 public override void Execute(Database database, IIssueCollector issueCollector, IProviderCollection providers)
     foreach (var table in database.Tables)
         if (table.Columns.Count == 0)
             var issue = new Issue(this, this.DefaultSeverity.Value)
                 Name        = string.Format("Table Without Columns"),
                 Context     = new TableContext(table),
                 Description = new Description("Table {0} does not have any columns", table),
         else if (table.Columns.Count == 1)
             var issue = new Issue(this, this.DefaultSeverity.Value)
                 Name        = string.Format("Table With Only One Column"),
                 Context     = new TableContext(table),
                 Description = new Description("Table {0} has only a single column: '{1}'", table, table.Columns[0])
 public override void Execute(Database database, IIssueCollector issueCollector, IProviderCollection providers)
     foreach (var table in database.Tables)
         foreach (var fk in table.ForeignKeys)
             bool doesIndexExist = table.Indices.Any(ix =>
                                                              if (ix.Columns.Count < fk.ColumnPairs.Count)
                                                                  return false;
                                                              for (int i = 0; i < fk.ColumnPairs.Count; i++)
                                                                  var fkColumn = fk.ColumnPairs[i].FKColumn;
                                                                  if (!ix.Columns[i].Equals(fkColumn))
                                                                      return false;
                                                              return true;
             if (!doesIndexExist)
                 var dt = new DataTable();
                 dt.Columns.Add("Column", typeof(Column));
                 foreach (var col in fk.ColumnPairs)
                 issueCollector.ReportIssue(new Issue(this, this.DefaultSeverity.Value)
                                                    Name = "Missing Index on Foreign-Key Column(s)",
                                                    Context = new TableContext(table),
                                                    Description = new Description("Missing index on the columns used in foreign-key '{0}' in table '{1}'", fk.ForeignKeyName, table),
                                                    ExtendedDescription = new Description("{0}", dt)
        //Constructs issues from the result of the SQL query
        private void HandleSQLResult(DataTable result, IIssueCollector issueCollector, Model.Database database)
            var columns = result.Columns;

            //Check for missing description column (which is the only required column to exist in the result set)
            if (!columns.Contains("description"))
                Issue missingDescIssue = new Issue(this, this.DefaultSeverity.Value);
                missingDescIssue.Name        = "Failed to execute SQL rule";
                missingDescIssue.Description = new Description("Failed to execute SQL rule '{0}'. Column 'description' is missing", this.Name);
                missingDescIssue.Context     = new DatabaseContext(database);

            //The extended description is optional
            bool hasExtendedDescription = columns.Contains("extended_description");

            //Iterate through each row in the result and add an issue for every row
            if (result.Rows.Count > 0)
                foreach (DataRow row in result.Rows)
                    Issue issue = new Issue(this, this.Severity);
                    issue.Name        = this.Name;
                    issue.Context     = getContextFromSQLIssue(result, row, database);
                    issue.Description = new Description(row["description"].ToString());
                    if (hasExtendedDescription)
                        issue.ExtendedDescription = new Description(row["extended_description"].ToString());
        public override void Execute(Database database, IIssueCollector issueCollector, IProviderCollection providers)
            foreach (var table in database.Tables.Where(t => t.ForeignKeys.Count > 0 && t.PrimaryKey != null))
                foreach (var fk in table.ForeignKeys.Where(fk => TableID.TableEquals(fk.PKTable, fk.FKTable)))
                    bool isContained = true;
                    foreach (var pair in fk.ColumnPairs)
                        if (!table.PrimaryKey.Columns.Contains(pair.FKColumn))
                            isContained = false;

                    if (isContained)
                        issueCollector.ReportIssue(new Issue(this, DefaultSeverity.Value)
                            Name                = this.Name,
                            Context             = new TableContext(table),
                            Description         = new Description("The primary key '{0}' in table '{1}' references itself", table.PrimaryKey.PrimaryKeyName, table),
                            ExtendedDescription = new Description("Having a self-referencing primary key is likely not what is intended."),
 public override void Execute(Database database, IIssueCollector issueCollector, IProviderCollection providers)
     foreach (var table in database.Tables)
         foreach (var foreignKey in table.ForeignKeys)
             foreach (var reference in foreignKey.ColumnPairs)
                 if ((!reference.FKColumn.DataType.Equals(reference.PKColumn.DataType)) ||
                     reference.FKColumn.DataType.Equals(reference.PKColumn.DataType) &&
                     (!reference.FKColumn.CharacterMaxLength.Equals(reference.PKColumn.CharacterMaxLength) ||
                      !reference.FKColumn.NumericPrecision.Equals(reference.PKColumn.NumericPrecision) ||
                     issueCollector.ReportIssue(new Issue(this, this.DefaultSeverity.Value)
                         Name                = this.Name,
                         Description         = new Description("Different data types between source and target columns in foreign key from table '{0}' to table '{1}'", reference.FKColumn.Table, reference.PKColumn.Table),
                         ExtendedDescription = new Description("The table below shows the column name and data type for the columns.\n{0}", this.GetTable(reference.FKColumn, reference.PKColumn)),
                         Context             = new ColumnContext(reference.FKColumn)
        public override void Execute(DataTable table, IIssueCollector issueCollector, IProviderCollection providers)
            var columns    = table.QueryableColumns.Where(c => DataTypesLists.TextTypes().Contains(c.DataType));
            var candidates = columns.ToList().Select(c => new Candidate(c)).ToList();

            using (var rowEnumerable = table.GetTableRowEnumerable())
                foreach (var row in rowEnumerable)
                    foreach (var candidate in candidates)
                        Object value = row[candidate.Column.ColumnName];
                        if (value is String)
                            String valueStr = (String)value;
                            if (valueStr == String.Empty)
                            ValueType type = Classifier.Classify(valueStr);
                            candidate.AddValue(valueStr, type);

                    if (candidates.Count() == 0)

            foreach (var candidate in candidates)
                if (candidate.Values.Count <= 1)

                System.Data.DataTable valuesTable = new System.Data.DataTable();
                valuesTable.Columns.Add("Value Examples", typeof(String));
                valuesTable.Columns.Add("Data Type", typeof(String));
                foreach (var dicEntry in candidate.Values)
                    foreach (var val in dicEntry.Value)
                        var row = valuesTable.NewRow();
                        row[0] = val;
                        row[1] = dicEntry.Key.ToString();

                Issue issue = new Issue(this, this.Severity);
                issue.Name                = "Mixture of Data Types in a Column";
                issue.Description         = new Description("The column '{0}' contains a mixture of data types", candidate.Column);
                issue.ExtendedDescription = new Description("Examples:\n\n{0}", valuesTable);
                issue.Context             = new ColumnContext(candidate.Column);
        public override void Execute(Database database, IIssueCollector issueCollector, IProviderCollection providers)
            var tables = from tab in database.Tables
                         where tab.Indices.Count > 1
                         select tab;

                var start = DateTime.Now;
                foreach (var table in tables)
                    var          sortedIndices    = table.Indices.OrderByDescending(t => t.Columns.Count).ToList();
                    List <Index> excludeIndex     = new List <Index>();
                    List <Index> redundantIndices = new List <Index>();
                    for (int i = 0; i < sortedIndices.Count - 1; i++)
                        if (!excludeIndex.Contains(sortedIndices[i]))
                            for (int j = i + 1; j < sortedIndices.Count; j++)
                                var subIndexLen = sortedIndices[j].Columns.Count;
                                if (sortedIndices[i].Columns.ToList().GetRange(0, subIndexLen).SequenceEqual(sortedIndices[j].Columns))
                                    if (!excludeIndex.Contains(sortedIndices[j]))
                            if (redundantIndices.Count > 0)
                                var issue = new Issue(this, this.DefaultSeverity.Value);
                                issue.Name        = "Redundant Index";
                                issue.Context     = new TableContext(table);
                                issue.Description = new Description("Redundant indices for the index '{0}' in table {1}",
                                                                    sortedIndices[i], table);
                                issue.ExtendedDescription = new Description("The indices in the second table below are redundant to the index:\n\n{0}\n\nRedundant indices:\n\n{1}",
                                                                            GetIndexTable(new List <Index>()
                                }), GetIndexTable(redundantIndices));
                var end = DateTime.Now;
                //Console.WriteLine("redundant indices time: {0}", (end - start));
            catch (Exception ex)
                Console.WriteLine(String.Format("\tError in redundant indices:\n{0}", ex.Message));
                throw ex;
        public override void Execute(Database database, IIssueCollector issueCollector, IProviderCollection providers)
            this._nodeProps   = DictionaryFactory.CreateTableID <NodeProperties>();
            this._foundCycles = new List <List <Table> >();
            this._stack       = new Stack <Table>();
            this._index       = 0;
            foreach (var table in database.Tables)
                if (!this._nodeProps.ContainsKey(table))

            foreach (var cycle in this._foundCycles)
                var canInsert   = false;
                var foundTables = new Dictionary <Table, List <ForeignKey> >();
                foreach (var table in cycle)
                    var fksValues = table.ForeignKeys.Where(p => cycle.Contains(p.PKTable)).ToList();
                    foundTables.Add(table, fksValues);
                    foreach (var fkValue in fksValues)
                        if (fkValue.ColumnPairs.All(f => f.FKColumn.IsNullable) ||
                            (fkValue.Deferrability == Deferrability.Deferrable && fkValue.InitialMode == InitialMode.InitiallyDeferred))
                            canInsert = true;
                var issue = new Issue(this, this.DefaultSeverity.Value);
                issue.Name    = "Cycle Dependency Between Tables";
                issue.Context = IssueContext.Create(cycle);
                string tableList = String.Join(", ", cycle.Select(c => c.TableName));
                if (tableList.Length > 20)
                    tableList = tableList.Substring(0, 20) + "...";
                issue.Description = new Description("Cycle dependency between {0} tables: {1}", cycle.Count, tableList);
                var str = new StringBuilder();
                // Delete rules is no longer included in the check because of complex cycles
                if (!canInsert)
                    str.Append("There is a cycle dependency, where the referential constraints could yield problems.");
                    str.Append("\n- Deferability and initially-deferred configurations could complicate insert, update and delete statements.");
                    issue.ExtendedDescription = new Description("{0}\n\nThe cycle contains the tables:\n\n{1}", str.ToString(), GetTable(foundTables));
                    issue.Severity            = CycleWithoutDeferabilityProblems.Value;
                    issue.ExtendedDescription = new Description("There is a cyclic dependency, but there are no deferability constraints that could yield problems. Consider if the cyclic dependency is needed.\n\nThe cycle contains the tables:\n\n{0}", GetTable(foundTables));
        public override void Execute(Database database, IIssueCollector issueCollector, IProviderCollection providers)
            foreach (var table in database.Tables)
                List <RFK> redundants = new List <RFK>();
                foreach (var fk in table.ForeignKeys)
                    var s_columns = fk.ColumnPairs.Select(p => p.FKColumn).ToList();
                    var t_columns = fk.ColumnPairs.Select(p => p.PKColumn).ToList();
                    var re        = redundants.Where(r => r.SourceColumns.SequenceEqual(s_columns) &&
                    if (re != null)
                        var rfk = new RFK()
                            SourceColumns = s_columns, TargetColumns = t_columns

                foreach (var rfk in redundants)
                    if (rfk.ForeignKeys.Count <= 1)

                    var descTable = new System.Data.DataTable();
                    descTable.Columns.Add("Source Column(s)", typeof(String));
                    descTable.Columns.Add("Target Column(s)", typeof(String));
                    foreach (var fk in rfk.ForeignKeys)
                        var row = descTable.NewRow();
                        row[0] = fk.ForeignKeyName;
                        row[1] = String.Join("\n", fk.ColumnPairs.Select(p => p.FKColumn.ColumnName));
                        row[2] = String.Join("\n", fk.ColumnPairs.Select(p => p.PKColumn.Table.TableName + "." + p.PKColumn.ColumnName));

                    Issue issue = new Issue(this, this.Severity);
                    issue.Name                = "Redundant Foreign Key";
                    issue.Context             = new TableContext(table);
                    issue.Description         = new Description("Redundant foreign key in table {0}", table);
                    issue.ExtendedDescription = new Description("{0}", descTable);
        public override void Execute(DataTable table, IIssueCollector issueCollector, IProviderCollection providers)
            if (table.Cardinality < MinRows.Value)

            var checkedColumns = table.QueryableColumns;

            if (checkedColumns.Count == 0)

            var columnNullCount = DictionaryFactory.CreateColumnID <int>();

            foreach (var col in checkedColumns)
                columnNullCount[col] = 0;

            int rowCount = 0;

            using (var rowEnumerable = table.GetTableRowEnumerable())
                foreach (var row in rowEnumerable)
                    foreach (var col in checkedColumns)
                        var val = row[col.ColumnName];
                        if (val is DBNull)
                            columnNullCount[col] += 1;

            var maxnullCount = this.MaxPercentageNull.Value * rowCount / 100f;

            var columnsWithTooManyNulls = from cp in columnNullCount
                                          where cp.Value > maxnullCount
                                          select cp;

            foreach (var columnWithTooManyNulls in columnsWithTooManyNulls)
                var percentNull = Math.Round(columnWithTooManyNulls.Value * 100f / rowCount, 1);
                issueCollector.ReportIssue(new Issue(this, this.Severity)
                    Name        = "Column Containing Too Many Nulls",
                    Context     = new ColumnContext(columnWithTooManyNulls.Key),
                    Description = new Description("Column '{0}' has {1} percent nulls", columnWithTooManyNulls.Key, percentNull)
 public override void Execute(DataTable table, IIssueCollector issueCollector, IProviderCollection providers)
     if (table.Cardinality == 0)
         issueCollector.ReportIssue(new Issue(this, Severity.Medium)
             Name        = "Empty Table",
             Context     = new TableContext(table),
             Description = new Description("Table {0} is empty", table)
        public override void Execute(Database database, IIssueCollector issueCollector, IProviderCollection providers)
            float allowedPercentage = AllowedPercentage.Value / 100f;

            foreach (var table in database.Tables.Where(tbl => tbl.Columns.Any(c => c.IsNullable)))
                IEnumerable <Column> pkColumns = Enumerable.Empty <Column>();
                if (table.PrimaryKey != null)
                    pkColumns = table.PrimaryKey.Columns;

                int nullableCount    = 0;
                int colsNotInPkCount = 0;

                foreach (var col in table.Columns)
                    if (col.IsNullable)
                        if (!pkColumns.Contains(col))

                if (nullableCount > 0 && colsNotInPkCount == 0 && pkColumns.Count() <= 1)
                    issueCollector.ReportIssue(new Issue(this, this.DefaultSeverity.Value)
                        Name                = "Too Many Nullable Columns",
                        Description         = new Description("All columns in table {0} are nullable (except the primary key columns)", table),
                        ExtendedDescription = new Description("Consider adding not-null constraints."),
                        Context             = new TableContext(table)
                else if (nullableCount > 2 && nullableCount > table.Columns.Count * allowedPercentage)
                    float percent = nullableCount * 100f / table.Columns.Count;
                    issueCollector.ReportIssue(new Issue(this, HighPercentageProperty.Value)
                        Name        = "Too Many Nullable Columns",
                        Description = new Description("{1} percent of columns in table '{0}' are nullable. Consider adding more not-null constraints.", table, Math.Round(percent)),
                        Context     = new TableContext(table)
        public override void Execute(Database database, IIssueCollector issueCollector, IProviderCollection providers)
            foreach (var table in database.Tables)
                var colGroups = (from col in table.Columns
                                 let colName = Regex.Replace(col.ColumnName, @"\d+$", "")
                                               group col by colName into groups
                                               where groups.Count() > 1
                                               select groups);

                foreach (var colGroup in colGroups)
                    int count = colGroup.Count();

                    var sorted = (from c in colGroup
                                  let match = Regex.Match(c.ColumnName, @"^.*?(\d+)$")
                                              let postfix = int.Parse((match.Groups.Count <= 1) ? "1" : match.Groups[1].Value)
                                                            orderby postfix
                                                            select new { Col = c, Postfix = postfix });

                    int?prev = null;
                    foreach (var col in sorted)
                        if (prev == null)
                            prev = col.Postfix;
                            if (prev + 1 != col.Postfix && sorted.Count() > 3)
                                var issue = new Issue(this, this.DefaultSeverity.Value);
                                issue.Name    = "Missing Column(s) in a Sequence of Columns";
                                issue.Context = new TableContext(table);

                                var columnList = String.Join(", ", sorted.Select(s => s.Col.ColumnName));
                                if (columnList.Length > 20)
                                    columnList = columnList.Substring(0, 20) + "..";

                                issue.Description         = new Description("Incomplete sequence of columns ({0}) in table {1}", columnList, table);
                                issue.ExtendedDescription = new Description("The following sequence of columns is incomplete:\n{0}", sorted.Select(c => c.Col).ToList());
                            prev = col.Postfix;
        public override void Execute(Database database, IIssueCollector issueCollector, IProviderCollection providers)
            var tables = database.Tables.Where(t => t.PrimaryKey == null);

            foreach (var table in tables)
                Issue issue = new Issue(this, this.DefaultSeverity.Value);
                issue.Name        = "Missing Primary Key";
                issue.Context     = new TableContext(table);
                issue.Description = new Description("Table {0} is missing a primary key", table);
        public override void Execute(Database database, IIssueCollector issueCollector, IProviderCollection providers)
            var longColumNames = database.Columns.Where(c => c.ColumnName.Length > this.MaxLength.Value);

            foreach (var column in longColumNames)
                var issue = new Issue(this, this.DefaultSeverity.Value);
                issue.Name        = "Too Long Column Name";
                issue.Context     = new ColumnContext(column);
                issue.Description = new Description("The column name '{0}' in table {1} is too long (length: {2})", column, column.Table, column.ColumnName.Length);
        public override void Execute(DataTable table, IIssueCollector issueCollector, IProviderCollection providers)
            if (table.Cardinality < MinRows.Value)

            var candidateColumns = table.Columns.Where(c => DataTypes.DataTypesLists.TextTypes().Contains(c.DataType));

            Dictionary <Column, int> candidates = new Dictionary <Column, int>(); //column -> blank_count

            candidateColumns.ToList().ForEach(c => candidates.Add(c, 0));
            using (var rowEnumerable = table.GetTableRowEnumerable())
                foreach (var row in rowEnumerable)
                    foreach (var candidate in candidates.Keys.ToArray())
                        Object val = row[candidate.ColumnName];
                        if (val is String && val.Equals(String.Empty))
                            candidates[candidate] += 1;

            foreach (var candidate in candidates)
                float percentBlanks = ((float)candidate.Value / table.Cardinality) * 100;
                if (percentBlanks > Threshold.Value)
                    Issue issue = new Issue(this, this.Severity);
                    issue.Name    = "The Empty String Used to Represent Null";
                    issue.Context = new ColumnContext(candidate.Key);

                    if (candidate.Key.IsNullable)
                        issue.Description = new Description("The nullable column '{0}' contains {2} rows of which {1} are the empty string. Consider using null",
                                                            candidate.Key.ColumnName, candidate.Value, table.Cardinality);
                        issue.Description = new Description("The not-null column '{0}' contains {2} rows of which {1} are the empty string",
                                                            candidate.Key.ColumnName, candidate.Value, table.Cardinality);
                        issue.ExtendedDescription = new Description("Consider removing the not-null constraint and use null to represent non-existing values");

        public override void Execute(Database database, IIssueCollector issueCollector, IProviderCollection providers)
            var columns = database.Tables.SelectMany(t => t.Columns).Where(c => c.ColumnName.Length < this.MinimalCharactersInName.Value);

            foreach (var column in columns)
                issueCollector.ReportIssue(new Issue(this, this.DefaultSeverity.Value)
                    Name        = "Too Short Column Name",
                    Description = new Description("Column '{0}' has a shorter name than allowed in table {1}.", column, column.Table),
                    Context     = new ColumnContext(column)
        public override void Execute(Database database, IIssueCollector issueCollector, IProviderCollection providers)
            var largeVarchars = (from col in database.Columns
                                 where col.DataType == DataType.VARCHAR && col.CharacterMaxLength > this.LargeVarcharLength.Value
                                 select col);

            foreach (var column in largeVarchars)
                var issue = new Issue(this, this.DefaultSeverity.Value);
                issue.Name        = "Too Large Varchar Column";
                issue.Context     = new ColumnContext(column);
                issue.Description = new Description("Length of varchar column '{0}' in table '{1}' is {2}", column, column.Table, column.CharacterMaxLength);
 public override void Execute(Database database, IIssueCollector issueCollector, IProviderCollection providers)
     foreach (var tbl in database.Tables)
         foreach (var column in tbl.Columns.Where(c => c.IsNullable && c.Unique))
             issueCollector.ReportIssue(new Issue(this, this.DefaultSeverity.Value)
                 Name        = "Nullable and Unique Column",
                 Description = new Description("Column '{0}' in table '{1}' is both nullable and unique", column, column.Table),
                 Context     = new ColumnContext(column)
 public override void Execute(Database database, IIssueCollector issueCollector, IProviderCollection providers)
     foreach (var table in database.Tables)
         var textColumns = table.Columns.Where(c => c.DataType == DataType.VARCHAR && c.CharacterMaxLength == 0);
         foreach (var column in textColumns)
             var issue = new Issue(this, this.DefaultSeverity.Value);
             issue.Name        = "Varchar Column With Length Zero";
             issue.Context     = new TableContext(table);
             issue.Description = new Description("Column '{0}' in table {1} is a varchar column with length zero", column, table);
        public override void Execute(Database database, IIssueCollector issueCollector, IProviderCollection providers)
            var indices = database.Tables.SelectMany(t => t.Indices);

            foreach (var index in indices)
                if (index.IsUnique && index.Columns.Count > this.MaxColumnsUnique.Value)
                        new Issue(this, this.DefaultSeverity.Value)
                        Name                = "Too Big Index",
                        Context             = new TableContext(index),
                        Description         = new Description("Too many columns in unique index '{0}' in table '{1}'", index.IndexName, index.Table),
                        ExtendedDescription =
                            new Description("Index '{0}' on the colums below has {2} columns which is more than maximally allowed in a unique/primary key index. {1}",
                                            index.IndexName, index.Columns.ToArray(), index.Columns.Count)
                else if (index.Columns.Count > this.MaxColumns.Value)
                        new Issue(this, this.DefaultSeverity.Value)
                        Name                = "Too Big Index",
                        Context             = new TableContext(index),
                        Description         = new Description("Too many columns in index '{0}' in table '{1}'", index.IndexName, index.Table),
                        ExtendedDescription =
                            new Description("Index '{0}' on the colums below has {2} columns which is more than maximally allowed in an index. {1}",
                                            index.IndexName, index.Columns.ToArray(), index.Columns.Count)
                else if (GetIndexSize(index) > this.MaxSize.Value)
                    var size = GetIndexSize(index);
                    issueCollector.ReportIssue(new Issue(this, this.DefaultSeverity.Value)
                        Name                = "Too Big Index",
                        Context             = new TableContext(index.Table),
                        Description         = new Description("Too big key size in index '{0}' in table '{1}'", index.IndexName, index.Table),
                        ExtendedDescription =
                            new Description("Index '{0}' on the colums below has an approximate size of {2} bytes. Reduce this index if possible. {1}",
                                            index.IndexName, index.Columns.ToArray(), size)
        public override void Execute(Database database, IIssueCollector issueCollector, IProviderCollection providers)
            this.regex = new Regex(this.RegexConfig.Value, RegexOptions.Compiled);

            Match match;

            foreach (var schema in database.Schemas)
                if (IsInvalid(schema.SchemaName, out match))
                    issueCollector.ReportIssue(GetIssue(schema, match));

                foreach (var table in schema.Tables)
                    if (IsInvalid(table.TableName, out match))
                        issueCollector.ReportIssue(GetIssue(table, match));

                    foreach (var column in table.Columns)
                        if (IsInvalid(column.ColumnName, out match))
                            issueCollector.ReportIssue(GetIssue(column, match));

                    foreach (var foreignKey in table.ForeignKeys)
                        if (IsInvalid(foreignKey.ForeignKeyName, out match))
                            issueCollector.ReportIssue(GetIssue(foreignKey, match));

                    foreach (var index in table.Indices)
                        if (IsInvalid(index.IndexName, out match))
                            issueCollector.ReportIssue(GetIssue(index, match));
        public override void Execute(Database database, IIssueCollector issueCollector, IProviderCollection providers)
            var ignorePrimaryKeyNames = ((from table in database.Tables
                                          where table.PrimaryKey != null && table.PrimaryKey.PrimaryKeyName.ToLower() == "primary"
                                          select table).Count() == database.Tables.Where(p => p.PrimaryKey != null).Count());

            foreach (var schema in database.Schemas)
                /*if (CheckString(schema.SchemaName))
                 *  issueCollector.ReportIssue(GetIssue(schema));*/

                foreach (var table in schema.Tables)
                    if (CheckString(table.TableName))

                    foreach (var column in table.Columns)
                        if (CheckString(column.ColumnName))

                    if (!ignorePrimaryKeyNames && table.PrimaryKey != null)
                        if (CheckString(table.PrimaryKey.PrimaryKeyName))

                    foreach (var foreignKey in table.ForeignKeys)
                        if (CheckString(foreignKey.ForeignKeyName))
        public override void Execute(DataTable table, IIssueCollector issueCollector, IProviderCollection providers)
            if (table.Cardinality < this.MinRows.Value)

            var candidates = table.QueryableColumns.Where(c => c.DefaultValue != null).ToList();

            using (var rowEnumerable = table.GetTableRowEnumerable())
                foreach (var row in rowEnumerable)
                    foreach (var candidateColumn in candidates.ToArray())
                        Object val = row[candidateColumn.ColumnName];
                        if (!val.ToString().Equals(candidateColumn.DefaultValue))

                    if (candidates.Count == 0)

            foreach (var candidateColumn in candidates)
                if (candidateColumn.DefaultValue == "0" || candidateColumn.DefaultValue == "1")

                Issue issue = new Issue(this, this.Severity);
                issue.Name        = "All Values Equals the Default Value";
                issue.Context     = new ColumnContext(candidateColumn);
                issue.Description = new Description("All {0} values in column '{1}' equals default value '{2}'. Is the column necessary?",
                                                    table.Cardinality, candidateColumn.ColumnName, candidateColumn.DefaultValue);
        public override void Execute(Database database, IIssueCollector issueCollector, IProviderCollection providers)
            float allowedPercentage = AllowedPercentage.Value / 100f;

            foreach (var table in database.Tables)
                var   textColumns = table.Columns.Where(c => c.DataType == DataType.TEXT || c.DataType == DataType.LONGVARCHAR);
                float percent     = ((float)textColumns.Count() / table.Columns.Count);
                if (textColumns.Count() > 2 && percent > allowedPercentage)
                    var issue = new Issue(this, this.DefaultSeverity.Value);
                    issue.Name                = "Too Many Text Column(s)";
                    issue.Context             = new TableContext(table);
                    issue.Description         = new Description("Overuse of data type text in table {0}", table);
                    issue.ExtendedDescription = new Description("The table contains {0} columns and {1} of them are of data type text. Consider using a more appropiate data type for one or more of the following columns:\n{2}",
                                                                table.Columns.Count, textColumns.Count(), GetTable(textColumns));
        public override void Execute(Database database, IIssueCollector issueCollector, IProviderCollection providers)
            foreach (var table in database.Tables.Where(t => t.PrimaryKey != null && t.UniqueConstraints.Count > 0))
                foreach (var uq in table.UniqueConstraints)
                    if (uq.Columns.All(c => table.PrimaryKey.Columns.Contains(c)))
                        System.Data.DataTable descTable = new System.Data.DataTable();
                        descTable.Columns.Add("PK Column(s)", typeof(String));
                        descTable.Columns.Add("UK Column(s)", typeof(String));
                        var row = descTable.NewRow();
                        row[0] = String.Join("\n", table.PrimaryKey.Columns.Select(c => c.ColumnName));
                        row[1] = String.Join("\n", uq.Columns.Select(c => c.ColumnName));


                        if (uq.Columns.Count == table.PrimaryKey.Columns.Count)
                            issueCollector.ReportIssue(new Issue(this, this.DefaultSeverity.Value)
                                Context             = new TableContext(table),
                                Description         = new Description("Columns in the primary key in table '{0}' is the same as the columns in a unique constraint", table),
                                ExtendedDescription = new Description("{0}", descTable),
                                Name = this.Name
                            issueCollector.ReportIssue(new Issue(this, this.DefaultSeverity.Value)
                                Context             = new TableContext(table),
                                Description         = new Description("The columns in a unique constraint in table '{0}' is a subset of the primary key", table),
                                ExtendedDescription = new Description("The primary key is a super key. Consider reducing the number of columns in the primary key.\n\n {0}", descTable),
                                Name = this.Name
        public override void Execute(Database database, IIssueCollector issueCollector, IProviderCollection providers)
            // Select only column of type 'char' and only if the max length is larger than 20 and
            // if the default value fills below 50% of the possible max length
            var columnsToCheck = (from col in database.Columns
                                  where col.DataType == DataType.CHAR &&
                                  col.CharacterMaxLength > MaxLength.Value &&
                                  col.DefaultValue != null &&
                                  ((float)col.DefaultValue.Length / col.CharacterMaxLength) < (MinimumFill.Value / 100f)
                                  select col);

            foreach (var column in columnsToCheck)
                var issue = new Issue(this, this.DefaultSeverity.Value);
                issue.Name                = "Inappropriate Length of Default Value For Char Column";
                issue.Context             = new ColumnContext(column);
                issue.Description         = new Description("Inappropriate length of default value for char column '{0}' in table {1}", column, column.Table);
                issue.ExtendedDescription = new Description("The maximum character length of this column is {0}, but the default value has a length of {1}. Consider using varchar to save space.", column.CharacterMaxLength, column.DefaultValue.Length);
        public override void Execute(DataTable table, IIssueCollector issueCollector, IProviderCollection providers)
            var columns = table.Columns.Where(columnPredicate).Select(c => new StatCount {
                Column = c

            using (var rowEnumerable = table.GetTableRowEnumerable())
                foreach (var row in rowEnumerable)
                    foreach (var col in columns)
                        var val = row[col.Column.ColumnName];
                        if (val is DBNull || val.ToString().Equals(String.Empty))
                        var length = val.ToString().Length;
                        col.Items       += 1;
                        col.MaxLength    = Math.Max(col.MaxLength, length);
                        col.TotalLength += length;
            foreach (var statCount in columns)
                if (statCount.Items < this.MinRows.Value)
                var avgLength = statCount.TotalLength / statCount.Items;
                if (avgLength < statCount.Column.CharacterMaxLength * 0.6 && statCount.MaxLength < statCount.Column.CharacterMaxLength * 0.8)
                    issueCollector.ReportIssue(new Issue(this, this.Severity)
                        Name        = "Large Text Column not Filled",
                        Context     = new TableContext(table),
                        Description = new Description("Column '{0}' contains on average {1} characters and the longest value has {2} characters. The maximum length of the column is declared to be {3} charaters", statCount.Column, avgLength, statCount.MaxLength, statCount.Column.CharacterMaxLength)
        public override void Execute(Database database, IIssueCollector issueCollector, IProviderCollection providers)
            var tables = (from tab in database.Tables
                          where tab.PrimaryKey != null
                          select tab).ToList();

            foreach (var table in tables)
                for (int i = 0; i < table.PrimaryKey.Columns.Count; i++)
                    if (table.PrimaryKey.Columns[i] != table.Columns[i])
                        var issue = new Issue(this, this.DefaultSeverity.Value);
                        issue.Name        = "Primary-Key Column(s) Not Positioned First";
                        issue.Description = new Description("The columns in primary key in table {0} should be positioned first, and in the same order as the primary-key index", table);
                        issue.Context     = new TableContext(table);
        public override void Execute(DataTable table, IIssueCollector issueCollector, IProviderCollection providers)
            var values  = new Dictionary <Column, HashSet <Object> >();
            var columns = (from fk in table.ForeignKeys
                           from colPair in fk.ColumnPairs
                           select colPair.FKColumn).ToList();

            if (!columns.All(c => table.QueryableColumns.Contains(c)))

            columns.ForEach(c => values.Add(c, new HashSet <Object>()));

            using (var rowEnumerable = table.GetTableRowEnumerable())
                foreach (var row in rowEnumerable)
                    foreach (var column in columns)
                        Object val = row[column.ColumnName];
                        if (values[column].Contains(val))

            Issue issue = new Issue(this, this.Severity);

            issue.Name        = "Unnecessary One-to-One Relational Table";
            issue.Context     = new TableContext(table);
            issue.Description = new Description("The data in table {0} represents a one-to-one relationship.", table);