private static void GenerateAndPrintCouple(God god) { IHasName human1 = god.CreateHuman(); IHasName human2 = god.CreateHuman(); human1.ToConsole(); human2.ToConsole(); try { IHasName result = god.MakeCouple((Human)human1, (Human)human2); if (result == null) { Console.WriteLine("They didn't like each other"); } else { result.ToConsole(); } } catch (WrongCoupleException) { Console.WriteLine("Wrong couple"); } }
public void PrintChild(IHasName obj) { Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Green; Console.WriteLine(child + separator + obj.ToString()); Console.WriteLine(string.Empty); Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Gray; }
private IReadOnlyList <IHasName>?ParseGetHeroHeroFriendsNodes( JsonElement parent, string field) { if (!parent.TryGetProperty(field, out JsonElement obj)) { return(null); } if (obj.ValueKind == JsonValueKind.Null) { return(null); } int objLength = obj.GetArrayLength(); var list = new IHasName[objLength]; for (int objIndex = 0; objIndex < objLength; objIndex++) { JsonElement element = obj[objIndex]; list[objIndex] = new HasName ( DeserializeNullableString(element, "name") ); } return(list); }
public override void Click(CompletionFunctionality hostItemList) { Block reference = emptyBlock; ReadOnlyCollection <Block> blocksToInsert = Factory.CreateBlocks(); if (reference != null && blocksToInsert != null && blocksToInsert.Count > 0) { string modifiers = emptyBlock.Modifiers.GetModifierString(); IHasModifiers result = blocksToInsert[0] as IHasModifiers; if (result != null) { result.Modifiers.SetMany(modifiers); if (this.Text == "void") { result.Modifiers.Set("void"); } } IHasName named = blocksToInsert[0] as IHasName; if (named != null) { named.Name = emptyBlock.Name; } reference.Replace(blocksToInsert); } }
private static ApiObject FindObject(IHasName apiObject, IDictionary <string, ApiObject> objects, string key) { var foundKey = objects.Keys.FirstOrDefault(k => string.Equals(k, key)); var obj = foundKey != null ? objects[foundKey] : objects.FirstOrDefault(o => o.Value.Name == apiObject.Name).Value; return(obj); }
void AssertEqualsN(IHasName hn1, IHasName hn2) { if (hn1 is null) { Assert.IsNull(hn2); } else if (hn1 is ITypeInfo t1) { var t2 = hn2 as ITypeInfo; Assert.NotNull(t2); AssertEqualsT(t1, t2); } else if (hn1 is IMethodInfo m1) { var m2 = hn2 as IMethodInfo; Assert.NotNull(m2); AssertEqualsM(m1, m2); } else { Assert.Fail(); } }
static async Task Main(string[] args) { var serviceCollection = new ServiceCollection(); serviceCollection.AddHttpClient( "StarWarsClient", c => c.BaseAddress = new Uri("http://localhost:5000/graphql")); serviceCollection.AddWebSocketClient( "StarWarsClient", c => c.Uri = new Uri("ws://localhost:5000/graphql")); serviceCollection.AddStarWarsClient(); IServiceProvider services = serviceCollection.BuildServiceProvider(); var client = services.GetRequiredService <IStarWarsClient>(); var result = await client.GetHeroAsync(Episode.NewHope); IHasName has = result.Data.Hero; result.EnsureNoErrors(); Console.WriteLine(result.Data.Hero.Name); var stream = await client.OnReviewAsync(Episode.NewHope); Console.WriteLine("listening..."); await foreach (var review in stream) { Console.WriteLine(review.Data.OnReview.Stars); } }
private static void PrintResult(IHasName result) { Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Blue; var resultType = result.GetType(); Console.WriteLine("Тип результату: " + resultType + "\nІм'я: " + result.Name); }
public void Entered(IHasName element) { if (_menus.Count < 1 || _menus.Peek() != element) { _menus.Push(element); } UpdateConsoleTitle(); }
private static void SetSurname(IHasName child, string name) { var parName = child.GetType().GetProperty("Surname"); if (parName != null && parName.CanWrite) { parName.SetValue(child, name); } }
public static bool FullNameMatches(this IHasName cls, string pattern, bool useRegularExpressions = false) { if (useRegularExpressions) { return(pattern != null && Regex.IsMatch(cls.FullName, pattern)); } return(cls.FullNameContains(pattern)); }
private static bool IsOfTypeWithName( IHasName objectType, object result) { if (result == null) { return(true); } return(objectType.Name.Equals(result.GetType().Name)); }
private IHasName GetChild(Type childType, string name) { if (childType != null && name != null) { System.Reflection.ConstructorInfo ci = childType.GetConstructor(new Type[] { typeof(string) }); IHasName child = ci.Invoke(new object[] { name }) as IHasName; return(child); } return(null); }
public void StudentPrettyGirlTest() { God god = new God(false); Student student = new Student("Антон"); PrettyGirl girl = new PrettyGirl("Анна"); IHasName result = god.MakeCouple(student, girl); Girl resultGirl = result as PrettyGirl; CheckGeneralGirlRequirements(resultGirl, girl.Name, student.Name + "овна"); }
public void BotanGirlTest() { God god = new God(false); Botan student = new Botan("Антон"); Girl girl = new Girl("Анна"); IHasName result = god.MakeCouple(student, girl); Girl resultGirl = result as SmartGirl; CheckGeneralGirlRequirements(resultGirl, girl.Name, student.Name + "овна"); }
private void SetPatronymicIfExists(IHasName target, Human first, Human second) { var patronymicProperty = target.GetType().GetProperties(System.Reflection.BindingFlags.NonPublic | System.Reflection.BindingFlags.NonPublic | System.Reflection.BindingFlags.Instance).FirstOrDefault(x => x.Name == PatronymicPropertyName); if (patronymicProperty != null) { var s = NamesHelper.GeneratePatronimyc((first.Gender == Gender.Male ? first : second).Name, Gender.Female); patronymicProperty.SetValue(target, s); } }
public TypeInitializationContext(ISchemaContext schemaContext, Action <SchemaError> reportError, IHasName type, bool isQueryType) { _schemaContext = schemaContext ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(schemaContext)); _reportError = reportError ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(reportError)); Type = type ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(type)); IsQueryType = isQueryType; IsDirective = type is DirectiveType; }
//PUBLIC METHODS /// <summary> /// Gets human readable event name /// </summary> public static string FormatName(IHasName obj) { //get enum name of object var name = obj.GetName(); //convert enum name to string var nameWithoutSpaces = name.ToString(); //add spaces in between camel case letters var nameWithSpace = SplitCamelCase(nameWithoutSpaces); return(nameWithSpace); }
private IHasName CreateCoupleResult(string typeName, string humanName, string fatherName) { Type type = Type.GetType(hasNameNamespace + typeName); IHasName hasName = (IHasName)Activator.CreateInstance(type, new object[1] { humanName }); PropertyInfo info = type.GetProperty("Patronymic"); if (info != null) { info.SetValue(hasName, NamesHelper.PatronymicFromName(((Human)hasName).Sex, fatherName)); } return(hasName); }
private IReadOnlyList <IHasName> ParseRootHeroFriendsNodes( JsonElement parent, string field) { if (!parent.TryGetProperty(field, out JsonElement obj)) { return(null); } string type = obj.GetProperty(TypeName).GetString(); if (string.Equals(type, "Droid", StringComparison.Ordinal)) { int objLength = obj.GetArrayLength(); var list = new IHasName[objLength]; for (int objIndex = 0; objIndex < objLength; objIndex++) { JsonElement element = obj[objIndex]; var entity = new Droid(); entity.Name = (string)DeserializeString(element, "name"); list[objIndex] = entity; } return(list); } if (string.Equals(type, "Human", StringComparison.Ordinal)) { int objLength = obj.GetArrayLength(); var list = new IHasName[objLength]; for (int objIndex = 0; objIndex < objLength; objIndex++) { JsonElement element = obj[objIndex]; var entity = new Human(); entity.Name = (string)DeserializeString(element, "name"); list[objIndex] = entity; } return(list); } throw new UnknownSchemaTypeException(type); }
public static IHasName Couple(Human x, Human y) { Console.WriteLine($"Type #1: {x.GetType().Name}, Type #2: {y.GetType().Name}."); if (x.Sex == y.Sex) { throw new SexException("Equals = true.\n"); } CoupleAttribute xCouple = x.GetCoupleAttribute().SingleOrDefault(temp => temp.Pair == y.GetType().Name); CoupleAttribute yCouple = y.GetCoupleAttribute().SingleOrDefault(temp => temp.Pair == x.GetType().Name); bool xAcces = xCouple?.Probability >= random.NextDouble(); bool yAcces = yCouple?.Probability >= random.NextDouble(); if (xAcces && yAcces) { try { IHasName res = (IHasName)Activator.CreateInstance(Type.GetType(x.GetType().Namespace + "." + xCouple.ChildType)); var stringMethod = y.GetType().GetMethods(System.Reflection.BindingFlags.Instance | System.Reflection.BindingFlags.Public).FirstOrDefault(temp => temp.ReturnType == typeof(string)); string name = (string)stringMethod?.Invoke(y, null); var nameProp = res.GetType().GetProperty("Name"); var surnameProp = res.GetType().GetProperty("Surname"); var sexProp = res.GetType().GetProperty("Sex"); nameProp.SetValue(res, name); if (surnameProp != null) { string surName = x.Sex == Sex.Men ? x.Name : y.Name; surName += (Sex)sexProp.GetValue(res) == Sex.Men ? "ович" : "овна"; surnameProp.SetValue(res, surName); } return(res); }catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine(e.Message); } } return(null); }
public void BotanSmartGirlTest() { God god = new God(false); Botan student = new Botan("Антон"); SmartGirl girl = new SmartGirl("Анна"); IHasName result = god.MakeCouple(student, girl); Book book = result as Book; if (book != null) { Assert.AreEqual(book.Name, girl.Name); } else { Assert.Fail("Incorrect resul type"); } }
private static void Main(string[] args) { Console.OutputEncoding = Encoding.UTF8; Console.WriteLine(Resources.About); if (DateTime.Now.DayOfWeek == DayOfWeek.Sunday) { Console.WriteLine(Resources.SundayGreeting); return; } Console.WriteLine(Resources.WorkDayGreeting); Console.WriteLine(Resources.HowToUse); var entitiesGenerator = new EntitiesGenerator(); ConsoleKey pressedKey; do { Human parent = entitiesGenerator.CreateRandomHuman(); Human anotherParent = entitiesGenerator.CreateRandomHuman(); parent.ToConsole(); anotherParent.ToConsole(); try { IHasName child = entitiesGenerator.Couple(parent, anotherParent); if (child == null) { Console.WriteLine(Resources.FailedCoupleCreation); } else { child.ToConsole(); } } catch (SameSexException exception) { Console.WriteLine(exception.Message); } Console.WriteLine(); pressedKey = ReadControlKey(); } while (!IsInterruptKey(pressedKey)); }
public void LoadWithDirective() { var type = typeof(IHasName); var types = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetTypes() .Where(t => type.IsAssignableFrom(t)); foreach (var concreteType in types) { var props = concreteType.GetProperties(); var attributes = concreteType.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(PropertyRequirement)); foreach (var attribute in attributes) { var att = attribute as PropertyRequirement; if (att.IsCodeRequired) { HasName = Activator.CreateInstance(concreteType) as IHasName; } } } }
static void Main(string[] args) { ConsoleKeyInfo con = new ConsoleKeyInfo(); Human h1, h2; do { try { h1 = Human.CreateHuman(); h2 = Human.CreateHuman(); IHasName res = Human.Couple(h1, h2); if (res != null) { string surname = ""; var surnameProp = res.GetType().GetProperty("Surname"); if (surnameProp != null) { surname = (string)surnameProp.GetValue(res); } Console.WriteLine($"{res.GetType().Name}. {res.Name}. {surname}\n"); } else { Console.WriteLine("Bad!\n"); } }catch (SexException e) { Console.WriteLine(e.Message); } con = Console.ReadKey(); } while (con.Key != ConsoleKey.Q && con.Key != ConsoleKey.F10); }
public static bool NameStartsWith(this IHasName cls, string pattern) { return(cls.Name.ToLower().StartsWith(pattern.ToLower())); }
private static ApiObject FindObject(IHasName apiObject, IDictionary<string, ApiObject> objects, string key) { var foundKey = objects.Keys.FirstOrDefault(k => string.Equals(k, key)); var obj = foundKey != null ? objects[foundKey] : objects.FirstOrDefault(o => o.Value.Name == apiObject.Name).Value; return obj; }
public static string GetName(IHasName hasName) => hasName.Name;
public int GetOrdinal(IHasName name) { return _table.Columns.GetIndex(name.Name); }
public bool GetBoolean(IHasName name) { return Convert.ToBoolean(_values[GetOrdinal(name.Name)]); }
public string GetString(IHasName name) { return Convert.ToString(_values[GetOrdinal(name.Name)]); }
public int GetInt32(IHasName name) { return Convert.ToInt32(_values[GetOrdinal(name.Name)]); }
public long GetInt64(IHasName name) { return Convert.ToInt64(_values[GetOrdinal(name.Name)]); }
public short GetInt16(IHasName name) { return Convert.ToInt16(_values[GetOrdinal(name.Name)]); }
public byte GetByte(IHasName name) { return Convert.ToByte(_values[GetOrdinal(name.Name)]); }
public char GetChar(IHasName name) { return Convert.ToChar(_values[GetOrdinal(name.Name)]); }
public BaseIdViewModel(ProfileViewModel profile, IHasName model) { Profile = profile; Id = model.Id; Name = model.Name; }
public object GetValue(IHasName name) { return _values[GetOrdinal(name.Name)]; }
public static bool FullNameContains(this IHasName cls, string pattern) { return(pattern != null && cls.FullName.ToLower().Contains(pattern.ToLower())); }
/// <summary> /// 获取或设置指定列的数据。 /// </summary> /// <param name="name"></param> /// <returns></returns> public object this[IHasName name] { get { return this[this.GetOrdinal(name.Name)]; } set { this[this.GetOrdinal(name.Name)] = value; } }
public Guid GetGuid(IHasName name) { return (Guid)_values[GetOrdinal(name.Name)]; }
public DateTime GetDateTime(IHasName name) { return Convert.ToDateTime(_values[GetOrdinal(name.Name)]); }
public static IEnumerable <TEvent> FilterEntity <TEvent>(this IEnumerable <TEvent> history, IHasName entity) where TEvent : class, IEvent { var results = history.Where(x => ReferenceEquals(x.Entity, entity)); return(results); }
public double GetDouble(IHasName name) { return Convert.ToDouble(_values[GetOrdinal(name.Name)]); }
public decimal GetDecimal(IHasName name) { return Convert.ToDecimal(_values[GetOrdinal(name.Name)]); }
public float GetFloat(IHasName name) { return Convert.ToSingle(_values[GetOrdinal(name.Name)]); }