public IActionResult Update([FromBody] Models.Invitation invitation)
            IActionResult result          = null;
            IMapper       mapper          = null;
            IInvitation   innerInvitation = null;

            if (result == null && invitation == null)
                result = BadRequest("Missing invitation data");

            if (result == null && (!invitation.InvitationId.HasValue || invitation.InvitationId.Equals(Guid.Empty)))
                result = BadRequest("Missing id");

            if (result == null && !invitation.EventDate.HasValue)
                result = BadRequest("Missing event date");

            if (result == null && !invitation.RSVPDueDate.HasValue)
                result = BadRequest("Missing RSVP date");

            if (result == null && string.IsNullOrEmpty(invitation.Title))
                result = BadRequest("Missing title");

            if (result == null && string.IsNullOrEmpty(invitation.Invitee))
                result = BadRequest("Missing invitee");

            if (result == null)
                mapper = new Mapper(m_mapperConfiguration);
                using (ILifetimeScope scope = m_container.BeginLifetimeScope())
                    IInvitationFactory factory = scope.Resolve <IInvitationFactory>();
                    innerInvitation = factory.Get(m_settings.Value, invitation.InvitationId.Value);

                    if (innerInvitation == null)
                        result = NotFound();
                        mapper.Map <Models.Invitation, IInvitation>(invitation, innerInvitation);
                        IInvitationSaver saver = scope.Resolve <IInvitationSaver>();
                        saver.Update(m_settings.Value, innerInvitation);
                        invitation = mapper.Map <Models.Invitation>(innerInvitation);
                        result     = Ok(invitation);
        public IActionResult Get(Guid id)
            IActionResult result = null;

            if (result == null && id.Equals(Guid.Empty))
                result = BadRequest("Missing id");

            if (result == null)
                using (ILifetimeScope scope = m_container.BeginLifetimeScope())
                    IInvitationFactory factory    = scope.Resolve <IInvitationFactory>();
                    IInvitation        invitation = factory.Get(m_settings.Value, id);
                    if (invitation == null)
                        result = NotFound();
                        IMapper mapper = new Mapper(m_mapperConfiguration);
                        result = Ok(mapper.Map <Models.Invitation>(invitation));
        /// <summary>
        /// add invitation record to invitation manager
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="InitiatorId">who invites</param>
        /// <param name="RecipientId">who is invited</param>
        /// <returns>is invitation successful</returns>
        public bool AddInvitation <T>(string InitiatorId, string RecipientId) where T : IInvitation
            //если(я.id == ты.id && я.кого == ты.кого || я.id == ты.кого && я.кого == ты.id)

            lock (Invitations)
                IInvitation Il = this.Invitations.OfType <T>().Where(x =>
                                                                     x.InitiatorId == InitiatorId && x.RecipientId == RecipientId ||
                                                                     x.InitiatorId == RecipientId && x.RecipientId == InitiatorId).SingleOrDefault();

                if (Il != null)
                    if (Il.Status == GameInvitation.StatusRejected)
                        int role = this.GetRole <T>(InitiatorId, RecipientId);
                        if (role == GameInvitation.RoleRecipient)
                            this.RemoveInvitation <T>(RecipientId, InitiatorId);
                            AddInvitation <T>(InitiatorId, RecipientId);
                    T ni = (T)Activator.CreateInstance(typeof(T), new object[] { InitiatorId, RecipientId });
         * CALLBACKS SECTION. This section shows how we implement the several games
         * API callbacks.

        public void OnConnected(Bundle connectionHint)
            Log.Debug(TAG, "onConnected() called. Sign in successful!");

            Log.Debug(TAG, "Sign-in succeeded.");

            // register listener so we are notified if we receive an invitation to play
            // while we are in the game
            GamesClass.Invitations.RegisterInvitationListener(mGoogleApiClient, this);

            if (connectionHint != null)
                Log.Debug(TAG, "onConnected: connection hint ed. Checking for e.");
                IInvitation inv = (IInvitation)connectionHint
                if (inv != null && inv.InvitationId != null)
                    // retrieve and cache the invitation ID
                    Log.Debug(TAG, "onConnected: connection hint has a room invite!");
 public InviteController(
     IInvitation invitation,
     ILogger <InviteController> logger
     Invitation = invitation;
     Logger     = logger;
        public void CreateInvitationShould()
            Guid        testGuid   = Guid.NewGuid();
            IInvitation invitation = _invitationFactory.CreateInvitation(testGuid, "*****@*****.**");

            Assert.Equal(testGuid, invitation.Id);
            Assert.Equal("*****@*****.**", invitation.Email);
 public bool RemoveInvitation(IInvitation inviteItem)
     if (!(inviteItem is Invitation inviteGen))
         throw new ArgumentNullException("inviteItem");
 public InvitationViewModel(IInvitation invitation)
     InvitationId   = invitation.InvitationId;
     UserIdReceiver = invitation.UserIdReceiver;
     UserIdSender   = invitation.UserIdSender;
     Date           = invitation.Date;
     AccountId      = invitation.AccountId;
 public bool AddInvitation(IInvitation inviteItem, ICustomer customer)
     if (!(inviteItem is Invitation inviteGen))
         throw new ArgumentNullException("inviteItem");
 public InvitationResponse(InvitationResponseData responseData,
                           IInvitationResponseDataSaver responseDataSaver,
                           IInvitation invitation)
     m_responseData      = responseData;
     m_responseDataSaver = responseDataSaver;
     m_invitation        = invitation;
        private void HandleInvitationEvent <T>(EventContext eventcontext, Func <T, IInvitation> inviteGenerateDelegate) where T : InvitationResource
            string      NormalizedUri = UriHelper.NormalizeUriWithNoQueryParameters(eventcontext.EventEntity.Link.Href, eventcontext.BaseUri);
            T           localResource = this.ConvertToPlatformServiceResource <T>(eventcontext);
            IInvitation invite        = m_invites.GetOrAdd(localResource.OperationContext, (a) =>
                Logger.Instance.Information(string.Format("[Communication] Started and Add invitation: OperationContext:{0}, Href: {1} , LoggingContext: {2}",
                                                          localResource.OperationContext, NormalizedUri, eventcontext.LoggingContext == null ? string.Empty : eventcontext.LoggingContext.ToString()));


            if (invite.RelatedConversation == null)
                //Populate conversation resource if needed
                string       relatedConversationNormalizedUri = UriHelper.NormalizeUriWithNoQueryParameters(localResource.ConversationResourceLink.Href, eventcontext.BaseUri);
                Uri          relatedConversationUri           = UriHelper.CreateAbsoluteUri(eventcontext.BaseUri, localResource.ConversationResourceLink.Href);
                Conversation relatedConversation = m_conversations.GetOrAdd(relatedConversationNormalizedUri,
                                                                            (a) =>
                    Logger.Instance.Information(string.Format("[Communication] Add conversation {0} LoggingContext: {1}",
                                                              relatedConversationNormalizedUri, eventcontext.LoggingContext == null ? string.Empty : eventcontext.LoggingContext.ToString()));

                    return(new Conversation(this.RestfulClient, null, eventcontext.BaseUri, relatedConversationUri, this));

            //Remove from cache if it is a complete operation
            if (eventcontext.EventEntity.Relationship == EventOperation.Completed)
                IInvitation completedInvite = null;
                Logger.Instance.Information(string.Format("[Communication] Completed and remove invitation: OperationContext:{0}, Href: {1} , LoggingContext: {2}",
                                                          localResource.OperationContext, NormalizedUri, eventcontext.LoggingContext == null ? string.Empty : eventcontext.LoggingContext.ToString()));
                m_invites.TryRemove(localResource.OperationContext, out completedInvite);

            var eventableEntity = invite as EventableEntity;


            if (eventcontext.EventEntity.Relationship == EventOperation.Started)
            //here we ignore the case that a new incoming invite is failure and with completed operation
                var temp = eventcontext.EventEntity.EmbeddedResource as InvitationResource;
                if (temp.Direction == Direction.Incoming)
                    var application  = this.Parent as Application;
                    var applications = application.Parent as Applications;
                    var discover     = applications.Parent as Discover;
                    var endpoint     = discover.Parent as ApplicationEndpoint;
                    //TODO:should we treat new incoming INVITE (with new conversation) differently than the incoming modality escalation invite?
        /// <summary>
        /// schedule and trusted join a adhoc meeting
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="subject">the meeting subject</param>
        /// <param name="callbackContext">the call back context</param>
        /// <param name="loggingContext">the logging context</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        internal async Task <IOnlineMeetingInvitation> StartMeetingAsync(string subject, string callbackContext, LoggingContext loggingContext = null)
            string href = PlatformResource?.StartAdhocMeetingLink?.Href;

            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(href))
                throw new CapabilityNotAvailableException("Link start adhoc meeting in not available.");

            Logger.Instance.Information(string.Format("[AudioVideoInvitation] calling StartAdhocMeetingAsync. LoggingContext:{0}", loggingContext == null ? string.Empty : loggingContext.ToString()));
            var communication = this.Parent as Communication;

            string operationId = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
            var    tcs         = new TaskCompletionSource <IInvitation>();

            //Adding current invitation to collection for tracking purpose.
            communication.HandleNewInviteOperationKickedOff(operationId, tcs);

            string callbackUrl = null;
            var    application = communication.Parent as Application;

            application.GetCallbackUrlAndCallbackContext(ref callbackUrl, ref callbackContext);

            IInvitation invite = null;
            var         input  = new StartAdhocMeetingInput
                Subject          = subject,
                CallbackContext  = callbackContext,
                CallbackUrl      = callbackUrl,
                OperationContext = operationId
            var adhocMeetingUri = UriHelper.CreateAbsoluteUri(this.BaseUri, href);

            await this.PostRelatedPlatformResourceAsync(adhocMeetingUri, input, new ResourceJsonMediaTypeFormatter(), loggingContext).ConfigureAwait(false);

            Task completed = await Task.WhenAny(Task.Delay(WaitForEvents), tcs.Task).ConfigureAwait(false);

            if (completed != tcs.Task)
                throw new RemotePlatformServiceException("Timeout to get Onlinemeeting Invitation started event from platformservice!");
                invite = await tcs.Task.ConfigureAwait(false);// Incase need to throw exception

            //We are sure the invite sure be there now.
            OnlineMeetingInvitation result = invite as OnlineMeetingInvitation;

            if (result == null)
                throw new RemotePlatformServiceException("Platformservice do not deliver a Onlinemeeting resource with operationId " + operationId);

 public IEnumerable <IInvitationResponse> GetByInvitation(ISettings settings, IInvitation invitation)
     using (ILifetimeScope scope = m_dependencyContainer.GetContainer().BeginLifetimeScope())
         IInvitationResponseDataFactory dataFactory = scope.Resolve <IInvitationResponseDataFactory>();
         IInvitationResponseDataSaver   dataSaver   = scope.Resolve <IInvitationResponseDataSaver>();
         return(dataFactory.GetByInvitationId(new Settings(settings), invitation.InvitationId)
                .Select <InvitationResponseData, IInvitationResponse>(d => new InvitationResponse(d, dataSaver, invitation)));
        /// <summary>
        /// Saas application Joins the adhoc meeting as trusted entity, won't be seen by other conference participants
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="loggingContext"><see cref="LoggingContext"/> to be used for logging all related events</param>
        /// <param name="callbackContext">A state/context object which will be provided by SfB in all related events</param>
        /// <returns><see cref="IOnlineMeetingInvitation"/> which can be used to wait for the meeting join to complete</returns>
        internal async Task <IOnlineMeetingInvitation> JoinAdhocMeetingAsync(string callbackContext, LoggingContext loggingContext = null)
            string href = PlatformResource?.JoinAdhocMeetingLink?.Href;

            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(href))
                throw new CapabilityNotAvailableException("Link to join adhoc meeting is not available.");

            string callbackUrl = null;

            (Parent as Application).GetCallbackUrlAndCallbackContext(ref callbackUrl, ref callbackContext);

            var joinMeetingInput = new JoinMeetingInvitationInput()
                CallbackContext  = callbackContext,
                OperationContext = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(),
                CallbackUrl      = callbackUrl

            var         communication = (Parent as Application).Communication as Communication;
            IInvitation invite        = null;

            //Adding current invitation to collection for tracking purpose.
            var tcs = new TaskCompletionSource <IInvitation>();

            communication.HandleNewInviteOperationKickedOff(joinMeetingInput.OperationContext, tcs);

            Logger.Instance.Information("Joining adhoc meeting " + href);

            var adhocMeetingUri = UriHelper.CreateAbsoluteUri(BaseUri, href);

            await PostRelatedPlatformResourceAsync(adhocMeetingUri, joinMeetingInput, new ResourceJsonMediaTypeFormatter(), loggingContext).ConfigureAwait(false);

            Task finishedTask = await Task.WhenAny(Task.Delay(WaitForEvents), tcs.Task).ConfigureAwait(false);

            if (finishedTask != tcs.Task)
                throw new RemotePlatformServiceException("Timeout to get OnlinemeetingInvitation started event from platformservice");
                invite = await tcs.Task.ConfigureAwait(false); // Incase need to throw exception

            // We know for sure that the invitation is there now.
            var result = invite as IOnlineMeetingInvitation;

            if (result == null)
                throw new RemotePlatformServiceException("Platformservice did not deliver a OnlinemeetingInvitation resource with operationId " + joinMeetingInput.OperationContext);

        // Called when we get an invitation to play a game. We react by showing that to the user.

        public void OnInvitationReceived(IInvitation invitation)
            // We got an invitation to play a game! So, store it in
            // mIncomingInvitationId
            // and show the popup on the screen.
            mIncomingInvitationId = invitation.InvitationId;
            var textView = (TextView)FindViewById(Resource.Id.incoming_invitation_text);

            textView.SetText(invitation.Inviter.DisplayName + " " + GetString(Resource.String.is_inviting_you), TextView.BufferType.Normal);
            SwitchToScreen(mCurScreen);             // This will show the invitation popup
 /// <summary>
 /// удаляет приглашение когда оно принято. дальше за это отвечает база данных
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="InitiatorId"></param>
 /// <param name="RecipientId"></param>
 public void RemoveInvitation <T>(string InitiatorId, string RecipientId) where T : IInvitation
     lock (Invitations)
         IInvitation Il = this.Invitations.OfType <T>().Where(x => x.InitiatorId == InitiatorId && x.RecipientId == RecipientId).SingleOrDefault();
         if (Il != null)
 public void AcceptInvitation <T>(string InitiatorId, string RecipientId) where T : IInvitation
     lock (Invitations)
         IInvitation Il = this.Invitations.OfType <T>().Where(x => x.InitiatorId == InitiatorId && x.RecipientId == RecipientId).SingleOrDefault();
         if (Il != null)
             Il.Status = GameInvitation.StatusAccepted;
        /// <summary>
        /// Handle a invitation complete event
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="operationId"></param>
        /// <param name="exception"></param>
        internal void HandleInviteStarted(string operationId, IInvitation invite)
            TaskCompletionSource <IInvitation> tcs = null;

            m_inviteAddedTcses.TryGetValue(operationId, out tcs);
            if (tcs != null)
                TaskCompletionSource <IInvitation> removeTemp = null;
                m_inviteAddedTcses.TryRemove(operationId, out removeTemp);
        public bool IsInvitationRejected <T>(String InitiatorId, String RecipientId) where T : IInvitation
            IInvitation Il = this.Invitations.OfType <T>().Where(x => x.InitiatorId == InitiatorId && x.RecipientId == RecipientId).SingleOrDefault();

            if (Il != null && Il.Status == GameInvitation.StatusRejected)
 public IInvitationResponse Create(IInvitation invitation, bool?isAttending, short?attendingCount, string note)
     using (ILifetimeScope scope = m_dependencyContainer.GetContainer().BeginLifetimeScope())
         InvitationResponseData responseData = new InvitationResponseData()
             IsAttending   = isAttending,
             AttendeeCount = attendingCount,
             Note          = note
         return(new InvitationResponse(responseData, scope.Resolve <IInvitationResponseDataSaver>(), invitation));
 public void CreateInvite(IInvitation invitation)
     using (var connection = _connection.SqlConnection)
         var command = new SqlCommand("INSERT INTO dbo.Invitations (UserIdSender,UserIdReceiver,[Date],AccountId) VALUES (@Sender,@Receiver,@Date,@AccountId)", connection);
         command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@AccountId", invitation.AccountId);
         command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Receiver", invitation.UserIdReceiver);
         command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Sender", invitation.UserIdSender);
         command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Date", invitation.Date);
        // Handle the result of the invitation inbox UI, where the player can pick an invitation
        // to accept. We react by accepting the selected invitation, if any.
        private void HandleInvitationInboxResult(Result response, Intent data)
            if (response != Result.Ok)
                Log.Warn(TAG, "*** invitation inbox UI cancelled, " + response);

            Log.Debug(TAG, "Invitation inbox UI succeeded.");
            IInvitation inv = (IInvitation)data.Extras.GetParcelable(Multiplayer.ExtraInvitation);

            // accept invitation
        /// <summary>
        /// Handle new incoming invite
        /// </summary>
        internal void HandleNewIncomingInvite(IInvitation newInvite)
            var messagingInvite = newInvite as IMessagingInvitation;

            if (messagingInvite != null)
                handleIncomingInstantMessagingCall?.Invoke(this, new IncomingInviteEventArgs <IMessagingInvitation>(messagingInvite));

            var audioVideoInvite = newInvite as IAudioVideoInvitation;

            if (audioVideoInvite != null)
                handleIncomingAudioVideoCall?.Invoke(this, new IncomingInviteEventArgs <IAudioVideoInvitation>(audioVideoInvite));
        /// <summary>
        /// add participant as an asynchronous operation.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="targetSip">The target sip.</param>
        /// <param name="loggingContext">The logging context.</param>
        /// <returns>Task&lt;IParticipantInvitation&gt;.</returns>
        /// <exception cref="CapabilityNotAvailableException">Link to add participant is not available.</exception>
        /// <exception cref="RemotePlatformServiceException">
        /// Timeout to get Participant invitation started event from platformservice!
        /// or
        /// Platformservice do not deliver a ParticipantInvitation resource with operationId " + operationId
        /// </exception>
        public async Task <IParticipantInvitation> AddParticipantAsync(SipUri targetSip, LoggingContext loggingContext = null)

            string href = PlatformResource?.AddParticipantResourceLink?.Href;

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(href))
                throw new CapabilityNotAvailableException("Link to add participant is not available.");

            var communication = this.Parent as Communication;

            IInvitation invite      = null;
            string      operationId = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
            TaskCompletionSource <IInvitation> tcs = new TaskCompletionSource <IInvitation>();

            communication.HandleNewInviteOperationKickedOff(operationId, tcs);

            var input = new AddParticipantInvitationInput
                OperationContext = operationId,
                To = targetSip.ToString()

            Uri addparticipantUrl = UriHelper.CreateAbsoluteUri(this.BaseUri, href);

            await this.PostRelatedPlatformResourceAsync(addparticipantUrl, input, new ResourceJsonMediaTypeFormatter(), loggingContext).ConfigureAwait(false);

                invite = await tcs.Task.TimeoutAfterAsync(WaitForEvents).ConfigureAwait(false);
            catch (TimeoutException)
                throw new RemotePlatformServiceException("Timeout to get Participant invitation started event from platformservice!");

            var result = invite as ParticipantInvitation;

            if (result == null)
                throw new RemotePlatformServiceException("Platformservice do not deliver a ParticipantInvitation resource with operationId " + operationId);

        /// <summary>
        /// определяет кто инициатор а кто акцептор приглашения по порядку следования полей в базе
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="InitiatorId"></param>
        /// <param name="RecipientId"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public int GetRole <T>(String InitiatorId, String RecipientId) where T : IInvitation
            IInvitation Il = this.Invitations.OfType <T>().Where(x => x.InitiatorId == InitiatorId && x.RecipientId == RecipientId ||
                                                                 x.InitiatorId == RecipientId && x.RecipientId == InitiatorId).SingleOrDefault();

            if (Il != null)
                if (Il.InitiatorId == InitiatorId)
        /// <summary>
        /// Start messaging
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="subject"></param>
        /// <param name="to"></param>
        /// <param name="callbackUrl"></param>
        /// <param name="localUserDisplayName"></param>
        /// <param name="localUserUri"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private async Task <IMessagingInvitation> StartMessagingWithIdentityAsync(string subject, string to, string callbackContext, string callbackUrl, string href, string localUserDisplayName, string localUserUri, LoggingContext loggingContext = null)
            (Parent as Application).GetCallbackUrlAndCallbackContext(ref callbackUrl, ref callbackContext);

            string operationId = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
            var    tcs         = new TaskCompletionSource <IInvitation>();

            HandleNewInviteOperationKickedOff(operationId, tcs);
            IInvitation invite = null;
            var         input  = new MessagingInvitationInput
                OperationContext = operationId,
                To                   = to,
                Subject              = subject,
                CallbackContext      = callbackContext,
                CallbackUrl          = callbackUrl,
                LocalUserDisplayName = localUserDisplayName,
                LocalUserUri         = localUserUri

            var startMessagingUri = UriHelper.CreateAbsoluteUri(this.BaseUri, href);

            await this.PostRelatedPlatformResourceAsync(startMessagingUri, input, new ResourceJsonMediaTypeFormatter(), loggingContext).ConfigureAwait(false);

                invite = await tcs.Task.TimeoutAfterAsync(WaitForEvents).ConfigureAwait(false);
            catch (TimeoutException)
                throw new RemotePlatformServiceException("Timeout to get incoming messaging invitation started event from platformservice!");

            //We are sure the invite sure be there now.
            var result = invite as MessagingInvitation;

            if (result == null)
                throw new RemotePlatformServiceException("Platformservice do not deliver a messageInvitation resource with operationId " + operationId);

        /// <summary>
        /// Start audio video call
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="subject"></param>
        /// <param name="to"></param>
        /// <param name="callbackUrl"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private async Task <IAudioVideoInvitation> StartAudioVideoAsync(string href, string subject, string to, string callbackUrl, LoggingContext loggingContext = null)
            var operationId = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
            var tcs         = new TaskCompletionSource <IInvitation>();

            HandleNewInviteOperationKickedOff(operationId, tcs);
            IInvitation invite = null;
            var         input  = new AudioVideoInvitationInput
                OperationContext = operationId,
                To          = to,
                Subject     = subject,
                CallbackUrl = callbackUrl,
                MediaHost   = MediaHostType.Remote

            Uri startAudioVideoUri = UriHelper.CreateAbsoluteUri(this.BaseUri, href);

            await this.PostRelatedPlatformResourceAsync(startAudioVideoUri, input, new ResourceJsonMediaTypeFormatter(), loggingContext).ConfigureAwait(false);

                invite = await tcs.Task.TimeoutAfterAsync(WaitForEvents).ConfigureAwait(false);
            catch (TimeoutException)
                throw new RemotePlatformServiceException("Timeout to get incoming audioVideo invitation started event from platformservice!");

            // We are sure that the invite is there now.
            var result = invite as AudioVideoInvitation;

            if (result == null)
                throw new RemotePlatformServiceException("Platformservice do not deliver a AudioVideoInvitation resource with operationId " + operationId);

        public void OnConnected(Android.OS.Bundle connectionHint)
            //debugLog("onConnected: connected! client=" + mClientCurrentlyConnecting);

            // Mark the current client as connected
            connectedClients |= clientCurrentlyConnecting;

            // If this was the games client and it came with an invite, store it for
            // later retrieval.
            if (clientCurrentlyConnecting == CLIENT_GAMES && connectionHint != null)
                //debugLog("onConnected: connection hint provided. Checking for invite.");
                IInvitation inv = (IInvitation)connectionHint.GetParcelable(GamesClient.ExtraInvitation);
                if (inv != null && inv.InvitationId != null)
                    // accept invitation
                    //debugLog("onConnected: connection hint has a room invite!");
                    invitationId = inv.InvitationId;
                    //debugLog("Invitation ID: " + mInvitationId);
            // connect the next client in line, if any.
        public IActionResult CreateResponse(Guid id, [FromBody] Models.InvitationResponse response)
            IActionResult result = null;

            if (result == null && id.Equals(Guid.Empty))
                result = BadRequest("Missing id");

            if (result == null && response == null)
                result = BadRequest("Missing response data");

            if (result == null)
                using (ILifetimeScope scope = m_container.BeginLifetimeScope())
                    IInvitationFactory factory    = scope.Resolve <IInvitationFactory>();
                    IInvitation        invitation = factory.Get(m_settings.Value, id);
                    if (invitation == null)
                        result = NotFound();
                        IInvitationResponse      innerResponse = invitation.CreateResponse(response.IsAttending, response.AttendeeCount, response.Note);
                        IInvitationResponseSaver saver         = scope.Resolve <IInvitationResponseSaver>();
                        saver.Create(m_settings.Value, innerResponse);
                        IMapper mapper = new Mapper(m_mapperConfiguration);
                        result = Ok(mapper.Map <Models.InvitationResponse>(innerResponse));
        /// <summary>
        /// Add AudioVideo to an already estalished conversation.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="loggingContext"><see cref="LoggingContext"/> to use for logging</param>
        /// <returns><see cref="AudioVideoInvitation"/> which tracks the outgoing invite.</returns>
        public override async Task <IAudioVideoInvitation> EstablishAsync(LoggingContext loggingContext = null)
            string href = PlatformResource?.AddAudioVideoLink?.Href;

            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(href))
                throw new CapabilityNotAvailableException("Link to establish AudioVideo is not available.");

            Logger.Instance.Information("[AudioVideo] Calling AddAudioVideo. LoggingContext: {0}",
                                        loggingContext == null ? string.Empty : loggingContext.ToString());

            var conversation = base.Parent as Conversation;

            if (conversation == null)
                Logger.Instance.Error("[AudioVideo] Conversation from AudioVideo base parent is null");
                throw new Exception("[AudioVideo] Failed to get Conversation from AudioVideo base parent");
            var communication = conversation.Parent as Communication;

            if (communication == null)
                Logger.Instance.Error("[AudioVideo] Communication from conversation base parent is null");
                throw new Exception("[AudioVideo] Failed to get communication from conversation base parent");

            string operationId = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
            var    tcs         = new TaskCompletionSource <IInvitation>();

            //Tracking the incoming invitation from communication resource
            communication.HandleNewInviteOperationKickedOff(operationId, tcs);

            IInvitation invite = null;
            var         input  = new AudioVideoInvitationInput
                OperationContext = operationId,
                MediaHost        = MediaHostType.Remote

            var addAudioVideoUri = UriHelper.CreateAbsoluteUri(this.BaseUri, href);

            await this.PostRelatedPlatformResourceAsync(addAudioVideoUri, input, new ResourceJsonMediaTypeFormatter(), loggingContext).ConfigureAwait(false);

                invite = await tcs.Task.TimeoutAfterAsync(WaitForEvents).ConfigureAwait(false);
            catch (TimeoutException)
                throw new RemotePlatformServiceException("Timeout to get incoming AudioVideo invitation started event from platformservice!");

            //We are sure the invite sure be there now.
            var result = invite as AudioVideoInvitation;

            if (result == null)
                throw new RemotePlatformServiceException("Platformservice do not deliver a AudioVideoInvitation resource with operationId " + operationId);
