        public override async Task <MemeInfo> RandomAsync()
            WebClient wc;
            string    html;

                wc   = new WebClient();
                html = await wc.DownloadStringTaskAsync(_uris[UriType.Random]);
            catch (WebException ex)
                throw new ServiceOrConnectionException("Could not load the page", ex);

            IConfiguration   config   = Configuration.Default;
            IBrowsingContext context  = BrowsingContext.New(config);
            IDocument        document = await context.OpenAsync(req => req.Content(html).Address(_baseUrl));

            IElement picDiv = document.DocumentElement
                              .QuerySelectorAll("#wrapper-wrap .left .ob-left-box-images")[RandomNthChild()];

            IHtmlImageElement img = (IHtmlImageElement)picDiv
                                    .QuerySelector(".left-wrap a img:last-child");
            IHtmlAnchorElement a = (IHtmlAnchorElement)picDiv
                                   .QuerySelector("h2 a");
            IHtmlInputElement input = (IHtmlInputElement)picDiv
                                      .QuerySelector(".left-wrap input[type=\"hidden\"]");
            IHtmlSourceElement src = (IHtmlSourceElement)picDiv
                                     .QuerySelector(".left-wrap video > source");

            if ((src == null && img == null) || a == null)
                throw new NotFoundException(
                          "Either \"img\", \"source\" or \"a\" tag could not be found");

            MemeInfo meme;

            if (src != null)
                meme = new MemeInfo
                    ViewURI = a.Href,
                    URI     = src.Source,
                    Alt     = string.Empty,
                    Name    = a.TextContent,
                    Type    = MediaType.Video
            else if (input != null)
                meme = new MemeInfo
                    ViewURI = a.Href,
                    URI     = input.Value,
                    Alt     = img.AlternativeText,
                    Name    = a.TextContent,
                    Type    = MediaType.Gif
                meme = new MemeInfo
                    ViewURI = a.Href,
                    URI     = img.Source,
                    Alt     = img.AlternativeText,
                    Name    = a.TextContent,
                    Type    = MediaType.Image

        public override async Task <MemeInfo> RandomAsync()
            PseudoRandomImage image = GetPseudoRandomImage();

            WebClient wc;
            string    html;

                wc   = new WebClient();
                html = await wc.DownloadStringTaskAsync(image.Site);
            catch (WebException ex)
                throw new ServiceOrConnectionException("Could not load the page", ex);

            IConfiguration   config   = Configuration.Default;
            IBrowsingContext context  = BrowsingContext.New(config);
            IDocument        document = await context.OpenAsync(req => req.Content(html).Address(_baseUrl));

            IElement picDiv = document.DocumentElement.QuerySelectorAll(
                "#content-container article .article-content")[image.NthChild];

            IHtmlImageElement img = (IHtmlImageElement)picDiv
                                    .QuerySelector(".article-image img");
            IHtmlAnchorElement a = (IHtmlAnchorElement)picDiv
                                   .QuerySelector(".article-title a");
            IHtmlSourceElement src = (IHtmlSourceElement)picDiv
                                     .QuerySelector(".article-image video > source");

            if ((img == null && src == null) || a == null)
                throw new NotFoundException(
                          "Either \"img\", \"source\" or \"a\" tag could not be found");

            MemeInfo meme;

            if (src != null)
                meme = new MemeInfo
                    ViewURI = a.Href,
                    URI     = src.Source,
                    Alt     = string.Empty,
                    Name    = a.TextContent.Trim(),
                    Type    = MediaType.Video
                meme = new MemeInfo
                    ViewURI = a.Href,
                    URI     = img.Source,
                    Alt     = img.AlternativeText,
                    Name    = a.TextContent.Trim(),
                    Type    = MediaType.Image
