState", "Massachusetts"); dictionary.Add("funeralFacilityZip", "02472"); dictionary.Add("funeralFacilityCountry", "United States"); dictionary.Add("funeralFacilityInsideCityLimits", "False"); deathRecord.Disposition = dictionary; deathRecord.CertifierFamilyName = "Doctor"; deathRecord.CertifierGivenNames = new string[] { "Certifier", "Middle" }; deathRecord.CertifierSuffix = "Sr."; Dictionary <string, string> address = new Dictionary <string, string>(); address.Add("certifierAddressStreet", "123 Test Street"); address.Add("certifierAddressCity", "Boston"); address.Add("certifierAddressCounty", "Suffolk"); address.Add("certifierAddressState", "Massachusetts"); address.Add("certifierAddressZip", "12345"); deathRecord.CertifierAddress = address; code = new Dictionary <string, string>(); code.Add("code", "434651000124107"); code.Add("display", "Physician (Pronouncer and Certifier)"); deathRecord.CertifierType = code; code = new Dictionary <string, string>(); code.Add("code", "MD"); code.Add("system", ""); code.Add("display", "Doctor of Medicine"); deathRecord.CertifierQualification = code; deathRecord.ContributingConditions = "Example Contributing Condition"; Tuple <string, string, Dictionary <string, string> >[] causes = { Tuple.Create("Example Immediate COD", "minutes", new Dictionary <string, string>() { { "code", "1234" }, { "system", "example"} }), Tuple.Create("Example Underlying COD 1", "2 hours", new Dictionary <string, string>()), Tuple.Create("Example Underlying COD 2", "6 months", new Dictionary <string, string>()), Tuple.Create("Example Underlying COD 3", "15 years", new Dictionary <string, string>()) }; deathRecord.CausesOfDeath = causes; deathRecord.AutopsyPerformed = false; deathRecord.AutopsyResultsAvailable = false; code = new Dictionary <string, string>(); code.Add("code", "7878000"); code.Add("system", ""); code.Add("display", "Accident"); deathRecord.MannerOfDeath = code; code = new Dictionary <string, string>(); code.Add("code", "373066001"); code.Add("system", ""); code.Add("display", "Yes"); deathRecord.TobaccoUseContributedToDeath = code; deathRecord.ActualOrPresumedDateOfDeath = "2018-09-01T00:00:00+06:00"; deathRecord.DatePronouncedDead = "2018-09-01T00:00:00+04:00"; deathRecord.DeathFromWorkInjury = true; code = new Dictionary <string, string>(); code.Add("code", "236320001"); code.Add("system", ""); code.Add("display", "Vehicle driver"); deathRecord.DeathFromTransportInjury = code; deathRecord.MedicalExaminerContacted = true; code = new Dictionary <string, string>(); code.Add("code", "PHC1260"); code.Add("system", ""); code.Add("display", "Not pregnant within past year"); deathRecord.TimingOfRecentPregnancyInRelationToDeath = code; Dictionary <string, string> detailsOfInjury = new Dictionary <string, string>(); detailsOfInjury.Add("placeOfInjuryDescription", "Home"); detailsOfInjury.Add("effectiveDateTime", "2018-04-19T15:43:00+00:00"); detailsOfInjury.Add("description", "Example details of injury"); detailsOfInjury.Add("placeOfInjuryLine1", "7 Example Street"); detailsOfInjury.Add("placeOfInjuryLine2", "Line 2"); detailsOfInjury.Add("placeOfInjuryCity", "Bedford"); detailsOfInjury.Add("placeOfInjuryCounty", "Middlesex"); detailsOfInjury.Add("placeOfInjuryState", "Massachusetts"); detailsOfInjury.Add("placeOfInjuryZip", "01730"); detailsOfInjury.Add("placeOfInjuryCountry", "United States"); detailsOfInjury.Add("placeOfInjuryInsideCityLimits", "true"); deathRecord.DetailsOfInjury = detailsOfInjury; Console.WriteLine(XDocument.Parse(deathRecord.ToXML()).ToString() + "\n\n"); Console.WriteLine(deathRecord.ToJSON() + "\n\n"); return(0); } else if (args.Length == 2 && args[0] == "2ije") { DeathRecord d = new DeathRecord(File.ReadAllText(args[1])); IJEMortality ije1 = new IJEMortality(d); Console.WriteLine(ije1.ToString()); return(0); } else if (args.Length == 2 && args[0] == "ije2xml") { IJEMortality ije1 = new IJEMortality(File.ReadAllText(args[1])); DeathRecord d = ije1.ToDeathRecord(); Console.WriteLine(XDocument.Parse(d.ToXML()).ToString()); return(0); } else if (args.Length == 2 && args[0] == "ije2json") { IJEMortality ije1 = new IJEMortality(File.ReadAllText(args[1])); DeathRecord d = ije1.ToDeathRecord(); Console.WriteLine(d.ToJSON()); return(0); } else if (args.Length == 2 && args[0] == "json2xml") { DeathRecord d = new DeathRecord(File.ReadAllText(args[1])); Console.WriteLine(XDocument.Parse(d.ToXML()).ToString()); return(0); } else if (args.Length == 2 && args[0] == "checkXml") { DeathRecord d = new DeathRecord(File.ReadAllText(args[1]), true); Console.WriteLine(XDocument.Parse(d.ToXML()).ToString()); return(0); } else if (args.Length == 2 && args[0] == "checkJson") { DeathRecord d = new DeathRecord(File.ReadAllText(args[1]), true); Console.WriteLine(d.ToJSON()); return(0); } else if (args.Length == 2 && args[0] == "xml2json") { DeathRecord d = new DeathRecord(File.ReadAllText(args[1])); Console.WriteLine(d.ToJSON()); return(0); } else if (args.Length == 2 && args[0] == "xml2xml") { // Forces record through getters and then setters, prints as xml DeathRecord indr = new DeathRecord(File.ReadAllText(args[1])); DeathRecord outdr = new DeathRecord(); List <PropertyInfo> properties = typeof(DeathRecord).GetProperties().ToList(); foreach (PropertyInfo property in properties) { if (property.Name.Contains("CausesOfDeath") || property.Name.Contains("CertifierQualification")) { continue; } property.SetValue(outdr, property.GetValue(indr)); } Console.WriteLine(XDocument.Parse(outdr.ToXML()).ToString()); return(0); } else if (args.Length == 2 && args[0] == "json2json") { // Forces record through getters and then setters, prints as JSON DeathRecord indr = new DeathRecord(File.ReadAllText(args[1])); DeathRecord outdr = new DeathRecord(); List <PropertyInfo> properties = typeof(DeathRecord).GetProperties().ToList(); foreach (PropertyInfo property in properties) { if (property.Name.Contains("CausesOfDeath") || property.Name.Contains("CertifierQualification")) { continue; } property.SetValue(outdr, property.GetValue(indr)); } Console.WriteLine(outdr.ToJSON()); return(0); } else if (args.Length == 2 && args[0] == "roundtrip-ije") { Console.WriteLine("Converting FHIR to IJE...\n"); DeathRecord d = new DeathRecord(File.ReadAllText(args[1])); //Console.WriteLine(XDocument.Parse(d.ToXML()).ToString() + "\n"); IJEMortality ije1 = new IJEMortality(d); //Console.WriteLine(ije1.ToString() + "\n\n"); IJEMortality ije2 = new IJEMortality(ije1.ToString()); //Console.WriteLine(ije2.ToString() + "\n\n"); //Console.WriteLine(XDocument.Parse(ije2.ToDeathRecord().ToXML()).ToString() + "\n"); IJEMortality ije3 = new IJEMortality(new DeathRecord(ije2.ToDeathRecord().ToXML())); int issues = 0; int total = 0; foreach (PropertyInfo property in typeof(IJEMortality).GetProperties()) { string val1 = Convert.ToString(property.GetValue(ije1, null)); string val2 = Convert.ToString(property.GetValue(ije2, null)); string val3 = Convert.ToString(property.GetValue(ije3, null)); IJEField info = (IJEField)property.GetCustomAttributes().First(); if (val1.ToUpper() != val2.ToUpper() || val1.ToUpper() != val3.ToUpper() || val2.ToUpper() != val3.ToUpper()) { issues++; Console.WriteLine($"[MISMATCH]\t{info.Name}: {info.Contents} \t\t\"{val1}\" != \"{val2}\" != \"{val3}\""); } total++; } Console.WriteLine($"\n{issues} issues out of {total} total fields."); return(0); } else if (args.Length == 2 && args[0] == "roundtrip-all") { DeathRecord d1 = new DeathRecord(File.ReadAllText(args[1])); DeathRecord d2 = new DeathRecord(d1.ToJSON()); DeathRecord d3 = new DeathRecord(); List <PropertyInfo> properties = typeof(DeathRecord).GetProperties().ToList(); foreach (PropertyInfo property in properties) { if (property.Name.Contains("CausesOfDeath") || property.Name.Contains("CertifierQualification")) { continue; } property.SetValue(d3, property.GetValue(d2)); } IJEMortality ije1 = new IJEMortality(d3); IJEMortality ije2 = new IJEMortality(ije1.ToString()); DeathRecord d4 = ije2.ToDeathRecord(); // We KNOW certain fields just aren't in the IJE, so make sure to ignore them. string[] ignoreKeys = { "placeOfDeathFacilityName" }; int good = 0; int bad = 0; foreach (PropertyInfo property in properties) { if (property.Name.Contains("CausesOfDeath") || property.Name.Contains("CertifierQualification")) { continue; } string one; string two; string three; string four; if (property.PropertyType.ToString() == "System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2[System.String,System.String]") { Dictionary <string, string> oneDict = (Dictionary <string, string>)property.GetValue(d1); foreach (string ignoreKey in ignoreKeys) { if (oneDict.ContainsKey(ignoreKey)) { oneDict[ignoreKey] = ""; } } one = String.Join(", ", oneDict.Select(x => x.Key + "=" + x.Value).ToArray()); two = String.Join(", ", ((Dictionary <string, string>)property.GetValue(d2)).Select(x => x.Key + "=" + x.Value).ToArray()); three = String.Join(", ", ((Dictionary <string, string>)property.GetValue(d3)).Select(x => x.Key + "=" + x.Value).ToArray()); four = String.Join(", ", ((Dictionary <string, string>)property.GetValue(d4)).Select(x => x.Key + "=" + x.Value).ToArray()); } else if (property.PropertyType.ToString() == "System.String[]") { one = String.Join(", ", (string[])property.GetValue(d1)); two = String.Join(", ", (string[])property.GetValue(d2)); three = String.Join(", ", (string[])property.GetValue(d3)); four = String.Join(", ", (string[])property.GetValue(d4)); } else { one = Convert.ToString(property.GetValue(d1)); two = Convert.ToString(property.GetValue(d2)); three = Convert.ToString(property.GetValue(d3)); four = Convert.ToString(property.GetValue(d4)); } if (one.ToLower() != four.ToLower()) { Console.WriteLine("[MISMATCH]\t" + $"\"{one}\" (property: {property.Name}) does not equal \"{four}\"" + $" 1:\"{one}\" 2:\"{two}\" 3:\"{three}\" 4:\"{four}\""); bad++; //return 1; } else { Console.WriteLine("[MATCH]\t" + $"\"{one}\" (property: {property.Name}) equals \"{four}\"" + $" 1:\"{one}\" 2:\"{two}\" 3:\"{three}\" 4:\"{four}\""); good++; } } Console.WriteLine($"\n{bad} mismatches out of {good + bad} total properties checked."); if (bad > 0) { return(1); } else { return(0); } } else if (args.Length == 2 && args[0] == "ije") { string ijeString = File.ReadAllText(args[1]); List <PropertyInfo> properties = typeof(IJEMortality).GetProperties().ToList().OrderBy(p => ((IJEField)p.GetCustomAttributes().First()).Field).ToList(); foreach (PropertyInfo property in properties) { IJEField info = (IJEField)property.GetCustomAttributes().First(); string field = ijeString.Substring(info.Location - 1, info.Length); Console.WriteLine($"{info.Field, -5} {info.Name,-15} {Truncate(info.Contents, 75), -75}: \"{field + "\"",-80}"); } } else { foreach (var path in args) { return(ReadFile(path)); } } return(0); }
public async Task <int> RecordPost(int id) { (Record record, List <Dictionary <string, string> > issues) = (null, null); string input; using (StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(Request.Body, Encoding.UTF8)) { input = await reader.ReadToEndAsync(); } if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(input)) { if (input.Trim().StartsWith("<") || input.Trim().StartsWith("{")) // XML or JSON? { (record, issues) = Record.CheckGet(input, false); } else { try // IJE? { if (input.Length != 5000) { (record, issues) = (null, new List <Dictionary <string, string> > { new Dictionary <string, string> { { "severity", "error" }, { "message", "The given input does not appear to be a valid record." } } }); } IJEMortality ije = new IJEMortality(input); DeathRecord deathRecord = ije.ToDeathRecord(); (record, issues) = (new Record(deathRecord), new List <Dictionary <string, string> > { }); } catch (Exception e) { (record, issues) = (null, new List <Dictionary <string, string> > { new Dictionary <string, string> { { "severity", "error" }, { "message", e.Message } } }); } } if (record != null) { using (var db = new RecordContext()) { Endpoint endpoint = db.Endpoints.Where(e => e.EndpointId == id).FirstOrDefault(); endpoint.Record = record; endpoint.Issues = issues; endpoint.Finished = true; db.SaveChanges(); return(endpoint.EndpointId); } } } else { issues = new List <Dictionary <string, string> > { new Dictionary <string, string> { { "severity", "error" }, { "message", "The given input appears to be empty." } } }; } if (record == null && issues != null) { using (var db = new RecordContext()) { Endpoint endpoint = db.Endpoints.Where(e => e.EndpointId == id).FirstOrDefault(); endpoint.Issues = issues; endpoint.Finished = true; db.SaveChanges(); return(endpoint.EndpointId); } } return(0); }