// Take a subreddit thing and generate a pinned secondary tile. Use the display
        // name and subreddit header image in the tile.
        public async Task CreateSecondaryTileForSubreddit(TypedThing <Subreddit> subreddit)
                string id = "";
                if (subreddit != null)
                    id = subreddit.Data.DisplayName;

                SecondaryTile tile = new SecondaryTile();
                tile.TileOptions = TileOptions.ShowNameOnWideLogo | TileOptions.ShowNameOnLogo;
                tile.DisplayName = "Baconography";
                tile.ShortName   = "/r/" + id;
                if (subreddit != null)
                    // Download and create a local copy of the header image
                    var rawImage = await _imagesService.SaveFileFromUriAsync(new Uri(subreddit.Data.HeaderImage), subreddit.Data.DisplayName + ".jpg", "Images");

                    // Generate a wide tile appropriate image
                    var wideImage = await _imagesService.GenerateResizedImage(rawImage, 310, 150) as StorageFile;

                    // Generate a square tile appropriate image
                    var squareImage = await _imagesService.GenerateResizedImage(rawImage, 150, 150) as StorageFile;

                    tile.WideLogo = new Uri("ms-appdata:///local/Images/" + wideImage.Name);
                    tile.Logo     = new Uri("ms-appdata:///local/Images/" + squareImage.Name);
                    subreddit.Data.PublicDescription = null;
                    subreddit.Data.Description       = null;
                    subreddit.Data.Headertitle       = null;
                    tile.Arguments = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(subreddit);
                    Uri logo     = new Uri("ms-appx:///Assets/Logo.png");
                    Uri wideLogo = new Uri("ms-appx:///Assets/WideLogo.png");
                    tile.Arguments = "/r/";
                    tile.Logo      = logo;
                    tile.WideLogo  = wideLogo;
                tile.TileId = "r" + id;

                // Ask the user to authorize creation of the tile
                bool isPinned = await tile.RequestCreateAsync();
            catch (Exception)
                // TODO: Do something with exceptions