        private void LaunchLean()
            Config.Set ("environment", "desktop");
            string algorithm = "EMATest";

            Config.Set("algorithm-type-name", algorithm);

            _jobQueue = new JobQueue ();
            _notify = new Messaging ();
            _api = new Api();
            _resultshandler = new DesktopResultHandler ();
            _dataFeed = new FileSystemDataFeed ();
            _setup = new ConsoleSetupHandler ();
            _realTime = new BacktestingRealTimeHandler ();
            _historyProvider = new SubscriptionDataReaderHistoryProvider ();
            _transactions = new BacktestingTransactionHandler ();

            var systemHandlers = new LeanEngineSystemHandlers (_jobQueue, _api, _notify);
            systemHandlers.Initialize ();

            var algorithmHandlers = new LeanEngineAlgorithmHandlers (_resultshandler, _setup, _dataFeed, _transactions, _realTime, _historyProvider);

            var _engine = new Engine (systemHandlers, algorithmHandlers, Config.GetBool ("live-mode"));
            string algorithmPath;
            var job = systemHandlers.JobQueue.NextJob(out algorithmPath);
            _engine.Run(job, algorithmPath);
 public XmlProvider(INzbQueueProvider nzbQueue, IHistoryProvider history, ICategoryProvider category, IScriptProvider script)
     _nzbQueue = nzbQueue;
     _history = history;
     _category = category;
     _script = script;
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="LeanEngineAlgorithmHandlers"/> class from the specified handlers
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="results">The result handler for communicating results from the algorithm</param>
 /// <param name="setup">The setup handler used to initialize algorithm state</param>
 /// <param name="dataFeed">The data feed handler used to pump data to the algorithm</param>
 /// <param name="transactions">The transaction handler used to process orders from the algorithm</param>
 /// <param name="realTime">The real time handler used to process real time events</param>
 /// <param name="historyProvider">The history provider used to process historical data requests</param>
 /// <param name="commandQueue">The command queue handler used to receive external commands for the algorithm</param>
 /// <param name="mapFileProvider">The map file provider used to retrieve map files for the data feed</param>
 public LeanEngineAlgorithmHandlers(IResultHandler results,
     ISetupHandler setup,
     IDataFeed dataFeed,
     ITransactionHandler transactions,
     IRealTimeHandler realTime,
     IHistoryProvider historyProvider,
     ICommandQueueHandler commandQueue,
     IMapFileProvider mapFileProvider
     if (results == null)
         throw new ArgumentNullException("results");
     if (setup == null)
         throw new ArgumentNullException("setup");
     if (dataFeed == null)
         throw new ArgumentNullException("dataFeed");
     if (transactions == null)
         throw new ArgumentNullException("transactions");
     if (realTime == null)
         throw new ArgumentNullException("realTime");
     if (historyProvider == null)
         throw new ArgumentNullException("realTime");
     if (commandQueue == null)
         throw new ArgumentNullException("commandQueue");
     if (mapFileProvider == null)
         throw new ArgumentNullException("mapFileProvider");
     _results = results;
     _setup = setup;
     _dataFeed = dataFeed;
     _transactions = transactions;
     _realTime = realTime;
     _historyProvider = historyProvider;
     _commandQueue = commandQueue;
     _mapFileProvider = mapFileProvider;
        public DirectoryWithHistory(IHistoryProvider provider, string path)
            if (provider == null) {
                throw new ArgumentNullException ("provider");
            Path = path;

            Provider = provider;

            repository = ((HistoryProvider)provider).Repository;

            ReadSubDirectories ();

            ReadContainingFiles ();
        public SabnzbdController(INzbQueueProvider nzbQueue, IHistoryProvider history)
            _nzbQueue = nzbQueue;
            _history = history;

            //nzbQueue.Add(new NzbModel
            //                    {
            //                        Category = "tv",
            //                        DatePosted = DateTime.Now,
            //                        Id = Guid.NewGuid(),
            //                        Name = "Ubuntu Test",
            //                        Status = NzbStatus.Queued,
            //                        Size = 10000000
            //                    });
 public ProjectTaskService(
     IAppRepositoryBase <ProjectTask> taskRepository,
     IAppRepositoryBase <ProjectGantt> ganttRepository,
     IAuthInfoProvider authInfoProvider,
     IWfEngine wfEngine,
     IAuthorizationRepositoryBase <User> userRepository,
     IAppDbContextProvider dbContextProvider,
     IProjectHelper projectHelper
     _ganttRepository       = ganttRepository;
     _projectHelper         = projectHelper;
     _authInfoProvider      = authInfoProvider;
     _userRepository        = userRepository;
     _runtimeProvider       = wfEngine.GetRuntimeProvider();
     _taskProvider          = wfEngine.GetTaskProvider();
     _definitionProvder     = wfEngine.GetDefinitionProvider();
     _historyProvider       = wfEngine.GetHistoryProvider();
     _dbContextProvider     = dbContextProvider;
     _projectTaskRepository = taskRepository;
        /// <summary>
        /// <see cref = "QuantBook" /> constructor.
        /// Provides access to data for quantitative analysis
        /// </summary>
        public QuantBook()
                using (Py.GIL())
                    _pandas = Py.Import("pandas");

                var composer          = new Composer();
                var algorithmHandlers = LeanEngineAlgorithmHandlers.FromConfiguration(composer);
                _dataCacheProvider = new SingleEntryDataCacheProvider(algorithmHandlers.DataProvider);

                var mapFileProvider = algorithmHandlers.MapFileProvider;
                _historyProvider = composer.GetExportedValueByTypeName <IHistoryProvider>(Config.Get("history-provider", "SubscriptionDataReaderHistoryProvider"));
                _historyProvider.Initialize(null, algorithmHandlers.DataProvider, _dataCacheProvider, mapFileProvider, algorithmHandlers.FactorFileProvider, null);
            catch (Exception exception)
                throw new Exception("QuantBook.Main(): " + exception);
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="LeanEngineAlgorithmHandlers"/> class from the specified handlers
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="results">The result handler for communicating results from the algorithm</param>
 /// <param name="setup">The setup handler used to initialize algorithm state</param>
 /// <param name="dataFeed">The data feed handler used to pump data to the algorithm</param>
 /// <param name="transactions">The transaction handler used to process orders from the algorithm</param>
 /// <param name="realTime">The real time handler used to process real time events</param>
 /// <param name="historyProvider">The history provider used to process historical data requests</param>
 public LeanEngineAlgorithmHandlers(IResultHandler results,
                                    ISetupHandler setup,
                                    IDataFeed dataFeed,
                                    ITransactionHandler transactions,
                                    IRealTimeHandler realTime,
                                    IHistoryProvider historyProvider)
     if (results == null)
         throw new ArgumentNullException("results");
     if (setup == null)
         throw new ArgumentNullException("setup");
     if (dataFeed == null)
         throw new ArgumentNullException("dataFeed");
     if (transactions == null)
         throw new ArgumentNullException("transactions");
     if (realTime == null)
         throw new ArgumentNullException("realTime");
     if (historyProvider == null)
         throw new ArgumentNullException("realTime");
     _results         = results;
     _setup           = setup;
     _dataFeed        = dataFeed;
     _transactions    = transactions;
     _realTime        = realTime;
     _historyProvider = historyProvider;
 public SafetyProblemService(
     IAuthInfoProvider authInfoProvider,
     IAppRepositoryBase <SafetyProblem> problemRepository,
     IAppRepositoryBase <SafetyProblemRectification> rectificationRepository,
     //IAppRepositoryBase<Project> projectRepository,
     IAppDbContextProvider dbContextProvider,
     IDbOperator op,
     IEventBus eventBus,
     IWfEngine wfEngine,
     IProjectHelper projectHelper
     _projectHelper           = projectHelper;
     _authInfoProvider        = authInfoProvider;
     _problemRepository       = problemRepository;
     _rectificationRepository = rectificationRepository;
     // _projectRepository = projectRepository;
     _dbContextProvider = dbContextProvider;
     _op = op;
     _runtimeProvider   = wfEngine.GetRuntimeProvider();
     _taskProvider      = wfEngine.GetTaskProvider();
     _definitionProvder = wfEngine.GetDefinitionProvider();
     _historyProvider   = wfEngine.GetHistoryProvider();
 /// <summary>
 /// Set the historical data provider
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="historyProvider">Historical data provider</param>
 public void SetHistoryProvider(IHistoryProvider historyProvider)
        private void LaunchLean()
            Config.Set ("environment", "backtesting");
            string algorithm = "EMATest";

            Config.Set("algorithm-type-name", algorithm);

            _jobQueue = new JobQueue ();
            _notify = new Messaging ();
            _api = new Api();
            _resultshandler = new DesktopResultHandler ();
            _dataFeed = new FileSystemDataFeed ();
            _setup = new ConsoleSetupHandler ();
            _realTime = new BacktestingRealTimeHandler ();
            _historyProvider = new SubscriptionDataReaderHistoryProvider ();
            _transactions = new BacktestingTransactionHandler ();
            var systemHandlers = new LeanEngineSystemHandlers (_jobQueue, _api, _notify);
            systemHandlers.Initialize ();

            //			var algorithmHandlers = new LeanEngineAlgorithmHandlers (_resultshandler, _setup, _dataFeed, _transactions, _realTime, _historyProvider);
            Log.LogHandler = Composer.Instance.GetExportedValueByTypeName<ILogHandler>(Config.Get("log-handler", "CompositeLogHandler"));

            LeanEngineAlgorithmHandlers leanEngineAlgorithmHandlers;
                leanEngineAlgorithmHandlers = LeanEngineAlgorithmHandlers.FromConfiguration(Composer.Instance);
                _resultshandler = leanEngineAlgorithmHandlers.Results;
            catch (CompositionException compositionException)
                Log.Error("Engine.Main(): Failed to load library: " + compositionException);
            string algorithmPath;
            AlgorithmNodePacket job = systemHandlers.JobQueue.NextJob(out algorithmPath);
                var _engine = new Engine(systemHandlers, leanEngineAlgorithmHandlers, Config.GetBool("live-mode"));
                _engine.Run(job, algorithmPath);
                //Delete the message from the job queue:
                Log.Trace("Engine.Main(): Packet removed from queue: " + job.AlgorithmId);

                // clean up resources
 public void SetUp()
     myMockery = new Mockery ();
     file1 = myMockery.NewMock <IFileWithHistory> ();
     version1 = myMockery.NewMock<IFileVersion> ();
     provider = myMockery.NewMock<IHistoryProvider> ();
 public Host(IServiceProvider services, IServiceCollection pool, IAppBuilder appBuilder,
             IEnvironment hostEnv, IOutputEngine output, IHostInput hostInput, IHistoryProvider historyProvider)
     this.services        = services;
     this.pool            = pool;
     this.appBuilder      = appBuilder;
     this.hostEnv         = hostEnv;
     this.output          = output;
     this.hostInput       = hostInput as HostInput;
     this.historyProvider = historyProvider;
 /// <summary>
 /// <see cref = "HistoryProviderPythonWrapper"/> constructor.
 /// Wraps the <see cref = "IHistoryProvider"/> object.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="historyProvider"><see cref = "IHistoryProvider"/> object to be wrapped</param>
 public HistoryProviderPythonWrapper(IHistoryProvider historyProvider)
     _historyProvider = historyProvider;
 public TempFileCreator(IHistoryProvider provider)
     Provider = provider;
        /// <summary>
        /// Launches a Lean Engine using a parameter
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="val">The paramater to use when launching lean. </param>
        private void LaunchLean(string val)
            Config.Set("environment", "backtesting");
            string algorithm = val;

            // Set the algorithm in Config.  Here is where you can customize Config settings
            Config.Set("algorithm-type-name", algorithm);

            _jobQueue = new JobQueue();
            _notify = new Messaging();
            _api = new Api();

            /************  Comment one of the two following lines to select which ResultHandler to use ***********/
            _resultshandler = new OptimizationResultHandler();
            //_resultshandler = new ConsoleResultHandler();

            _dataFeed = new FileSystemDataFeed();
            _setup = new ConsoleSetupHandler();
            _realTime = new BacktestingRealTimeHandler();
            _historyProvider = new SubscriptionDataReaderHistoryProvider();
            _transactions = new BacktestingTransactionHandler();

            // Set the Log.LogHandler to only write to the log.txt file.
            //  This setting avoids writing Log messages to the console.
            Log.LogHandler = (ILogHandler)new FileLogHandler();
            Log.DebuggingEnabled = false;                           // Set this property to true for lots of messages
            Log.DebuggingLevel = 1;                                 // A reminder that the default level for Log.Debug message is 1

            var systemHandlers = new LeanEngineSystemHandlers(_jobQueue, _api, _notify);

            var algorithmHandlers = new LeanEngineAlgorithmHandlers(_resultshandler, _setup, _dataFeed, _transactions, _realTime, _historyProvider);
            string algorithmPath;

            AlgorithmNodePacket job = systemHandlers.JobQueue.NextJob(out algorithmPath);
                var _engine = new Engine(systemHandlers, algorithmHandlers, Config.GetBool("live-mode"));
                _engine.Run(job, algorithmPath);
                /* The JobQueue.AcknowledgeJob only asks for any key to close the window.
                 * We do not want that behavior, so we comment out this line so that multiple Leans will run
                 * The alternative is to comment out Console.Read(); the line in JobQueue class.
                Log.Trace("Engine.Main(): Packet removed from queue: " + job.AlgorithmId);

                // clean up resources
        private void LaunchLean()
            Config.Set("environment", "backtesting");
            string algorithm = "EMATest";

            Config.Set("algorithm-type-name", algorithm);
            //string datapath = Config.Get("data-folder");
            _jobQueue = new JobQueue();
            _notify = new Messaging();
            _api = new Api();
            _resultshandler = new OptimizationResultHandler();
            //_resultshandler = new ConsoleResultHandler();
            _dataFeed = new FileSystemDataFeed();
            _setup = new ConsoleSetupHandler();
            _realTime = new BacktestingRealTimeHandler();
            _historyProvider = new SubscriptionDataReaderHistoryProvider();
            _transactions = new BacktestingTransactionHandler();
            Log.LogHandler = (ILogHandler)new FileLogHandler();
            Log.DebuggingEnabled = false;
            Log.DebuggingLevel = 1;

            var systemHandlers = new LeanEngineSystemHandlers(_jobQueue, _api, _notify);

            var algorithmHandlers = new LeanEngineAlgorithmHandlers(_resultshandler, _setup, _dataFeed, _transactions, _realTime, _historyProvider);
            string algorithmPath;

            AlgorithmNodePacket job = systemHandlers.JobQueue.NextJob(out algorithmPath);
                var _engine = new Engine(systemHandlers, algorithmHandlers, Config.GetBool("live-mode"));
                _engine.Run(job, algorithmPath);
                //Delete the message from the job queue:
                Log.Trace("Engine.Main(): Packet removed from queue: " + job.AlgorithmId);

                // clean up resources
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="LeanEngineAlgorithmHandlers"/> class from the specified handlers
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="results">The result handler for communicating results from the algorithm</param>
 /// <param name="setup">The setup handler used to initialize algorithm state</param>
 /// <param name="dataFeed">The data feed handler used to pump data to the algorithm</param>
 /// <param name="transactions">The transaction handler used to process orders from the algorithm</param>
 /// <param name="realTime">The real time handler used to process real time events</param>
 /// <param name="historyProvider">The history provider used to process historical data requests</param>
 /// <param name="commandQueue">The command queue handler used to receive external commands for the algorithm</param>
 /// <param name="mapFileProvider">The map file provider used to retrieve map files for the data feed</param>
 /// <param name="factorFileProvider">Map file provider used as a map file source for the data feed</param>
 /// <param name="dataFileProvider">file provider used to retrieve security data if it is not on the file system</param>
 public LeanEngineAlgorithmHandlers(IResultHandler results,
                                    ISetupHandler setup,
                                    IDataFeed dataFeed,
                                    ITransactionHandler transactions,
                                    IRealTimeHandler realTime,
                                    IHistoryProvider historyProvider,
                                    ICommandQueueHandler commandQueue,
                                    IMapFileProvider mapFileProvider,
                                    IFactorFileProvider factorFileProvider,
                                    IDataFileProvider dataFileProvider
     if (results == null)
         throw new ArgumentNullException("results");
     if (setup == null)
         throw new ArgumentNullException("setup");
     if (dataFeed == null)
         throw new ArgumentNullException("dataFeed");
     if (transactions == null)
         throw new ArgumentNullException("transactions");
     if (realTime == null)
         throw new ArgumentNullException("realTime");
     if (historyProvider == null)
         throw new ArgumentNullException("realTime");
     if (commandQueue == null)
         throw new ArgumentNullException("commandQueue");
     if (mapFileProvider == null)
         throw new ArgumentNullException("mapFileProvider");
     if (factorFileProvider == null)
         throw new ArgumentNullException("factorFileProvider");
     if (dataFileProvider == null)
         throw new ArgumentNullException("dataFileProvider");
     _results            = results;
     _setup              = setup;
     _dataFeed           = dataFeed;
     _transactions       = transactions;
     _realTime           = realTime;
     _historyProvider    = historyProvider;
     _commandQueue       = commandQueue;
     _mapFileProvider    = mapFileProvider;
     _factorFileProvider = factorFileProvider;
     _dataFileProvider   = dataFileProvider;
文件: SubAlgo.cs 项目: scilear/Lean
 public void SetHistoryProvider(IHistoryProvider historyProvider)