public void TestInitialize() { _employmentHistoryUrl = new ReadOnlyApplicationUrl(true, "~/members/profile/api/employmenthistory"); _accounting = _industriesQuery.GetIndustry("Accounting"); _administration = _industriesQuery.GetIndustry("Administration"); }
public void TestIndustriesComplete() { var member = CreateMember(); UpdateCandidate(member.Id, c => c.Industries = new List <Industry> { _industriesQuery.GetIndustry(Industry) }); AssertStatus(member, 30, MemberItem.Industries, MemberItem.Name, MemberItem.EmailAddress, MemberItem.Address, MemberItem.Status); }
public void TestUpdateIndustries() { var industry = _industriesQuery.GetIndustry("Administration"); var criteria = new MemberSearchCriteria { IndustryIds = new[] { industry.Id } }; Test(criteria, () => Select(industry)); }
public void TestIndustriesComplete() { var member = new Member(); var candidate = new Candidate { Industries = new List <Industry> { _industriesQuery.GetIndustry(Industry) } }; AssertStatus(member, candidate, null, 5, MemberItem.Industries); }
public void EmployerNewJobAdTestsInitialize() { Resolve <IDbConnectionFactory>().DeleteAllTestData(); _previewButton = new HtmlButtonTester(Browser, "preview"); _saveButton = new HtmlButtonTester(Browser, "save"); _publishButton = new HtmlButtonTester(Browser, "publish"); _reopenButton = new HtmlButtonTester(Browser, "reopen"); _repostButton = new HtmlButtonTester(Browser, "repost"); _editButton = new HtmlButtonTester(Browser, "edit"); _titleTextBox = new HtmlTextBoxTester(Browser, "Title"); _positionTitleTextBox = new HtmlTextBoxTester(Browser, "PositionTitle"); _externalReferenceIdTextBox = new HtmlTextBoxTester(Browser, "ExternalReferenceId"); _bulletPoint1TextBox = new HtmlTextBoxTester(Browser, "BulletPoint1"); _bulletPoint2TextBox = new HtmlTextBoxTester(Browser, "BulletPoint2"); _bulletPoint3TextBox = new HtmlTextBoxTester(Browser, "BulletPoint3"); _summaryTextBox = new HtmlTextAreaTester(Browser, "Summary"); _contentTextBox = new HtmlTextAreaTester(Browser, "Content"); _emailAddressTextBox = new HtmlTextBoxTester(Browser, "EmailAddress"); _secondaryEmailAddressesTextBox = new HtmlTextBoxTester(Browser, "SecondaryEmailAddresses"); _phoneNumberTextBox = new HtmlTextBoxTester(Browser, "PhoneNumber"); _faxNumberTextBox = new HtmlTextBoxTester(Browser, "FaxNumber"); _countryIdDropDownList = new HtmlDropDownListTester(Browser, "CountryId"); _locationTextBox = new HtmlTextBoxTester(Browser, "Location"); _firstNameTextBox = new HtmlTextBoxTester(Browser, "FirstName"); _lastNameTextBox = new HtmlTextBoxTester(Browser, "LastName"); _salaryLowerBoundTextBox = new HtmlTextBoxTester(Browser, "SalaryLowerBound"); _salaryUpperBoundTextBox = new HtmlTextBoxTester(Browser, "SalaryUpperBound"); _packageTextBox = new HtmlTextBoxTester(Browser, "Package"); _companyNameTextBox = new HtmlTextBoxTester(Browser, "CompanyName"); _hideCompanyCheckBox = new HtmlCheckBoxTester(Browser, "HideCompany"); _residencyRequiredCheckBox = new HtmlCheckBoxTester(Browser, "ResidencyRequired"); _industryIdsListBox = new HtmlListBoxTester(Browser, "IndustryIds"); _fullTimeCheckBox = new HtmlCheckBoxTester(Browser, "FullTime"); _partTimeCheckBox = new HtmlCheckBoxTester(Browser, "PartTime"); _contractCheckBox = new HtmlCheckBoxTester(Browser, "Contract"); _tempCheckBox = new HtmlCheckBoxTester(Browser, "Temp"); _jobShareCheckBox = new HtmlCheckBoxTester(Browser, "JobShare"); _expiryTimeTextBox = new HtmlTextBoxTester(Browser, "ExpiryTime"); _hideContactDetailsCheckBox = new HtmlCheckBoxTester(Browser, "HideContactDetails"); _baseFeaturePack = new HtmlRadioButtonTester(Browser, "BaseFeaturePack"); _featurePack1 = new HtmlRadioButtonTester(Browser, "FeaturePack1"); _featurePack2 = new HtmlRadioButtonTester(Browser, "FeaturePack2"); _accounting = _industriesQuery.GetIndustry("Accounting"); _administration = _industriesQuery.GetIndustry("Administration"); }
public void TestAdvancedIndustries() { var id = CreateSavedJobAdSearch( "LinkMe.Common.JobBoard.AdvancedJobSearchCriteria", new Dictionary <string, string> { { "Industries", "administration" }, } ); var jobAdSearchesQuery = CreateJobAdSearchesQuery(false); var search = jobAdSearchesQuery.GetJobAdSearch(id); Assert.AreEqual(1, search.Criteria.IndustryIds.Count); Assert.AreEqual(_industriesQuery.GetIndustry("Administration").Id, search.Criteria.IndustryIds[0]); }
public void TestIndustryJobs() { // Choose an industry that has a url alias. var industry = _industriesQuery.GetIndustry("Healthcare, Medical & Pharmaceutical"); var expectedUrl = new ReadOnlyApplicationUrl("~/jobs/-/" + industry.UrlName + "-jobs"); TestUrl(expectedUrl); TestUrls( expectedUrl, new ReadOnlyApplicationUrl("~/jobs/-/" + industry.UrlName + "-jobs/"), new ReadOnlyApplicationUrl("~/jobs/-/" + industry.UrlName), new ReadOnlyApplicationUrl("~/jobs/-/" + industry.UrlAliases[0] + "-jobs"), new ReadOnlyApplicationUrl("~/jobs/-/" + industry.UrlAliases[0])); }
private JobAd CreateJobAd(IHasId <Guid> employer, JobAdStatus status) { var jobAd = new JobAd { Id = Guid.NewGuid(), Status = status, Title = "Best Job in the World", CreatedTime = DateTime.Now, PosterId = employer.Id, Description = { BulletPoints = new[] { "good verbal communication", "self management and independency", "bullet point 3" }, Content = "Mutley, you snickering, floppy eared hound. When courage is needed, you're never around.", JobTypes = JobTypes.FullTime, Industries = new List <Industry> { _industriesQuery.GetIndustry("Engineering") }, }, }; _jobAdsCommand.CreateJobAd(jobAd); _jobAdsCommand.OpenJobAd(jobAd); if (status == JobAdStatus.Closed) { _jobAdsCommand.CloseJobAd(jobAd); } return(jobAd); }
private JobAd CreateJobAd(int index) { var jobAd = new JobAd { Id = Guid.NewGuid(), Status = JobAdStatus.Open, Title = string.Format("Job Ad {0}", index), CreatedTime = DateTime.Now.AddDays(-100), JobDescription = new JobDescription { BulletPoints = new[] { "good verbal communication", "self management and independency", "bullet point 3" }, Content = "Mutley, you snickering, floppy eared hound. When courage is needed, you're never around.", JobTypes = JobTypes.FullTime, Industries = new List <Industry> { _industriesQuery.GetIndustry("Engineering") }, Location = new LocationReference(_locationQuery.GetCountrySubdivision(_australia, "QLD")), } }; _jobAdsCommand.CreateJobAd(jobAd); return(jobAd); }
public void TestInitialize() { _australia = _locationQuery.GetCountry("Australia"); Resolve <IDbConnectionFactory>().DeleteAllTestData(); JobAdSearchHost.ClearIndex(); var employer = _employerAccountsCommand.CreateTestEmployer("jobposter", _organisationsCommand.CreateTestOrganisation("The Job Advertiser")); _one = employer.CreateTestJobAd("Title one", "The content for the first ad"); _one.CreatedTime = DateTime.Now.AddDays(-1); // Just to make sure it's before "two"; we only index days. _one.Description.Salary = new Salary { LowerBound = 50000, UpperBound = 60000, Rate = SalaryRate.Year, Currency = Currency.AUD }; _jobAdsCommand.CreateJobAd(_one); _jobAdsCommand.OpenJobAd(_one); _two = employer.CreateTestJobAd("Title two", "Different content for the second ad"); _locationQuery.ResolvePostalSuburb(_two.Description.Location, _australia, "2000"); _two.Description.CompanyName = "Really Bad Employers"; _two.Description.JobTypes = JobTypes.Contract; _two.Description.Industries = new List <Industry> { _industriesQuery.GetIndustry("Other") }; _jobAdsCommand.CreateJobAd(_two); _jobAdsCommand.OpenJobAd(_two); }
public IndustryFieldHandler(string fieldName, IBooster booster, IIndustriesQuery industriesQuery) { _fieldName = fieldName; _booster = booster; _allIndustryIds = new HashSet <Guid>(industriesQuery.GetIndustries().Select(i => i.Id)); var otherIndustry = industriesQuery.GetIndustry("Other"); _otherIndustryId = otherIndustry == null ? (Guid?)null : otherIndustry.Id; }
public void TestCreateFullProfile() { var userId = Guid.NewGuid(); var profile = new LinkedInProfile { Id = LinkedInId, UserId = userId, FirstName = FirstName, LastName = LastName, OrganisationName = OrganisationName, Industries = new[] { _industriesQuery.GetIndustry(Industry) }, Location = _locationQuery.ResolveLocation(_locationQuery.GetCountry(Country), Location), }; _linkedInCommand.UpdateProfile(profile); AssertProfile(profile, _linkedInQuery.GetProfile(LinkedInId)); AssertProfile(profile, _linkedInQuery.GetProfile(profile.UserId)); }
public void TestJobAdsRewrite() { var region = _locationQuery.GetRegion(_locationQuery.GetCountry("Australia"), "Melbourne"); var industry = _industriesQuery.GetIndustry("Accounting"); var jobAd = PostJobAd(industry, region); // Apply. var url = new ReadOnlyApplicationUrl("~/jobads/" + jobAd.Id.ToString("N") + "/apply"); Get(url); AssertUrl(new ReadOnlyApplicationUrl(true, "~/jobs/" + region.UrlName + "/" + industry.UrlName + "/" + jobAd.Title.ToLower() + "/" + jobAd.Id)); // View. url = new ReadOnlyApplicationUrl("~/jobads/" + jobAd.Id); Get(url); AssertUrl(new ReadOnlyApplicationUrl(true, "~/jobs/" + region.UrlName + "/" + industry.UrlName + "/" + jobAd.Title.ToLower() + "/" + jobAd.Id)); }
private void ConvertIndustries(ISearchCriteriaIndustries criteriaIndustries) { // Convert a list of names into a list of ids. criteriaIndustries.IndustryIds = null; var names = criteriaIndustries.Industries.Split(new[] { "," }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); var list = new List <Guid>(); foreach (var name in names) { // Try the name first. var industry = _industriesQuery.GetIndustryByAnyName(name.Trim()); if (industry != null) { list.Add(industry.Id); } else { // Try as a Guid. try { var id = new Guid(name); industry = _industriesQuery.GetIndustry(id); if (industry != null) { list.Add(industry.Id); } } catch (Exception) { } } } if (list.Count > 0) { criteriaIndustries.IndustryIds = list; } }
public void TestIndustries() { var jobAd = new JobAd { Description = new JobAdDescription { Industries = null } }; Assert.IsNull(_suggestedMembersQuery.GetCriteria(jobAd).KeywordsExpression); jobAd = new JobAd { Description = new JobAdDescription { Industries = new Industry[0] } }; Assert.IsNull(_suggestedMembersQuery.GetCriteria(jobAd).KeywordsExpression); jobAd = new JobAd { Description = new JobAdDescription { Industries = new[] { _industriesQuery.GetIndustry("Other") } } }; Assert.IsNull(_suggestedMembersQuery.GetCriteria(jobAd).KeywordsExpression); jobAd = new JobAd { Description = new JobAdDescription { Industries = new[] { _industriesQuery.GetIndustry("Government/Defence") } } }; Assert.AreEqual("Government OR Defence", _suggestedMembersQuery.GetCriteria(jobAd).KeywordsExpression.GetUserExpression()); jobAd = new JobAd { Description = new JobAdDescription { Industries = new[] { _industriesQuery.GetIndustry("I.T. & T"), _industriesQuery.GetIndustry("Accounting") } } }; Assert.AreEqual("(IT OR Telecommunications) Accounting", _suggestedMembersQuery.GetCriteria(jobAd).KeywordsExpression.GetUserExpression()); }
public void TestSimpleSort() { _australia = _locationQuery.GetCountry("Australia"); var employer = _employerAccountsCommand.CreateTestEmployer(0, _organisationsCommand.CreateTestOrganisation(0)); var one = employer.CreateTestJobAd("Title one", "The content for the first ad"); one.CreatedTime = DateTime.Now.AddDays(-1); // Just to make sure it's before "two"; we only index days. one.Description.Salary = new Salary { LowerBound = 50000, UpperBound = 60000, Rate = SalaryRate.Year, Currency = Currency.AUD }; _jobAdsCommand.CreateJobAd(one); _jobAdsCommand.OpenJobAd(one); var two = employer.CreateTestJobAd("Title two", "Different content for the second ad"); _locationQuery.ResolvePostalSuburb(two.Description.Location, _australia, "2000"); two.Description.CompanyName = "Really Bad Employers"; two.Description.JobTypes = JobTypes.Contract; two.Description.Industries = new List <Industry> { _industriesQuery.GetIndustry("Other") }; _jobAdsCommand.CreateJobAd(two); _jobAdsCommand.OpenJobAd(two); var member = new Member { Id = Guid.NewGuid() }; var flagList = _jobAdFlagListsQuery.GetFlagList(member); _memberJobAdListsCommand.AddJobAdToFlagList(member, flagList, one.Id); _memberJobAdListsCommand.AddJobAdToFlagList(member, flagList, two.Id); // Title only var criteria = new JobAdSearchSortCriteria { SortOrder = JobAdSortOrder.JobType }; TestSort(member, criteria, one, two); // Title and content criteria = new JobAdSearchSortCriteria { SortOrder = JobAdSortOrder.CreatedTime }; TestSort(member, criteria, two, one); // No results //criteria = new JobAdSortCriteria { AdTitle = "one", Keywords = "second" }; //TestSort(criteria); }
private JobAd CreateJobAd(JobPoster jobPoster, int index) { return(CreateJobAd( jobPoster, index, j => { j.Description.Location = _locationQuery.ResolveLocation(_locationQuery.GetCountry(Country), Location); j.Description.Industries = new[] { _industriesQuery.GetIndustry(IndustryIds[0]) }; })); }
private LinkedInProfile CreateProfile() { return(new LinkedInProfile { Id = LinkedInId, FirstName = FirstName, LastName = LastName, OrganisationName = OrganisationName, Location = _locationQuery.ResolveLocation(_locationQuery.GetCountry(Country), Location), Industries = new[] { _industriesQuery.GetIndustry(Industry) }, }); }
private IList <Industry> GetIndustries() { // Other industries come last. var other = _industriesQuery.GetIndustry("Other"); return((from i in _industriesQuery.GetIndustries() where i.Name != "Other" orderby i.Name select i) .Concat(new[] { other }).ToList()); }
public void TestIndustryAlias() { // The use healthcare-medical was causing a server error. var employer = CreateEmployer(); var industry = _industriesQuery.GetIndustry("Healthcare, Medical & Pharmaceutical"); Assert.AreEqual("healthcare-medical-pharmaceutical", industry.UrlName); Assert.AreEqual("healthcare-medical", industry.UrlAliases[0]); var location = GetLocation(Location); var jobAd = CreateJobAd(employer, JobTitle, location, industry, GetIntegratorUserId()); var expectedUrl = GetJobUrl(jobAd.Id, JobTitle, location, industry); TestUrl(expectedUrl); AssertPageContains(jobAd.Id.ToString()); // Swap industry alias for industry. var url = GetJobUrl(jobAd.Id, JobTitle, location, industry.UrlAliases[0]); TestUrl(expectedUrl, url); AssertPageContains(jobAd.Id.ToString()); // Update industry in back to search parameters. var backToSearchUrl = GetBackToSearchUrl(GetJobUrl(jobAd.Id), industry.UrlName); TestUrl(expectedUrl, backToSearchUrl); AssertPageContains(jobAd.Id.ToString()); backToSearchUrl = GetBackToSearchUrl(GetJobUrl(jobAd.Id), industry.UrlAliases[0]); TestUrl(expectedUrl, backToSearchUrl); AssertPageContains(jobAd.Id.ToString()); backToSearchUrl = GetBackToSearchUrl(GetJobAdUrl(jobAd.Id), industry.UrlName); TestUrl(expectedUrl, backToSearchUrl); AssertPageContains(jobAd.Id.ToString()); backToSearchUrl = GetBackToSearchUrl(GetJobAdUrl(jobAd.Id), industry.UrlAliases[0]); TestUrl(expectedUrl, backToSearchUrl); AssertPageContains(jobAd.Id.ToString()); backToSearchUrl = GetBackToSearchUrl(GetJobAspxUrl(jobAd.Id), industry.UrlName); TestUrl(expectedUrl, backToSearchUrl); AssertPageContains(jobAd.Id.ToString()); backToSearchUrl = GetBackToSearchUrl(GetJobAspxUrl(jobAd.Id), industry.UrlAliases[0]); TestUrl(expectedUrl, backToSearchUrl); AssertPageContains(jobAd.Id.ToString()); }
private Employer CreateEmployer() { var location = _locationQuery.ResolveLocation(_locationQuery.GetCountry(Country), Location); return(new Employer { FirstName = "Bob", LastName = "Smith", EmailAddress = new EmailAddress { Address = "*****@*****.**", IsVerified = true }, Organisation = new Organisation { Name = "LinkMe", Address = new Address { Location = location } }, PhoneNumber = new PhoneNumber { Number = "+612344 567", Type = PhoneNumberType.Work }, SubRole = EmployerSubRole.Employer, Industries = new[] { _industriesQuery.GetIndustry("Accounting"), _industriesQuery.GetIndustry("Automotive"), _industriesQuery.GetIndustry("Banking & Financial Services") } }); }
public void TestAdvancedIndustriesName() { var id = CreateSavedResumeSearch( "LinkMe.Common.Managers.Search.AdvancedResumeSearchCriteria", new Dictionary <string, string> { { "Industries", "administration" }, } ); var memberSearchesQuery = CreateMemberSearchesQuery(); var search = memberSearchesQuery.GetMemberSearch(id); Assert.AreEqual(1, search.Criteria.IndustryIds.Count); Assert.AreEqual(_industriesQuery.GetIndustry("Administration").Id, search.Criteria.IndustryIds[0]); }
private bool GetValue(SyndicationElementExtension extension, Action <Industry> assign) { var str = extension.GetObject <string>(); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(str)) { return(false); } var industry = _industriesQuery.GetIndustry(str); if (industry == null) { return(false); } assign(industry); return(true); }
IList <Industry> ILinkedInQuery.GetIndustries(string industry) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(industry)) { return(new List <Industry>()); } IList <string> groups; if (!_industryGroups.TryGetValue(industry, out groups)) { return(new List <Industry>()); } var names = (from g in groups let n = _groups.ContainsKey(g) ? _groups[g] : null where n != null select n).Distinct(); return((from n in names select _industriesQuery.GetIndustry(n)).ToList()); }
private void CreateEmployer(IOrganisation organisation, CreateEmployerModel model) { var employer = new Employer { Organisation = organisation, SubRole = model.SubRole, EmailAddress = new EmailAddress { Address = model.EmailAddress, IsVerified = true }, FirstName = model.FirstName, LastName = model.LastName, JobTitle = model.JobTitle, PhoneNumber = _phoneNumbersQuery.GetPhoneNumber(model.PhoneNumber, ActivityContext.Location.Country), }; if (model.IndustryId != null) { employer.Industries = new List <Industry> { _industriesQuery.GetIndustry(model.IndustryId.Value) } } ; // Create the account, where the password must be changed at next login. var credentials = new LoginCredentials { LoginId = model.LoginId, Password = model.Password, PasswordHash = LoginCredentials.HashToString(model.Password), MustChangePassword = true, }; _employerAccountsCommand.CreateEmployer(employer, credentials); var members = _accountReportsQuery.GetUsers(UserType.Member, DateTime.Now); _emailsCommand.TrySend(new NewEmployerWelcomeEmail(employer, model.LoginId, model.Password, members)); }
private JobAd MapJobAd(PostAdvert postAd) { var workHours = postAd.WorkHoursSpecified? postAd.WorkHours : (WorkHours?)null; var pay = postAd.PayAmountSpecified? postAd.PayAmount : (decimal?)null; var payMin = postAd.PayMinimumSpecified ? postAd.PayMinimum : (decimal?)null; var payMax = postAd.PayMaximumSpecified ? postAd.PayMaximum : (decimal?)null; var jobAd = new JobAd { Integration = { IntegratorReferenceId = postAd.JobReference, ExternalReferenceId = postAd.ClientReference, ExternalApplyUrl = postAd.RedirectionUrl, }, Title = postAd.Position, ContactDetails = new ContactDetails { LastName = TextUtil.Truncate(postAd.Contact, DomainConstants.PersonNameMaxLength), PhoneNumber = postAd.Telephone, CompanyName = postAd.AdvertiserName, }, Description = { Industries = new List <Industry> { _industriesQuery.GetIndustry(postAd.Classification) }, PositionTitle = (postAd.SubClassification == "Other" ? null : postAd.SubClassification), Content = postAd.Description, JobTypes = MapJobTypes(postAd.EmploymentType, workHours), ResidencyRequired = (postAd.VisaRequired == VisaRequired.MustBeEligible), Salary = MapSalary(postAd.PayPeriod, pay, payMin, payMax), Location = _locationMapper.Map(postAd.Country, postAd.Location, postAd.Area, postAd.PostCode), }, }; return(jobAd); }
public void TestIndustryAlias() { // The use healthcare-medical was causing a server error. var employer = CreateEmployer(); var industry = _industriesQuery.GetIndustry("Healthcare, Medical & Pharmaceutical"); var location = GetLocation(Location); var jobAd = CreateJobAd(employer, JobTitle, location, industry); Assert.AreEqual("healthcare-medical", industry.UrlAliases[0]); var url = GetJobAdUrl(jobAd.Id).AsNonReadOnly(); url.QueryString.Add("backToSearchType", "advancedJobSearch"); url.QueryString.Add("backToResultIndex", "1"); url.QueryString.Add("Distance", ""); url.QueryString.Add("SortOrder", "2"); url.QueryString.Add("Industries", industry.UrlAliases[0]); Get(url); AssertUrl(new ReadOnlyApplicationUrl(true, "~/jobs/" + location.ToString().Replace(" ", "-").ToLower() + "/" + industry.UrlName + "/" + jobAd.Title.Replace(" ", "-").ToLower() + "/" + jobAd.Id)); AssertPageContains(jobAd.Id.ToString()); }
public void TestIndustriesChanged() { var employer = CreateEmployer(0); LogIn(employer); Get(_settingsUrl); // Try to update. var newIndustryIds = new[] { _industriesQuery.GetIndustry("Banking & Financial Services").Id, _industriesQuery.GetIndustry("Hospitality & Tourism").Id }; SelectIndustryIds(newIndustryIds); _saveButton.Click(); // Assert employer. var updatedEmployer = _employersQuery.GetEmployer(employer.Id); Assert.IsTrue(newIndustryIds.CollectionEqual(updatedEmployer.Industries.Select(i => i.Id))); Get(_settingsUrl); Assert.IsTrue(GetSelectedIndustryIds().CollectionEqual(updatedEmployer.Industries.Select(i => i.Id))); }
public void TestIndustries() { var accounting = _industriesQuery.GetIndustry("Accounting"); var administration = _industriesQuery.GetIndustry("Administration"); var other = _industriesQuery.GetIndustry("Other"); // Create some job ads. var employer = CreateEmployer(0); var jobAd0 = PostJobAd(Analyst, 0, employer, accounting); var jobAd1 = PostJobAd(Analyst, 1, employer, administration); var jobAd2 = PostJobAd(Analyst, 2, employer, other); var jobAd3 = PostJobAd(Analyst, 3, employer, accounting, other); var jobAd4 = PostJobAd(Analyst, 4, employer); // Search. Search(Analyst); AssertJobAds(jobAd0, jobAd1, jobAd2, jobAd3, jobAd4); Search(Analyst, _industriesQuery.GetIndustries().ToArray()); AssertJobAds(jobAd0, jobAd1, jobAd2, jobAd3, jobAd4); Search(Analyst, accounting); AssertJobAds(jobAd0, jobAd3); Search(Analyst, administration); AssertJobAds(jobAd1); // Other should return "not specfified" job ads as well. Search(Analyst, other); AssertJobAds(jobAd2, jobAd3, jobAd4); Search(Analyst, accounting, administration); AssertJobAds(jobAd0, jobAd1, jobAd3); Search(Analyst, other, administration); AssertJobAds(jobAd1, jobAd2, jobAd3, jobAd4); }
public static void ClassInitialize(TestContext context) { _accounting = IndustriesQuery.GetIndustry("Accounting"); _engineering = IndustriesQuery.GetIndustry("Engineering"); _other = IndustriesQuery.GetIndustry("Other"); }