 static void RenderLane(IImageProcessingContext context, Rgba32 color, PointF point1, PointF point2, SizeF offsetDir1, SizeF offsetDir2, float offset1, float offset2)
         Offset(point1, offsetDir1, offset1),
         Offset(point1, offsetDir1, offset2),
         Offset(point2, offsetDir2, offset2),
         Offset(point2, offsetDir2, offset1)
        public void Render(GraphBuilder context, IImageProcessingContext <Rgba32> renderContext, GraphicsOptions options)
            // top and right
            PointF labelEndpoint;

            if (IsVertical)
                PointF endpoint1 = new PointF(context.GridRegion.Left + context.Origin.X, context.GridRegion.Top + PositiveEndAxisMargin + ArrowLength);
                PointF endpoint2 = new PointF(context.GridRegion.Left + context.Origin.X, context.GridRegion.Bottom - NegativeEndAxisMargin - ArrowLength);
                labelEndpoint = endpoint1;

                renderContext.DrawLines(Brush, LineThickness, new PointF[] { endpoint1, endpoint2 });
                if (ArrowWidth > 0 && ArrowLength > 0)
                    if (EnablePositiveEndArrow)
                        // top, add Y
                        renderContext.FillPolygon(ArrowColor, new PointF[] {
                            endpoint1 - new PointF(0, ArrowLength),
                            endpoint1 + new PointF(-ArrowWidth / 2, 0),
                            endpoint1 + new PointF(ArrowWidth / 2, 0)
                        }, options);
                    if (EnableNegativeEndArrow)
                        // bottom, subtract Y
                        renderContext.FillPolygon(ArrowColor, new PointF[] {
                            endpoint2 + new PointF(0, ArrowLength),
                            endpoint2 - new PointF(-ArrowWidth / 2, 0),
                            endpoint2 - new PointF(ArrowWidth / 2, 0)
                        }, options);

                if (TitleLabel != null)
                    RectangleF textBounds      = TextMeasurer.MeasureBounds(TitleLabel.Text, new RendererOptions(TitleLabel.Font));
                    int        higherDimension = (int)Math.Ceiling(Math.Max(textBounds.Width, textBounds.Height));
                    using (Image <Rgba32> textRenderImage = new Image <Rgba32>(higherDimension, higherDimension))
                        textRenderImage.Mutate(tempContext =>
                                               .DrawText(TitleLabel.Text, TitleLabel.Font, TitleLabel.Color, PointF.Empty, options)
                        // TODO can I do this in the same IImageProcessingContext or do I have to stop, let it write, then read, then write
                        PointF renderPosition = context.GridRegion.Position() + context.Origin + TitleLabel.Displacement - textRenderImage.Size() + new PointF(0, (textRenderImage.Height / 2) - ((context.Origin.Y + context.GridRegion.Top - endpoint1.Y) / 2));
                        renderContext.DrawImage(textRenderImage, textRenderImage.Size(), (Point)renderPosition, options);
                PointF endpoint1 = new PointF(context.GridRegion.Left + NegativeEndAxisMargin + ArrowLength, context.GridRegion.Top + context.Origin.Y);
                PointF endpoint2 = new PointF(context.GridRegion.Right - PositiveEndAxisMargin - ArrowLength, context.GridRegion.Top + context.Origin.Y);
                labelEndpoint = endpoint2;

                renderContext.DrawLines(Brush, LineThickness, new PointF[] { endpoint1, endpoint2 });
                if (ArrowWidth > 0 && ArrowLength > 0)
                    if (EnableNegativeEndArrow)
                        // left, add X
                        renderContext.FillPolygon(ArrowColor, new PointF[] {
                            endpoint1 - new PointF(ArrowLength, 0),
                            endpoint1 + new PointF(0, -ArrowWidth / 2),
                            endpoint1 + new PointF(0, ArrowWidth / 2)
                        }, options);
                    if (EnablePositiveEndArrow)
                        // right, subtract X
                        renderContext.FillPolygon(ArrowColor, new PointF[] {
                            endpoint2 + new PointF(ArrowLength, 0),
                            endpoint2 - new PointF(0, -ArrowWidth / 2),
                            endpoint2 - new PointF(0, ArrowWidth / 2)
                        }, options);

                if (TitleLabel != null)
                    //var textBounds = TextMeasurer.Measure(TitleLabel.Text, new RendererOptions(TitleLabel.Font));
                    // TODO: why does this work without a textBounds displacement for re-origining?
                    var pos = context.GridRegion.Position() + context.Origin + TitleLabel.Displacement + new PointF(((endpoint2.X - (context.GridRegion.Left + context.Origin.X)) / 2), 0);
                    renderContext.DrawText(TitleLabel.Text, TitleLabel.Font, TitleLabel.Color, pos, options);

            if (EndpointLabel != null)
                renderContext.DrawText(EndpointLabel.Text, EndpointLabel.Font, EndpointLabel.Color, labelEndpoint + EndpointLabel.Displacement, options);