文件: Simple.cs 项目: 2sic/2sxc
        internal static string RenderWithEditContext(DynamicEntity parent, DynamicEntity subItem, string cbFieldName,  Guid? newGuid = null, IInPageEditingSystem edit = null)
            if (edit == null)
                edit = new InPageEditingHelper(parent.SxcInstance);

            var attribs = edit.ContextAttributes(parent, field: cbFieldName, newGuid: newGuid);
            var inner = (subItem == null) ? "": Render(parent.SxcInstance.ContentBlock, subItem.Entity).ToString();
            var cbClasses = edit.Enabled ? WrapperSingleItem : "";
            return string.Format(WrapperTemplate, new object[] { cbClasses, attribs, inner});
文件: Simple.cs 项目: 2sic/2sxc
        internal static string RenderListWithContext(DynamicEntity parent, string fieldName, IInPageEditingSystem edit = null)
            object objFound;
            var innerBuilder = new StringBuilder();
            var found = parent.TryGetMember(fieldName, out objFound);
            if (found)
                var itms = objFound as IList<DynamicEntity>;
                if(itms != null)
                    foreach (var cb in itms)
                        innerBuilder.Append(Render(cb.SxcInstance.ContentBlock, cb.Entity));

            // create edit object if missing...to re-use in the wh
            if (edit == null)
                edit = new InPageEditingHelper(parent.SxcInstance);

            return string.Format(WrapperTemplate, new object[]
                edit.Enabled ? WrapperMultiItems : "",
                edit.ContextAttributes(parent, field: fieldName),
        internal static string RenderListWithContext(DynamicEntity parent, string fieldName, IInPageEditingSystem edit = null)
            var innerBuilder = new StringBuilder();
            var found        = parent.TryGetMember(fieldName, out var objFound);

            if (found)
                if (objFound is IList <DynamicEntity> itms)
                    foreach (var cb in itms)
                        innerBuilder.Append(Render(cb.SxcInstance.ContentBlock, cb.Entity, parent.SxcInstance.Log));

            // create edit object if missing...to re-use in the wh
            if (edit == null)
                edit = new InPageEditingHelper(parent.SxcInstance, parent.SxcInstance.Log);

            return(string.Format(WrapperTemplate, new object[]
                edit.Enabled?WrapperMultiItems: "",
                edit.ContextAttributes(parent, field: fieldName),
        private const string WrapperSingleItem = WrapperMultiItems + " show-placeholder single-item"; // enables a placeholder when empty, and limits one entry

        internal static string RenderWithEditContext(DynamicEntity parent, DynamicEntity subItem, string cbFieldName, Guid?newGuid = null, IInPageEditingSystem edit = null)
            if (edit == null)
                edit = new InPageEditingHelper(parent.SxcInstance, parent.SxcInstance.Log);

            var attribs   = edit.ContextAttributes(parent, field: cbFieldName, newGuid: newGuid);
            var inner     = subItem == null ? "": Render(parent.SxcInstance.ContentBlock, subItem.Entity, parent.SxcInstance.Log).ToString();
            var cbClasses = edit.Enabled ? WrapperSingleItem : "";

            return(string.Format(WrapperTemplate, new object[] { cbClasses, attribs, inner }));