/// <summary>
                /// Extrude the model entities `dimTags' by a combined translation and rotation of `angle' radians, along (`dx', `dy', `dz') and around the axis of revolution defined by the point(`x', `y', `z') and the direction (`ax', ay', `az').
                /// The angle should be strictly smaller than Pi.Return extruded entities in `outDimTags'.
                /// </summary>
                /// <param name="dimTags"></param>
                /// <param name="x"></param>
                /// <param name="y"></param>
                /// <param name="z"></param>
                /// <param name="dx"></param>
                /// <param name="dy"></param>
                /// <param name="dz"></param>
                /// <param name="ax"></param>
                /// <param name="ay"></param>
                /// <param name="az"></param>
                /// <param name="angle"></param>
                /// <param name="outDimTags"></param>
                /// <param name="numElements"> If `numElements' is not empty, also extrude the mesh: the entries in `numElements' give the number of elements in each layer. </param>
                /// <param name="heights"> If `height' is not empty, it provides the (cumulative) height of the different layers, normalized to 1. </param>
                /// <param name="recombine"></param>
                public static void Twist(Tuple <int, int>[] dimTags, double x, double y, double z, double dx, double dy, double dz, double ax, double ay, double az, double angle, out Tuple <int, int>[] outDimTags, int[] numElements = default, double[] heights = default, bool recombine = false)
                    IntPtr out_DimTags;
                    long   outDimTags_n;
                    var    arr = IHelpers.FlattenIntTupleArray(dimTags);

                    if (numElements == default)
                        numElements = new int[0];
                    if (heights == default)
                        heights = new double[0];

                    IWrap.GmshModelGeoTwist(arr, arr.LongLength, x, y, z, dx, dy, dz, ax, ay, az, angle, out out_DimTags, out outDimTags_n, numElements, numElements.LongLength, heights, heights.LongLength, Convert.ToInt32(recombine), ref _ierr);

                    outDimTags = new Tuple <int, int> [0];
                    if (outDimTags_n > 0)
                        var temp = new int[outDimTags_n];
                        Marshal.Copy(out_DimTags, temp, 0, (int)outDimTags_n);
                        outDimTags = IHelpers.GraftIntTupleArray(temp);

                /// <summary>
                /// Copy the entities `dimTags'; the new entities are returned in `outDimTags'.
                /// </summary>
                /// <param name="dimTags"></param>
                /// <param name="outDimTags"></param>
                public static void Copy(Tuple <int, int>[] dimTags, out Tuple <int, int>[] outDimTags)
                    IntPtr dimTags_parse;
                    long   outDimTags_n;
                    var    tagsArr = IHelpers.FlattenIntTupleArray(dimTags);

                    IWrap.GmshModelGeoCopy(tagsArr, tagsArr.LongLength, out dimTags_parse, out outDimTags_n, ref _ierr);

                    outDimTags = new Tuple <int, int> [0];
                    if (outDimTags_n > 0)
                        var temp = new int[outDimTags_n];
                        Marshal.Copy(dimTags_parse, temp, 0, (int)outDimTags_n);
                        outDimTags = IHelpers.GraftIntTupleArray(temp);

            /// <summary>
            /// Get the boundary of the model entities `dimTags'. Return in `outDimTags'
            /// the boundary of the individual entities(if `combined' is false) or the
            /// boundary of the combined geometrical shape formed by all input entities (if
            /// `combined' is true). Return tags multiplied by the sign of the boundary
            /// entity if `oriented' is true. Apply the boundary operator recursively down
            /// to dimension 0 (i.e.to points) if `recursive' is true.
            /// </summary>
            public static void GetBoundary(Tuple <int, int>[] dimTags, out Tuple <int, int>[] outDimTags, bool combined = false, bool oriented = false, bool recursive = false)
                int[]  dimTags_flatten = IHelpers.FlattenIntTupleArray(dimTags);
                IntPtr outDimTags_parse;
                long   outDimTags_n;

                IWrap.GmshModelGetBoundary(dimTags_flatten, dimTags_flatten.LongLength, out outDimTags_parse, out outDimTags_n, Convert.ToInt32(combined), Convert.ToInt32(oriented), Convert.ToInt32(recursive), ref _ierr);

                outDimTags = new Tuple <int, int> [0];
                if (outDimTags_n > 0)
                    var temp = new int[outDimTags_n];
                    Marshal.Copy(outDimTags_parse, temp, 0, (int)outDimTags_n);

                    outDimTags = IHelpers.GraftIntTupleArray(temp);

                /// <summary>
                /// Scale the model entities `dimTag' by factors `a', `b' and `c' along the
                /// three coordinate axes; use(`x', `y', `z') as the center of the homothetic transformation.
                /// </summary>
                public static void Dilate(Tuple <int, int>[] dimTags, double x, double y, double z, double a, double b, double c)
                    var arr = IHelpers.FlattenIntTupleArray(dimTags);

                    IWrap.GmshModelGeoDilate(arr, arr.LongLength, x, y, z, a, b, c, ref _ierr);
                /// <summary>
                /// Rotate the model entities `dimTags' of `angle' radians around the axis of
                /// revolution defined by the point(`x', `y', `z') and the direction (`ax',`ay', `az').
                /// </summary>
                public static void Rotate(Tuple <int, int>[] dimTags, double x, double y, double z, double ax, double ay, double az, double angle)
                    var tagsArr = IHelpers.FlattenIntTupleArray(dimTags);

                    IWrap.GmshModelGeoRotate(tagsArr, tagsArr.LongLength, x, y, z, ax, ay, az, angle, ref _ierr);
                /// <summary>
                /// Translate the model entities `dimTags' along (`dx', `dy', `dz').
                /// </summary>
                public static void Translate(Tuple <int, int>[] dimTags, double dx, double dy, double dz)
                    var tagsArr = IHelpers.FlattenIntTupleArray(dimTags);

                    IWrap.GmshModelGeoTranslate(tagsArr, tagsArr.LongLength, dx, dy, dz, ref _ierr);
                /// <summary>
                /// Set a mesh size constraint on the model entities `dimTags'. Currently only
                /// entities of dimension 0 (points) are handled.
                /// </summary>
                public static void SetSize(Tuple <int, int>[] dimTags, double size)
                    var arr = IHelpers.FlattenIntTupleArray(dimTags);

                    IWrap.GmshModelGeoMeshSetSize(arr, arr.LongLength, size, ref _ierr);
                /// <summary>
                /// Remove the entities `dimTags'. If `recursive' is true, remove all the entities on their boundaries, down to dimension 0.
                /// </summary>
                public static void Remove(Tuple <int, int>[] dimTags, bool recursive = false)
                    var arr = IHelpers.FlattenIntTupleArray(dimTags);

                    IWrap.GmshModelGeoRemove(arr, arr.LongLength, Convert.ToInt32(recursive), ref _ierr);
                /// <summary>
                /// Mirror the model entities `dimTag', with respect to the plane of equation
                /// `a' * x + `b' * y + `c' * z + `d' = 0. (This is a synonym for `mirror',
                /// which will be deprecated in a future release.)
                /// </summary>
                public static void Symmetrize(Tuple <int, int>[] dimTags, double a, double b, double c, double d)
                    var arr = IHelpers.FlattenIntTupleArray(dimTags);

                    IWrap.GmshModelGeoSymmetrize(arr, arr.LongLength, a, b, c, d, ref _ierr);
            /// <summary>
            /// Remove the physical groups `dimTags' of the current model. If `dimTags' is empty, remove all groups.
            /// </summary>
            public static void RemovePhysicalGroups(Tuple <int, int>[] dimTags)
                var arr = IHelpers.FlattenIntTupleArray(dimTags);

                IWrap.GmshModelRemovePhysicalGroups(arr, arr.LongLength, ref _ierr);
            /// <summary>
            /// Set the color of the model entities `dimTags' to the RGBA value (`r', `g',
            /// `b', `a'), where `r', `g', `b' and `a' should be integers between 0 and
            /// 255. Apply the color setting recursively if `recursive' is true.
            /// </summary>
            public static void SetColor(Tuple <int, int>[] dimTags, int r, int g, int b, int a = 255, bool recursive = false)
                var arr = IHelpers.FlattenIntTupleArray(dimTags);

                IWrap.GmshModelSetColor(arr, arr.LongLength, r, g, b, a, Convert.ToInt32(recursive), ref _ierr);